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3rd Edition of International Public Health Conference
Date(s) - 21/03/2024 - 23/03/2024
12:00 am

Village Hotel Changi
1 Netheravon Rd,




Registration Link

About IPHC 2024 | Hybrid Event

Magnus Group whole heartedly welcomes you to the timely Hybrid Event 3rd Edition of International Public Health Conference” (Public Health 2024) which will be taking place during the dates March 21-23, 2024 at Singapore and virtually.

This HYBRID EVENT allows you to participate in person at Singapore or Virtually from your home or work.

The congress deliberations will be on the theme “Restraining Pandemics Through Exploration of Trends and Public Health Challenges.”

Health care is crucial to all of us at times, but public health is important all of the time. Today, the entire world is working together to combat one of history’s most devastating public health crises. Humanity has been defeated by a virus, and it is attempting to reclaim its regular functions while ensuring its safety and health. Several measures and policies have evolved as means of preventing the pandemic’s spread and harm, and many are still being tried and developed. In this regard, the information and expertise contained within the field of Public Health are critical, and they are regularly revised and updated in the current scenario. With the help of scholars and specialists in the field, the 3rd International Conference on Public Health 2024 intends to investigate and assess the capabilities of Public Health Interventions in limiting the pandemic.

IPHC 2024 is a premier event that brings together researchers, scientists, academicians, public health specialists, healthcare practitioners, healthcare providers, policymakers, vaccine specialists, drug developers, pharmaceutical representatives, and healthcare workers from all over the world to present their latest research ideas, development, and applications in all fields of public health. IPHC conference is known for its thought-provoking and cutting-edge information, as well as its unparalleled networking possibilities and presenter-friendly environment. More high-profile public health academics from around the world attend this research conference than any other public health event held worldwide. The three-day global summit will bring together a varied range of research and case studies from around the world in concurrent sessions, as well as provide numerous networking and collaboration possibilities. At this prominent conference, learn about the newest trends and difficulties in the broad domains of public health, and take advantage of everything the hybrid worldwide conference has to offer. Collaborate, innovate, and help create the future of global public health by empowering global public health professionals.

All potential persons and enthusiasts are cordially invited to attend IPHC 2024 which will be held on a unique platform, and is aimed at developing strong partnerships that will favourably impact the process of restraining the ongoing pandemic.

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