Date(s) - 05/06/2024 - 07/06/2024
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
India Expo Centre
,Great Noida
Registration Link
The environmental revolution has been in the making for almost four decades now and it has changed forever how companies do business. While it started with corporations in a state of denial regarding their impact on the environment, today most of the companies have accepted their responsibility to do no harm to the environment. Products and production processes are becoming cleaner; and where such change is under way, the environment is on the mend. In the industrialized nations, more and more companies are “going green” as they realize that they can reduce pollution and increase profits simultaneously.
The onus of saving the earth has moved from companies to countries. Time has come to put the net zero goals into action. There are only 2 countries that have achieved their target so far while others have moved it to 2030 and beyond. India has pledged to achieve net zero emission by 2070 and government’s commitment is visible with India achieving 40% of its power capacity from non-fossil sources, 9 years ahead of target in 2022.
When we think of mitigating climate change and reducing carbon footprints, turning off lights and driving less tops the list of activities. However, organic and inorganic waste produced by each individual is also a huge contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. Waste is an inevitable bi-product of human life. Whether large or small, each of us produces waste. While this is an unavoidable part of our cycle, how we manage the waste becomes the most important factor that affects climate change. Improper waste management not only produces litter everywhere but also affects our environment, resulting in air, land and water pollution. The mantra to do our bit is to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Refuse to purchase whatever is not necessary, Reduce waste production by buying what you need, Reuse things instead of throwing away after single use, Recycle what can’t be reused.
While countries have begun to prioritize health, clean and green environment in their efforts to protect people from the impact of climate change, only about a quarter of those recently surveyed by the World Health Organization have been able to fully implement their national health and climate change plans or strategies. Countries report that a lack of funding; the impact of COVID-19; and insufficient human resource capacity are major barriers to progress. Sustainable utilization of available natural resources is needed to support higher and inclusive economic growth. Each country is required to launch and implement environmental and forestry policies and programs related to conservation of the country’s natural resources including its lakes and rivers, its biodiversity, forests and wildlife, ensuring the welfare of animals and the prevention and abatement of pollution.
The ball has been set rolling and it is time to ramp up the efforts. A step in this direction is the World Environment Expo 2024 (WEE 2024) along with the World Environment Conference 2024 (WEC 2024), being organized by Green Society of India and Indian Exhibition Services with the support of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India and United Nations Environment Program.
WEE 2024 is a b2b business platform that will bring together Indian and International environment technology and equipment manufacturers and suppliers to showcase the very best of technologies in the areas of environmental protection, services, renewable energy, waste management, sustainable buildings, water management, new innovations and energy efficiency. Exhibitors can display their innovations and technologies to prospective collaborators and policy makers and will be able to connect and network with fellow entrepreneurs. The event will attract overseas exhibitors from America, Germany, Belgium, France, Japan, Korea, Canada, and Sweden, Netherlands, and other countries. The main aim of the expo is to create awareness for the environment, showcase use of technology for environment protection, research & development for new environmental protection technology and provide business opportunities to environment technology and equipment manufacturers.
World Environment Conference (WEC 22) themed around “Save Nature – Save Future” would be held on World Environment Day. The conference will provide opportunity to discuss and debate technology in environment protection, policies in place and the road ahead. WEC 22 would present a global networking opportunity with policy makers, researchers, NGO, academicians and industrialists and government agencies. The conference is expected to be attended by around 2000 top professionals cutting across verticals and segments. From the Environment & Allied Industry, Entrepreneurs to Senior Purchase Professionals, industry leaders and experts, enterprise decision makers, Central and State Government Departments, PSUs, Private Sector Companies, Municipal Bodies , Development Authorities ,environmental protection boards as well as the environmental protection institutions from India and abroad. Some of the topics that the conference will focus on are Environment Protection, Climate Change, Carbon emissions, Green Building, Smart Cities, Sustainable Development, Saving the energy and natural resources. The Conference will provide an ideal opportunity to the Indian professional to interact with the expert of environment Industry.
Green India Awards 2024 – Green Society of India would present the prestigious GREEN INDIA AWARDS 2024 to the Environment Protection Community. The awards aim to recognize and felicitate Achievers, Innovators and Suppliers, who have contributed significantly towards the environment, green Innovation and related areas in India.
WEE 2024 is supported by various trade associations like, Indian Pumps Manufactures Association (IPMA), National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO) National Solid Waste Association of India (NSWAI), Rajasthan Solar Association (RSA), Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association (IPPTA), GRIHA Council, Material Recycling Association of India, ISHRAE – Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, India Energy Storage Alliance(IESA), Federation of Indian Micro and Small & Medium Enterprises, National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI), Maharashtra Solar Manufacturers Association (MASMA), Indian Pollution Control Association (IPCA), Indian Industries Association (IIA) and All India Association of Industries .