198 The Sticky Accelerator Problem


Craig Smith says the effects of global warming become visible long after the cause has been finalized. This is the “”sticky accelerator”” problem.


Craig Smith




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Thank you Metta Spencer and Craig Smith. A very interesting and important discussion.
The metaphor of this reminds me of our bodies. We can’t keep feeding it toxins (fast foods, pesticides, drugs, alcohol,emfs, etc) because at some point there will be symptoms, ill health, or death. Many people don’t act until they become ill. They don’t heed warnings or warning signs. They don’t believe it until it affects them. In many cases, it it is too late.
If we detoxify the body and pay attention to what we are feeding ourselves, there is a chance of returning to a preferred level of health, or moving health in a more positive direction even before symptoms are experienced.
We have to regularly and consistently make healthy choices, detoxify, monitor, and repeat.
If the overall world continues to accelerate towards more toxicity, then we are all going to be impacted.
As Craig says, we take action by cutting emissions drastically, or head into an unpleasant future.
As Metta says, how do we excite or scare people to worry enough to pay attention?

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