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It is important to distinguish between different aspects of tourism and to emphasize the crucial aspects, not the minor ones. Clearly, the expenditure of fossil fuels for travel is the worst problem. At the moment there is no substitute for fossil fuels for air travel or long distance cruises. Cars are bad but planes and cruise ships are worst — especially cruise ships because they are ttoally unnecessary forms of travfel. Nobody HAS to go on a cruise. We do it for pleasure only, Once you get to a resort, maybe things can be made more sustainable, but there is no way to make cruises sustainable at present. I understand that some cruise ships can use electric batteries, but they are only for short trips, not across the ocean. There is nothing to do about this except ban them. The climate is an emergency, a life-and-death struggle for humankind, and the least we can expect of people is that they forgo unnecessary pleasure trips.