Episode 308 Peacebuilding in Afghanistan?


Tony Jenkins, Doug Saunders, Olivia Ward, and Adam Wynne are all concerned to find possible alternatives to the probable future of continuing war in Afghanistan.


  • Tony Jenkins
  • Doug Saunders
  • Olivia Ward
  • Adam Wynne


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Nobody on this show was predicting that the war would end within a few weeks. Of course, it is still possible that there will be a continuing civil war, but the foreigner troops are all out now, and the Taliban seems to have a pretty thorough control of the country. Was this really foreseeable?

In my view, it is essential that work on psychological trauma be an important part of peacebuilding, both with people inside the region and with people who have fled. There is virtually no capacity to do this, and thus building such capacity is a vital part of the process. I have been doing that since 1988 and the Coalition for Work with Psychotrauma and Peace has been doing it since 1995. We do it online without charge. We urgently need to build a network of trainers. Please contact us.

Do you ezpect to be helping Afghan victims of war? Maybe if they are expatriates, you would be able to assist them but probably not the ones still in the country, and they are going to suffer a lot.

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