323 Metta's Birthday and Global Town Hall

Project Save the World’s monthly Global Town Hall coincided with Metta’s 90th birthday party. Over 90 guests blew out candles on cupcakes together.


• Mustafa Bahran

• Adam Hochschild

ª Arlie Hochschild

• Peggy Mason


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Metta, what a stellar birthday party that was! And what an incredible crew of friends you have. To follow up from my words, I’d like to invite people to send a message to ON’s party leaders to 1) phase out gas-fired power (Doug Ford is planning a 500% increase!): http://www.OntarioClimateAction.ca and 2) say no to a new nuclear reactor in the GTA (Doug Ford is planning to build a new reactor at Darlington): http://www.NoGTAreactor.ca . Thanks!

[Happy Birthday — and Here’s My Wish!”]
That was a terrific idea for a party, Metta. I enjoyed meeting your friends, and I want to give you the present here that you asked for: I’ll share the wish that I made when blowing out the candle on my strawberry shortcake.
I am upset about the Haitian and Central American refugees on the southern border of the US. My wish is that the US will set up offices in Haiti and the capital of each country from which these people are fleeing, so they can apply there to immigrate without having to walk thousands of miles and pay coyotes to smuggle them into the deserts on the US side of the border. Canada has offices in other countries where people can apply and be processed in a rational way. I just hope that this practice is adopted more widely. When it comes to Afghanistan, all countries could set up offices in the countries across the border. — Pakistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan. Why not? If anyone who reads this wants to discuss this idea further, we can do it here.

That sounds like a good idea, but I can imagine what it would be like if the US tried to implement it. Whereas thousands of Haitians somehow made it to a border town in Texas, if they set up an office in Haiti, there would be 100,000 people camping outside the grounds every day of the week. Probably 90 percent of all Haitians would like to immigrate to the US. The same would be true in the Central American countries.

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