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There’s a bit more nuance regarding Pierre Trudeau’s views on Quebec as a nation versus since. Trudeau particularly opposed Quebec being defined as a “distinct society”, which truly was a meaningless term — distinct as compared to whom? If Quebec was distinct, were not others? What was agreed since in Parliament during Harper’s reign was “That this House recognize that the Québécois form a nation within a united Canada.” Problematic is that Quebecois are seen by many to be only the francophone portion of Quebec and not all. So in terms of a Quebec “nation”, that appears to define the place by ethnicity and not residence. “Within a united Canada” further disrupts the argument for “distinct” status. It may not “refute” Pierre Trudeau’s critique but may underline its validity. Is Quebec a nation? If those who live there want it so — that’s the easiest way of looking at it. It’s an “imagined community” as are many others, large and small. A nation need not have a territorial status, but it usually does if a nation state. This has certain application to Israel/Palestine too. While Israelis have a nation state, Palestinians are waiting for theirs even though they inhabit definable territory.