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We produce several one-hour-long Zoom conversations each week about various aspects of six issues we address. You can watch them live and send a question to the speakers or watch the edited version later here or on our Youtube channel.
“Juan Carlos Sesma sets out to change the world for the better with his new invention –
Today he is the founder and CEO of the startup CO2 Revolution. He lives in Mélida, Spain.
He used the laws which require companies to reduce their carbon footprint to get the funding.
And this podcast discusses the development of several new technologies to accelerate reforestation after forest fires in many countries. Biodegradable seed capsules, drone dispensers, etc
Episode 78: Reforestación inteligente (Smart Reforestation) – Duolingo [ in Spanish and English ] practice listening in Spanish with help on the meaning in English interspersed .It is a Duolingo Spanish Podcast
Summarized in the New York Times October 31st 2021n – Can Seeds Planted by Drones Spawn New Forests? – The New York Times (
by Rachel Chaudler, october 31, 2021, “A special report on Climate Solutions which looks at efforts around the world to make a difference”