Episode 366 Can Organic Farms Feed Us All?


Episode 366 Tony McQuail is an Ontario organic farmer; Jill Carr-Harris is an activist working for landless peasants in India. Both of them are critical of large, high-tech, monoculture agriculture. Organic farmers do not use chemical fertilizers, but since 50% of the food on the earth today is there because of fertilizer, we have to ask whether it is possible to feed the current and future human populations without using chemicals. This is an urgent question because fertilizers also harm the environment in multiple ways. Jill says that all over India she sees small and medium-sized farms that are adopting “natural” agricultural technologies, and there is a two-year-long strike by farmers in the northern areas of India against the Modi government’s new laws, which favor the consolidation of land holdings into large farms.

  • Tony McQuail
  • Jill Carr Harris




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Excellent, interesting and hopeful. Thank you so much for your efforts to make information on a wide variety of topics available to a broader audience. What a legacy project you’ve created!

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