Episode 373 What COP26 Didn't Talk About

Both Stephen Salter and Alan Gadian are British scientists who know, more than anyone else, how to solve the climate change crisis.They are working on cloud brightening–producing whiter clouds over the oceans to reflect sunlight back into space. This would involve spraying salt water through fine nozzles. The water would evaporate and leave tiny salt crystals. Tiny new droplets will form around these crystals – small and therefore white – and move around, shading the surface below from the heat. Done on a large scale, this can actually re-freeze the Arctic ice and cool the subtropical regions, where hot air starts moving toward the Arctic. We discuss other ways of removing carbon from the atmosphere. Both men agree that it is a big mistake to believe that climate change can be solved by reaching “net zero emissions.” The carbon already in the atmosphere would remain there; it has to be actually removed, which may be possible with this innovation. But there is little public awareness of the possibility, and even COP26 did not consider it. 


• Alan Gadian

• Stephen Salter



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Excellent discussion Metta. In my small part of the world, a group of residents have formed an action group, Friends of Grass Lake to protect a wetland from being overwhelmed by development. I’ve heard before that Insurance company payouts are an indicator of the extent of disastrous events in the environment.

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