Episode 385 Arctic Security Now

Adele Buckley, Elizabeth Riddell Dixon, and Ernie Regehr are all experts on the Arctic and its geopolitical and military issues. Elizabeth describes the international legal disputes among the states surrounding the ocean. She is perturbed over common “fear-mongering“ about Russia’s intentions, and argues that their claims to an extended portion of the ocean are not unusual, but have been preceded by Denmark’s similar assertions, which were mainly overlooked, and even by unusual claims by Canada. The region has many reasons for cooperative relations and she expects that these claims will be adjudicated and solved peaceably. Ernie describes the numerous bases that the Russians maintain along their lengthy Arctic coast, but agrees that the purpose of these military installations is primarily to support the local municipalities. Siberia is warmer than Canada’s Arctic, and the northern population is many times larger. Adele points out that the public there (as indeed in Canada) is not well-informed about the looming threats that climate change poses. However, scientists and academics do continue to have productive intellectual exchanges.  


Adele Buckley

Elizabeth Riddell Dixon

Ernie Regehr




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