Davidson Akhonya in Kenya described the plight of the desperate displaced persons he is trying to assist, and requests help from us in the West. His email address: elgon.peace@gmail.com. Andre Kamenshikov, who lives in Kyiv, was visiting his sister in Russia. He theorizes about Putin’s motives for massing troops on the Ukraine border. Because Elizabeth Renzetti was experiencing Omnicron, we talked about Covid, but Metta consulted Dr. Ronald St. John to clarify some of the issues we did not fully understand; his remarks are available at the end of the show.
Elizabeth Renzetti
Abraham Weizfeld
Davidson Akhonya
Andre Kamenshikov
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DDM: abraham Weiafeld during the interval 5m45s – 7m discusses international relations & during 23m – 31m10s presents a critique of SARS CoVid treatments and Convalescent plasma antibody applications – Dr Roland St. John of WHO responds with liberal paradigm during time 51m – 58m45s.
.. while thanking Dr Roland St-john for having made the effort to evaluate my analysis of the Covid pandemic, there remain crucial elements that I consider incomplete.
1. the monoclonal anti-viral antibody pill would be based on the current antibodies for the most recent variety, and so, most effective. This monoclonal antibody treatment is not the same as one based on the antibodies fitted to counteract the transmission of the virus, this proposition is actually one that is an anti-viral agent and not merely a viral infection inhibiter. The difference is evident in that those people with the full vaccination series of 3 does are still not immunised, if that is to mean immune.
2. The lack of feasibility of direct blood transfusions is a consequence of the lack of personnel and equipment.
3. The matter of choosing vaccination alone as a treatment and lacking the suspension of human contact in employment and education, is ineffective overall although it does slow down the rate of infection so as to not overload the inadequate health care system. However, to choose the continued functioning of the economy over public health is a political decision and not a medical one. No doubt such a herd-immunity strategy would sacrifice the elder generation in consequence of such a business model of society.
4. My article on the matter is here; https://www.academia.edu/…/Healing_and_Protecting… including the research on the topic.
Here is the case to confirm that the mRNA vaccines are not able to immunise the population against the Omnicron viral variety of the original SARS Corona pandemic.