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Hydrogen Energy eventually has the potential to be a game changer as envisioned by the Earth Constitution’s Provisional World Parliament (3rd Session) in 1987 at Miami Beach, Florida. World Legislative Act #10 outlined a “World Hydrogen Energy System Authority” in anticipation of use of hydrogen. This visionary legislation was submitted by Professor Nejat Veziroglu who at that time was President of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy. The Earth Constitution is now being advocated to replace the obsolete UN Charter by a core of activist think tanks including Democratic World Federalists, World Constitution & Parliament Association, and the Earth Constitution Institute.
The Center for UN Constitutional Research (CUNCR) has explained how the UN Charter is legally required to have a Review, a process not yet conducted, but one which the UN General Assembly can launch. There are 188 nations in the UN denied the right to vote on global affairs, including India with a population over 1 billion citizens. The UN P-5 veto powers are above the Law, a shameful fact which is why wars continue. Nations dealing with threats of war, or war itself, or economic warfare sanctions, do not have the time or resources to deal adequately with climate change; they are stuck with having to buy missiles, bombs and bullets rather than planting trees and developing nonpolluting energy sources.