Lorraine Rekmans, the president of the Green Party of Canada, complains that the police, as can be expected, have treated the protesting truckers vastly more leniently than they normally treat indigenous protesters, who are normally far more civil in their acts of disobedience. David Webster, who has engaged in protests in Canada and on behalf of the East Timorese independence movement, concurs. Jill Carr-Harris, a Gandhian organizer of protest movements in India, notes that the farmers’ protest has been influenced, as all movements in India still are, by the Gandhian tradition, which is highly disciplined. All the guests are concerned by the loss of democracy, notably in the US, but also in Canada. The failings of Canada cannot properly be attributed to American white supremacy. For the video, audio podcast, transcript and comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-411-how-to-protest-well/.
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