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The war in Ukraine has begun. I am listening to air raid sirens in Kyiv on TV at the moment, and people are fleeing westward in their cars. I have been listening to the reporters for several hours, and feel obliged to mention one comment that is relevant to our talk show. It was John Foster’s impression that the Ukrainian forces had been shooting into the separatist-held region of the Donbas, and that those Ukrainian actions match or exceed those of the separatist pro-Russian forces. The reporters on TV strongly deny that and insist that there is no evidence whatever that the Ukrainians have been shooting. They say this repeatedly, no doubt to counter the allegations by Putin that the Ukrainians have been perpetrating “genocide” against the pro-Russians. OF course, I cannot know what is so, but I am dubious.
What great insite! I wish news broadcasters also share this valuable info.
Thanks for the lesson. Looking forward to the next episode!