Episode 446 Energy, Governance and War

Angella MacEwen, John Foster, and Francisco Wulff are all economists; Alex Belyakov is a Ukrainian journalist who covered the Chernobyl disaster. There was a debate about whether Canada’s fossil fuels may help Europe transition away from Russian sources or whether nuclear power is a better solution. There was another debate about whether the democratic states should continue trading with regimes that do not try to protect human rights and democracy, or whether “we are all sinners,” and therefore should not discriminate against countries that behave atrociously. For the video, audio podcast, transcript and public comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-446-energy-governance-and-war. After watching, share your ideas on the comments column under the video.


  • Angella MacEwen
  • John Foster
  • Francisco Wulff
  • Alex Belyakov


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Absolutely correct. We need minimum standards of governance included in trade agreements. This governance includes representative democracy, education in society basics, history, science, and culture, freedom of the press, respect for climate, Indigenous and refugees. I would add no military service because a standing army wait for action is not peaceful. Employing youth in service projects is the preferred path.

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