Episode 481 Stopping Pandemics

Drs. David Heymann and Ronald St. John are epidemiologists who have worked on various forms of the SARS virus, including Covid 19. Here we discuss GPHIN, the system Dr. St. John developed for monitoring the outbreaks of diseases around the world faster than the WHO could do at the time. Similar techniques are being used now in Sitata, the company that he heads today. Dr. Heymann says that Covid 19 is the fifth in a series of similar diseases that have emerged since the “Russian Flu” killed a million people in the late 19th century. The world does not pay equal attention to all new diseases, but tends to invest most in solving the ones that affect rich countries. For the video, audio podcast, transcript and comments: Https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-481-stopping-pandemics.


Dr. Ronald St. John

Dr. David Heymann


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