Episode 482 Moscow Helsinki Group

Dmitri Makarov is the youngest member of the Moscow Helsinki Group’s three-person chairmanship, replacing an extraordinary woman, the late Lyudmilla Alexeeva. That group was founded in 1976 by Yuri Orlov and other Russian dissidents, pretending to offer “assistance” to the Soviet government in fulfilling the commitments it had made in the Helsinki Final Act to protect the human rights of all citizens. Of course, the regime cracked down, punished them, and broke up all Helsinki Groups in Russia, though others sprang up in other countries. When Glasnost began, it and other human rights groups came back to life and the Moscow Helsinki Group is still functioning, despite its opposition to the “special military operation” against Ukraine. For the video, audio podcast, transcript and comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-482-moscow-helsinki-group.


Dmitri Makarov


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