Episode 499 Postwar Yemen?

Mustafa Bahran teaches physics at Carleton University and was formerly Yemen’s minister of energy. He notes that the war has been at least paused for six months. The question is whether the Houthis are just collecting weapons for another round of fighting or whether the extended truces will turn into a ceasefire. He discuss the ideology of the Houthis, who are “Zaini,” a sect of Shiites who believe that some of them, the Hashemites, are descendants of the Prophet Mohammed and entitled to rule. However, most of them (as most of the other religious people in the world) are moderates. Bahran’s group of Yemeni academics are planning to create a university which they will teach on Zoom from wherever they are now living. For the video, audio podcast, transcript and comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-499-postwar-yemen.


•Mustafa Bahran


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