Episode 519 Our Waterways

Brad Bass and Ole Hendrickson are both ecologists and both are section editors for Project Save the World; they monitor the contents of the comments column, among other good deeds. They both are professionally concerned with the quality of water in our waterways, so we discuss first the current state of the wetlands on the southwest coast of Hudson Bay, which is said to be emitting methane. This bothers them less than some of the other sources of methane that result from human activities. One of Brad’s concerns is the cause of cyanobacteria, which is toxic. Metta got a bit snippy about Ole’s general criticism of geo-engineering, for reasons that may become apparent in future episodes. For the video, audio podcast, transcript, and comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-519-our-waterways-2.


Brad Bass

Ole Hendrickson


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