Episode 520 What to Do About Climate

Thomas Homer-Dixon is the founder and director of Cascade Institute, a Canadian think tank that is studying several problems that are converging upon us all simultaneously, mostly complex systems connected with climate change. They are working on the methane being emitted by thawing permafrost, and believe that some help may come from growing mosses in the region. He is also concern about the fact that some potential interventions against climate change are not being investigated, though it is clear that we cannot survive if we just try to reduce our carbon footprint and live simply while letting nature take care of our problems. It is too late for that; we must be ready to act to stop the disasters, and we must do scientific research beforehand. For the video, audio podcast, transcript and comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-520-what-to-do-about-climate.

Thomas Homer-Dixon


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