Episode 584 Transgenerational Trauma

Vamik Volkan is a psychoanalyst who studies the psychological dynamics of international relations – the conflicts that are perpetuated over long periods because of the general tendency to identify with one’s ancestral community and to refer to its historic traumas to justify its current or recent political or mlitary relations with other groups.His books point out how psychoanalytic patients do change, but usually only after several years of treatment. – to inform public policies. MacLeod began this activity when he was a university student and both B.C. and Ontario were holding citizens assemblies to explore electoral reform. His experience influenced Ireland to use that process to decide about abortion and other controversial issues. We owe this innovation to the ancient Athenians. For the video, audio podcast, transcript and comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-584-transgenerational-trauma.

Guest: Vamik Volkan, M.D.



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