Episode 307 Post Covid World


Alexander Likhotal is Mikhail Gorbachev’s adviser and spokesperson, He also teaches international affairs in Geneva and works on a post-Covid committee. 


  • Alexander Likhotal 


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Fascinating conversation but all this online activity whether it involves financial transactions or buying consumer goods is missing one key consideration. Where will the energy come from to power all this online activity? And will it be renewable. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers warns of inefficient demand for energy that is unsustainable. now let alone in the future. There are also the more harmful aspects of content that are becoming more problematic. i.e. addictions, mental and physical health issues involved. child sexual exploitation etc. etc. Shouldn’t these social ills be considered? A recent U.S Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit judgement found the FCC in violation of the Administratives Procedures Act for not responding to record evidence that exposure to low level radiation from digital devices may cause negative health effects.

Hmmm. Now you have me worrying. Are you saying that the electric engineers say there will not be enough electricity in the future? That’s the challenge — to shift over and produce enough from sustainable sources. I do hope the engineers are not saying that it is an impossible challenge to meet. Your comments about the CONTENT of the messages would be an entirely different issue.

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