Episode 371 War, Prisons, and Voting

Real Lavergne works with Fair Vote Canada to change Canada’s voting system to one of proportional representation. Reiner Braun, the Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau, shares Frank Kroncke’s deep worry about the continuing dangers of the nuclear weapons. While Metta agrees that proportional representation is a more democratic system, she worries about whether voters today are “too dumb for democracy” — i.e. whether the average voter is well-enough informed and objective enough to make rational decisions about the issues that face us all. She asks Frank, who had served time in prison during the Vietnam War for sabotaging US draft records, whether a prison run democratically would work, whether the prisoners could make rational decisions. Reiner, Frank, and Metta share stories about the militaristic political beliefs that prevailed during their youth in World War II and afterward. You can watch the video, listen to the audio podcast, read the transcript, and then comment here: https://tosavetheworld.ca/Episode-371-war-prisons-and-voting/


• Real Lavergne

• Frank Kroncke

• Reiner Braun




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