Episode 389 The Hot Arctic

Peter Wadhams, the sea ice expert, and Paul Beckwith, the Ottawa climatologist, both attended the COP26 meeting in Glasgow. They report on the continuing heating of the Arctic and the other global perturbations of climate resulting from that. “You cannot negotiate the melting point of ice,” insists Wadhams, who describes the melting of Greenland’s ice sheet. Even lagging scientists admit now that the Arctic is warming 3 times as fast as the rest of the world, but Beckwith claims that this is a great underestimate; he put it at 4 to 5 times as fast. The politicians are clueless, uninformed, and continuing to subsidize fossil fuels. That is the issue that must be stopped. 


Peter Wadhams

Paul Beckwith



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Anna Spencer needs another place to vent her spleen. The conclusions brought by Paul and Peter are resulting planetary Science. Why must anyone try to lighten her emotional, uninformed load. So sorry she needs reassurances for some reason, humans have degenerative behaviors and now we’re in for a reckoning. That’s nature, get an expletive driven grip, Lady!

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