Episode 397 Nuclear Waste Inter Alia

Doug Saunders is back from Europe, well recovered from Omicron, and talking about his research on neighborhoods. Brennain Lloyd is busy in North Bay, Ontario, defending us from the Canadian government team that is looking for a place to bury nuclear waste. Dr.Richard Denton is perturbed by the failings of our political system to protect human security, which would certainly not involve the purchase of fighter planes. Doug opens the biggest controversy at the end of the show before leaving: his endorsement of the use of reprocessing as a source of material for nuclear power in the future. This issue will be addressed another time! For the video, audio podcast, transcript, and comments column: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-397-nuclear-waste-inter-alia/ . After watching scroll down and post your response on the comment column.


Doug Saunders

Brennain Lloyd

Richard Denton

Adam Wynne


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