Episode 417 End this War!

Olivia Ward has been the Toronto Star’s reporter from previous Russian wars – especially Chechnya. Erika Simpson is a political science professor specializing in NATO. Alex MacIsaac is the new director of world federalism in Canada. Real Lavergne was the head of Fair Vote Canada and Martin Klein is a professor emeritus of history, U of Toronto. We discuss the four-day-old war in Ukraine and its causes, including early enticement of Ukraine to believe they might be admitted to NATO, and even whether Putin is mentally unhinged. We consider various possibilities for a solution, including the Minsk Agreements, and the possibility of becoming a neutral state. For the video, audio podcast, transcript, and comments column: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-417-end-this-war/.


  • Erika Simpson
  • Olivia Ward
  • Real Lavergne
  • Alex MacIsaac


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