Episode 420 What Does 'Stop the War' Mean?

Erin Hunt explains why the meeting is unable to proceed for the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons: the Russians cannot arrive because the airspace is closed to Russian planes. Talk shifts to the causes of the Ukraine War and how to end it. David Burman sees it as caused largely by Western obliviousness to Russia’s security concerns. This view is generally qualified by the notion that Putin would have attacked anyhow, and just uses NATO as an excuse. The talk gets more animated when there is a discussion about having Ukraine surrender but continue the conflict with nonviolent Civilian Based Defence. For the video, audio podcast, comments and transcript: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-420-whay-does-stop-the-war-mean/


  • Erin Hunt
  • David Burman
  • Doug Saunders

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Should Doug Saunders give up his day job?!! I think he actually said this is the first time by in the 21st century a sovereign country has been invaded. Three examples surely not hard to remember: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya (if regime change bombing could be considered similar to an invasion).
And then he implies Cuba had no “right” to decide for herself how to defend itself against another invasion from the USA (not a 21st century case, of course).

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