Episode 464 Health and War in Ukraine

Richard Denton, Barbara Birkett, and Neil Arya are all Canadian physicians who are deeply engaged in International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada and concerned to end the war in Ukraine. The people they know are overwhelmingly in favor of Ukraine, but now worrying that Russia is likely to win the war and keep Ukrainian territory. We discuss ways of overcoming the Security Council veto so as to impose a globally-satisfactory solution. What would happen if the Security Council did pass a motion requiring Russia to withdraw? Would Putin comply? When then? For the video, audio podcast, transcript and public comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-464-health-and-war-in-ukraine. Then share your thoughts in the comment column.


Richard Denton

Barbara Birkett

Neil Arya


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Are there any members of IPPNW Canada who would favor ending the war now on Russia’s terms, which would mean letting the Donbas become independent countries, also Crimea part of Russia, and having Ukraine committed to neutrality?

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