Episode 472 Direct Action for Humanity

Stellan Vinthagen is a sociology professor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, specializing in nonviolent direct action for social change. He notes that civil resistance has not less successful for the past 15 years or so in ousting dictators. This is because organizers of movements have not devoted enough attention to political preparation before calling people to public demonstrations. Also, dictators have learned some new ways of controlling protesters. The use of social media platforms has actually been used against the protesters because they can be traced by their phones. We also discuss the challenge of assisting dissidents in other countries, and of authorizing the removal of rulers who violate grave international laws. For the video, audio podcast, transcript, and public comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-472-direct-action-for-humanity .


Stellan Vinthagen


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This is insightful. Nonviolent resistance is not only about overthrowing a regime, it’s also about visualizing the kind of new society you want.

Last edited 2 years ago by Amos Oluwatoye

Thankyou Metta for another brilliant dialogue on how we can develop the Network of International Peacebuilders to Save the World.
This is the Mission of global citizens working for health and well-Being of Humanity and the Earth. Yes social justice, human rights and environmental protection requires renewed mobilisation of people in every country through LIVE local community meetings, education, relationships, planning and action. It is also wonderful that we can meet online in world wide webinars.
The pivotal change necessary is in the Neo-liberal Global Economic system whose mandate is increasing profits and reducing costs-no matter what. This process is controlled by a multinational corporate elite, now focussed through the WEF and high technology, imposing control over every aspect of lives. It will become global Totalitarianism over the submissive masses, if intelligent peaceful people power is not mobilised to stop it.
There are millions of us now engaged in conscious evolution of human consciousness. This spiritual realisation is directed into positive political channels but is suppressed or largely ignored. However, we do what we can to provide an inkling of the vision for beauty and Love of the World.
Kind regards Laurie Ross (New Zealand Nuclear Free Peacemakers 1982-2022)

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