Episode 476 Women and Radiation

Mary Olson has been analyzing data from the Hiroshima bombing on the health effects (especially cancer) on survivors who were exposed to ionizing radiation. She has found that for every exposed male who contracts cancer, two exposed woman did so. There are also far greater impacts on infants and small children than on grown-ups. She and physician Dale Dewar believe that this information has been deliberately suppressed. Angela Bischoff, Director of Ontario Clean Air Alliance, points out the the PIckering power plant, as a Candu reactor, emits vast amounts of tritium in water vapor to the atmosphere near Toronto, and Tritium is a carcinogen. For the video, audio podcast, transcript and comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-476-women-and-radiation.


Mary Olson

Dale Dewar

Angela Bischoff


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Last edited 2 years ago by Outdoorjohn

So now that you’ve interviewed Dr. Dewar, perhaps your listeners might appreciate some additional background, as offered by the transcripts of the October 2nd, 2013 CNSC Public Hearings, that were held in La Ronge, in northern Saskatchewan.
In particular, the relevant testimony by Dr. James Irvine, the Medical Health Officer for Northern Saskatchewan health authorities, and professor with the College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan.
Maybe you or some of your listeners could tell us why Dr. Dewar’s views should be taken at face value, considering the available evidence presented by Dr. Irvine ?


Thank you Dale. Here is the International Committee for Radiological Protection’s definition, adopted by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and memorialized in the US Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 10, part 20 “Standards for Protection Against Radiation” –it was extracted by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER) and posted here:

“Reference man is defined as being between 20-30 years of age, weighing 70 kg, is 170 cm in height, and lives in a climate with an average temperature of from 10o to 20o C. He is a Caucasian and is a Western European or North American in habitat and custom.”

Source: International Commission on Radiological Protection. Report of the Task Group on Reference Man. [ICRP Publication] No. 23. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1975. Adopted October 1974. Page 4.

The part about “Habitat and custom” is of particular importance in any effort to be inclusive in protection. Not only are small girls living in a different habitat and custom, but so are anyone who doesn’t live in a city… or who has cultural traditions that change these parameters greatly compared to the “Western European”–presumed to be living in an industrial society.

More information about the Reference Girl Project here: https://www.genderandradiation.org/reference-girl


Last edited 2 years ago by Mary Olson

I very much enjoyed this discussion, and thank you very much. Glad you finally got Reference Man straightened away…. But 100C is the boiling point of water, and he doesn’t live there. Can you correct that please.

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