Ethics Policy
We try to be fair, accurate, civil, and humane. Since 1985 we have been publishing Peace Magazine which promotes policies of peace. Before that we published a monthly tabloid newspaper known as the Peace Calendar from 1983-1984. Insofar as possible, we strive to be an open forum for the discussion of timely controversies about social issues, international affairs, and military/disarmament policies. The work of writing and producing our magazine and talk show is done entirely by highly experienced volunteers. The graphic designer (who designs our pages) is paid.
Our masthead displays this notice:
Project Save the World’s only officially endorsed positions are stated in the “Platform for Survival” shown on our website, Because we are an open forum, views expressed by contributors do not represent the opinion of Project Save the World, its newsletter, or Peace Magazine. Editorial or pictorial content may be reproduced in any medium, provided that reprints are prominently credited and that copies of any reprinted materials are forwarded to us. We assume no responsibility for unsolicited materials. However, we encourage readers to submit articles,notices, photos, and art — but no poetry or fiction please. We maintain electronic and paper records at our offices. A data protection statement is available on the Peace Magazine website at or on request.
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