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International Conference on Nuclear Power Plants…
Date(s) - 20/12/2023 - 21/12/2023
7:30 pm

United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates


Registration Link

International Conference on Nuclear Power Plants and Stations ICNPPS on December 20-21, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2023 happens in Dubai, Dec, 2023 focus on . The cycle of the trade fair is , organize by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology at Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Water-cooled reactor programs and issues High temperature gas cooled reactors LMFR and longer term reactor programs Operation, performance and reliability management Plant safety assessment and regulatory issues Reactor physics and analysis Thermal hydraulics analysis and testing Fuel cycle and waste management Materials and structural issues Nuclear energy and global environment Near term deployment Infrastructure to deploy world nuclear Radioactivity and radiation protection Nuclear reactor core operation Nuclear safety Designs and functions of PWRs and BWRs Generation III reactor designs and operations Balance – of – Plant considerations Generation IV reactors Nuclear power and the environment The nuclear fuel cycle: From uranium mining to spent fuel management, including re-processing Nuclear fuels storage and transportation Nuclear waste management Nuclear power in the world: Status and prospects </div>

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