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International Conference on Green Banking for Green Industry and Green Economy (ICGBGIGE-25)
Date(s) - 13/01/2025 - 14/01/2025
9:00 am - 6:00 pm


Registration Link

Welcome to (ICGBGIGE-25)

ISER is delighted to welcome you to the International Conference on Green Banking for Green Industry and Green Economy (ICGBGIGE-25) at Alberta, Canada on 13th – 14th January 2025, . This event will bring leading scientists, academicians, industry professionals, speakers, and experts of to one platform. The informative discussions will highlight solutions, achievements, trending issues, and future strategies.

ISER constantly aims to present techniques, skills, and the latest information in various fields like science, technology, medical sciences, environment, education, business, banking, finance, languages, history, and much more. It helps participants to explore speaking opportunities, present their unique ideas and create significant connections. You can participate in the groundbreaking discussion, which welcomes active participation and benefits the field and humankind. So, enhance your personal and professional journey by attending the upcoming event.

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