Ownership & Funding Info

Project Save the World was registered as a not-for-profit corporation in Ontario, Canada in 2023. We expect to apply for status as a Canadian charity in 2024. In an unusual reversal of status, by early 2024, if not sooner, the ownership and management of Peace Magazine, which had been founded and owned by Canadian Disarmament Information Service (CANDIS), will be transferred to Project Save the World, which actually had begun a project of the magazine. This reversal of control reflects our recognition that Peace Magazine can never expect to become a profitable or even financially self-sufficient publication. However, it serves beautifully as a free-of-charge digital newsletter to be disseminated world-wide to non-governmental organizations that address the world’s main risks. It will, therefore, be available without charge as a newsletter to many thousands of organizations, reporting on our common interests. Please let us know if you want your organization to receive it regularly. Our small but loyal audience of individual readers can subscribe to the digital edition through PressReader.com at the same price as our old paper edition – about CAN$20 per year. 

 Peace Magazine’s expenses are modest, since all the work is done by volunteers— mainly retired academics and professional journalists. We have at times received government grants – some from Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and some from the Canada Magazine Fund, which assists small publications with grants for development and circulation promotion. We had a relationship for about 15 years with an academic association, Science for Peace, whereby they paid for a certain number of pages in each issue and participated in editing it. Nowadays we mostly work from home and our expenses are covered by donors. 

Project Save the World is also produced in a financially economical way. Our website does require attention, which costs a significant amount, but the forums are almost cost-free to produce, since the panelists sit at their home webcams. The real costs are for advertising them. The success of the project depends on reaching a large, world-wide audience of thoughtful readers and viewers. Our work is motivated by concern for the well-being of humankind, for most of us working on Project Save the World no longer need to earn our living.

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