Leon Kosals at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, and Kekhashan Basu is an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto, and the founder of an organization for youthful activists around the world. We discuss their efforts to promote global citizenship as a value among students, and the constraints that instructors encounter when innovating with such topics, when they are not on the prescribed curriculum. For the video, audio podcast, transcript, and comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-391-globalizing-education/
Leon Kosals
Marianne Larsen
Erika Simpson
Kekhashan Basu
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Great session Metta and guests, Thank You! Based on my research for a MSc (Earth Sciences) and a MEd (Educational Foundations) I totally agree with Ms Basu on transforming away from the Western school pedagogy towards a more localized intelligence development. Global education is becoming standardize emphasizing economic based thinking, producing knowledge conformity, when education should be creating knowledge diversity.
Project-based learning is a pedagogy that allows students to have more control in curriculum development. Why not groom the students to be engaged citizens through immersing them in a democratic learning process. I am hoping to implement a movement to pressure government to make project-based learning the mainstream education system. If Ms Basu has any interest in discussing ways to that could be a benefit to her and support my quest to promote project-based learning, my contact is rpeel@hawaii.edu