Episode 396 Saving Trees, Seeds, and Earth

Vandana Shiva holds a Ph.D in particle physics, but is best known for her work as an advocate for the protection of nature against commercial exploitation. She joined the Chipko movement to protect forests in India, gradually earning what she calls her “second Ph.D.” from those brave women, who know so much about the diversity of planets and animals in their region. She runs a farm that develops organic methods and participates in regenerative agriculture movements worldwide. For the video, audio podcast, transcript and comments: https://tosavetheworld.ca/episode-396-saving-trees-seeds-and-earth/ . After watch, scroll down and share your own ideas in the comments column.

Guest: Vandana Shiva


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Always great to hear Vandana Shiva speak on saving the planet with Regenerative Agriculture principles and practices. She is absolutely correct in her comments on what we need to do to grow our food supply, save our topsoil and work with nature, not against it, to stop climate change.

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