Authors: Derek Paul and Metta Spencer
This planet is gradually warming, mainly because of the burning of fossil fuels, which add heat-trapping gases to Earth’s atmosphere. The increased temperature changes the climate in other ways too, including the rise in sea levels; ice mass loss in Greenland, Antarctica, the Arctic and mountain glaciers worldwide; shifts in the times when flowers bloom; and extreme weather events.
Life on Earth is dependent on a layer of gases, primarily water vapor, in the lower atmosphere that trap heat from the sun, while radiating some of it back and keeping our planet at a temperature capable of supporting life.
The sunlight that remains trapped is our source of energy and is used by plants in photosynthesis, whereas the remainder is reflected as heat or light back into space. Climate forcing (or “radiative forcing”) is the differential between the amount of sunlight absorbed by Earth and the amount of energy radiated back to space.
Several factors determine the size and direction of this forcing; for example light surfaces are more reflective than dark ones, so geographical regions covered by ice and snow reflect back more than areas covered by dark water or dark forests; this variable is called the “albedo effect.”
Human activity is currently generating an excess of long-lived greenhouse gases that don’t dissipate in response to temperature increases, resulting in a continuing buildup of heat. They retain more heat than other gases because they are more transparent to the incoming sunlight than to infrared radiation, which is the form in which heat is radiated back out. Consequently, if the amount of greenhouse gas increases, more heat is trapped in the lower part of the atmosphere, warming the whole planet.(1)
The greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, ozone, and various fluorocarbons (freons). Although water vapor is the most abundant of these gases, it is not much affected by human activity and need not concern us here. The alarming climate changes are mainly caused by the increase of gases that contain carbon. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is especially worrisome; its natural sources include the decomposition of living organisms and animal respiration. The main source of excess carbon dioxide emissions is the burning of fossil fuels, while deforestation has reduced the amount of plant life available to turn CO2 into oxygen.
Besides carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gases are methane, nitrogen oxide, and some heavier molecules such as the various forms of freon. These are more effective per molecule than CO2 in causing global warming, but are present in much smaller quantities in the atmosphere. The molecule N2O (nitrous oxide) and the freons have the additional property of depleting the ozone in the stratosphere, especially near the poles. Methane is a cause for major concern, as it evaporates from thawed tundra, and it is also trapped within clathrate compounds in the ocean, which can release it when warmed. Methane is also produced copiously by cattle because of their diet and digestive system. Methane has been variously said to be 34 (or more) times as effective as CO2 in producing global warming. The freons in the atmosphere are hugely more effective than CO2, per molecule, at inducing global warming. Much of the atmospheric freon comes from leaking refrigerators and air conditioners, especially old or discarded ones. Preventing freon from reaching the atmosphere is thus a municipal concern.
The quantity of greenhouse gas varies over time. For example, there are seasonal variations. The amount of carbon dioxide in the northern hemisphere increases somewhat in the autumn and winter but decreases in the spring. This happens because plants take in carbon dioxide when they are growing but release it when their leaves fall off and decay.
The composition of Earth’s oceans, land, atmosphere, and plants change continuously. For example, gases can dissolve in the ocean, but they also can evaporate and move around in the wind. At present, the oceans are absorbing slightly more carbon dioxide than they are emitting. The amount of carbon being held inside plants varies; when forests are replaced by annual crops, less of it is contained in plants, so more of it is in the air. The more of it in the air, the more the planet warms. Our warming climate is also creating a feedback loop, a “vicious cycle,” by releasing greenhouse gases from the thawing Arctic permafrost, thereby warming the planet even more.(2)
Climate change is an urgent threat to humanity, since the excess CO2 in the atmosphere diffuses slowly into the ocean, which is rapidly becoming less alkaline. Eventually the ocean will become acid, if the present trend continues, and the dying of the ocean will accelerate. A key factor will be the inability of the ocean’s phytoplankton to produce oxygen. About 252 million years ago the Earth experienced a transition similar to the one the human race is setting off today. That transition is known as the Permian-Triassic (or just the Permian), and resulted from a series of natural causes that put a great deal of CO2 into the atmosphere. The transition eliminated 95 percent of then existing species, and it took forests five million years to recover.
Today we urgently need to keep more greenhouse gas “locked away”, instead of circulating in the atmosphere. Whenever it is kept out of circulation, it is said to be “sequestered” in a “carbon sink.”(3) The ocean is currently a carbon sink because it is absorbing more carbon dioxide than it is emitting. Soil and forests are also great carbon sinks that could sequester even more carbon than at present without being saturated. Unfortunately, today they often are instead “carbon sources” because of the way human beings are mis-using them. When more trees are being felled than grown, and when land is eroding or being flooded, those forests and soil are carbon sources – releasing more greenhouse gas to the atmosphere than they take in and sequester.
There are other important carbon sources too: notably “fossil fuels.” Thousands of years ago large carbon sinks (dead plants and animals) happened to become buried and turned into oil, coal, or methane (a carbon-based greenhouse gas). Then in the eighteenth century, the Industrial Revolution began in Britain. Machines were developed on a large scale for manufacturing and transportation. These new technologies have spread so widely that global civilization today is dependent on energy produced by burning coal, gas, or petroleum products, though doing so releases more and more greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, thereby heating up the planet.
Adding even a small amount of heat to the planet can make a large difference. Already Earth is almost one degree Celsius hotter than during pre-industrial times,(4) and if nothing is done to change the trend, it may become as much as four degrees hotter within the foreseeable future, leading to the catastrophic extinction of life forms.
There are two ways to prevent this: (a) reduce the new emissions of greenhouse gas, and (b) increase the capture and sequestering of greenhouse gas into carbon sinks. Both will require drastic and rapid changes to our current lifestyle, but they should already be proceeding quickly, reducing the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Regrettably, however, many people still even deny that there is a problem, sometimes adducing as evidence the snow outside their windows.
The local weather on any given day proves nothing about the global climate. When the planet warms, the additional heat is not distributed evenly around the globe. Ocean and wind currents are circulating constantly. When, for example, glaciers and polar ice melt, the fresh water flows into the ocean, raising the sea level and possibly changing the direction of ocean currents in ways that alter the climate in many localities. More extreme weather events occur — not only heat waves, droughts, and forest fires, but also blizzards, typhoons, hurricanes, and floods.(5)
Thousands of measurements must be collected from all parts of the world to get an overall picture of the climate as it changes. The greenhouse gases are constantly flowing and mixing. With the exception of air samples from, say, expressways or industrial zones, the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere tends to be similar around the world. There is nowhere to hide from global warming.
This section of the Platform for Survival discusses six policy proposals for changes to allay climate change. If adopted, they will give the world a fair chance of avoiding the impending climate transition, namely, a transition from a generally cool climate to a much warmer climate without ice caps, as was the Permian-Triassic. The prime actions are two: eliminating human-induced emissions of CO2, and sequestering CO2 that is already in the atmosphere. In addition to the natural means of reducing climate change, such as planting trillions of trees, we shall also consider other technological suggestions for sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere on a large scale.
Footnotes for this article can be seen at the Footnotes 2 page on this website (link will open in a new page).
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ORGANIZING SYSTEMICALLY THE DIVERSE INTERSECTIONAL NONVIOLENT COMPASSIONS OF THE CIVIL SOCIETY — to gather together the needed (presently fragmented) “3.5 %” critical mass >>>>>>>>>>>>> Chambers of Compassion (in contrast with “Chambers of Commerce”) step-by-step procedures page, click here: *** Moji Agha, Colorado, U.S. ***
@terenceharvey6432kong1 hour ago
Atmospheric electrochemical adaptation , This would knock climate change on the head in 60 years
As climate change takes hold of the planet Man struggles
with the right direction and plan , This is only one
part of the scenario , A possible direction for man kind
to defeat climate change , A fleet of nuclear climate fighting
battleships designed to last sixty years to bring us from 420
PPM too 280 PPM CO2e in the atmosphere our pre
industrial levels witch will offer safe and stable
The exact frequencies and wave lengths and transmitting
devices are yet to be determined on some of the project
, it requires a war like budget for research and
development and implementation ,I would suggest a budget
of 100 billion dollars per year,thats 1/1000 the of the
global yearly GDP that’s a pittance to ensure the survival
of the human race that’s 6 trillion over 60 years and
that is the time frame it will take rectify the climate
For only if we consider this a war shall we be
triumphant, The planet mobilized thousands of war ships
in 5 years of the second world war. why cant we do the
same , 1000 vessels constructed over 15 years as well as
1200 land based transmission sites and 1000 tuned
resonance climate monitoring and or transmission sats
after all this is a global climate defence ,SRM , Global
weather control system , That could be replicated and
updated in 60 years , I say 60 years because that is the
lifetime expectancy of the nuclear climate battle ships
and the land based transmission sites
boats/ Vessels to fight climate change via ocean iron
fertilisation and atmospheric electrochemical reactions
200 mt long 60 mtr wide super liner s 1000 of them the
battleship s of the war against climate change nuclear
powered 500 MW each of mobile tuned resonance frequency
modulation , The variation and combinations are endless
Starting with large sets anodes and cathodes mounted to
the bottom of the boats generating iron sulphate via
electrochemical RF reaction ,stimulating and generating
the phytoplankton to feed on co2 Sequestering up to 10
GT per year co2e planet wide on the ocean , we will not
have to worry about the London protocol because were not
dumping anything rather were manufacturing right out of
thin air and all on site
Electrochemical ocean iron fertilization and alkalinity
enhancement approach toward CO2 sequestration – npj
Ocean Sustainability
Ocean electrochemical iron fertilisation pdf
Next on our tool list is ship deck mounted Ionic cloud
generators , That generate negatively charged ion Via
scalar wave generators low level biosphere/Troposphere
clouds for SRM , Charging the dimethyl sulphates and
cloud nuclei from the ocean to form clouds
Next on our tool list is project Lucy , ship mounted
microwave transmitter to target methane adaptation by
targeting the covalent bond and un couple the c H bonds
and converting the methane to co2 and diamonds , The
demands also generate a SRM deflection type reaction in
the stratosphere
This takes care of the biosphere and the
stratosphere now for the ionosphere
Ship deck mounted Haap type radio transmitters 160
aerials to target the ionosphere for artificial plasma
cloud generation to deflect in coming solar radiation
we would also use the RF and plasma generation to
convert the covalent bond of co2 and break into c witch
falls to the earth and feed s the soil and 02 witch
rises from the to form ozone,, While also stimulating
phytoplankton in the ocean generating more oxygen that
will eventually converted to 03 ozone to plug the gaps in
the ozone layer , This could rectorate /adptate up 40 GT
of co2 per year , this would be a real game changer with
such a scenario allowing us to return to pre in industrial
co2 levels of 280 PPM and a safe and stable climate
WE could also use the haap array to charge existing
particles in the atmosphere to vibrate and deflect solar
radiation , No need to add any more forego particulate
we already have put enough up there , I would suggest we
target the methane and co2 molecules to begin with
WE could also turn the system up and down almost
instantly to accommodate the solar flare scenario or polar
flip , during these time the magnetosphere is extremely
The combination of these four RF/ plasma generation
technologies could also be used for the weather
generation and control network, I would suggest a global
weather control network , Utilising the 1000 boats and
1200 land based transmitters , ,5 scalar wave ion
transmitters per country 200 countries to generate low level
cloud SRM and generate the transpiration hydrological
process water movement in the atmospheric rivers can be
easily directed to places of most needs . drought /forest
fires deserts , dry third world countries/food production
areas , as well as each country having 5 scalor emitters
they would also have a haap transmitter each
forget about charging syress clouds were going to
redesign aircraft fuel so we don’t have the sulphur the
soot and the pollutants being emitted , this will save
lives , a bio fuel would have to be developed and
manufactured to clean up the air ways , we could also
take this opportunity to redesign the vapour trails to
better serve the control network and the planets bio
A satellite monitoring and atmospheric adaptation scenario
with 1000 ft x ft cube type sats or even up to 1 x 1 mtr
cube sats emitting tuned resonance frequencies that can
be tuned and programmed from afar as well reporting
voluble atmospheric data/ atmospheric manipulation
all controlled by quantum AI computing developed by
NASA NOAH TELSTRA and the European space agency the north
/ south / east /and / west of it
That’s 3200 pieces of equipment and installations to be
constructed /built in the next 15 years target
operational by 2040 , The land sites to be powered by
solar wind and battery with gem set back up on 2 x 2 KM
the haaps to be at least the equivalent to Burbank’s
Alaska site
while the boats will be nuclear or oxygen powered
generating 500 MW of tuned resonance frequency
transmission capability
This is the way of the future especially if we can
conj our oxygen power generation
The planet will be around for billion of future years
but the atmosphere wont be , so we generate artificial
atmosphere now
NO refuelling of vessels with dirty bunker fuels
[nuclear]no emissions no mining or manufacturing of iron
sulphate s for ocean iron fertilisation and no mining or
manufacturing of iron chloride for enhanced methane
oxidisation ,No dumping of lime stone for enhance ocean
alkalinity , no spraying of sea water for marine cloud
bighting and no spraying of particle into the atmosphere
to be charged vis RF / micro eave /next rad , All can be
achieved today via electro chemical reactions aboard
our climate battle ships with all but no carbon
emissions ,and no dumping of substances into the
ocean with the associated mining/transportation and
distribution costs , and no breaking of the London
protocol on dumping substances at sea ,
These boats and land based installation will be at the
wars front door fighting climate change on the front
line , This is only one in many tools that will be
required to defeat climate change
This scenario can reduce the global average temperature by
up to 5 DG , by simply turning it up or down , like a
thermostat , able to react instantly to space weather
events and volcanoe eruptions and events, Storms cyclone s all being
driven and controlled by our climate weather control system
Research and development into
climate changing greenhouse gas s
T J Harvey
Strategic planning in climate engineering for
sustainable infrastructure development worldwide…/1Yly53ZRikqrwvDNzu9KN…/edi
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@terenceharvey6432kong8 minutes ago
Metta if you gave me a couple of million dollars I would pay for the design of the top deck arial array, pay for a paper/design of the bottom deck on electrochemical ocean iron fertisation then I would pay for a ship designer to design and quote on the build of the vessels and with the remainder set up a hedge fund to raise the capital to build the boats and the monitoring network 100 billion per year for sixty years to begin with, but in all likely hood it would take 180 years to reach 280 PPM of co2e [climate restoration] and a stable climate . but the iron fertilization would raise 1 . trillion dollars per year while sequestering 10 GT per year from the oceans with an operating margin of 80 %. There is no fuel to pay for as the vessels are nuclear no iron sulfate or iron chloride to pay for as all reactions are electrochemical including the methane adaptation and SRM scenarios , Can you help a brother rout Metta I’m ready to roll Today I have an action plan T
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Re: Global Town Hall September 2024
When we were discussing the war at the latest Sundy’s Town Hall, I wanted to share a short documentary novel titled ‘The Deserter‘ which I had the pleasure to read at the end of last week.
Written by a renowned New York Times journalist, Sarah A. Topol, it describes the fate of a Russian officer whose experiences led him to abandon military service and leave the country for good.
It took the author 18 months to interview a number of defectors scattered across several countries and even continents in order to get a better understanding of the phenomenon and dive into the depths of their psychologies.
To me, it is both an incisive historical testimony of our dire times, a masterfully written work of literature, and a critical analysis of what is going on in the minds and souls of those who are being sent to kill and die by a vile dictator.
And, no less importantly, it inevitably deals with war as a more general subject.
Here is the link:
Here’s the link to the survey that Metta is running on Google Forms about her plans for the next series of shows about the climate. Please consider filling it out online. Thanks!
14:10:42 From Peace And Justice Alliance : Mohammed Mominu Haque
14:46:12 From Metta Spencer :
Link to the questionnaire
14:58:41 From Janet Hudgins : Link to Seniors for Climate:
15:11:23 From Marilyn Krieger, CCBC : Grandmothers Calling MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women) -MMIP (Missing and Murdered Indigenous People)
15:15:34 From Charles David Tauber :; +385 98 346753
15:15:40 From Alexey Prokhorenko : Dear Charles, please let me know if I can help in those efforts aimed at supporting the deserters.
15:16:09 From Charles David Tauber : Let’s talk sometime soon.
15:19:45 From Sandy Greer : Welcome, Alexey. I recently browsed your LinkedIn page (limited for me because I am not a LinkedIn member.
15:24:47 From Sandy Greer : Alexey, your introduction is wonderful, reading “Bridging cultures, helping people, making difference” BUT I suggest a small grammatical improvement, so that the third phrase reads “making a difference” (inserting the word “a”). If you look up “making a difference” on Google you can see the meaning of that phrase there. Blessings, Sandy 🙂
15:26:20 From Alexey Prokhorenko : Replying to “Welcome, Alexey. I r…”
Oh, this is very nice to hear, dear Sandra!
15:26:30 From Alexey Prokhorenko : Replying to “Let’s talk sometime …”
We certainly will!
15:28:02 From Sandy Greer : Replying to “Let’s talk sometime …”
Good, and wishing you success in your freelance pursuits, as a fellow freelancer.🌹
15:28:10 From Alexey Prokhorenko : Replying to “Alexey, your introdu…”
Thank you so much, dear Sandra!
I will correct it. I just meant that I try to make difference in many things, in most things that I do actually, not in a single instance.
15:29:39 From Alexey Prokhorenko : Replying to “Let’s talk sometime …”
@Sandy Greer thank you so much!!!
15:30:28 From Sandy Greer : Replying to “Alexey, your introdu…”
Actually, efforts to make possible various positive impacts is what “making a difference” means, if you look it up. 🙂
15:34:49 From Alexey Prokhorenko : Replying to “Alexey, your introdu…”
@Sandy Greer I appreciate your advice! I’ve already looked up the phrase and even changed my introduction on LinkedIn.
15:35:26 From Alexey Prokhorenko : Replying to “Alexey, your introdu…”
@Sandy Greer the way you helped me is one instance of how one makes a difference 😍
15:36:57 From Sandy Greer : Replying to “Alexey, your introdu…”
Wow, Alexey, you are speedy😊
15:39:45 From Alexey Prokhorenko : Replying to “Alexey, your introdu…”
@Sandy Greer I just got inspired by your kind willingness to help me make my page look a bit better 🙏
All in all, I do too much procrastination in my life, I seem to be losing the battle sometimes…
15:43:30 From Janet Hudgins : Have to run … have a look at SfC site, you are welcome to join.
15:44:12 From Sandy Greer : Replying to “Alexey, your introdu…”
Me too, as a very experienced procrastinator. What I enjoy about Metta’s town halls is helping each other as well as sharing knowledge. 🙂
15:53:37 From Alexey Prokhorenko : How is this possible in the 21st century?
15:55:43 From Charles David Tauber : Alexey, contact me on WhatsApp so that we can make an appointment to talk more extensively.
15:56:09 From Alexey Prokhorenko : Replying to “Alexey, contact me o…”
I will Charles
16:02:05 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Brian@ClimateFoundation org

You will enjoy this book and learn what everyone needs to know about climate change — and what should be done to reduce or reverse it. It’s called Intervention Earth: Life Saving Ideas from the World’s Climate Engineers. I got mine as a kindle book from Amazon.
The Clean Energy Research Foundation Inc has an iron salt aerosol spray project to cool the world. Learn more at the link to our GoFundMe campaign.
It seems to be conservatives who don’t mind polluting the planet most liberally.
The world — including Western nations like ours — desperately needs to behave smarter with vehicular fuel consumption; therefore, we need to forgo purchasing the most gratuitously environmentally hazardous of vehicles.
Yet, many drivers of superfluously huge and over-powered thus gas-guzzling vehicles, especially here in the far West, seem to consider this a basic human right. It may scare them to even contemplate a world in which they can no longer readily fuel that ‘right’, especially since much quieter electric cars are no substitute.
Meanwhile, I’ll see parked vehicles idling for many minutes in moderate weather temperatures. There’ll also be the odd choking-thick-exhaust-spewing vanity vehicle, a metallic beast with the signature gratuitously very large body and wheels that don’t at all appear intended for work or family transport. They appear as though they might get 25 gallons to the mile.
They’re the same gratuitously huge monsters that when parked roadside hazardously block the view of short-car operators turning or crossing through stop-signed intersections.
Inside each is the operator, typically staring down into their lap, probably their smartphones. They may be some of the people posting protestations onto various social-media platforms about a possible gas price increase, however comparatively small.
In Canada, our carbon tax manages to induce some the shrillest complaints — even though it’s more than recouped (except for very-high-income earners) via federal government rebate. And once again the disturbing mass addiction to fossil fuel products by the larger public is exposed.
Anybody that says this project is” fair game” should get their heads
I need to make a correction: when discussing the involvement of scientists on ocean fertilization experiments, I misidentified who leads this effort at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This effort is lead by Dr. Ken Buesseler and not by Dr. Dennis McGillicuddy Jr., even though both can be considered as experts in the role of biology in the sequestration of carbon in the ocean. See:
Why is the effort lead by Dr. Ken Beusseler and not Dennis McGillicuddy?
Metta, I thought some members of the group might enjoy this journal issue, which is open access. the kety: shared prosperity, not growth.
(He made up the numbers).
“Cool Thinking” Forum Schedule re Cooling the Poles 2024:
(Confirmed expert panelists, as of Jan 24, 2024).
05-Feb Ethics, International Law & geoengineering –
Byron Williston, Simon Dalby; Neil Craik
12-Feb Marine Cloud Brightening
Brian von Herzen, Stephen Salter, Paul Beckwith
26-Feb Iron Salt Aerosol
Clive Elsworth, Peter Wadhams, Franz Oeste
04-Mar Ocean Fertilization
11-Mar Seaweed Farming
Thierry Chopin, Brian von Herzen
18-Mar Whale poop
Joe Roman; Christopher Chutko
25-Mar Cirrus Cloud Thinning
David Mitchell
8 April Arctic Megafauna
15 April Iron Salt Aerosol
Peter Fiekowsky, Oswald Petersen, Paul Beckwith
22 April Marine Cloud Brightening
Brian von Herzen
29 April Carbon Pricing
R. Quentin Grafton, Mark Winfield, Ron Baiman
06-May Cirrus Cloud Thinning
Ulrike Lohmann, Blaz Gasparini
13-May Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Alan Robock, Robert Tulip, John Nissen; Dr. Greg Evans
20-May Seaweed Farming
Tim Flannery, Ole G Mouritsen
27-May Ocean Fertilization
Jonathan Lauderdale, Kate Moran
03-Jun Marine Cloud Brightening
Brian von Herzen; Steven Rogak
10-Jun Arctic Megafauna
17-Jun Iron Salt Aerosol
Peter Fiekowsky, Clive Elsworth, Franz Oeste
24-Jun Whale poop
Richard Matear
01 July Decoupling Economic Growth from Carbon Emissions
Peter Victor; Ron Baiman
08-Jul Cirrus Cloud Thinning
David Mitchell
15-Jul Ocean Fertilization
Robert Tulip, Jason McNamee
22-Jul Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Susanne E. Bauer
29-Jul Arctic Megafauna
05-Aug Marine Cloud Brightening
Stephen Salter, Brian von Herzen; Patricia Quinn
12-Aug Ocean Fertilization
Paul Beckwith
19-Aug Decoupling Economic Growth from Carbon Emissions
Rick Smith
26-Aug Stratospheric Aerosol Injection
Herb Simmen, Ye Taos, John Nissen
02-Sep Iron Salt Aerosol
Peter Fiekowsky
09-Sep Ocean Fertilization
16-Sep Arctic Megafauna
23-Sep Seaweed Farming
Brian von Herzen,
30-Sep Ethics, International Law & geoengineering
Stephen M. Gardiner, Daniel Bodansky, Jesse Reynolds
07-Oct Mobilizing knowledge about geoengineering
Report on Forums on Carbon Negative Concrete
By Metta Spencer
19 June 2023
Panelists: Adeyemi Adesina, Michael Barnard, Paul Beckwith, Adele Buckley, Chris Cheeseman, Robin Collins, Brent Constantz, Michael Cook, Robert Cumming, Peter Fiekowsky, Michel Duguay, Martin Halliwell, Douglas Hooton, Neil Hoult, Ellen Judd, Peter Meincke, John Orr, Derek Paul, Tariq Rauf, Karen Scrivener, Ryan Zizzo.
On October 22, 2022, the Canadian Pugwash Group adopted a proposal I’d submitted to explore the possibility of reducing climate change by promoting (a) urban forestry, (b) chilling the Arctic with marine cloud brightening, (c) the use of rock dust, biochar, and seaweed bio-stimulants as soil amendments, and (d) the use of carbon negative concrete in government-funded construction. Since then, Pugwashites have participated in selecting experts and indigenous stakeholders and in discussing with them in at least four (and up to nine) one-hour-long forums, which were recorded and made continuously available on the website of Project Save the World, a not-for-profit organization of which I am president. I am now writing separate reports for all four of these inquiries. This is my summary of information gleaned from six forums about carbon negative concrete. I expect to circulate it to the Pugwash panelists and incorporate their editorial amendments before submitting it for an online discussion by all Canadian Pugwashites. The names shown above are the experts and Pugwash panelists who participated in one or more of the forums. Complete records of all 24 forums in the Pugwash series are accessible as videos, audio podcasts, transcripts, and summaries here:
It should be emphasized that this is not a research report in same sense as a journal article. It is a report on the conversations among a number of experts whose ideas were occasionally incompatible. In such cases, this reporter did not attempt to decide who was right but simply presented a faithful account of what was said, whether right or wrong. All disagreements expressed by the participants who reviewed this report are represented in footnotes. Fortunately, the panelists mainly reached compatible conclusions, enabling a recommendation to be proposed at the end to which they all evidently concur.
What is Concrete?
Concrete,[1] the most[2] extensively[3] utilized building material worldwide, has a long history and significant impact on the environment. It is integral to the construction of a wide array of structures, from the smallest residential buildings to the largest infrastructural projects. The use of concrete is so pervasive that it accounts for an astonishing 8% of the world’s CO2 emissions, primarily stemming from the manufacture of Portland cement, a key ingredient in concrete.
The origins of concrete can be traced back over 5,000 years to the ancient Egyptians, who ingeniously combined mud and straw to create crude bricks. They also utilized gypsum and lime to craft mortars, demonstrating an early form of concrete application. The Roman Empire also depended on the use of concrete. To this day, the Pantheon in Rome stands as a testament to the endurance and versatility of this material. Constructed with Roman cement, the Pantheon has withstood the test of time for over two millennia.
Annually, about 4.2 trillion kilograms of cement is manufactured globally, revealing the immense scale of concrete production. Cement, although constituting a mere 12% by volume on average in the concrete mix, is predominantly responsible for more than 8% of the resulting carbon dioxide emissions. This is because the production process of Portland cement involves the calcination of limestone, which inherently releases a significant amount of CO2.
Despite the environmental cost, concrete is fundamentally an environmentally friendly material due to its long lifespan, low maintenance needs, and high thermal mass, which can reduce energy use in buildings. it is the staggering volume at which we use concrete that exacerbates its environmental impact.
Concrete is typically composed of air (1-8%), water (13-20%), cement (10-15%), and aggregate (60-75%). Concrete aggregates are geological materials such as gravel, sand, and crushed rock. The size of the particles determines whether it is a coarse aggregate (e.g. gravel) or a fine aggregate (e.g. sand). At times, supplementary cementitious materials and admixtures are added to concrete to achieve specific properties. These ingredients make up the three main concrete product categories: ready mixed concrete, precast concrete products, and masonry units (concrete blocks).
Focusing on Canada, we find more than 1,100 ready mixed concrete, precast concrete, concrete pipe, and masonry plants scattered across the country. Over the next five years, Canada is projected to produce approximately 55 million tonnes of cement and a whopping 400 million tonnes of concrete. To put this in perspective, the amount of concrete produced could fill enough mixer trucks to circle the globe 4.5 times.
Concrete and Global Warming
Global warming is significantly affected by the production of concrete, specifically the process of creating Portland cement, a key ingredient. Portland cement is intrinsically linked with CO2 emissions due to the chemical reaction involved in creating clinker, an essential intermediate product. This reaction liberates CO2 and is an unavoidable aspect of current cement manufacturing technology. The scale of cement production makes this an important area for potential emissions reduction.
In the face of rising global CO2 levels, innovative solutions are being explored to decrease the contribution of cement production to climate change. To bring atmospheric CO2 levels back to a safer 280 parts per million, which human ecosystems were designed for.[4] Peter Fiekowsky, an engineer and climate restoration advocate, suggests we need to remove around 60 Gigatons of CO2 per year. One promising approach involves substituting current rock production with synthetic limestone, which could sequester approximately 25 Gigatons of CO2 annually. Furthermore, the use of this synthetic limestone in raising coastal cities above the increasing sea level could potentially sequester an additional 35 Gigatons per year.
We invited Brent Constantz, the CEO of Blue Planet, a company specializing in carbon-negative concrete, to speak with Canadian Pugwash members about this technology in a forum. He gave us a geological perspective on carbon mitigation. He states that the majority of the Earth’s carbon is found in the lithosphere, predominantly as limestone, with almost no purified CO2 in nature. As such, traditional carbon mitigation strategies that use purified CO2 are inherently flawed, as they require significant energy input and do not reflect the nature of carbon deposits on Earth.[5]
Constantz proposes a more natural approach[6] to carbon mitigation: converting dilute CO2 into carbonate, replicating the process that occurs in the world’s oceans. When CO2 from the atmosphere enters the ocean, it may end up in the calcium carbonate skeletons of marine organisms, eventually forming limestone deposits. This conversion process results in a stable, long-term sequestration of CO2. It’s worth noting that a tonne[7] of limestone holds approximately 440 kilograms of CO2 in a permanently sequestered state. Limestone is a main ingredient in concrete.
In light of these facts, we should pay attention to the impact of cement production on global industrial emissions. A significant portion of these emissions arises from the chemical reactions required to convert limestone into clinker and the fossil fuel combustion necessary to maintain the high temperatures (approximately 1,450 degrees Celsius) needed for this process. Similarly, Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program stated that the cement manufacturing industry was responsible for about 11.2 megatonnes (Mt) of CO2 emissions in 2019, constituting about 1.5% of this country’s total emissions. Worldwide, 8% of total CO2 emissions come from concrete.
The Concrete Industry is Trying to Lower its Carbon Emissions
The concrete industry is fully aware of the need to develop more sustainable products. Chris Cheeseman, a leading British academic in the field, focuses on the large amount of CO2 emitted during the creation of Portland cement. In response to this problem, Cheeseman’s team has developed Seratech, a new process that utilizes magnesium silicate minerals, abundant in the Earth’s crust, as a substitute for traditional materials. This method splits the magnesium silicate into magnesium and silica, with the silica acting as a supplementary cementitious material and the magnesium carbonate sequestered. This approach offers a promising avenue toward creating carbon-negative cement.
There are several notable advantages to Seratech’s technology. First, its composition is akin to fly ash, a by-product of coal combustion currently used in cement production.[8] Second, it can be seamlessly integrated into existing cement production infrastructures, reducing the barriers to implementation. Cheeseman aims to have a pilot plant for Seratech within the next year, pending funding.
However, new technologies often face a critical challenge: acceptance within an industry. The construction sector is generally conservative, typically hesitant to trust and adopt new materials. To gain acceptance, these new processes and materials need to match or surpass the performance, dependability, and consistency of traditional materials. Nowadays, industry-standard testing methods can provide the necessary validation, reassuring stakeholders of their quality and performance.
Among the alternatives to traditional Portland cement, Portland-Limestone Cement (PLC) is gaining attention. This cement type reduces carbon emissions by using less clinker and more limestone. Furthermore, waste fuels such as tires, wood waste, petrochemical waste, and carpets can replace powdered coal in cement kilns. Electrification in parts of the cement industry is being investigated, though so far not much progress has been made in that direction.
Despite the clear environmental benefits, barriers to adoption persist, rooted in prescriptive limits in old specifications, legal liability concerns, and lack of expertise in managing these changes. But if these obstacles can be overcome, PLC offers a promising avenue for reducing the carbon footprint of cement production by up to 15%. Also, significant strides have been made with other low-carbon cement types such as CEM 3B, used widely in the Netherlands, which has 65% blast furnace slag replacing cement.
Challenges also persist in developing countries, though there are opportunities for innovation here too. For instance, vast clay deposits can be used as a cementitious material for adobe-type buildings, offering a sustainable solution for construction needs.
Yet, despite the promising alternatives and technological advancements, the economics of carbon capture technology for concrete production remains challenging. Replacing traditional materials with carbon capture alternatives will greatly increase costs.
One potential solution is the more efficient use of concrete and reducing over-design. Engineers should use alternative materials where appropriate and concrete only where necessary. By making more deliberate decisions about material use in construction, it is possible to significantly reduce the environmental impact.
Considerations of concrete’s durability, especially in the face of climate change impacts, are equally important. Issues like freeze-thaw cycles and corrosion caused by salt can lead to deterioration over time, particularly when steel reinforcement is used in concrete.[9] Novel solutions such as the use of algae and biochar are being explored, but these methods still require considerable research and validation.
Blue Planet Concrete
Blue Planet Concrete is a California-based company that goes beyond “low-carbon concrete” produce concrete that is to actually carbon negative. Its technological innovation may revolutionize the concrete industry by significantly reducing climate change. Its website makes this astonishing claim in boldface letters: “If we replace just 16% of all aggregate used today with Blue Planet Aggregate, we could achieve the CO2 storage needed by 2050 to keep temperature rise below 1.5C.”
Blue Planet’s method of synthetic limestone production utilizes carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from nearby flue gases,[10] mixed with demolished concrete and other materials. These are transformed into pellets that become the aggregate component of concrete, essentially creating a building material that not only utilizes waste but also captures carbon and locks it up in permanent structures.
The cornerstone of Blue Planet’s unique approach is calcium. Calcium, a crucial component in their manufacturing process, can be sourced from various places such as the ocean, fly ash from coal plants, steel slag, and saline water from oil wells. So far, the company has been using “low-hanging fruit” – demolished concrete – as the source of its calcium. This capitalizes on waste products while reducing the dependence on quarried materials.
With its ground-breaking technology, Blue Planet has been able to sell its high-quality concrete at a competitive price in San Francisco, where concrete is generally more expensive due to the lack of nearby quarries. Their concrete may not be competitive everywhere at present, for the cost of production depends greatly on the distance of transporting the heavy ingredients, whether stone or demolished concrete.
The impact of Blue Planet’s work extends beyond just the production of carbon-negative concrete. The company is currently planning with Lafarge, a global leader in building materials, to establish concrete plants using their technology in Canada. The company has contracts with Mitsubishi, Chevron, Sulzer, Holcim, and other global companies – partnerships that attest to the practicality and scalability of Blue Planet’s approach.
Blue Planet is proving its remarkable claims of CO2 sequestration by meticulously monitoring its environmental impact. As affirmed by the company’s founder, Brent Constantz, lifecycle carbon analyses are conducted regularly on their process.
The carbon footprint of Blue Planet’s concrete, as per the CarbonStar rating system funded by the Canadian government and implemented by the Canadian Standards Association, is an astonishing negative 700 pounds per yard. [11]This essentially means that the concrete not only neutralizes its own CO2 emissions but also captures additional CO2 from the environment. A normal yard of concrete has a carbon footprint of 600 pounds, mostly because it has 600 pounds of cement in it. But some construction projects are demanding low carbon concrete now; for example, Blue Planet concrete was used at the San Francisco airport, which required a CarbonStar rating of negative 200 pounds of any company even bidding for a contract. Constantz explained that Blue Planet puts about 1300 pounds of CO2 into each yard of concrete,[12] which erases the 600 pounds emitted from the cement production, so they have negative 700 pounds per yard in the concrete.[13]
Constantz added that Blue Planet’s carbon-negative concrete is the cheapest way to attain a carbon-neutral building, and the cheapest way to sequester carbon. That does not mean that it is really cheap or usually even competitive yet. The price goal for capturing CO2 for sequestration is about $75 a tonne but nobody is even close to that yet. Microsoft is committed to using the lowest-carbon concrete in constructing their campus and they are paying over $1,000 a tonne on the voluntary market for CO2 sequestration.
Some critics continue to dispute the company’s claim of being carbon negative. They argue that the label implies direct capture of CO2 from the air, which is not entirely accurate, since Blue Planet pipes in concentrated emissions from flues. In response, Constantz clarified that while the CO2 utilized is primarily from natural gas-fired power plants,[14] Blue Planet does have patents for running air directly through their absorber, removing about half of the CO2 in approximately half a second. It has been demonstrated on gas streams containing as little as 5% CO2.
With their first factory already operational in the San Francisco area and plans for more plants underway globally, Blue Planet projects to capture around 200,000 tons of CO2 within a year. However, the company acknowledges the challenges, especially in obtaining permits, raising capital, improving the technology, and training personnel.
Blue Planet’s plans require a care in choosing the location of its factories, mainly because the cost of transporting heavy rocks and waste concrete is so crucial. The company prefers to establish plants near ports to minimize the carbon emissions and expense of transportation. Shipping materials by water is less carbon-intensive and cheaper than by land. Plants need to be located close to the sources of their calcium material and, if possible, close to the source of their CO2. Their first plant, in Los Gatos California, is next door to a power plant, the source of their CO2.
Notably, Constantz argues against the common paradigm that businesses must rely on government subsidies to innovate and address climate change. He asserts that the issue is too large for governments alone to handle and encourages private companies to drive the necessary innovation.
Although the Canadian Pugwash panelists on the forum were convinced by Constantz’s assertion that Blue Planet’s concrete is actually carbon negative, they expressed skepticism about some of his assertions after he and Peter Fiekowsky had left the panel. They generally doubted the claim that replacing just 16% of all aggregate used in the world with Blue Planet aggregate would provide sufficient CO2 storage by 2050 to keep global temperature rise below 1.5C. To answer their questions, I wrote to Fiekowsky, who replied by email with these calculations:
“Metta, regarding the claim that if 16% of aggregate were synthetic limestone (which is equivalent to 4 Gt CO2 per year, or about 105 Gt CO2 by 2050) then we could keep global warming to under 1.5 Celsius, here are the numbers for you: Total aggregate consumption now is about 55 Gt/year;[15] 16% of that comes to 8.8 Gt limestone. 44% of limestone’s weight is CO2; thus just under 4 Gt CO2/year would be reduced/removed. Multiply that by 27 years and you get 105 Gt CO2 removed. 105 Gt CO2 removed is proportional to 13 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere (there are roughly 8 Gt CO2 per ppm in the atmosphere. That would reduce the peak CO2 level in 2050 from 460 ppm to 447 ppm. Is that enough reduction to keep warming below 1.5C?[16] That depends on how quickly we reduce emissions and how quickly we increase carbon dioxide removal,[17] especially by using ocean iron fertilization. In any case, 105 Gt CO2 is a lot – three years of emissions and 10% of the total excess CO2 in the air.”
These calculations indicate that no one should count on Blue Planet to save the world’s climate crisis singlehandedly. Other changes are certainly required. However, the panelists have been convinced that carbon negative concrete really can be created, and that it is already in use in some places and should be used more widely around the world in the future. It seems reasonable to suggest that Canada mandate its use, whenever feasible, in all construction projects that the government funds, for this will stimulate its adoption globally.[18]
The Concrete Business
The concrete industry, as we have seen, is a major contributor to global carbon emissions. This reality necessitates innovative and transformative changes within the sector, aiming to both sustain growth and mitigate environmental impacts. And, as we have seen, some major companies are partnering with pioneers like Blue Planet and pursuing other innovations as well.
Robert Cumming, Head of Sustainability, Environment, and Public Affairs of Lafarge Canada, spoke on a forum with Adele Buckley, a physicist, engineer, and leading member of Pugwash. Cumming was invited specifically because of the relationship between his company and Blue Planet. Their partnership aims to integrate Blue Planet’s technology into Lafarge Canada’s concrete production process, offering a promising technology of permanent carbon sequestration.
However, the path to carbon-negative concrete is laden with challenges.[19] One significant issue is the geographical variation in the availability and suitability of old concrete for reuse. While waste concrete can be readily sourced in Western societies where concrete structures are common, emerging markets in Asia, Africa, and other regions exhibit a significant growth in concrete use but lack ample sources of waste concrete.
Cumming[20] emphasizes the need for a multifaceted approach to decarbonization, which extends beyond just the production process. One such facet involves replacing fossil fuels, currently used in the cement production process, with lower carbon alternatives. Canada is making progress in this regard, with around 20% of fuels already being low carbon and a goal of increasing this figure to over 70% by 2030.
While the aim of the concrete industry in Canada is indeed commendable, progress in the development and implementation of electric power in the production process is still lagging. Transitioning from carbon-intensive fuels to renewable sources of energy presents a formidable challenge, requiring not only technological advancements but also regulatory and market adaptations.
Despite these challenges, Cumming is optimistic about Blue Planet’s potential in creating carbon-negative concrete. Yet, he cautions against over-reliance on any single solution. Rather than viewing Blue Planet’s technology as a panacea, he advocates for a diversified approach incorporating multiple strategies and collaborations.
Governments and the Promotion of Carbon Negative Concrete
Addressing climate change requires concerted efforts across different sectors in which government plays a key role. Government infrastructure projects consume about 40% of global cement production. Hence, governmental policies requiring lower carbon materials and adopting performance-based project requirements can significantly incentivize innovation and lead to lower GHG emissions. The Government of Canada’s Greening Government Strategy exemplifies this approach, requiring a 30% reduction in embodied carbon from 2025.[21]
Almost all governments have made commitments to combat climate change, as signified by the Paris Accord, but the journey towards decarbonization is a delicate balancing act between concern for the economy and the dangers of a heating planet. Therefore, governments must manage both compatibly.
Countries like Canada, France, and Israel are examples of governments that support environmental innovations. Canada, with its vast oil sands, can be a location for even bolder innovative projects. And indeed, despite bureaucratic challenges, the Canadian government has developed mandates for concrete producers to start producing low carbon concrete and have committed to purchase low carbon concrete.
One promising strategy is the exploration of alternative materials for concrete production. Fly ash, a byproduct of coal-fired power plants, can substitute for cement in concrete.[22] Recent changes to Canadian standards have allowed the mining of fly ash backfills from landfills, potentially providing a supply for the next half-century to century. However, this process requires additional processing, so it is not a perfect solution, though a significant opportunity.
A shift from prescriptive-based to performance-based design codes is essential to incentivize efficiency and sustainability. Current codes allow for excessive amounts of cement, which is inexpensive, thus resulting in overuse. By focusing on performance goals such as durability and strength, instead of regulating the content of concrete prescriptively, governments can move the concrete industry more rapidly toward efficient and sustainable materials.[23]
Collaborative efforts between industry and government have been instrumental in creating plans such as the Roadmap to Net-Zero Carbon Concrete by 2050 and Greening Government Strategy. Likewise, the Federal Government of Canada’s embodied carbon policy requires all federal construction projects to quantify the concrete’s carbon footprint and demonstrate a reduction of 10% from typical concrete mixes.[24] This policy, due to be implemented from 2023, encourages the construction industry to consider low carbon materials as a standard part of construction.
On the other hand, regulation – the tool most often used by governments to mandate standards – is not the most effective way of encouraging rapid change. [25]
We can see that there is a strong commitment within the concrete industry to improve the regrettable levels of emissions that result from their work. The government of Canada has also taken a good step in the right direction by planning to regulate the amount of carbon emitted every year, tightening the standards.
Regulation is essential, if only to maintain basic standards of quality and safety. However, regulations only set the lower limits, the minimum criteria that even the worst products should meet. To incentivize advances beyond the minimum level, something additional is required – competition for government contracts.[26] A performance-based criterion mandating the selection of the concrete with the lowest available embodied carbon could drive the industry towards more sustainable practices faster than the just the prescription of increasingly rigorous basic reductions of carbon. This can be done by adding a simple standard to the criteria for government-funded infrastructure: that it must choose the concrete with the lowest carbon emissions available that meet the other basic standards of quality.
Indeed,[27] although we were told that the Canadian government may itself eventually adopt that performance-based criterion, it is worth pressing for that change sooner rather than “eventually.” Probably the most useful contribution that the Canadian Pugwash Group can make in promoting the use of carbon negative concrete such as Blue Planet is to urge the government to quickly adopt performance-based criteria that require concrete companies to compete[28] in reducing the embodied carbon in their products.
I expect that all Pugwashites who participated in these discussions may concur with this recommendation to Canada’s ministry of environment. This is an area where good ideas may actually be accepted.
Canadian Pugwash Group should urge the government to quickly add competitive, performance-based criteria for the purchase of all projects that it funds: the rule that the concrete be selected with the lowest embodied carbon of all the available products that meet its other basic standards of quality.[29]
[1] John Orr writes: The Report looks fine to me.
[2] Ellen Judd writes: Thanks for this report. I am fine with it, but not expert enough on this topic to add to it. Very best wishes!
[3] Michel Duguay wrote a hearty endorsement of the report.
[4] Robin Collins notes: A better phrase would be “are better adapted for.”
[5] Robin Collins writes: “Inherently flawed”. I think if you are going to make this claim, it needs to be backed up. It isn’t self-evident that conversion to limestone is the only or most effective approach. This seems to be the argument someone would make whose business is turning CO2 into limestone.
[6] Robin Collins writes: This may be a natural approach, but it doesn’t have greater credibility given human intervention will not be a natural approach.
[7] Robin Collins notes: 1000 kg.
[8] Robin Collins writes: Does it require continuation of coal production and use? What happens if coal needs to be phased out? Metta Spencer replies: There just won’t be any available fly-ash.
[9] Robin Collins writes: This needs checking or clarification given rebar is also seen as making concrete more robust against freeze-thaw cycles. So which is it? Metta Spencer replies: Rebar is typically beneficial in concrete installations, but I believe the speakers agreed that there can be damage water penetration and potential rebar exposure from water penetration and potential rebar exposures because of the freeze-thaw cycles.
[10] Robin Collins writes: This will certainly raise eyebrows. Is this product reliant on continuation of gas power plants or does it make gas plants carbon neutral? The latter seems unlikely. Metta Spencer replies: This concrete depends on adding CO2, but there are many sources of CO2 besides power plants. It doesn’t even have to be concentrated for this purpose; they can use CO2 from plain air, but it is obviously more efficient to use what comes out of a smokestack, as long as some CO2 is still coming out. Later on, they will have to get It from other sources.
[11] Robin Collins writes: To be consistent, these number here and below should be in metric.
[12] Robin Collins writes: What is involved in “putting” CO2 into concrete? Does the cement actually gain weight by absorbing CO2? Metta Spencer replies: There’s a pipe carrying the CO2 from a nearby smokestack to be mixed with mashed-up demolished concrete and some other ingredients to make a slurry that is formed into pellets that are to be used as the aggregate in the next batch of concrete.
[13] Robin Colllins writes: This accounting needs to be better explained. What is negative 700 lbs? Metta Spencer replies: CO2 is captured and locked up in the limestone pellets, so it never gets into the air. That is a “negative emission.”
[14] Robin Collins writes: Again, it needs to be known if the product requires gas power plants to continue; and what is the net impact of continuance of this power source plus new concrete? This is not to argue that continued gas power is a bad idea but the full cycle of the combined industrial CO2 outcomes needs tallyng.
[15] Robin Collins writes: Predictions are based on current levels.
[16] Robin Collins writes: It certainly does not on its own get us down to target 280 ppm levels, so it is absurd to claim this alone would “keep global warming to under 1.5 Celsius.”
[17] Robin Collins writes: Obviously, but he was claiming concrete alone would do it.
[18] Robin Collins writes: I agree, but with the caveats noted in all of the above.
[19] Robin Collins writes: This issue should not be glossed over; and won’t reusable concrete eventually dry up? Metta Spencer replies: Yes. Especially in places like Africa where concrete has not been used so much in the past. The demolished concrete here is “low hanging fruit” that can be used now. When it is all gone, there are many other sources of calcium that presumably may cost more to use.
[20] Robin Collins writes: All of the next three paragraphs are true enough but are about projects other than concrete, so do they belong here?
[21] Robin Collins writes: Compare to numbers below.
[22] Robin Collins writes: Again, is this a call for continued coal plants? Metta Spencer replies: I certainly don’t think so. No speaker suggested that. Sometimes they mentioned that fly ash is in limited supply now.
[23] Robin Collins writes: This seems to be an ideologically based argument: “Free industry from government regulation and we will bring the goods!” I think it best to avoid this prescription for CPG. There will need to be goals and regulations. Industry shouldn’t be allowed off the hook. Metta Spencer replies: This was my own suggestion, not that of any representatives of the concrete industry. They generally mentioned that the government regulations were quite minimal and that engineers designing the structures were wasteful and overly cautious. Several experts suggested that more rigorous demands were needed. There is nothing wrong with government regulations but much would be gained by simply adding a requirement that all government-funded projects must use the concrete with the lowest emissions of CO2 available that meets quality standards.
[24] Robin Collins writes: Compare to $ above. Is it consistent?
[25] Robin Collins writes: Again, says who? CPG doesn’t have to advocate for deregulation. This seems to be a corporate argument. Metta Spencer replies: My point is only that the regulations are often too weak. Additional incentives would help.
[26] Robin Collins writes: This argument has not been proven. I’d avoid it and leave it out. Metta Spencer replies: Then Pugwash has nothing to suggest beyond what the government is already doing. There would be no point in holding this inquiry or writing a report to the government. In fact, however, the government is the most powerful influencer of carbon emissions from concrete. Our objective is to recommend changes that will augment government demand for carbon negative concrete, which the regulations are not now doing. Adding one simple rule would have that effect.
[27] Robin Collins writes: This is repetitive.
[28] Robin Collins writes: Performance-based would be required whether regulation i.e. with baselines, or deregulation.
[29] In this conclusion I have rephrased statements that were in the original draft of this report. As Collins’s preceding comments rightly noted, the previous phraseology misleadingly implied that we propose “deregulation,” which was not the case. This recommendation simply adds a needed criterion that will incentivize rapidity of progress. Fortunately, our guest experts representing the industry were comfortable with this proposal.
Report on Forums on Soil Amendments
By Metta Spencer
24 June 2023
Panelists: Albert Bates, Adele Buckley, Joanna Campe, David Demarey, Gregory Dipple, Thomas Goreau, Benoit Lambert, Peter van Straaten, Thomas Vanacore, Brian von Herzen.
What is Enhanced Rock Weathering?
This Pugwash investigation is studying “Enhanced Rock Weathering,” a solution based on a geological process. Over long periods of time, rain falls on rocks containing carbon, creating carbonated water, which eventually gets washed off into the ocean, where the carbon can be sequestered for aeons. Pulverizing rocks into powder increases their surface area, enhancing their ability to capture CO2. This natural process, when used to accelerate carbon absorption, is known enhanced rock weathering.
We need to apply 10 gigatons of mineral dust to capture a gigaton of CO2 each year. For this, so-called “waste” can be a great asset. Weathering is a significant source of CO2 absorption in nature, but normally takes millions of years. Because conventional practices may take decades or generations to solve the climate problem, other solutions, such as increasing biomass and weathering, need to be applied together to remove carbon.
Here we want to consider the beneficial uses of enhanced weathering, including its use as a substitute for synthetic fertilizer, which unfortunately is a serious source of pollution and eutrophication. Rock dust as a soil amendment is a better substitute for ordinary fertilizer.
However, this raises another challenge: preventing its runoff into the ocean. A promising solution is to add biochar – charcoal that can be mixed with rock dust to retain nutrients and prevent their washout.
Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere acidifies the ocean and dissolves limestone. But there, seaweed offers a solution: It captures huge amounts of CO2, then can be harvested and used as a bio-stimulant to enhance food production. The combination of rock dust, biochar, and seaweed holds promise for sustainable agriculture and carbon removal.
Rock dust provides essential minerals and micronutrients for plant growth. When combined with biochar and compost, it fosters healthy soil microbial communities, including mycorrhizal fungi that aid in nutrient absorption by plants.
Not all rocks are equally beneficial for farming. Black shale is especially good as a growth enhancer for greenhouse crops. Its trace elements improve plant growth while also capturing about 200 pounds of CO2 per ton of rock.
There are long-term benefits from combining biochar, rock dust, and seaweed, especially in permaculture and mixed growing environments. The seaweed stabilizes the soil. These materials can be integrated into crop rotations or agronomic strategies.
Mine tailings, another potential source of rock dust, are available in large quantities. These are finely ground material resulting from mineral processing. These can be used for carbon capture through enhanced weathering reactions. However, not all types of mine tailings are suitable for spreading on agricultural land, as some may contain toxic metals – especially nickel and chromium. However, Peter van Straaten recalls having used mine tailings very successfully in Zimbabwe. Canada produces a couple of gigatons of industrial waste each year, including mine tailings; much of it could be used as amendments to soil and forests. We need to inventory such products, which are usually considered “waste” but can be exactly what we need for other purposes.
Fortunately, farmers can easily learn to use these materials. Many small fruit and vegetable growers already are using them in Canada. Tom Vanacore’s quarry supplies rock dust mixed with synthetic fertilizers to create compounds with nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. The nutrient-rich rock dust replaces the “dumb mineral” fillers that are often added to commercial fertilizers. Vanacore[1] and Ryan Brophy were two of the panelists in the forums, each of whom provide suitable rock dust products for application to soil.[2]
Plants get all their essential elements except for hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen from the soil. The soil is, therefore, essential to plant growth, and most plants are limited by a deficiency in one or more of the essential elements. Chemical fertilizers only add nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, leaving out other essential elements that plants need. The solution, therefore, is to use rock powder and biochar to “re-mineralize” the soil and add the missing minerals.
Remineralization keep soils healthy and to grow nutrient-dense food. Rock dust, with organic matter and biological techniques, is key. Industrial agriculture has depleted up to 70 minerals and trace elements from the soil, leading to nutrient-deficient food.
Use of the right kind of rocks is essential. Basalt is one of the best rocks for this as it has most of the essential minerals in the most balanced levels. Biochar is also essential as it holds on to nutrients and water and makes them available to the fungi that feed the roots. When mixed with mature biochar, rock powder produces tremendous growth. The combination makes the soil drought-resistant, resistant to insects and disease, and changes the pH, leading to higher nutrient uptake.
Remineralisation has been used in Europe since the 1960s. A Munich study showed that when rock dust was applied to a pine forest, there was a fourfold increase in timber volume over 24 years, with one application lasting 60 years. Also, in Brazil, over 5 million hectares of soil have been re-mineralized to grow soybeans, and the country has sold over a million tonnes of rock dust annually. The Amazon can be regenerated through remineralisation and biochar. It improves soil health, increases crop yields, sequesters carbon, and mitigates climate change.
Remineralisation can integrate agroforestry into monoculture technologies, which will be important in the north, where global warming may desertify large swaths of monoculture. The panelists recommend cutting down fast-growing, unproductive weeds in deforested areas and turning them into biochar, which they would mix with rock dust and use to build up biomass in the soil.
Basalt is an ideal source of rock dust, but many other types of alkaline silicates and placers are also widely available, as well as legacy stockpiles of previously pulverized materials that can be repurposed or recycled. Renewable energy can be used to pulverize local rocks that are abundant, then combine with biochar to apply in agroforestry to increase the soil’s biomass. Such places as the Amazon rainforest and depleted farmland need immediate attention. The most promising rapid intervention may be the use of rock dust, biochar, and seaweed to rebuild healthy soil for forests and agriculture.
Farmers’ Concerns
Farming is a business, and farmer must base their decisions on probable returns on their investments. Fortunately, the profitability of adding soil amendments can be measured and demonstrated to farmers. The potential for permanence in carbon sequestration increases its value. The long-term economic advantages of using these materials soon make it apparent that they are a worthwhile investment without ongoing subsidies.
However, it may be beneficial (even necessary) to provide subsidies to farmers initially to incentivize the early adoption of this technology. Even small incentives can make a big difference. With current supply chain disruptions and labor shortages, climate change is a real emergency requiring significant investment. Either a voluntary or government carbon market could offset the costs and provide money for actual carbon dioxide removal.
Noah Planavsky believes that larger corporations on the coasts, not farmers, should pay for the practice, since they are making tremendous amounts of money but not keeping to their climate goals. Such a program is entirely feasible. However, traditional market trajectories can take decades or even generations to bring about change, whereas subsidies can have a quicker influence.
‘Recalcitrant carbon’ – long-chain carbon molecules that can remain in soils for a long time – are especially important to soil microbial communities. Incentivizing the adoption of these integrative practices by subsidizing the first 10% of farmers could have a significant impact.
Enhanced weathering can provide a second income source for farmers through the sale of carbon credits. The carbon credits would become more valuable if the price of carbon removal were to increase to $100 per ton from its current level of $10-20 per ton.
The cost-effectiveness of using previously quarried or mined products for agriculture is extraordinary because all the energy has already been applied for the extraction of the rocks.
Testing of the soil is crucial, and the cost is not prohibitive. The focus should be on finding the right rocks that are locally available for smallholder farmers. The rock dust must be applied with care and lifecycle assessments are required to ensure that an application is not producing more CO2 than it will be capturing. Transportation is the largest cost and largest source of carbon emissions. If rock dust or mine tailings is moved more than about 100 kilometers, its use may be counterproductive.
Rock dust users must take account of such factors as the metal content of the rocks, the composition of the soil, and the type of crops being grown, but the safety and efficacy of these materials are well known because testing practices are normal and well accepted.
What kind of rock dust is best? The most productive crops in the world grow on the volcanic floodplains or the volcanic lowlands. In Italy, farmers cultivate crops around the base of the volcano Mt. Etna, because of the highly productive soil.
In Canada, wollastonite is a good choice; it can work better in colder and less wet locations than basalt, which could be a relatively large component of soil amendments in India but a small component in the US and UK. However, farmers in the US could benefit from using basalt to cover their costs and increase their bottom line. Nitrogen-fixing crops seem to benefit the most from basalt, but it also increases yields in non-nitrogen-fixing crops. Basalt is financially attractive because it costs less than spreading lime. Crushed basalt can also be used to reverse soil acidification in Canadian forests, capturing carbon while also improving tree growth.
Biochar is biomass or organic waste that has been pyrolized – cooked without oxygen. The product is simply charcoal that can be used in agriculture, concrete, asphalt, or even to filter water. Albert Bates and others have discovered about 50 different uses for biochar.
Of course, carbon dioxide removal must not replace the reduction of carbon emissions, but a new economy may develop around biochar, addressing ecological disasters caused by unsustainable practices, such as using marine sand in concrete. Benoit Lambert suggests other technological improvements, such as big tarps to throw over logs and pyrolize them on the spot.
Biochar is created naturally during forest fires. It can be used to improve soil health, retain water, and sequester carbon. We still have 1000 gigatonnes of co2 to extract from the atmosphere and sequester, but it’s a win-win-win because we will put it into farm soils to improve food production with this new product, biochar.
However, biochar alone cannot restore the carbon cycle. Trees and forests are net carbon sequesterers. Leaving some parts of the forest after logging, such as pine needles or branches, can restore nutrients and carbon to the soil.
A forest is an ecosystem –above and below the ground. The roots put carbon exudates into the soil food web and the microbes digest and transport the water in the soil. Unlike monoculture stands, a forest with such a deep fungal network is sustainable. Nature’s ways are regenerative – they repair and restore – rather than extractive. Fortunately, the US Forest Service in Colorado is using pyrolysis to create biochar to restore the fertility of the forest after pine beetle infestations.
Biochar can be produced from various waste streams, including seaweed and sewage, and mixed with asphalt and concrete for use in road construction. This offers lower maintenance costs and greater flexibility in cold climates.
Biochar alone could withdraw 50 gigatons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The limiting factor is the feedstock. We could make it from municipal solid waste, from sewage, or from the seaweed that washes up on beaches, or from the huge Sargassum blooms that are growing in the Atlantic because of climate change. We could farm the oceans for seaweed and turn it into biochar.
But biochar made from the ocean may be contaminated with plastic. Even biochar from sewage is contaminated with heavy metals. There are pharmaceutical contaminants that can get back into the food system. If your sewage, or municipal wastes are contaminated with microplastics or toxins of some form, put it into a road surface. It will stay there for hundreds of years. Tennessee is pouring a biochar highway, replacing the asphalt with biochar, which is stronger than concrete or asphalt and 40 percent cheaper.
Stockholm took waste from their city dump, made it to biochar, and applied it around the roots of the trees in the sidewalks and the median strips. Soon their three-year-old trees looked 30 years old. They ran out of source material and had to bring in wastes from other Scandinavian cities, which started emulating their practices.
Seaweed is also a prebiotic that stimulates the growth of soil microbial communities and upregulates gene expression in plants. It thrives in Canada’s three oceans and can be made into liquid seaweed bio-stimulants which, in small amounts, improve crop yield and reduce the need for traditional nitrogen fertilizers. This approach also reduces emissions by minimizing nitrate runoff and nitrous oxide production in the soil. Additionally, in seaweed farms, a portion of the seaweed falls to the seafloor, sequestering carbon for extended periods.
Pyrolyzing seaweed leads to the loss of nitrogen and carbon, reducing its benefit for soil fertility. Instead of making it into biochar, a better use of seaweed is as bio-stimulants, which enhance plant growth by overriding inhibitory signals and improving nutrient uptake.
Seaweed, as a stress resilience agent, helps plants manage stressors such as drought and heat, improving agricultural yields. Seaweed and rock dust also have health benefits for consumers and livestock, notably for replacing the use of antibiotics.
Logistic challenges
While the application of mineral dusts clearly improves the productivity of agricultural land, its effects on greenhouse gases like methane are still not fully understood. Government researchers especially urgently need to identify the types of mine tailings that are suitable for agriculture. Unfortunately, no maps exist showing the location of mine tailings, so the sources may be hard to locate. Once found, they must be analyzed for mineralogy, carbon capture potential, transport, and logistics. Google Earth and artificial intelligence can map all the tailings deposits of the world based on pattern recognition of existing remote sensing data. And Natural Resources Canada is funding research specifically around battery metals and critical metals, and that could easily be expanded. The industry would benefit by helping develop a database to bring this information together.
A Nature article has used global maps of soils and climate to produce a geochemical weathering model. However, it could be improved with better simulations of carbon drawdown. More research is needed on the impact of rock dust on greenhouse gas mitigation. Also, there are no established methods of carbon accounting, so a lot of work still needs to be done. Government policymakers need to create a national lab for testing rock dusts, develop protocols for measuring greenhouse gas impact, and provide incentives for industry to contribute to a database mapping mine tailings.
Lifecycle analyses are crucial for the development of this technology, for transportation requires a lot of energy and emits carbon. Proximity matters greatly. Seaweed should generally be transported by ship and rail to minimize carbon emission.
Vanacore’s company, Rock Dust Local, has developed a model for sourcing rock dust regionally, which could be beneficial for third-world countries. Fortunately, both rock dust and seaweed are globally available, reducing transport logistics. The cost depends on the transportation distances involved, but sourcing basalt from nearby states could reduce costs.
Construction demolition waste could also be used in place of basalt, taking into account such factors as metal accumulation in soil. Such waste is essentially calcium silicate, which can help regulate soil pH, capture carbon, and provide alkalinity. There is a huge supply of it in China and India that can give billions of tons of CO2 equivalents.
In their joint forum, David Beerling and Noah Planavsky note that there is justifiable distrust of carbon markets and a need for better measurement and tracking of the carbon removal process. They discuss two approaches to measuring carbon removal: using models or using empirical measurements coupled with a modeling framework. Planavsky tracks the amount of carbon dioxide removal by using code and tries to design an ideal application scenario. The speakers urge transparency about the carbon removal process, even if it is more expensive, for clear metrics can build confidence in the process. Ultimately, the question is not whether enhanced rock weathering removes carbon dioxide, but how much carbon dioxide it removes, and the challenge is to clearly measure this.
Nature-based Solutions
Thomas Vanacore suggests combining the forestry and agriculture industries, municipal sources of waste, and repurposing of these materials into bio-mineral fertilizers.
It’s hard to estimate how much rock weathering can reduce climate problems, compared to other proposed interventions. Cloud brightening, for instance, is a short-term solution that needs to be constantly pumped into the atmosphere, while enhancing rock weathering can sequester CO2 for many years.
It would be possible to pyrolize waste biomass from public parks and grain-processing into biochar or bio-mineral fertilizers that are rich in minerals. This will yield a gas that can power mills and prevent its release as CO2 into the atmosphere. The biochar can then be mixed with rock minerals and biomass to create bio-mineral fertilizers.
The quality of the biochar depends on the type of biomass used and the temperature at which it is burned. Leaves and algae are not as good as hard wood and if you use really high temperatures, you wind up with nothing but carbon, carbon black. Everything else is driven off. But biochar made from hard wood and cooked at around 500 degrees Celsius in the absence of oxygen produces high-quality carbon that lasts millions of years, making it ideal for soil improvement.
The biochar, mixed with rock minerals, provides a high surface area that holds on to water and nutrients that are released by weathering. The farmers can benefit from the nutrient-dense material and the reduced cost of synthetic fertilizer. Traditional cultures did so. The black soils of the Ukraine, for example, are the remnants of a forest burned down, and half of the carbon in the soil is biochar.
Benoit Lambert’s book, Biogeotherapy, promotes holistic grazing management; no-till agriculture with cover crops; biochar; and massive reforestation, along with 15 other “nature-based” solutions, including composting, agroforestry, and living machines. The panelists gave considerable attention to this emphasis on learning solutions from nature.
For example, the “living machine” concept, as developed by John Todd, involves aquatic systems that process waste, such as sewage, to get the nutrients out. This creates an indoors ecology similar to what a swamp does, but in a clean greenhouse where you can produce plants, food, and fish.
Benoit Lambert adds mangroves to the list of nature-based solutions. He is also concerned about the millions of tons of biomass – the dead wood from forest fires, spruce budworms, insects, and the forestry sector – that are left behind but which could be pyrolized on site. It is not necessary to move that biomass from forestry camps, though it is often left decomposing and releasing carbon into the atmosphere.
Instead, there are already tools for producing biochar on site. One is the Tiger Cat 6050, a mobile machine that cooks biomass, and another is the KonTiki, a portable, cone-style kiln that can be used for yard wastes or forestry. And then there is the clever idea of a special tarp that can simply be thrown over logs that are burned.
Where can Enhanced Weathering be Used?
Some of the biggest emitting countries – like China, India, and the US – also have large amounts of agricultural land, warm and wet climates and abundant basalt, so they are best suited to enhanced weathering.
But Canada is also among the top ten countries that could benefit, despite its colder climate. A range of carbon removal techniques are needed to address climate change.
More generally, the use and the need for enhanced weathering are worldwide, for resources are piling up globally and not being used. They are problems now but instead could be contributing to growing crops and removing CO2 from the atmosphere.
Many governments in the world might consider offering incentives such as free soil-testing to farmers or even financial subsidies to adopt this technology. The use of rock dust for its liming effects is suggested as beneficial where the local soil’s pH requires it. There is enormous potential here and the foreseeable effects are only beneficial.
Among the speakers on the five forums about soil amendments we produced with Pugwash, there was no controversy whatever. Surprisingly, although panelists sometimes noted the paucity of definite scientific knowledge about a particular issue (e.g. how best to measure the amount of CO2 uptake), they disagreed about nothing. All the speakers concurred: the use of enhanced rock weathering is promising for its benefits to agricultural productivity, its potential reduction in the use of harmful synthetic fertilizers, and for the mitigation of global warming. No contraindications were identified and it is financially affordable.
Therefore, it is reasonable to anticipate that Pugwash also may reach an easy consensus: to recommend that the Canadian government, which already maintains agencies and research departments to support agriculture, should develop a concerted campaign to expand the use of enhanced rock weathering throughout all agricultural areas of the country.
[1] Thomas Vanacore writes: I could make some recommendations for edits on the Enhanced Weathering and Remineralization section, though at this point there is enough good science to recommend a whole-systems approach to climate mitigation which includes Enhanced Rock Weathering, Biochar and Regenerative land management as a viable, if not required strategy for adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climatic instability, no matter what I say.
However, the report is lacking an economic framework, or even a discussion of economics within the topic of environmental mitigation. Subsidy may work, but over time, if the cost of mitigation isn’t depoliticised, at the same time it is baked into the fabric of international monetary policy and trade, a long-term mitigation strategy won’t be feasible. Carbon taxes can’t work. Nothing based on taxation can be considered sustainable over time.
Delton Chen has the right idea with his Global Carbon Reward, based on his Silver Gun Hypothesis. Under this scenario climate mitigation is funded through a small levy on international currency trading, which is managed by the central banks. Because the central banks have an imperative to mitigate systemic threats to the global economy, and climate chaos is certainly a systemic threat, it would stand to reason that the central banks would eventually get involved. See
You forgot to send a note to Ryan Brophy, of Ontario. He was part of our first discussion. Ryan has announced construction of a new fertilizer compounding plant under Vanguard Crop Nutrition which is a V6 Agronomy company. Ryan is in the Vanguard of the regenerative ag movement in Canada.
With regard to your last inquiry, I would be happy to endorse your initiative with the Pugwash group and will look forward to your next communications. With the climate emergency engulfing millions of acres of forest in Canada, sending a pall of smoke down into the United States, nothing short of willful negligence would have the politicians do nothing in response. But doing nothing meaningful seems to be the status quo.
[2] Brophy writes: This report covers such an incredibly important topic and one that will play a large role in our production processes as we onshore our compound fertilizer manufacturing from Europe to Canada. Sustainably-derived basalts and high quality humic substances will be embedded in all of our granular products beginning fall 2024.
Additionally, we’re pleased to share that we’ll be commencing the largest yet broadacre deployment of metabasalt over 15,000 acres of Saskatchewan farmland this fall. Over 2 seasons, the product will be mixed with low pH phosphate rock and elemental sulphur (oilsand byproduct) to not only increase reactivity in alkaline prairie soils, but also to boost the agronomic value of the application process for the participant’s soils and on farm ROI. The project will be closely monitored by academics from U of Alberta, U of Sask and Trent U as well as a seasoned environmental technologist (with a focus on land reclamation) with modelling, long-term LCA and project support via Mangrove, a Toronto-based start-up (
Also, there are the ugly external politics of polarization, perhaps in part for its own sake.
Particularly with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, current and past, one can observe widespread ideological/political partisanship via news and commentary. Within social media the polarized views are especially amplified, including, if not especially, those of non-Jews and non-Palestinians.
While the conflict can and does arouse a spectator sport effect or mentality, many contemptible news trolls residing outside the region actively decide which ‘side’ they hate less thus ‘support’ via politicized commentary posts. I anticipate many actually keep track of the bloody match by checking the day’s-end death-toll score, however lopsided the numbers.

The COP process is not successful, and perhaps never has been. I have for years thought that I would never get involved, because of the corrupted nature of it. And because the climate situation is already too bad to be spending time in useless conferences.
This is what I thought, until I realized it is even worse than I had thought. That is, until I understood we must explore climate interventions, including SRM. SRM must be brought up on the agenda, not just of governmental talks but on the agenda of NGO’s, movements, science funding organizations, etc. This is what we are trying to do.
I really appreciate your support a lot. It means a lot to us. I’m also grateful to Hugh and all the other colleagues we got to work with in COP.
What really struck me in this (my first) COP is the level and extent of climate delusion. So many, certainly a majority, including but not limited to anti-SRM groups, are still repeating the old narrative: “we must reduce emissions to keep 1.5 °C alive and avoid the worst”. Even many scientists said this, and some were upset when we said publicly in our events that 1.5 is gone. It almost seems like a semi-religious mindset in which people confidently state something they already know is not true, only to not shatter the common illusion. Reasons for this lying are of course varied. Some lie for strategic reasons (like some negotiators, they’ve told us), in fears that the truth would endanger the ambitions for reducing emissions. Others lie perhaps because they want to believe in it. They decide to ignore the fact that, even in the IPCC, there is no pathway to 1.5 without overshoot. And that even those to 1.5 with overshoot are complete phantasy, assuming no tipping points, assuming stable C-uptake throughout the century, assuming gigatons of carbon removal, assuming unrealistically small aerosol cooling.
What I learned in COP is that the SRM discussion is still a very sensitive one. Vast majority still views SRM as an outlandish, super radical, and dangerous idea. Most people in the NGO’s and movement do not seem to share the same “climate situation awareness” as people in e.g. this email chain. This means, we should approach SRM discussions with humility, trying to listen and empathize with concerns, and enter the discussion with the active choice of being open to change one’s own mind. What I’ve seen is that being very sure about your own case does not help in persuading someone to rethink their own views. This allows for better encounters. Also what I learned is that the moral hazard hypothesis was the most prominent concern for people, generally.
Although the anti-SRM-research movement seems strong, the pro-research movement seems also to be emerging. What we can do is to keep with the facts. What I see might become the weakness of the anti-movement is their copious use of ad hominem arguments and claims with no source. E.g. SRM non-use agreement people repeatedly said that SRM research advocates are funded by the fossil fuel industry. No evidence for that. At least, when I look around and see my youth colleagues from various groups. I think we should stay positive and concentrate on positive movement building.
John Nissen claims that the most powerful cooling technology available is stratospheric aerosol and mentions support for this view in the 2009 Royal Society of London report from 14 years ago. Another factor might have been that two of the people working on stratospheric sulphur were both on the Royal Society committee while it had nobody from marine cloud brightening even though one from the Royal Society of Edinburgh might have been available. I did write the attached reply to the Royal Society attached but it did not get a wide circulation.
We should also ask if ‘the most powerful’ is preferable rather to something ‘powerful enough’.
Spray from fleets of spray vessels can be stopped with a single mouse click. The cooling effect lasts only a few days until aerosol is washed out by rain or snow. But stratospheric aerosol stays aloft for months or even years. Repeats of Pinatubo are statistically certain. A repeat of Tambora is possible. Neither be welcome in a world cooled to the optimum temperature with stratospheric aerosol.
The Chernobyl experiment, ozone holes and a glance at the velocity and direction of the jet stream support the suggestion that everything gets everywhere at least in the same hemisphere. The accuracy of short term forecasts of wind velocity and direction is now good and certain to improve. The short life of tropospheric aerosol and the high speed of hydrofoil vessels offer the chance of good control of where, when and how much cooling is optimal.
The disagreement between two climate scientists that will decide our future
Getting to net zero emissions by mid-century is conventionally understood as humanity’s best hope for keeping Earth’s surface temperature (already 1.2°C above its pre-industrial level) from increasing well beyond 1.5°C – potentially reaching a point at which it could cause widespread societal breakdown.
At least one prominent climate scientist, however, disagrees.
James Hansen of Columbia University in the US published a paper with colleagues in November which claims temperatures are set to rise further and faster than the predictions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In his view, the 1.5°C target is dead.
He also claims net zero is no longer sufficient to prevent warming of more than 2°C. To regain some control over Earth’s rising temperature, Hansen supports accelerating the retirement of fossil fuels, greater cooperation between major polluters that accommodates the needs of the developing world and, controversially, intervening in Earth’s “radiation balance” (the difference between incoming and outgoing light and heat) to cool the planet’s surface.
There would probably be wide support for the first two prescriptions. But Hansen’s support for what amounts to the deliberate reduction of sunlight reaching Earth’s surface has brought into the open an idea that makes many uncomfortable.
Michael Mann from the University of Pennsylvania in the US and another titan of climate science, spoke for many when he dismissed solar radiation management as “potentially very dangerous” and a “desperate action” motivated by the “fallacy … that large-scale warming will be substantially greater than current-generation models project”.
Their positions are irreconcilable. So who is right – Hansen or Mann?
Earth’s radiation balance
First, an explanation.
There are only two ways to reduce global warming. One is to increase the amount of heat radiated from Earth’s surface that escapes to space. The other is to increase the amount of sunlight reflected back to space before it lands on something – whether a particle in the atmosphere or something on Earth’s surface – and is converted to heat.
There are many ways to do both. Anything that reduces the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere will let more heat escape to space (replacing fossil fuels with renewables, eating less meat and tilling the soil less for example). Anything that makes the planet brighter will reflect more sunlight to space (such as refreezing the Arctic, making clouds whiter or putting more reflective particles in the atmosphere).
But the key difference between the two, in terms of their impact on global warming, is their response time. That is, the time it takes for a change in the factors that allow more heat to escape or sunlight to be reflected to appear as a change in Earth’s surface temperature.
Intervening to speed up the loss of heat from Earth’s surface cools the planet slowly, over decades and longer. Intervening to increase the sunlight Earth reflects back to space cools the planet more or less immediately.
The essence of the dispute between Mann and Hansen is whether reducing greenhouse gases, by a combination of reducing new emissions and permanently removing past emissions from the atmosphere, is now enough on its own to prevent warming from reaching levels that threaten economic and social stability.
Mann says it is. Hansen says that, while doing these things remains essential, it is no longer sufficient and we must also make Earth more reflective.
When will warming end?
Mann aligns with IPCC orthodoxy when he says that emissions reaching net zero will result, within a decade or two, in Earth’s surface temperature stabilising at the level it has then reached.
In effect, there is no significant warming in the pipeline from past emissions. All future warming will be due to future emissions. This is the basis for the global policy imperative to get to net zero.
In his new paper, Hansen argues that if the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases remains close to its current level, the surface temperature will stabilise after several hundred years between 8°C and 10°C above the pre-industrial level.
Of this, at least 2°C will emerge by mid-century, and probably a further 3°C a century from now. A temperature increase of this magnitude would be catastrophic for life on Earth. Hansen adds that to avoid such an outcome, brightening Earth is now necessary to halt the warming in the pipeline from past emissions.
But at the same time, we must also largely eliminate emissions if we are to stop recreating this problem in the future.
Still getting hotter…
We are scientists who study the feasibility and effectiveness of alternative responses to climate change, addressing both the engineering and political realities of enabling change at the scale and speed necessary.
We find Mann’s rebuttal of Hansen’s claims unconvincing. Crucially, Mann does not engage directly with Hansen’s analysis of new data covering the last 65 million years.
Hansen explains how the models used by IPCC scientists to assess future climate scenarios have significantly underestimated the warming effect of increased greenhouse gas emissions, the cooling effect of aerosols and how long the climate takes to respond to these changes.
Besides greenhouse gases, humanity also emits aerosols. These are tiny particles comprising a wide range of chemicals. Some, such as the sulphur dioxide emitted when coal and oil are burned, offset the warming from greenhouse gases by reflecting sunlight back to space.
Others, such as soot, have the opposite effect and add to warming. The cooling aerosols dominate by a large margin.
Hansen projects that in coming months, lower levels of aerosol pollution from shipping will cause warming of as much as 0.5°C more than IPCC models have predicted. This will take global warming close to 2°C as early as next year, although it is likely then to fall slightly as the present El Niño wanes.
Underpinning Hansen’s argument is his conviction that the climate is more sensitive to greenhouse gases than previously reported. The IPCC estimates that doubling atmospheric CO₂ raises Earth’s temperature by 3°C. Hansen calculates it to be 4.8°C.
This, and the much longer climate response time that Hansen calculates from the historical record, would have a significant impact on climate model projections.
Time for reflection
The differences between Mann and Hansen are significant for the global response to climate change.
Mann says that allowing emissions to reach net zero by mid-century is sufficient, while Hansen maintains that on its own it would be disastrous and that steps must now be taken in addition to brighten the planet.
Brightening Earth could also reverse the reductions in reflectivity already caused by climate change. Data indicates that from 1998 to 2017, Earth dimmed by about 0.5 watts per square metre, largely due to the loss of ice.
Given what’s at stake, we hope Mann and Hansen resolve these differences quickly to help the public and policymakers understand what it will take to minimise the likelihood of imminent massive and widespread ecosystem destruction and its disastrous effects on humanity.
While 1.5°C may be dead, there may still be time to prevent cascading system failures. But not if we continue to squabble over the nature and extent of the risks. DEC. 8, 2023.
Observers of trends of conflict between the most powerful authoritarian states, Russia, and China, have largely ignored the surprising degree of resistance to the rulers of these regimes, over garbage. While in Russia, protests have exploded over landfills, in China, what has brought people onto the streets in violent clashes with authorities are incinerators.
Scholars have generally accepted that democratization goes hand in hand with popular movements for the protection of the environment. One vivid example of this is Taiwan, where resistance against one party rule by the Kuomintang, was sparked by opposition to pollution from a Dupont chemical factory in 1986.
The vivid success in achieving zero waste goals has come in democratic states through popular mobilizations. Such communities are quite diverse, ranging from Kamikatsu, Japan, to Cappanori, Italy, to Halifax and Vancouver in Canada. One of the most successful communities in Asia, is the capital of Kerla, India, Thiruvananthapuram. It has subsidized organic composting and has banned single use plastic, which in India, kills cows, which provided street sanitation for thousands of years.
Although Taiwan (Republic of China) has some incineration, since 2003 it has become a world leader in the movement towards zero waste. In 2003 only 18 percent of waste was reduced through waste reduction programs, now this has risen to fifty percent. The most dramatic success in Taiwan has come in organic waste, seventy-five per cent of which is now diverted to farms for fertilizer.
Garbage protests have been a vivid form of popular resistance in Russia. The Arkhangelsk region was the scene of massive mobilization of eco-activists against what was planned to be Europe’s largest garbage dump between 2018 and 2020. The rail line, which was planned to move Moscow’s waste, 1,200 kilometers away, was blocked through occupation with tents. The dump was planned to be constructed in a boreal forest peat swamp, which is a sink for greenhouse gasses. The forest was treasured in the region for berry picking.
While the Arkhangelsk dump was cancelled in 2020, protests around waste continue to explode in other areas of Russia. On November 25, 2023, 1,000 protestors rallied over a waste plan in the Siberian community of Pavlovsk. The protestors united under a banner that read “We want an Environmental Assessment.”
The idea of popular resistance over the slogan of environmental assessment underscores the peculiar conditions that have made garbage the forefront of popular resistance to dictatorship in both Russia and China. Through my work with the Preservation of Agricultural Lands Society (PALS), and southern Ontario based environmental protection group, I have become familiar with this process.
The environmental assessment process is rather gruesome and tedious. Participation in them has back disturbing memories of the stormy debates of which eventually resulted in my being awarded a doctoral degree in history. However, in Russia and China, it has become the focal point of popular resistance to brutal dictatorships, since expertise is a barrier to decisions based on corruption that destroy cherished forests.
The centrality of environmental assessments in the eco-politics of Russia and China is tragically highlighted in the tragic death of the 29-year-old Chinese environmental researcher and activist, Lee Wang in 2016. Wang at the age of 25 received a degree of Master of Environmental Studies, from Renmin University, considered the most prestigious in China. After graduation he worked for an environmental protection organization. He was beaten to death in police custody, allegedly, while visiting a brothel.
After protests at Renmin University following a lawsuit by Lee Wang’s widow and brother, the five police involved in the beating were fired, one of whom, was expelled from the Communist Party of China. His widow and brother received substantial compensation from the Chinese government. Wang’s death sparked splits in China’s ruling elite causing a figure in its Communist training school to go into exile.
Garbage is a surprising fracture point for the world’s most powerful dictatorships. The contrast with how it is treated in tyrannies and democracies is epitomized by the different response in the mainland People’s Republic of China, and the democratic island of the Republic of China. (Taiwan). Where Lee on the mainland has become an environmental martyr against the dictatorship, people like him employed in Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Agency are shaping its transition to a zero-waste economy. The slogans of subjecting waste plans to environmental assessments are a revealing marker for the path to democracy in our times.
“Expect more climate change — faster than we thought”

JAMES HANSEN HAS PUBLISHED A NEW ARTICLE, “GLOBAL WARMING IN THE PIPELINE.” According to the scientist who first informed us that the climate is changing, James Hansen, global warming is accelerating and within the 2020s will exceed 1.5 degrees above the preindustrial levels, and 2C by 2025. This enormous amount of heating us “in the pipeline” because the world continues to burn fossil fuels and the Earth is far more sensitive to the impacts than was previously understood.
In the past decade, the imbalance has doubled between the energy coming in from the sun to the Earth and the outgoing energy. This will increase the sea level rise affecting the world’s coastal cities. This imbalance reflects the changing levels of pollution from the shipping industry, which has decreased the aerosol sulphur particles that reflect incoming sunlight. This change is causing an escalation in global heating.
Hansen and his colleagues advocate the use of a global carbon tax as well as interventions that will deliverately cool the planet and give us some additional time to reduce the carbon emissions to be level of preindustrial days. The most likely intervention of this type is the deliberate spraying of sulphur into the atmosphere.
Hansen et al. 2023
Hansen, J.E., M. Sato, L. Simons, L.S. Nazarenko, I. Sangha, P. Kharecha, J.C. Zachos, K. von Schuckmann, N.G. Loeb, M.B. Osman, Q. Jin, G. Tselioudis, E. Jeong, A. Lacis, R. Ruedy, G. Russell, J. Cao, and J. Li, 2023: Global warming in the pipeline. Oxford Open Clim. Change, 3, no. 1, kgad008, doi:10.1093/oxfclm/kgad008.
You may find our new paper interesting and useful. “Bad science and good intentions prevent effective climate action” has been initially published as a preprint. It is available at:
Although the 2015 Paris Agreement’s climate targets will almost certainly be missed, surprisingly few experts are challenging the current mitigation strategy as fundamentally flawed, and calling for new approaches to avoid an escalating crisis. Our article argues that overly optimistic presumptions and failure to recognize the reality of ever more disastrous climate events underlie both the lack of public debate over the need for a new climate strategy and the opposition of many well-meaning scientists and environmentalists to even researching climate cooling measures.
The climate crisis is here now: dangerous climate overshoot is already occurring, the world is still many decades away from ending greenhouse gas emissions, the international mitigation strategy is inadequate and failing, and the risks of catastrophic climate change are real and increasing.
Catastrophe is not inevitable; it will only occur if we fail to develop and deploy safe, realistic mitigation strategies. These will require the application of rapid climate cooling measures to reduce risks during the long time it will take to decarbonize the global economy and restore a safe, stable climate.
A realistic overshoot risk management plan will have to simultaneously apply three strategies: (a) using climate cooling technologies to keep temperatures within safe limits until greenhouse gas concentrations have been reduced to a level that stabilizes the climate; (b) rapidly reducing greenhouse gas emissions; and (c) deploying large-scale negative emission technologies to draw down atmospheric carbon.
At this critical time, the international community must prioritize developing a feasible overshoot risk management plan or risk irreversible, catastrophic damage to the biophysical and physicochemical systems that support human civilization.
For further information, please contact one of our corresponding authors:
Professor Emeritus Peter Wadhams, University of Cambridge:
Assistant Professor Daniele Visioni, Cornell University:
The political line in Professor Johann Rockstrom’s recent TB Macaulay Lecture is cause for dismay and deserves strong challenge.
From a perspective of global risks, the political vacuity of Rockstrom’s analysis is simply stunning. His failure to engage on the main practical climate solution, higher albedo, reflects a delusional misunderstanding of what is possible. Like his colleague Tim Lenton, Rockstrom brilliantly presents all the data on climate tipping points but then fails to join the dots about how to mitigate these dangerous cascading risks. Taking all measures necessary to slow temperature rise should be the top priority, but Rockstrom completely ignores this urgent problem.
His call for world economic transformation in a context of war, tension and economic fragility is completely unrealistic. His assertion that renewable energy could see exponential growth to anything near net zero is farcical in view of the limited available time, resources, funds, support and skills. If you doubt this, please watch this recent lecture from Simon Michaux to the Sustainable Minerals Institute at the University of Queensland. I get the impression the whole decarbonisation movement would prefer engineers like Michaux should just shut up and go away. This recent interview by Nate Hagens with Arthur Berman is another of many examples of a completely conflicting narrative about the feasibility of cutting emissions.
The political and economic reality is that governments are not going to cut emissions. Relying on carbon action is too small, slow, contested and expensive to be a viable primary climate strategy. Albedo increase has to become the main interim response to stabilise the climate. It is a scandal that Rockstrom et al do not even deign to mention the cooling power of higher albedo. Nor do they seem to consider that the political turmoil that would result from concerted efforts to achieve net zero emissions makes it a non-feasible option.
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Without cooling technology, all we have to deal with climate change are lip service and the destructive fantasy responses now seen in countries such as Australia. Decarbonising faces massive economic and technical barriers and inertia, whereas the only thing standing in the way of higher albedo is political will.
Scenario planning should include the option of allowing emissions to continue to be driven by market forces while aggressively cutting temperature with higher albedo. The absence of this direct cooling scenario from public consideration reflects the intensely polarised distortion of climate policy. Brightening the planet to cut temperature would deliver far better outcomes across a range of fronts than anything carbon policy can offer, for global stability, security, peace, cooperation, biodiversity, extreme weather, prosperity, food, water, equality, etc. Behind all these looming crises stands the systemic collapse threatened by tipping elements. Net zero heating should replace net zero emissions as the primary climate goal.
The main carbon problems are about temperature, acidification and pollution. Of these, temperature is by far the most serious, as Rockstrom’s work proves. It will be far easier, quicker, cheaper and safer to mitigate temperature rise by brightening the planet than by any carbon action. The policy sequence should be reversed from the current IPCC strategy, to instead make albedo increase the most urgent task. Fixing carbon should proceed on a century time scale, and should not continue to obstruct action to stop warming.
Climate funding should be allocated on the basis of cooling return on investment. David Keith and colleagues have explained that investment of $2 billion in solar geoengineering research could prevent climate damage estimated to cost $10 trillion. That is a benefit cost ratio of 5000 to 1. Rockstrom, Lenton and the whole UN policy consensus remain wilfully oblivious to this basic science. They are standing in the way of the only practical climate policy. Their albedo denial amounts to a crime against humanity and against the planet, preventing action that could forestall suffering and collapse on vast scale.
Robert Tulip
By Metta Spencer, 29 June 2023
Speakers: Hashem Akbari, Bill Bhaneja, Robin Collins, Eric Davies, Bjorn Embren, Joyce Hostyn, John Liu, Peter Meincke, Lorien Nesbitt, David Price, Heather Schibli, Stephen Sheppard, John Stone.
Note: This is not a research report in same sense as a journal article. It is a report about the conversations among a number of experts whose ideas were occasionally incompatible. In such cases, this reporter did not attempt to decide who was right and therefore whose views should be advanced. Instead, I simply presented my most faithful summary of what was said, without appraising who was right or wrong. All disagreements expressed by the participants when later reviewing this report are represented in footnotes. Fortunately, the panelists reached generally compatible conclusions, enabling me to propose a recommendation at the end to which they all evidently concur.
Biodiversity and Community
The Pugwash Group joined with Project Save the world in a series of recorded video discussions with various forestry experts. Our goal was to review the possible benefits and disadvantages of increasing the tree canopies of Canadian urban areas.
Early in our discussions we heard John Liu describe his own career, beginning as a filmmaker documenting the restoration of the degraded loess plateau in China through the organized efforts of local communities. He shared his insights about how collective work on a reforestation project can influence ecological evolution[1] as well as build a greater sense of community among the inhabitants.
In evolutionary succession,[2] says Liu, there is more biodiversity, more biomass, more accumulated organic matter. This continually renews the oxygenated atmosphere, and the freshwater system and the soil fertility. If you take something out of this functional system, it seeks equilibrium, but at a lower rate. And if you continuously do that, then you’ve reversed evolutionary succession. You lose the regulation of temperature, the hydrological cycle and the climate.[3]
But Liu filmed the restoration of fertility by million or so people working with their hands and shovels in China. This experience has prompted him to create ecological camps for people around the world, which are self-organizing and self-governing.
Liu founded the first camp in the US in response to the devastating fire in Paradise, California, which killed 85 people. He shared his experience of restoring degraded landscapes in China and Africa, which made the demoralized local inhabitants happier and more satisfied. Their restoration work improved the resilience of the landscapes while uplifting their spirits. This led Liu to create similar camps in other countries, including Somalia and Syria, which address food insecurity.[4]
Liu’s first urban camp, “The Birdhouse,” was in Hollywood, where fruit trees come into fruit at the same time.[5] The members gathered the fruit from the backyards of movie stars and took it to a women’s shelter downtown where people were eating more potato chips than fresh food. Next the group concentrated on recycling gray water. Today it’s 10 degrees cooler in the Birdhouse than in other parts of Los Angeles.[6]
Some of the panelists questioned the effectiveness of urban trees in reducing carbon emissions. Liu says that biodiversity and organic soil material augment carbon sequestration. He emphasizes that ecosystem disruptions go beyond carbon disequilibrium, with the moisture content of soils also being crucial. Liu creates multi-dimensional symbiotic systems. Trees sequester carbon, but an additional question is whether moisture is retained in the soil as it should be. Soil is the second largest sink of carbon, and the first sink is oceans.[7]
With a billion people added to the planet every 12 years[8], humans are destroying the ecosystem. Liu admonishes us to shift our purposes from going shopping to restoring ecological function. He says it is possible to create dark, fertile soils in 17 days with human consciousness about how these systems work[9]. But if people are ignorant of such things, they won’t fix the problem.
Where Trees Belong and Don’t Belong
There are suitable and unsuitable locations for trees, and every project hoping to increase the total number of trees on the planet should be careful about where they are to be planted. In 2019 a group of scientists at a Swiss University, ETH-Zurich, published the results of their study, which sought to estimate how many trees there are on the planet and how many more could be accommodated to reduce global warming. Tom Crowther’s project reported that there are now three trillion trees and that there is room for one trillion more – an addition that would greatly improve the global warming problem.[10]
The researchers even published a map showing where it is reasonable to expect to locate the additional trees. They subtracted urban areas, existing forests, and farms from the potential land, on the theory that not many trees can, or should, be planted in those places. What land was left for future forestry included a considerable portion of the Arctic.[11] If they were just predicting, rather than promoting, such locations for growth, they might be considered correct, but a reader would have assumed[12] that they were recommending in the report that the Arctic be planted with more trees.
That would be most unfortunate for, on balance, Arctic trees have a net-warming effect on the soil, speeding up the melting of the permafrost.[13] Nevertheless, it is true that the treeline is moving northward in this age of global warming. A British writer, Ben Rawlence, published a book, Treeline, in which he traveled through seven of the Arctic countries,[14] observing the effects of the increasing forests. He had already been a guest on Project Save the World’s forum before the Pugwash series began. (See Although the current report is about cities, not Arctic wilderness, it is important to point out that trees are not advantageous in the far north and should not be encouraged to grow there. The better question is how to stop them from spreading.[15]
More relevant to our Pugwash report is the regrettable fact that the Crowther group omitted farmland and urban areas from their projected location of new forests. This too is a mistake.[16] Many trees could be grown around the edges of crop fields and some pastures and crops can even benefit from sharing space with trees. Also, trees can be planted along country roads., where it is easier to maintain them than in remote locations. [17]
Planting trees should certainly be encouraged in cities and town, as all our guest speakers agreed. For twenty years or more, these new trees will not have much effect on global warming by removing carbon from the atmosphere, but they will cool the cities in other ways and will confer other amenities on city dwellers. The present report will emphasize those other beneficial effects of urban forestry.[18]
Trees can have a better life expectancy if planted where there are human beings to water and maintain them.[19] In California, when they are harvesting an area, every tree removed is replaced with about 10 seedlings. Each seedling costs only a few cents to plant,[20] and if nine out of 10 die but only one grows to the maturity, they is enough to sustain that forest indefinitely.
So far, Canada lacks an effective system for integrating urban forest plans and community engagement. A better-engaged community would promote such solutions as de-paving yards [21]and reclaiming street spaces.
With the impending advent of electric taxis, there will be little need for parking spaces, which can then be used for tree planting.[22] These taxis will be much less expensive than maintaining private vehicles, and they do not park at all but simply pick up and drop off passengers before moving on. Within a few years the streets will be crowded but almost all parking spots will be empty.[23] Governments should already be preparing for these future changes and enacting regulations requiring that the vast parking spots be converted into gardens with trees.[24]
Some space taken by parallel parking could be utilized for planting trees, especially where there are bulge-outs for traffic calming. Although larger trees are more beneficial in the long run, it’s also possible to grow small or medium-sized trees in small spots along the street.
It is essential to choose the species of tree carefully when planting in public spaces to minimize the cost of maintaining the trees, which are inevitably far more expensive than trees in faraway forests. Drought-resistant trees are the most suitable for urban planting. Some cities are developing guidelines for selecting tree species that will have a long lifespan and high adaptability.
The cooling effect of trees is primarily due to transpiration – water circulation[25] – while the shade from tree canopies can lower the surface temperature of the soil. The Canadian West Coast’s humid climate differs from the drier conditions in, say, Alberta. Thus, the role of tree cover should always be considered in relation to the city’s climate and conditions.[26]
Trees and Human Health
Increasing a neighborhood’s tree cover can potentially decrease the mortality rate in a neighborhood. Numerous scientific studies have investigated the relationship between tree cover and human well-being, including mortality rates. There are four probable explanations:
Costs and Benefits of Urban Trees
Yet one hears frequent objections to tree planting, complaints that often stem from poor choices in planting sites and poor tree management. Ideally the community is involved in planting and caring for the trees where they live, particularly in low-income areas.
In a Toronto initiative, children collect and grow tree seeds in cans. But urban trees struggle because urban soil conditions often lack necessary nutrients. Developers often remove the original, nutrient-rich soil, replacing it with sand.[27] The mortality rate for newly planted trees in such conditions can be up to 50% in the first 10-15 years.
Western red cedar trees are notably failing, possibly due to drought or loss of canopy space. ‘Gator bags’ are designed to provide long-duration watering for newly planted trees. Placed around the base of trees, they gradually release water to prevent excessive runoff.[28] But urban trees face many challenges, including leaf blowers, which pollute and remove essential nutrients and moisture retention. It is better to let the leaves stay in place where they fall, so they can decompose naturally and improve the soil.[29]
David Price suggests converting entire city blocks into small urban forests to provide a self-contained ecosystem that supports wildlife,[30] absorbs water, and allows leaves to decompose naturally, benefiting the soil. Such clusters of trees can cool down the city and provide carbon benefits due to transpiration.
If run-down areas are converted into small urban forests, economies of scale could reduce the cost per tree. Redevelopers often ignore the tree protection bylaws. Citizens need to be educated about the benefits of trees, including reduced energy bills and improved health. Old urban trees also need to be maintained as they provide a buffer before young trees can develop a full ecosystem. Any CO2 that is sequestered will eventually be released as the tree decays. This reminds us of the need to protect old-growth trees, whether in urban or rural forests.[31]
The cost of maintaining a tree in an urban environment is 100 times greater than in wilderness, and therefore, the promotion of trees should be based on overall quality of living in an urban setting. Some trees absorb ozone.[32] But trees need constant maintenance. There are issues with fire. Tree roots can damage the foundation of the buildings, and trees have limited lifetime, after which they have to be removed.[33] Each area has different sets of costs. The transpiration of trees cools the area wonderfully, especially in dry climates, and shade trees even reduce the cost of air conditioning in the adjacent buildings. The inhabitants can have an air conditioner but use it only a couple of days per year if they have shade trees.[34]
In a forest, when a tree is harvested it would bring in close to $2000 to $3,000 per tree. In an urban setting, harvesting the same tree is worth zero, because it would take $10,000 for particular equipment to come in to safely remove it.[35] So, harvesting the trees in most urban environments would not be economical. Instead, the trees are desirable for their effect on the overall quality of living. The urban benefits can include the mitigation of other climate change risks such as flooding, as well as carbon sequestration, cooling, and promoting biodiversity.[36]
Private and Public Trees
There are three domains of the urban forest to consider: parks, streetscapes, and private yards. Each has different potentials and challenges in terms of contributing to canopy cover. The optimal level of canopy is around 40% to achieve neighborhood cooling effects.[37] It is more productive now to focus on private spaces and the promotion of tree planting among residents.
In a typical city, about 75% of the land is owned by private citizens, who are responsible for maintaining the trees. The other 25% of land is owned by the city government, which is financed by the same people. So urban forestry has to be providing rather immediate or mid-term solutions to the needs of the people. Nevertheless, citizens generally seem reluctant to increase tree coverage in cities; they don’t understand the benefits that will accrue from it.[38]
Heat Islands
Heat islands are cities that have higher temperatures than the surrounding suburban areas.[39] Urban areas, with their dark and impermeable surfaces, absorb more of the sun’s energy, leading to increased temperatures. The cumulative effect of larger areas of dark surfaces[40] can raise temperatures by a few degrees Celsius. Reducing urban heat is crucial not only for the well-being of city residents but also for mitigating climate change impacts.
Hashem Akbari notes that the lack of vegetation in cities and their darker surfaces are the two main causes of heat islands. Trees can reduce community temperature by shading buildings,[41] transpiring, and absorbing dust particles. They also provide shade for pedestrians, clean the air, and absorb ozone.
Additionally, trees affect wind patterns, making evergreen trees particularly effective in reducing heating energy during the winter.[42] However, there are costs, including root damage to building foundations and the need for eventual removal. The decision to plant trees should be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the benefits and costs in each specific environment.[43]
Some researchers promote an increase of 50% in urban canopy, which currently covers 24% of urban landscapes. The potential benefits of increased tree cover include a reduction in electricity use for cooling and heating, resulting in reduced carbon dioxide emissions. However, trees in certain areas may actually hinder cooling due to the albedo effect.[44]
There are various ways to cool cities, including changing the color and permeability of surfaces. Dark, impermeable surfaces can be transformed into lighter-colored and more permeable alternatives, such as light-colored roofs and pavements. The use of energy is also relevant, making a transition to more energy-efficient solutions, such as electric vehicles, important.
Trees provide additional amenities beyond the cooling effect, making direct comparisons with other measures challenging. The placement of trees is also discussed, noting their interactions with building energy consumption through shading, evapotranspiration, and windbreak effects.
Collins asked Akbari to compare the importance of insulation and heat pumps in building efficiency and energy consumption. Akbari explained that insulation slows down the escape of heat from inside a building during winter, reducing heating energy consumption. However, during summer, excessive insulation can hinder the natural escape of heat, requiring the use of air conditioning. He emphasizes the need to optimize insulation based on the annual energy use of the building, which includes both heating and cooling requirements.
Heat pumps use the reverse process of an air conditioner and can provide more heat energy than the electricity they consume.[45] Akbari recommends using heat pumps instead of resistance heaters for heating buildings, as they are more efficient. However, he notes that the cost of electricity and the initial cost of the heat pump should be considered to justify the switch from resistance heaters to heat pumps. In Canada, where the cost of electricity is relatively low, Akbari considers using heat pumps a favorable option.
There are several ways of cooling pavements, such as the use of light-colored aggregates in asphalt concrete, chemical-based binders and resins, and porous pavements that allow water infiltration and promote cooler surface temperatures. The selection of cool pavement technologies should be based on local conditions, cost-effectiveness, and the specific requirements of the area.
Choose the right trees. While there is no perfect tree that stays mature and trouble-free forever, selecting appropriate species is crucial. Removing mature trees can be costly, so consider that too. The selection of trees should involve individual preferences, the improvement of energy efficiency, and the overall aesthetic appeal of urban environments.
The challenge is to optimize building efficiency through insulation and heat pumps, cool pavements, and careful selection of trees.[46]
Miyawaki Forests
Heather Schibli is one of the guest speakers who specializes in planting Miyawaki forests. This is a system developed by a Japanese botanist to recreate ancient forests with only indigenous trees. These forests are densely grown combinations of native plants that can be created even in small city plots. The Canadian government has pledged to plant two billion trees in the next 10 years. It offers free batches of 50,000 trees to organizations. Schibli obtains batches and divides them up, giving some to any group that intends to create a Miyawaki forest.
Joyce Hostyn creates Miyawaki forests in Kingston, Ontario, where she has been planting three such forests per year, including one at an addiction treatment center and one near a prison farm. The clients came out and planted trees, and so did the high school students, building a sense of community. Hostyn’s minimum is about 100 square meters, but even smaller ones are possible.
Miyawaki forests plant trees close together in layers according to their final canopy height so they do not compete much for light. Such trees grow upward more than outward, which gives the impression that they are growing fast, though actually they are not. There are three to five woody stems per square meter, preferably of climax species, such as sugar maple and American beech hemlock, which are slower growing but stronger.[47] They can survive in the shade for the first several decades, while they wait for a gap to open up in the forest canopy.[48]
The Stockholm Solution
In contrast to the community-based system of planting that Liu, Hostyn, and Schibli favor, some cities use highly mechanical processes for changing their urban landscaping, specially along city streets. Stockholm, Sweden is a leader in developing a new, highly effective form of urban forestry. Bjorn Embren led Stockholm’s development of an extensive tree planting project. He was inspired by research from the University of Hanover, which found that the best root development for trees occurred in open stone material.
The Stockholm project used large stones (macadam)[49] to create tree planting beds with high porosity that could support any load, such as buses and trucks. These beds allow for efficient gas exchange and water infiltration, making it ideal for tree growth. To capture rainwater for the trees, they built wells (or cisterns) that collected water from roofs, sidewalks, and streets, reducing pressure on the sewer system. This innovative approach to urban forestry has been adopted by other cities in Scandinavia and has been praised for its benefits in counteracting flooding and promoting healthier tree growth in urban environments.
Bjorn Embren described his innovative planting method in a forum. He used biochar to enhance soil quality. Initially, the city used a mix of compacted stone and soil to support tree growth, but the introduction of biochar provided exceptional results. Biochar improved the water and nutrient retention capacity of the soil, which allowed trees to grow faster and healthier than ever before.
The success of this method was partially due to the use of water bags with nutrients that provided a constant supply of both water and nutrients to the trees. It was discovered that the biochar could store excess water and nutrients, ensuring that the trees never experienced shortages.
In the Bloomberg Philanthropies competition for future cities, this innovative use of biochar earned them second place. They used the prize money to build their first biochar machine, which processed garden waste from Stockholm residents into biochar. This process engaged citizens in the fight against climate change.
Using biochar helped with stormwater infiltration and soil quality, and cleaned polluted water from roads before it entered nearby lakes,[50] such as Lake Mälaren, which provides drinking water for Stockholm residents. This technique offers multiple environmental benefits and highlights the importance of innovative methods in addressing urban challenges.
While urban tree planting may not greatly reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere, it provides valuable services such as air purification and water pollution control.
The participants discuss the effectiveness of structural soil for tree growth in urban environments. Structural soil is a medium that can be compacted to pavement design and installation requirements while permitting root growth. It is a mixture of gap-graded gravels and soil. It provides an integrated, root penetrable, high strength pavement system that shifts design away from individual tree pits.
One panelist remarked that structural soil works well initially, but over time, soil volume may be lost.[51] Bjorn Embren disagreed, claiming that trees in urban areas can survive for a long time without additional nutrients. Structural soil allows for better water infiltration and gas exchange, essential for tree survival in urban settings.
Structural soil uses larger fractions of material, such as recycled concrete and local materials,[52] to keep the ground open and prevent compaction. In addition, biochar can be added to soil to improve its quality.
Research on regenerative farming is teaching us that soil should not be disturbed, for this can cause CO2 to escape. However, oxygen must still reach the roots of plants, so it is water infiltration that helps oxygen reach the roots without disturbing the soil.[53] Crushing stones or using soil with biochar can also improve its quality.
In cities, heavy construction machinery often compacts the soil, making it difficult for trees to grow. Structural soil can help alleviate this issue. Over the past 20 years, Stockholm has planted around 40,000 trees using this method.
Bjorn uses a mixture of biochar, compost, and stones to create a more resilient and water-absorbing planting bed for trees. He explained that the typical construction for planting beds is one meter deep, with the first 60-80 centimeters being the planting bed. Connecting the planting beds of multiple trees along a block, allows the root systems to travel from one side of the block to the other, thus providing access to water and nutrients. This method also helps to increase the surface area for mycorrhizae, leading to healthier trees.
The limiting factor for tree growth in Stockholm is usually water availability, but once every 5-10 years, there may be too much water. In such situations, it is important to select tree species that can withstand a lot of water and use biochar and compost in the planting mix.
Bjorn advocates the use of open stone material mixtures to help protect against flooding in cities. He agrees that involving local communities in tree planting and maintenance could help improve tree survival rates. Making individuals or families responsible for the care of specific trees could lead to better tree care and foster a sense of community.[54]
This report reflects the discussions carried out among fifteen persons who appeared on eight one-hour-long forums, discussing various aspects of urban forestry. We all agreed from the outset that planting trees is not the most effective way of reducing greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.[55] If new city trees have that effect significantly, it will be about twenty years after they are planted.[56]
Nevertheless, there are many other benefits to be gained, even in terms of global warming,[57] from increasing the canopy coverage of Canadian cities. The chief effect is that trees can directly cool “heat island” cities with their direct shading and transpiration in the summer and can even reduce the heating and cooling bills when strategically placed near buildings. They reduce flooding and sewer problems, and even reduce human mortality rates. Some urban trees provide fruit and nuts to their neighbors. Moreover, encouraging neighbors to take responsibility for a tree on their street will build community spirit.[58] Especially school children can benefit by collecting tree seeds, growing them in their classrooms, transplanting them in their neighborhood, then tending and watering them.
However, most of the care of urban forests must be done by professional workers using heavy equipment that can replace pavements and build structures to accommodate large trees without compacting the soil.[59] We can learn much by emulating Stockholm’s innovations, as indeed most of the other Nordic cities have already done.
Canada is going to plant two billion trees within the next decade.[60] Most of them will be located far from our homes or our farms. But a significant portion of those trees should be planted in urban areas and along country roads, where people can tend them and develop their own emotional and social well-being in the process.
The panelists all seemed to concur with the proposal that Canada’s ministry of environment[61] spearhead a nation-wide campaign, in partnership with all interested municipalities, to provide equipment, instructional programs, and millions of trees for a grand program of urban forestry over the next ten years.
[1] David Price writes: What does this mean? In a strictly scientific sense, it would mean a natural process that takes thousands of years. What I think you mean is “development of human interactions that improve long-term ecosystem sustainability”, or words to that effect.
[2] David Price writes: This too is suspect! Maybe the word “evolutionary” is redundant. “Succession” in an ecological context means the process by which an ecosystem changes over time, due to disturbances or natural mortality (e.g., as long-lived shade-tolerant species replace early sun-loving short-lived “pioneer” species).
[3] David Price writes: These are motherhood statements that would never make it in peer-reviewed scientific literature. I won’t say it is complete nonsense, but it is close.
[4] David Price writes: Rewrite as: “in other countries, where food insecurity is a big problem, such as Somalia and Syria.”
[5] David Price writes: Delete! Change following sentence to “…gathered fruit from trees in the backyards…”
[6] David Price writes: Who says this? How was the temperature measured? It sounds physically impossible – unless the area was 10 F cooler before anything was done of course!
[7] David Price writes: Soil moisture is essential for plant growth. If it doesn’t rain and there is no irrigation, the plants will dry out the soil and eventually die (depending on their adaptation – cacti for example survive a lot longer). It is completely untrue to say “soil is the second largest sink of carbon.” Arguably soils are one of the largest carbon stores, globally, but they are invariably weak C sinks. Of course the size of the store and the strength of the sink vary enormously with location – (i.e., with regional climates). Also debatable whether oceans are number one. Currently, ocean and terrestrial C sinks are approximately equal (about 3 Gt C per year each). Here are a couple of reasonably reliable sources of info. _ __,millions%20of%20years%20(2). __
[8] David Price writes: NOT TRUE!!
[9] David Price writes: It will take a lot more than human consciousness to do anything! The “17 days” also beggars belief. Dr Liu may say these things but a lot of it is nonsense – or he is being misinterpreted!
[10] David Price writes: The phrasing I used in my review of 1 Trillion Trees, was as follows, and I think still the right language: “The authors of the original trillion tree proposal issued three corrections to their study (Bastin et al. 2019), which included a statement that they were wrong to claim “tree restoration is the most effective solution to climate change to date” (Bastin et al. 2020: online). Since then, even Crowther has walked back some of his original arguments (Greenfield 2021). Pearce makes clear at the start of his book that if we want a trillion more trees on our planet—and he believes we should—a large-scale, global project to plant them is entirely unnecessary. Instead, he argues for a primarily naturalized process of tree regeneration…”
[11] Robin Collins writes: We should acknowledge and distinguish Arctic from flavours of the Arctic, including the sub-Arctic, and the differing definitions, which include the tree line, the Arctic circle, etc.
[12] David Price writes: Better to write this as “Some readers might have assumed….”
[13] David Price writes: This is presumably a reference to the albedo effect. It’s not strictly true. First it assumes that ice and summer snow cover would have melted (otherwise trees could not establish, and permafrost melting would be slowed). But in the interim, the dark surfaces exposed, initially devoid of vegetation, will have a lower summer albedo than some vegetation cover. Second, deciduous trees are generally more reflective than dark evergreen conifers. Many researchers have assumed trees, either planted or establishing naturally in the arctic would be conifers – but we know that would not happen naturally for hundreds, or even thousands, of years.
[14] David Price writes: Northward movement of Canada’s “treeline” is not that rapid. There are things happening for sure. But it’s not a crisis. I don’t know the “official” average rate of northward expansion, but I guess it can only be 100 meters per year, at most. The rate of climate change at these latitudes will far exceed the rate at which conifers can spread, and may render the place so inhospitable that they won’t survive anyway. Deciduous broadleaved spp. like aspen, willows, birches will be able to keep up.
[15] In the general scheme of things this is an irrelevant question! Large-scale applications of Round-up, or ignition from helicopters, might work. But we probably don’t want to go there.
[16] Robin Collins writes: I don’t think this is a good way to portray it. Crowther, Bastin et al were looking at something different — possible places in the large scale of things that humans don’t already use. They were not suggesting urban or farming areas couldn’t be enhanced also (look at, and I would refer to, the NCS people, like Drever et al. who do focus on this aspect as MOST IMPORTANT elements for climate impacts, greater than trees they argue. )
[17] David Price writes: And where they are more prone to vandalism and the effects of traffic (though increasing use of EVs will be beneficial!)
[18] Peter Meincke writes: I think you should mention the danger of damage from fallen trees during violent storms.
[19] David Price writes: While this can be true, the SCALE is entirely different. What can be planted near cities and tended by citizens may be more likely to survive, but the mass planting will take place where humans will not normally spend a lot of time returning to and, given the rates of survival (which are pretty good generally), they don’t need to return. As H Akbari noted, the cost of planting in cities can be massive as compared to boreal etc forestry costs. “Pennies to plant” is very deceptive language.
[20] David Price writes: I’d check this. Cost of raising tree seedlings in Canada is more than “a few cents” and that doesn’t include planting costs. Also seedlings (saplings) for urban locations typically must be bigger, which means they take more time and resources to grow and plant – so exponentially more expensive than seedlings grown for forest planting.
[21] David Price writes: In areas where water shortages are not a concern
[22] David Price writes: That’s a big leap of faith! By “impending” you must mean “over the next 20 to 50 years”?
[23] Peter Meincke writes: I think you should mention the danger of damage from fallen trees during violent storms. Also, I would leave out using land made available by a reduced demand for parking because people will use special taxis instead of their own vehicle. It may well happen but it leaves an opening for dispute at this stage.
[24] David Price writes: Dream on! They’d be much better off supporting a program to triage the resilience of Canada’s forests to climatic injury.
[25] David Price writes: It is EVAPORATION from leaves that cools – due to sensible heat being converted to latent heat of vaporization.
[26] Robin Collins writes: (let’s include this descriptor that David uses here)
[27] David Price writes: Where is the evidence for this statement? It seems to be true that high quality soil is often removed by the developer – who sells it to landscaping supply companies who can then sell it back to the new owners of the buildings (perhaps at other developments). But I’ve never heard of it being replaced by sand. If it gets replaced at all it is likely to be poor quality “fill” collected from other locations. In any case, while this sounds like a conspiracy theory, there are probably benefits in removing the quality topsoil before building starts – as otherwise it would become contaminated and compacted etc. etc.
[28] David Price writes: It ensures the tree has a supply that lasts for more than a couple of days which is all you’d get from conventional watering. But I see your point: it means the water is used more frugally and not wasted watering ground that doesn’t have any roots.
[29] David Price writes: This is a generalization for sure. We have a lot of trees around and on our property and we mow the leaves in the fall, but we cannot let them all lie there or they would saturate and kill the other plants. Mind you, we haven’t done the experiment; we did notice that the leaves unmowed are mostly back in the spring and it ain’t pretty. But wildflower gardens do not equal: let the leaves lie, and they cannot be mowed in those gardens, so they get bagged and removed, or at least lots of them.
[30] David Price writes: Well, I suggested that in areas where buildings were to be demolished over entire city blocks for development reasons, perhaps in underprivileged areas, creating urban “forests” is an option that municipal government might consider. Of course, this would have to be balanced against the need for more housing etc.
[31] David Price writes: Many species selected for use as urban trees will be fast-growing in their early years – which means they will generally have relatively short natural lifespans. Urban old-growth is a real rarity!
[32] David Price writes: Again, a ref would be useful. Not so much about this but whether “absorbing ozone” is harmful to the tree. In general, it is, but some species may be significantly more tolerant than others.
[33] David Price writes: Yes! Generally when or before they die.
[34] David Price writes: More likely they will use A/C a lot more if they have it, but local tree cover will reduce the load and hence lower overall cooling costs.
[35] David Price write: Perhaps in extreme cases, but in general the cost of removal would be much less. And the wood is often cut into firewood billets and can be sold as such (though some maybe extremely valued for use as one of a kind table tops etc.). If tree removal was that expensive, there’d be a lot of dead city trees falling, and people getting sued every year! _I found this link: _
[36] David Price writes: Here is an interesting analysis for you: AFA estimated US$57,000 for a single urban tree over 50 years!,a%20tree%20value%20of%20%2457%2C151
[37] David Price writes: Where did this come from? 100% cover would give the maximum cooling benefit, if there’s enough water, but that is clearly impractical.
[38] David Price writes: More like many people just don’t care!
[39] David Price writes: Better to say “Inner city areas can form heat islands, which are generally warmer than surrounding suburban areas.”
[40] David Price writes: And dry impermeable surfaces.
[41] David Price writes: Shading will only be significant in low-rise residential neighbourhoods – not in downtown areas with lots of highrise buildings.
[42] David Price writes: Highly debatable – and in any case changing wind patterns doesn’t change air temperature – the overall benefits in reducing heat loss from a leaky building are going to be minimal. Much better to spend money on plugging the leaks and adding insulation.
[43] David Price writes: In cold climates the benefits of trees to reduce heating costs will be greatly outweighed by the benefits of better building envelopes. In hot climates, the benefits of trees for cooling could outweigh the benefits (and costs) of better insulation and/or of cooling using A/C. This still requires adequate moisture supplies to keep trees well-watered and alive.
[44] David Price writes: Assuming fossil energy is used to generate power.
[45] David Price writes: No! The process is identical. But the process is used in reverse. Heat pumps will produce more heat than would occur if the electricity was used in a resistive heater, like electric baseboard heaters. (That is why they are called heat pumps!) BUT, if the fluid from which heat is being extracted by the compressor is too cold, the heat pump may not be able to extract sufficient heat for heating the building. (And conversely, if the fluid into which excess heat is being dissipated is too warm, it will not provide sufficient cooling.)
[46] David Price writes: No. Building efficiency can (must?) be “optimized” without cool pavements and trees. Cool pavements and cooling trees are additional possibilities aimed at reducing energy consumption of the already optimized buildings. My point here is that almost invariably (as in I cannot think of a situation where it won’t be true), making buildings energy efficient is the number one priority. After that, using trees and other infrastructure to moderate local climate/weather extremes may be able to further reduce building energy consumption.
[47] Peter Meincke sent this news item as his comment: “Urban trees have gotten a good bit of attention — and funding — lately, from everyone from President Joe Biden to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. The benefits of trees in cities, including their ability to cool neighborhoods, are well-documented. If anything, the urgency to expand urban green spaces in cities has only grown after a summer plagued by extreme heat, which experts say will likely be part of the new normal as climate change worsens.
“But as city leaders work to fulfill their promises to increase tree canopy, certain questions remain. For example, do different types of green spaces provide different cooling benefits? The Natural Areas Conservancy set out last summer to answer to that question.
“The study is based on land-temperature data from satellites and air-temperature data from sensors placed on trees in Seattle; Minneapolis-St. Paul; New York; Baltimore; Chicago; Miami; Houston; St. Louis; Indianapolis; Billings, Montana; Austin, Texas; and Tampa-Hillsborough County, Florida. These 12 urban areas are all part of the Forests in Cities network, a national coalition of urban forest professionals.
“Forested natural areas — characterized by multiple layers of plants and trees of different ages — were 3 to 9 degrees F lower than the average citywide temperature, depending on forest and city type. The coolest type of forest was conifer, with the only studied example Seattle. Forests with wetter conditions, such as forested wetlands and mangrove forests, were also particularly cool.
“Landscaped areas, such as bare soil, lawns and street trees, generally had less cooling benefits. In Billings, for example, a forest was over 14 degrees F cooler than a landscaped location at 6 p.m. on Sept. 3, 2022.
“Healthy forests were generally cooler than degraded forests during the afternoon, with less temperature variation throughout the day.
“’Understanding the relationship between forest condition and cooling impacts is important,’ the study says. ‘Urban forests face many threats including fragmentation and increased pressures from problem species.’
“Despite these benefits, the study said urban natural areas are “underfunded and unprotected, leaving them imperiled in cities across the country.” They may be viewed as “weedy” compared with landscaped parks and street trees; cities in the study allocated an average of 4% of park budgets to caring for forests, even though they make up a majority of city parkland.
“We view natural areas as a less well understood but critically important piece of the entire urban forest,” Natural Areas Conservancy Executive Director Sarah Charlop-Powers said Tuesday on the The Brian Lehrer Show. “We view this work as an important puzzle piece in solving the really large and thorny challenge of extreme heat in New York City and in cities across the country.”
To Meincke, Metta Spencer replied: “I think it fits with the recommendation of David Price, who would like whole city blocks made into forests. Of course, we should do that wherever possible — and also do the street trees and parks. It’s not either-or but and, and, and, and…. I notice that they talk about the density and staggered layers of the canopy as important. That’s the reason I kept harping on the value of Miyawaki forests, which can be very tiny but dense and multi-layered.”
David Price replied, “I think this is interesting but it’s really not surprising and to some extent it is misleading.
“What the researchers have found (though I admit I am guessing at this point) is that when
there are a lot of trees bunched together (as in a small urban forest or a city block), then,
all other factors being equal, the local temperature depression in the middle of that patch
of trees, due to evaporative cooling, is greater than if the same trees were spaced out over
a much larger area. But if we assume all trees have adequate irrigation and are able to support
the same total leaf area, then the average temperature depression (over time and expressed
relative to the same larger total ground area covered) would be the same.
“The basic physics behind this is that latent heat of evaporation (e.g., measured in kilojoules per
kg of water at a given temperature) cannot be changed: if water is provided to the roots, and
the total leaf area on all the trees is the same, then for a given set of conditions (air temperature,
humidity and solar radiation), the same amount of water will evaporate and the same amount of
heat energy will be converted to water vapour — which is what causes the cooling. (Energy cannot
be created or destroyed but only transformed.)
“However, the amount of water evaporated from spaced out trees, per square meter of foliage,
might actually be greater over the short term — due to horizontal heat advection, sometimes
called “the oasis effect”. Individual trees also don’t benefit from shading by their neighbours so
they get maximum exposure to solar radiative heating. So long as they are watered, this would
cause more cooling over the short term. But without that additional watering, the trees would
become water-deficient more rapidly and then “shut down” and, if not watered or relieved from
the stress, start to die.
“So it is likely that there will be some ecological benefits of establishing urban trees in larger extended patches (and Miyawaki forests might be a great example). “A carefully maintained patch would likely provide better and/or more sustained cooling benefits. E.g., mutual shading and sheltering of trees and understory plants would give them greater resilience to extreme heat, and to the effects of pollutants from traffic and other urban sources. So the viability of the tree cover to cool the extended area over longer periods could be greater (I am speculating, but I think it makes sense
“Moreover, the utility of these spaces to the local human population would be greater. One need only think of how people generally enjoy urban park areas, with trees, grass cover and ponds or lakes etc. at least partially because they are generally cooler on hot summer days than the surrounding dry surfaces covered in asphalt or concrete. For sure, landscaped parks won’t be as cool as the middle of an extensive tree-covered area, because they generally don’t have as much leaf area (relative to ground area).
Cleaner air wins
Sadiq Khan’s court win a victory for health and for the climate
By David Miller
AUG 15
In late July, London won an important court battle supporting its legal right to expand its Ultra-Low Emissions Zone, a policy that has already had a measurable positive impact on the air quality in London. Given the fact that the poor air quality the ULEZ is fixing has led to very high rates of childhood asthma, especially among low-income children, it is a critical victory for the health of Londoners.
The planet will benefit too–the dirty air so harmful to Londoners is caused by the burning of fossil fuels, particularly for transportation. Which makes the UK Government’s support of the opposition to the ULEZ even more disappointing. Evidently scrambling in their search for an issue to avoid a devastating election loss in the upcoming general election, the governing Conservatives seemed to have settled on protecting the car, not people’s health. This attempt has a tinge of desperation, as did their recent announcement about allowing new fossil fuel exploration in the North Sea.
While this strategy is unlikely to succeed—a series of leadership failures have pushed the Tories polling numbers to a historic low—it does mark a significant retrenchment for a government formerly showing some leadership on climate, certainly with its international investments in city-based climate action through UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office and with its Glasgow COP26 President, Alok Sharma, who travelled the world to keep 1.5º alive. He has recently been critical of his colleagues’ failure to lead on climate.
The British Conservatives aren’t alone. The Canadian Province of Alberta has bizarrely halted clean energy development, despite the excellent low-cost solar and wind already built there, and the potential for much much more. Alberta is now fighting the Canadian Government on its proposed clean electricity standards—and the Government has responded by weakening them: by allowing some natural gas plants to continue. Both are failing to act with the urgency science tells us we must, and using the knowledge we have—for example, that
naturalfossil gas is as dirty as coalwhen the pipeline leaks are included in their emissions analysis. Allowing for its continued use is a massive failure by national governments like the UK and Canada, and a significant contrast to the leadership shown by Mayors like London’s Sadiq Khan.Visit:
The extended London ULEZ will benefit all Londoners. Source: Transport for London
A consistent SRM story line from our groups:
Below is an imaginary conversation with an eminent politician or thought leader where we explain our reasoning for refreezing the Arctic using SRM. Comments welcome.
Don’t we have to accept that climate change is inevitable?
No. Climate change can probably be reversed if we act quickly.
Where is climate change the most critical?
The Arctic!
Can’t we reverse climate change in the Arctic by drastic emissions reduction?
No! Any cooling from emissions reduction will come too little and decades too late to halt Arctic warming. The Arctic is currently warming about four times faster than the global average.
So how can we reverse climate change in the Arctic and refreeze it?
By the application of cooling intervention techniques, also known as Solar Radiation Management (SRM).
But aren’t these highly dangerous?
The risks associated with all the proposed SRM techniques are minimal compared to the risks from allowing the Arctic meltdown to continue.
Isn’t Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) particularly dangerous?
The risks from SAI have been studied. One conclusion is that the application to refreezing the Arctic is less risky than the application for global cooling. The main risk from either is ozone depletion and increasing the ozone hole over the Arctic. But experts who have studied this problem say that this risk would certainly be manageable for subpolar SAI.
Suppose the experts are wrong? Suppose there are serious unintended consequences?
SAI would be ramped up over several years, allowing early detection of problems. Subpolar SO2 injection ensures a limited lifetime for the aerosol, so the SAI effects could be eliminated within a few months simply by stopping the injection.
What about public opinion against SRM and SAI in particular?
This may be the main barrier to SRM deployment – not anything physical. The risks from SRM have been hyped up ever since it was first suggested for tackling global warming. The anti-SRM lobby is well organised and well-funded. And scientists working on the emissions reduction strategy, promoted by the IPCC, have been against SRM as “letting the fossil fuel industry off the hook”. This is known as the “moral hazard” argument, and it is still being used against SRM.
Is the fossil fuel industry pro or anti SRM?
The fossil fuel industry wants to preserve the status quo. While climate protestors are focussed on emissions reduction, the fossil fuel industry knows it can win the fight, as it has been for the past forty years: the COP meetings have made no dent in the curve of increasing emissions and the curve of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere. Having an oil executive leading COP28 ensures that emissions will be sustained. The International Energy Agency forecasts only a slight reduction in emissions by 2050. The only conceivable way to achieve net zero (CO2e) by 2050 is by removing a trillion tons or more of CO2 from the atmosphere and suppressing other greenhouse gases on a similarly massive scale.
What does the fossil fuel industry think about the use of SRM for refreezing the Arctic?
They have not been asked! However it is clear that the fossil fuel industry is keen to exploit a low-ice Arctic for its material resources: oil, natural gas and minerals. Furthermore some governments would like to exploit the sea routes opening up as the sea ice retreats. There is even competition between governments to exploit the Arctic. Thus, though never admitted, there must be huge financial and political pressure against refreezing the Arctic, despite the Arctic being central to the climate crisis.
Who is supporting the refreezing of the Arctic?
Other than ourselves, the main group we know of is the Centre for Climate Repair in Cambridge under the former government chief scientific adviser, Sir David King.
Isn’t the moral hazard argument against SRM still valid?
No. The moral hazard is that we leave the application of SRM too late to be able to reverse climate change, thereby leaving civilisation with the prospect of an ever worsening situation as regards climate, extreme temperatures, sea level rise and extreme flooding events. Climate activists seem oblivious to this point and continue to denigrate SRM.
What about ecosystems and biodiversity?
Refreezing the Arctic would not only restore the Arctic ecosystem with its natural biodiversity but also help to restore ecosystems and biodiversity elsewhere. Weather extremes are damaging to plants and animals as well as to humans.
Isn’t the strategy of emissions reduction and adaptation enough to deal with this worsening situation?
No. Emissions reduction can only make the situation worsen a bit slower over the coming decades. Adaptation to an ever worsening situation means that you are always running to catch up. The wealthiest people may feel themselves safe and able to cope: “I’m all right, Jack!” But the strain on international relations, both from the unequal effects of this worsening situation on different countries and from the starvation and mass migration it would trigger or exacerbate, means that conflict could rise to the world war level, affecting everyone on the planet. This is an existential risk for our very civilisation.
What about the governance of SRM?
Cloud techniques such as Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) pose a governance problem, because they cannot be confined to a single country. There may be benefits for one country and adverse effects for another. Subpolar SAI does not have this problem since the aerosol quickly spreads round the planet as it spirals towards the pole, driven rapidly eastward by high level winds and slowly northward by the Brewer-Dobson circulation. Thus SAI necessarily produces a blanket cooling effect. Any country can do the injection: the cooling effect will be the same and everyone will benefit.
Would cooling the Arctic have an immediate effect on the climate crisis?
We believe it would have an immediate effect on the trend towards ever increasing extremes of weather and climate, because the Arctic would be cooled relative to global warming. This would increase the temperature gradient between pole and tropics. The gradient has been decreasing due to rapid Arctic warming, and this has disrupted jet stream behaviour, causing it to get stuck in blocking patterns which give us the persistent weather which amplifies the effects of that weather, hence the observed extremes.
How soon could the trend be halted and reversed?
The SRM would be ramped up until a fall in Arctic temperature was detected. This could take as little as five years with determined effort. A few more years and a decrease in extreme weather events might be detected.
What about Arctic methane?
Methane emissions from terrestrial and subsea permafrost have grown over the past few decades as the permafrost thaws. Continued thawing risks a massive outburst at the gigatonne level. This could be enough to boost global warming and take the planet into a hot-house state, according to some researchers. Refreezing the Arctic would avoid this risk.
What about sea level rise (SLR)?
Continued global warming this century could cause a metre of SLR by 2100 through ocean expansion alone. Far more serious is the accelerated SLR caused by melting and glacier discharge from Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets. The Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) is of particular concern, since it is contributing an accelerating amount of meltwater and glacier discharge, already amounting to hundreds of gigatonnes of water (a cubic kilometre of water weighs a gigatonne), and overtaking the SLR caused by ocean expansion.
Isn’t Antarctica even more dangerous?
Yes, in terms of potential SLR. There is mutually reinforcing feedback between the Arctic and Antarctica. When GIS melts, the local sea level is not affected nearly as much as in Antarctica, and vice versa. This is due to gravitation and planetary dynamics. The SLR in Antarctica which GIS produces has the effect of raising the termination of Antarctic glaciers, thus accelerating their discharge. Thus by cooling the GIS and slowing its glacier discharge, we can improve the situation in Antarctica as well as slowing SLR more generally.
Is there any hope for climate restoration?
Yes indeed. Everyone we know who supports SRM also supports climate restoration. But we also believe that refreezing the Arctic is an essential precursor to climate restoration. However, using SRM of some kind for global cooling is also essential on a slightly longer timescale. And greenhouse gas suppression and/or removal will be essential for long-term sustainability and to allow SRM to be phased out after a few decades.
What should we work towards?
The planet needs to be in a state with zero net warming and a slow rate of SLR. It is conceivable that the planet could be restored close to such a state within 50 years, i.e. by 2073, given determined and focussed international effort. This could prove a major force for peace.
Cost-Effectiveness of Carbon-Dioxide Removal Methods
Costs determine scalability, and costs vary by a factor of 30,000
Peter Fiekowsky and Carole Douglis, June 2023
Humanity has a moral obligation to future generations to restore a safe climate that humans have actually survived long term.
Carbon-dioxide removal (CDR) has two uses: to provide carbon offsets to emitters, and to restore the climate for future generations.
Government and industry are investing billions in CDR methods that today cost $500 – $1,000 to remove a ton of CO2. These “carbontech” methods provide the carbon offsets sought by carbon-intensive companies as society tries to reduce emissions. Although intended to be climate solutions, offsets cannot actually reduce CO2 levels because each ton removed is traded for and replaced by an extra ton emitted.
Restoring the pre-industrial climate will require lowering CO2 levels from today’s 420 parts per million (ppm) to below 300 ppm. Nature performs massive carbon-dioxide removal (CDR) –130 ppm– before ice ages, and occasionally at very rapid rates. We know how to do the same thing, at a cost of pennies per ton of CO2 removed.
Concerned individuals are starting to invest in climate-restoration solutions that cost thousands of times less than carbontech—a few cents per ton of CO2. These solutions, based on natural processes, have the potential to scale sufficiently to actually restore pre-industrial greenhouse-gas (GHG) levels and temperatures.
Intermediate solutions such as solar photovoltaics (PV) and synthetic limestone have an important role in reducing future CO2 levels as well. (Solar PV avoids emissions, while synthetic limestone sequesters CO2.) These are both self-financing and can help achieve net-zero emissions 100 times faster per dollar invested than new tech CDR.
Climate restoration could be funded by compassionate grandparents and future grandparents for whom a liveable planet is paramount—while carbon offsets and subsidies continue to fund expensive CDR projects.
The Mt. Pinatubo Eruption Preceded Removal of 20 Gt of Atmospheric CO2 in One Year—Supporting the Feasibility of Climate Restoration through Ocean Fertilization
The Mt. Pinatubo Eruption Preceded Removal of 20 Gt of Atmospheric CO2 in One Year—Supporting the Feasibility of Climate Restoration through Ocean Fertilization
Climate restoration—reducing CO2 levels below 300 ppm by 2050—requires net removal of 60 Gt CO2 per year from 2030 to 2050, almost twice current CO2 emissions. This goal restores levels actually proven safe for humans and significantly exceeds “net-zero by 2050,” which would leave CO2 more than 50% higher than humans have survived long-term.
The aftermath of the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo demonstrates that this scale of carbon-dioxide removal (CDR) restoration may be feasible through intentional biomimicry of natural processes. Measurements at Mauna Loa show a rapid decrease of 20 gigatons (Gt) in CO2 levels following the Mt. Pinatubo eruption. This 2.3 parts per million (ppm) reduction appears permanent, and is separate from the global cooling of roughly 0.5C that occurred due to reflective sulfate aerosols injected into the stratosphere. The aerosol-related cooling lasted about 18 months, while the CO2 removal appears to be essentially permanent.
The only hypothesis proposed that can explain the long-term reduction in CO2 levels is that iron in the volcanic dust led to healthy phytoplankton blooms. Such “iron fertilization” has been shown to be the major mechanism at work in rapid CO2 decreases leading to ice ages. Other hypotheses—relating to land-based photosynthesis and increased solubility of CO2 in cooler oceans—do not fit the magnitude or duration of the observed CO2 removal.
While some researchers conclude that ocean iron fertilization (OIF) could remove at most 3.7 Gt of CO2 a year, the trend following Mt. Pinatubo suggests otherwise. If CO2 were restored to proven safe levels below 300 ppm by 2050, the mechanism would most likely be optimized ocean iron fertilization, due to its speed, low cost and ease of implementation.
The next best financially viable option, synthetic limestone, costs 67 times more per ton of CO2 and would take many decades to scale up [See CDR Comparison paper, not yet published]. Popular CDR methods such as Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement and Direct Air Capture are more than 10,000 times more expensive per ton of CO2 removed. Thus rapid testing and scale-up of OIF appears today to be the best way to ensure the survival of future generations.
According to the iron hypothesis, one ton of iron promotes photosynthesis that removes as much as a million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere and transports it into the ocean depths as the green plants, grazers, and other sea life die and sink. Therefore removing 60 Gt CO2 per year, 3 times more than following the Mt. Pinatubo eruption, would require application of 60,000 tons of iron, likely in the form of iron sulfate. The cost of iron sulfate would total $5 million per year. Early, unoptimized OIF studies suggested that 10 – 100 times more iron might be required, increasing material costs to $50 or $500 million—still many thousands of times lower than estimated costs of carbontech CDR methods.
We conclude that through intentional biomimicry, ocean iron fertilization can plausibly withdraw 60 Gt of CO2 a year and restore CO2 levels below 300 ppm by 2050.
I listened to the interviews on biochar yesterday morning on U-tube. Your interviewees had lots of interest to say and were delightfully full of optimism. I would, however, have liked a definition of biochar, what it is, what it does and what it doesn’t do. Also a statement to the effect that biochar is not, of itself, a fertiliser.
I felt also that your interviewees conveyed implicitly that one can improve forest floor by adding biochar in arbitrary quantities; the more the merrier, one might say, which would be false. My understanding has been that the optimum benefits of biochar as an additive to soil arise when relatively little is used, and the orgainic farmers learn by experience how much/(little to use. Lastly, there was no mention of the fact that the process of making biochar by pyrolysis results in much CO2 emission, roughly 3.7 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of biochar produced. Several years of sequestration in field or forest treated by that biochar are required to recapture the CO2 produced in the pyrolysis. Generally the sequestration wins, though that is never a certainty.
So far, I have not heard of any biochar production that is done with carbon capture. One would think that small-scale carbon capture might by now be on the list of next steps in biochar production.
Lastly, I saw no connection between biochar applied to products for road surfaces and the aggregate that absorbs CO2, which was the topic of your discussions with several of the Pugwash people a few days ago. The new aggregate absorbs its CO2 very fast, and therefore requires a source of industrial CO2 that is much more concentrated than CO2 in the air. By contrast, biochar assists in sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere throughout the growing season.
* * * * * * * *
I am not sure whether you know about the Rodale Institute’s White paper on sequestration by organic farming. The paper was republished in September 2020, and states that if all farms globally were regenerative, they would jointly sequester as much CO2 as was emitted globally by human insdustries at that time.
Posted on behalf of Derek Paul.
EP:554, Russians Who Left Russia
Hello. My name is Vladimir.
I’d like to thank everyone who took part in this episode. All of your stories are unique and really sad because nobody should be in the situation like we’ve got, especially good and intelligent people. And I totally understand your feelings, because I’m a “forced immigrant” too, unfortunately. Due to my position against Russian aggression there’s no way to be safe in Russia anymore.
My wife and I left the country last year and we live in Kazakhstan. But we cannot be sure of our safety because we’re too close to Russia. So we applied for a Canadian visa and we’ve been waiting for an answer for 6 months yet, but there’s no guarantee of success.
RE: 553 In light of the time sensitivity of this proposed research, has there been an exploration of the requirements and time frame for environmental impact reviews for any of these options?
Sorry, Ellen, but no. I have no idea what all will have to be done if we decide to promote the proposal. Environmental impacts, yes, but there will be many other things too. I am not very familiar with the workings of government at that level.
Of course, Metta, given the stage and complexity of what you are doing. I am mainly suggesting that which proposal could get through such a process quickly might be a factor to consider.
Re: 553
Hello All,
Here is the YouTube chat transcript from the March 2023 Global Town Hall:
Jerome ThibodeauAbrupt Cimate Change…, I’m certain we fit the bill…, a pole goes ice free within 100years, it’s considered, abrupt, I didn’t make the rules, and once the ice is gone, then, it really gets abrupt.
Jerome Thibodeau: Dig Your Own Hole…, pick and shovel, some mortar and empty bottles…, that’s the only advise, I can give people at this point…
here hold this will ya: Zelensky did not cause this war.
here hold this will ya: what the hell is this guy talking about. bomb me so I can have a war non sense!!
here hold this will yayea, if you come in my house, I’m going to fight you. but I have never fought anyone in my life here hold this will yatell him Metta
Environmental Coffeehouse: Hi Paul!
Environmental Coffeehouse: Hi Metta
here hold this will ya; Holy kaka. 40% shortage in just over 5 years
Environmental Coffeehouse: Great analogy Paul!
Environmental Coffeehouse: Oh Peter is here. I thought I changed the show on my phone by accident. Hello Peter.
Environmental Coffeehouse: They also blame it on sun, cycles, and things like that. Solar movements ofthe sun, or determine climate change.
Yo Mamawell: over the wind that does happen. but in those cases the temperature changes before the co2 levels change as I understand it
Environmental Coffeehouse: Well, this one person is really pushing me and I don't have the time to learn
what he wants me to learn: But he causes climate alarmist, and that bothers me.
Yo Mamait: all very complex and then the misinfo purveyors make it that much worse
Environmental Coffeehouse: Agree Yo Mama
Yo Mamaover: the eons
here hold this will ya: I just wanna be half as bright as Metta when I grow up
Environmental Coffeehouse: Good for you, Metta
here hold this will ya: I am
Environmental Coffeehouse: So why is he putting nukes in Belarus?
Environmental Coffeehouse: What defense does Vladimir Putin have to put nuclear weapons in Belarus?
What’s the point?
Sacco and Vanzetti: The US does it too
Sacco and Vanzettti: and he’s not wrong
Environmental Coffeehouse: I hate war . Period!!!!!
Sacco and Vanzetti: yeah
Hello All,
Here is the Zoom chat transcript for the March 2023 Global Town Hall:
14:03:51 From Marilyn Krieger, CCBC to Everyone:
Metta, is it possible to turn the closed caption function on? Thank you!
14:05:06 From Glen Anderson to Everyone:
I’ve been receiving positive feedback on my March 2023 TV program, which
you can watch online. The title is “Smart Strategies to Organize for Peace
and No Nuclear Weapons.” CLICK THIS LINK to watch the video and/or
read the transcript:
14:05:37 From Marilyn Krieger, CCBC to Everyone:
Congratulations Glen!
14:15:17 From Glen Anderson to Everyone:
The song “Universal Soldier” came out more than half a century ago. Buffy
Sainte-Marie wrote it. It says soldiering on ALL sides keeps wars going. You
can hear her perform it in 3 minutes at this link: I quoted part of it in
my application for Conscientious Objector status in 1972.
14:32:25 From Glen Anderson to Everyone:
14:48:55 From Glen Anderson to Everyone:
I agree with Alberto. The U.S.’s military weapons manufacturers FUND THE
CAMPAIGNS of U.S. politicians. Today I posted this to my blog:
congresss-armed-services-committees POLITICIANS ARE ADDICTED to
14:51:23 From Glen Anderson to Everyone:
Brainless support for military violence makes problems worse. When
Bush/Cheney were urging the U.S. to make war on Iraq, Senator Joe Biden
said the U.S. should bomb Iraq into democracy. This shows how brainless he
is — and little he understands what democracy is about.
14:54:11 From Leda Raptis to Everyone:
In Ukraine’s case, we can start by stopping NATO expansion. This was what
started the war, on paper at least. Lots of mainstreams, not just peace groups
in Europe know that.
14:55:14 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
14:57:31 From Leda Raptis to Everyone:
About supporting dissidents: Putin had trouble recruiting, there were
protests etc. We should support them, and the Ukrainian dissidents too. But
Biden’s statement, that we must eliminate Russia, goes against our efforts!
Putin says, the NATO wants us eliminated, so there goes the defence of the
homeland and patriotism…
15:03:46 From kathrin winkler to Everyone:
Whatever it is that we have to do it is not buying 88 new fighter jets with
stealth and nuclear capabilities – we have the answers but the war profiteers
and extraction guzzlers aren’t on board
15:07:36 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
even if there were no war profiteers, the poor workers who help build all the
military vehicles, explosives, missiles, etc, MUST be paid their salaries every
15:10:40 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
this is why politicians MUST organize, against thr weill of populations, the
bloody wars we have to endure.
15:13:47 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
this is why I call the UN International Wat Club. All wars in the world are
concocted, nrgotiated and produced by UN member countries, un der the
supervision of the War Supremo, the UN obedient Secretary General
15:14:45 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
The Security Council is the Executive War Committee
15:14:56 From Alastair (he, him) Farrugia to Everyone:
I’ll be leavingthis call. I might join you for next month’s call.
15:17:47 From to Everyone:
So Alberto, can we all be thankful that the nuclear threat is much less since it
is presumably not allowed (against the rules) in the pre-arranged game of
15:19:36 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
Nuclear weapons are the best excuse to develop conventional weapons of
almost as much lethal power as their nuclear cousins.
15:21:12 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
Politicians are too greedy and too egoistic to be working for their own
15:21:30 From Glen Anderson to Everyone:
Long ago when we were discussing the IPCC reports, I raised my hand, but
Metta never called on me, so I’m putting my comment in the chat. The IPCC
reports REPEATEDLY said the climate crisis is serious AND it’s getting
worse. But governments PERSISTENTLY FAILED to take necessary actions.
As a result the climate crisis seemed like “old news,” so mainstream media
failed to report meaningful on the urgent crisis. This made it easier for
governments to PERSIST IN FAILING to act. The remedy is WE NEED A
MOVEMENT to solve the problem! In the absence of this, the oil companies
and other polluters are promoting SCAMS that FAIL to solve the problems
but further empower and enrich themselves with high-tech schemes.
15:25:27 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
Please join me! help me create HUFUD in Canada. Look at the website and the programme of yesterdasy’s Peace Conference
15:27:45 From Bruno Uganda to Everyone:
Hufud is doing great campaigns in Pacifying African continent
15:31:28 From Barbara Birkett to Everyone:
Can Franz post any of his research papers for us to read?
15:36:17 From kathrin winkler to Everyone:
This isn’t an argument about who is right and wrong is it? Or if it is we can
bury another generation of young soldiers under that hill – can we come
together to talk about ending the imperialistic and militaristic approaches to
solving international conflict?
15:40:21 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
Churchill said to Truman ‘of course we could have avoided this war (WWII)
but we didn’t want to’
15:41:49 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
́the war, Churchill confessed, was not about ending Fascism or Nazism, but
a way of conquering new markets
15:43:54 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
whilst people keep talking about the ‘Defense’ industy instead of the ‘Attack
industry’ or full name, ‘War industry’, nothing will change
15:45:03 From Alberto Portugheis to Everyone:
and politicians will keep sending our children on killing missions and to die.
15:50:20 From kathrin winkler to Everyone:
THank you to all for this conversation – and yes, peace!
15:51:17 From to Everyone:
Thanks everyone. I’ll have to go at 4 pm…
15:57:11 From Alexey Prokhorenko to Everyone:
Nikolay Partrushev
See Blue Planet’s website, . Here are some notes about the carbon negative aggregate they produce. It reflects the tests by CarbonStar, a Canadian companies that rates various concrete products in terms of their emissions of concrete.
A Paradigm Shift
Counting the Carbon
With the rapidly growing number of techniques and technologies being used to reduce the embodied carbon of concrete, a method for counting that carbon is required. The technical specification, CSA SPE-112:21 published by CSA Group, outlines the methodology for the carbon intensity quantification and verification of concrete.
Here are the technical specifications of CarbonStar:
This is the first edition of CSA SPE-112, CarbonStarⓇ: Technical specification for concrete carbon intensity quantification and verification. This Document, written under Standards Council of Canada’s National Technical Specification Guidelines, has been developed without using the full consensus process.
CSA Group acknowledges that the development of this Technical Specification was made possible, in part, by the financial support of the Standards Council of Canada.
1.1 General
This Technical Specification provides minimum requirements and recommendations for the quantification and verification of the carbon intensity in a unit of concrete, including any carbon that is permanently sequestered during the production of the concrete and/or its input materials. Therefore, this number could be either positive or negative.
The quantification calculation results in a CarbonStarⓇ rating expressing:
a) the carbon intensity of concrete in kilograms (pounds) of CO2 and/or CO2e per cubic metre (cubic yard), subject to the methodology in this Technical Specification; and
b) where applicable, the net CO2 sequestered in kilograms (pounds) per cubic metre (cubic yard), or as otherwise required for the purposes of carbon credits, offsets, or tax incentives.
Note: This Technical Specification provides a methodology for quantifying carbon emissions and sequestration for a declared unit of 1 m3 (yd3) of concrete. When selecting concrete options for a given application, functional criteria, including strength, constructability, performance, and durability, also need to be considered.
For example, in Canada, CSA A23.1 provides performance and durability requirements for ready-mixed concrete, CSA A23.4 covers these same requirements for precast concrete, and CSA A23.3 covers structural requirements; and for specific types of structures, CSA S6 covers bridge construction and CSA S413 covers parking structures. In the USA, ACI 318 covers structural and durability requirements for buildings, ACI 350.5 covers environmental structures, and ACI 562 covers concrete repairs.
1.2 Terminology
In this Technical Specification, shall is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Technical Specification; should is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and may is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Technical Specification.
Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material.
Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements.
Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.
Re episode 544 on urban forests. For reference I point readers to the R Drever et al. paper on natural climate solutions (NCS), and panelist H. Akbari’s papers (mentioned in Drever, above) on urban tree planting impacts:
R Drever et al. 2021 Natural climate solutions for Canada
H. Akbari, S. Konopacki, Energy effects of heat-island reduction strategies in Toronto, Canada. Energy. 29, 191–210 (2004).
H. Akbari, H. Taha, The impact of trees and white surfaces on residential heating and cooling energy use in four Canadian cities. Energy. 17, 141–149 (1992).
Re: Episode 538 Urban Trees – there are limitations, such as application for permits for specific locations. One topic not discussed is that trees produce shade (more as they grow ever bigger).
Another use of urban space would be to grow vegetables, requiring open space and sunlight. This too would save GHG [reduction for transportation and energy for standard agricultural production.]
In other words, urban tree planting requires considerable examination of the potential site(s) before going ahead
Dear Pugwash community,
Please consider making a contribution at our website or becoming a member on Patreon to support our work. We are a very modestly funded organization working with 20-30 volunteers many of whom are graduate students and researchers.
We have a rock dust primer and a research database, and our most current article is a Crash Course on Enhanced Weathering for Carbon Removal. We also have an educational project called Let’s Remineralize! Science Ed K-12 for teachers and students.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for this very interesting subject for discussion! I have become obsessed with soil quality since I moved to a ground floor flat that has a small garden that had what could only be described as dead soil. It has been a fascinating journey and I can now say that I have success because there are worms everywhere. Composting is also another interesting subject because we all waste such valuable product that can be used!!
TOSHIKATSU ITO, Nikkei staff writer
November 25, 2022 02:12 JST
AOMORI, Japan — The sun and the wind are the two natural phenomena most often harnessed for renewable energy, but one city in northern Japan believes it can tap an overlooked resource that it has in abundance: snow.
A proving test in the city of Aomori will begin next month and run through March. The city will conduct the test in cooperation with Forte, a local information technology startup, along with Tokyo’s University of Electro-Communications.
The test will involve dumping snow removed by city plows into a pool located at a shuttered school. Electricity will be generated using the temperature differential between the snow and the outside air.
Heat transfer tubes will be placed in the snow, the source of cold air. The outside air, meanwhile, is heated by the sun. This difference in temperatures is used to create a convection current in a coolant inside a turbine. The convection current rotates the turbine to produce electricity.
Koji Enoki, an associate professor at the University of Electro-Communications, developed the system. It is estimated that this process can produce electricity as efficiently as solar power.
Snow power is expected to be generated at low costs. Similarly, Japanese marine shipper Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) plans to commercialize a system that generates electricity using temperature differences between surface water and ocean depths.
MOL aims to generate power at a cost of approximately 20 yen (14 cents) per kilowatt-hour by the year 2025. This would be lower than the costs of offshore wind power and oil-fired thermal power in 2030, as estimated by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Snow power makes use of larger temperature differences than ocean thermal energy conversion, so there is potential it will cost even less to generate electricity.
There are also plans to harness heat from hot springs to produce even larger temperature variations. There are many hot springs resorts in Japan’s northeastern region in areas that receive plenty of snowfall. One of them is the Sukayu Onsen in Aomori.
“The greater the temperature differences, the greater the efficiency of power generation,” said Enoki.
Hot springs inns could promote themselves by saying their lodges are powered by snow accumulation. The inns could draw new demand, such as carbon reduction-themed workshops.
“We look forward to this leading to new businesses,” said a representative in Aomori’s new business support bureau.
Aomori spends tens of millions of dollars every year to remove snow from roads. The snow is typically dumped in the ocean. If snow power becomes feasible, large plants with extra space could receive the removed snow as well. The heat generated by factories could generate electricity efficiently through the system.
During the proving test, separate snow power systems for businesses and households will be developed.
“We’ll make it so that [the system] can penetrate through small-lot clients, just like solar power generation,” said Forte President Jun Kasai. Widespread adoption of the snow power generator would alleviate power supply issues during wintertime.
Snow power is believed to have less environmental impact than other forms of renewable energy. Kansai Electric Power canceled plans for a wind farm in July because it would be located near a national park. Solar power produces spent solar panels that require disposal. However, melted snow can be disposed of like regular wastewater.
Kasai got the inspiration for using snow to generate power after hearing about a European startup that used sand to produce electricity. He also said the new snow electricity system could provide a solution for European countries facing an energy crisis as the result of the war in Ukraine.
“I seek to provide snow power generation to colder regions in Europe and elsewhere as a low-cost renewable power generation method with affordable costs of implementation,” said Kasai.
Shared by Joy Kogawa. Jan 25, 2023
Next time I do a show about this topic I want to find out more about the technology that Brian mentioned for thickening the ice during the winter by spraying it. Should I organize a whole show to explore that potential intervention?
Europe’s Cities Need to Plant Trees to Stave Off Global Heating, But it’s a Rocky Road
By Jon Henley
From Madrid to Berlin and Paris to Budapest, scientists and planners agree, trees, trees and yet more trees can help make Europe’s cities more comfortable – even survivable – over the coming years, as global heating strengthens its grip.
But concrete pavements, highrise buildings, historical squares and underground car parks are a hostile environment for trees, and authorities are finding it hard to plant more.
“It’s a massive challenge,” said Christophe Najdovski, Paris’s deputy mayor for revegetation and green spaces. “We know with enough trees we can lower the city’s summer temperature by up to 8C. They’re basically natural air conditioning. But planting them isn’t always easy.”
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Trees in cities combat climate change both directly, by storing carbon, and indirectly, by cooling urban areas down – reducing energy demands.
They also offer city dwellers what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change calls “multiple co-benefits”: improved air quality, reduced heat stress, fewer urban heat islands and improved mental health.
Planting more trees should be a no-brainer. But numbers in many of Europe’s cities have been falling since the early 1990s, with some large conurbations losing as much as 10% of their cover.
In part, older trees from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that survived urban planners’ efforts to make more space for cars are starting to reach the end of their lives. But it is also because of the technical difficulties, and cost, of planting new trees.
Ana Luísa Soares, a landscape architect at the University of Lisbon, says a new tree can cost a city administration as much as €2,000 (£1,750) over five years. “You need to buy the tree. You have to plant it, water it – especially in the first five years, when it is most vulnerable … You have to maintain it, prune it, treat it for disease. When you’re talking tens of thousands of trees, it’s a huge investment.”
But while the costs are easily quantifiable, the benefits are less so. In an effort to put a monetary value on the benefits of trees, Soares adapted a US software program,
‘People say trees cut light and prices, but if the city is unlivable at 40C, who loses most?’
Christophe Najdovski Deputy mayor of Paris
ITrees, and fed it data from Lisbon’s 41,000-odd trees. She found that while the trees cost about $1.9m (£1.6m) a year, the services they provided were worth $8.4m and added to property values.
But cost is not the only obstacle facing city planners. Often, said Najdovski at Paris’s Socialist and Green-controlled city hall – which over the past two years has embarked on one of Europe’s most ambitious tree-planting programmes – cities simply cannot plant trees where they would like.
“The biggest issue is underground infrastructure. The Métro, gas pipes, power and phone cables, car parks … You need a certain depth of soil under a tree. We would love to plant all along the Rue de Rivoli but unfortunately the Métro is directly underneath.”
Elsewhere, access for emergency vehicles along narrow streets can prove an obstacle, as can heritage laws preventing trees from being planted on streets and squares not designed for them. Most big city squares in Europe were conceived as open spaces, with views.
“That’s the case in Paris with, for example, the Place de la Concorde or the Avenue de l’Opéra,” Najdovski said. “The city architects argue they should stay as first designed, unadorned with trees, and that the view of the Opéra Garnier cannot be obscured or spoiled.”
On other major arteries such as the Avenue de Wagram, however, Paris is busy replanting trees that were uprooted in their tens of thousands during the 20th century as the city transformed grand boulevards, lined on both sides by double rows of trees, into four-lane avenues with roadside parking.
“We aim to significantly reduce the space reserved in Paris for cars, and to use as much of it as we can to plant trees,” said Najdovski.
As in Brussels, where a 10-year plan canopée (or canopy plan) aims to plant several hundred trees each year until 2030, Paris’s plans have sparked heated protest.
“Motorists’ and residents’ objections are just one of the many issues we face,” said Najdovski. “Some residents say to me, look, I don’t want trees outside my apartment – they’ll cut out the light, that’ll knock thousands off the asking price.
“I say to them: when summers in Paris start regularly hitting 40C or 50C, what do you think your flat will be worth then? If the city is basically unlivable, who loses most?”
Just yesterday we had a zoom discussion about this theme initiated by Metta Spencer, Brian von Herzen and Paul Beckwith. Paul Werbos which Metta also had invited could not attend but had mailed before two links which we got from Metta short before the meeting (see below the fat lines in Paul’s copied mail). Paul Werbos has also fears, that the euxinia effect could transfer our problems into another extinction event.
Read more
I have stated during the meeting that from the necessary preconditions for an euxinia event (stratification, oxygen depletion, eutrophication) in the presence at least the eutrophication is missing in the largest areas of the oceans. Satellite observations show that the most surface areas of the oceans are dark blue colored. That is a sign for oligotrophic or malnutrification within these areas.
Surely some but not all of the coast-adjacent areas of the oceans have in certain locations eutrophic conditions from phosphate and nitrate supplies by river inflow originating from farming areas or waste water sources. Also the slight acidification signs in some parts of the upper ocean layers probably are signs of the opposite: oligotrophic conditions. Eutrophic conditions with massive algae growth would induce just the opposite: basification (Su et al. 2023). This happens by changing of bicarbonate to organic C.
The extinctions in the geologic past was accompanied by generation of huge dust and climate warming events. For instance the end-Permian extinction by the long lasting Siberian Traps eruption event which might have colored glacial ice dark and has eutrophied large ocean areas. It was accompanied by seasurface temperatures up to 38°C and huge methane, halocarbon and CO2 emissions from volcanism cooked carbon-rich sediments and salt layers (Svensen et al., 2018; Cui et al., 2021).
As eutrophication sources in principle also might act gamma-ray bursts in the Milky Way which would have change large parts of the atmospheric N and O content into NO2 and nitrate. This would induce eutrophication effects also (Thomas et al., 2005).
Neither our ferric chloride aerosols (ISA) for methane depletion nor the more powerful nitrate containing chloride, iron and/or titanium aerosols (EDARA) for this purpose might do any strong eutrophication: the mass concentration of iron and or nitrate in these aerosols is less than 10 µg/m³ air in the emitted plume. But we hope to induce a positive stimulation of the phytoplankton by these long-time application methods within large regions with an amount of fertilizing iron of up to 300,000 t/a. Accompanied by additional direct ocean restoration measures within these ocean areas (preferable in the eastern South Pacific) we hope to be able to re-create ocean eco systems including increase of their fish population. Regions for these purposes should kept free from fishing.
Last I wanted to mention the essential importance of the sulfate reducing sediment layer for the ocean because within these sediments the biofilm-induced bioweathering is active. These sediments provide the ocean with micro-nutrition elements as well as phosphate, silica, alkaline and earth alkaline elements. Source of this bio-weathering are all kind of silicate and silica minerals which become dissolved by the microbes acting in the suboxic and anoxic milieu. This essential weathering effect would not be possible without the sulfate reducers; the same which are also responsible for the euxinia events.
Another helpful provision of the sulfate reducing microbes is the provision of reactive sulfur which becomes incorporated in the humic acids which are produced from the rotting organic stuff in the ocean. This is known as sapropel and has the property of a very well withstanding microbial destruction. It should even be possible just to use these natural oxygen depleted regions where Benguela or Humboldt currents are upwelling to use for dumping huge amounts of organic carbon like kelp, sargassum or phytoplankton as to change its organic content by sulfate reduction into sulfurized stable sapropel by high percentage without wasting the deep-water oxygen for these purposes. Ideally in these cases reduction of sulfate may stop at stages of organic bound S or S2 bridges and possibly also as elemental S8.
Comments to the oxygen provision into the deep ocean: Next to the vertical movement of the salty surface currents which sinks after cooling into the depth like the Gulf current in the North Atlantic also the winter ice generation round about Antarctica and in lesser amounts in the Arctic ocean is responsible for large amounts of oxygen transport with the freezing induced brines into the deep ocean. A warming ocean surface would strong reduce this kind of oxygen provision. Astonishing for me Brian mentioned, that in the last two Antarctic winter ice seasons the ice cover had increased again. According to his explanation the increasing wind-power has driven the circum Antarctic current much stronger and this might be responsible fact for that phenomenon.
According to my strong restricted English knowledge I did not got fast enough into the discussion, hence some of my arguments mentioned here you will not find in Metta’s video. As soon as I get the Video from Metta I will provide it to you.
Best wishes from an also very rainy Kirchhain,
Franz Oeste
Dear Clive and Franz,
I read your paper and the paper by Raven et al which you cited with interest. I just thought I would let you know that I strongly doubt that expansion of current OMZs could lead to H2S production of globally dangerous proportions. No doubt, H2S is released to the atmosphere off Namibia and in the Arabian Sea regularly, but these upwelling induced surfacing of severe OMZs are spatially and seasonally restricted and I don’t see them spreading even in coming millennia. We might lose credibility if we stress extreme situations too much.
Raven MR, Keil RG, Webb SM, (2021): Microbial sulfate reduction and organic sulfur formation in sinking
marine particles. Science, 371, (6525), 178-181, doi: 10.1126/science.abc6035
The much bigger danger for the deep sea organisms is the supression of ventilation during bottom water formation around Antarctica by the meltwater layer that will form when the ice cap starts melting in a big way in the coming centuries.
But we can discuss these matters over zoom if you like. I just thought I would voice my misgivings beforehand.
With my best wishes,
Victor Smetacek
RE Episode 538 Our Urban Trees
Jan 9, 2023
A new alliance of industry, scientific, non-profit and government partners is collaborating to increase the success of urban tree planting, as high mortality rates remain a challenge for the perennial plant that is key to tackling climate change.
The goal of Greening the Landscape Research Consortium is to help seedlings survive to become giants, and its advantage is information-sharing along the “urban tree value chain” – from nursery staff tending seeds, to planting contractors, to municipal foresters nurturing the trees. The consortium was launched in Ontario’s Niagara region in 2021 by Vineland Research and Innovation Centre, or VRIC, a not-for-profit institution focused on improving the sustainability and competitiveness of Canadian horticulture.
While millions of urban trees are planted every year, sustaining them is difficult. The City of Toronto alone plants 120,000, and Montreal hopes to reach half a million annually by 2030. Yet from Belgium to Sacramento, Calif., studies show mortality rates of nearly 20 per cent in just the first year. Researchers say up to a third of a typical urban planting can die in the first five years.
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Trees are crucial to reversing the global warming that triggers extreme weather: They absorb greenhouse gas, generate oxygen, provide shade, reduce the intensity of urban heat islands and absorb stormwater. Increasingly frequent weather disasters – in one recent span of 14 months, regions at both ends of Canada were devastated by floods, winds, heat or wildfires – underscore the urgency to help seedlings flourish.
Rhoda deJonge, VRIC’s director of plant responses and the environment, says everyone in the tree value chain plays a key role in building urban forests. However, decisions about tree plantings often get made without evidence, simply because there’s been no multidisciplinary collaborative initiative where people can ask questions and get expert answers that can be immediately applied.
VRIC conducts research based on questions that consortium members raise that relate specifically to their most pressing problems, according to Ms. deJonge.
“Now, when a tree nursery asks, ‘How can I know what species to plant today if I don’t know what a city will want six years from now when the trees are ready for planting?’ we work together to find ways to actually answer this question,” she said.
To support the initiative, VRIC built a critical asset: the TreeCulture Research Park. The size of a football field, this living lab was exhaustively excavated, fitted with sensitive irrigation and drainage, then divided into separate growing compartments, each filled with varying ratios of soil types and compost, then planted with different species.
After just its second year, the consortium is up to 20 partners, including the municipalities of Hamilton, Waterloo, London and York Region. Commercial members include A.M.A. Horticulture, Moser Landscape Group, Walker Industries, and NVK Nurseries. Also involved are professional organizations such as Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association and the Ontario Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), as well as government-regulated agencies such as the Niagara Parks Commission (NPC) and Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.
Among the first to join the consortium was the town of Lincoln. A growing rural-urban community whose subdivisions attract Greater Toronto Area commuters, the town strives for careful planning practices. One current improvement project in Jordan Village will see nearly 170 trees planted in limited spaces along new curbs, sidewalks and parking lots.
“Residents want trees to grow into a big shady canopy for the neighbourhood,” said Shannon McKay, Lincoln’s director of community services. “But how do you ensure the plantings will survive and prosper? The consortium was an opportunity to do something science-based, for example examining soil amendments to see how they can handle water.”
Robyn Pollard, forestry and horticulture manager for the City of Hamilton, was attracted by communal problem solving and says the consortium’s membership “consists of peers who I consider to be at the top of their game and are well respected within the industry.”
“Hamilton has a significant number of trees and plants that are and will be impacted by climate change. Being pro-active will ensure we’re improving our resiliency.”
Waterloo-based Moser Landscape Group saw the collaboration as a chance to work with accomplished industry partners from different parts of the chain who are all invested in the same goals of success.
“From the grower, contractor, architect, developer and municipality, being able to discuss the different concerns from each member allows for a better understanding in addressing the problems of every group,” Moser general manager Jason Kropf said.
In St. Catharines, Ont., the municipality gives out 1,000 trees each year to residents to put on their property. Making sure they survive, with the consortium’s support, is crucial.
“Planting a tree is not as easy as digging a hole, adding a tree and walking away,” said Olivia Groff, the city’s climate-change adaptation co-ordinator. “The urban environment places a variety of stressors on trees. Establishing best management practices from the consortium’s diverse membership will help ensure trees are looked after beyond the initial planting.”
ISA Ontario represents more than 1,100 members involved in the care and preservation of trees. Spokesperson Bridget Dilauro said it was clear that consortium project outcomes would benefit members, who include arborists and nurseries.
“Hearing feedback from so many different stakeholders with a wide range of expertise is invaluable, as is getting the information into the right hands, whether that be homeowners, or decision makers at municipalities, or managers at tree-care companies,” Ms. Dilauro said.
An iconic name in the lineup is the NPC, the provincial agency mandated with sustaining the Niagara River corridor, a natural habitat and a jewel in Ontario’s billion-dollar tourism industry. Corey Burant, project manager for forest health planning, says the consortium is revealing better practices for conserving and expanding the NPC canopy.
“Historically, many areas of the Parks have been manicured or manipulated for aesthetic purposes, including Niagara River shorelines which had been hardened with rock or concrete and mowed to the edge. As a result, these areas are now failing due to erosion,” Mr. Burant said.
“Before we do any replanting, we want a better understanding of soil conditions and improving soil quality to increase the survival of new trees. We saw this as a great opportunity for collaboration.”
At Lincoln, Shannon McKay concurs: “It was a no-brainer to partner with a knowledge group that was examining the data on what helps trees flourish. Sometimes trees that have been planted in public spaces don’t survive, and we have to figure out why. Did we over-water? Under-water? We’re not scientists, we don’t know what we don’t know.”
For some background on the scale of air conditioning and electricity use that might be modified by urban tree planting:
I will post the information about Blue Planet here tomorrow. You want to know about how much carbon dioxide it sequesters in order to know whether it is really carbon negative.
Here is the proposal that the Canadian Pugwash Group adopted on Oct. 22. The only change is that we will hold at least four talk shows on each of the four potential interventions.
– Metta Spencer
Proposal to Pugwash Executive for New Project
From Metta Spencer
8 September 2022
“Our house is on fire!” proclaims a twelve-year-old girl with a bull-horn, leading hundreds of climate change protesters her own age. She is right, of course, but we adults just watch them pass and smile feebly. We’re waiting for a smart leader, but no savior is coming. We must solve this ourselves – but neither kids nor adults can get enthusiastic about projects that take fifty years to show results. We need programs that are ready to begin now and can progress quickly. Pugwash can lead the way!
I have hosted 498 one-hour-long discussions ( of which 170 addressed climate change. Some of my expert guests have proposals that are ready and affordable. True, we should consider the risks, but also the worse outcomes of continuing “business as usual.”
So, I have picked four climate change interventions that Canada can get underway within five years. Ideally, of course, the United Nations would manage these projects as a global endeavor, but that won’t happen. However, if Canada creates its own “Five Year Emergency Climate Plan,” other countries will watch and emulate whatever works.
Let’s persuade Justin Trudeau to lead a new, well-publicized global mission. Pugwashites can work up such a plan collectively and suggest it to him. Today’s Globe and Mail has an op ed arguing that Canada must step up its game to match Biden’s large new investment in climate research and mitigation. Here I shall propose a “Five-Year Canadian Emergency Climate Plan,” with four component projects. The government should support all four, which it can easily afford to do. There’s no single “silver bullet” that will save us; instead, we need a lot of “silver buckshot.” In appendices I explain my rationale for each of the four, adding a selected list of my talk shows that are relevant.
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A Five-Year Canadian Emergency Climate Plan
Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced, but even if we reached “net zero” today, the planet would continue warming for years because of the carbon already in the atmosphere. So, we need to promote two additional kinds of measures besides emission reductions:
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) addresses the root cause of climate change by removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. I will propose three CDR interventions.
Solar radiation management (SRM) does not reduce the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, but instead cools the planet by shading it. It offsets some effects of increased greenhouse gas by causing the Earth to absorb less solar radiation. I will propose one intervention using SRM.
Below is my list of four ways to cool the planet, in addition to the obviously key one: carbon emission reduction. All four interventions can be underway within five years without significant risk. However, my estimates may be wrong, so I hope the Executive Committee will create four teams of Canadian Pugwashites who will evaluate and revise this initial list, create a final list, and promote it to the government. This project can be done voluntarily within three months.
Let’s limit our list to four interventions – a number that will not seem overwhelming in public discourse, for we want the public to follow these developments avidly. None of them alone can make a dent in the entire global warming problem. However, all four together can accomplish much, so these should be promoted as a whole package.
The four teams of Pugwashites will want to consult other experts and almost everyone they ask will be glad to help. For example, the U of T News recently ran a story about “Climate Positive Energy Initiative,” a large committee of U of T faculty who are also developing various innovative ideas. (See Its members are from several disciplines, headed by David Sinton of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
With or without consulting others, the Pugwash teams should appraise all four of these interventions in terms of four criteria:
a) The intervention must plausibly offer impressive results. Though it would not alone solve global warming, its likely effects must account for a portion of Canada’s carbon reduction and sequestration pledges, which, we insist, must be impressively high.
b) It must be a project that can be carried out by Canada alone, without requiring permission or much support from other countries. Of course, climate change must ultimately be addressed by the whole world, but this project should prove that one country can immediately begin contributing its part.
c) The project must create opportunities for numerous Canadian citizens to participate constructively, either in their jobs or as volunteers.
d) It must be credible that the intervention can begin having detectable results within five years – i.e. that all essential preliminary research and all the logistical management can be done quickly if Canada’s government supports the project fully.
The following four proposed climate management interventions will all require coordination by the Canadian government. However, they do not all require similar amounts of public financing or voluntary participation. Thus, one of them can be carried out entirely by private industry with no additional expense to taxpayers; one will create a few jobs for northern indigenous people; one will engage many farmers, foresters, and truck drivers; and one will invite every able-bodied Canadian to spend an afternoon with a shovel. All of them will pay for themselves in the long run. We want to make sure that all of them work and can all be adopted together as a comprehensive proposal for Canada to undertake soon.
Initial List of Interventions with Potential to Yield Discernable Progress within Five Years:
1. Plant trees in lawns, roadsides, parking spots;
2. Use carbon-negative concrete in all government-funded projects;
3. Brighten Canadian Arctic clouds;
4. Improve soil by sequestering carbon with rock dust and biochar combination, with seaweed amendment.
Proposed Procedure for the Pugwash Project
Canada can afford these projects, and I think they are worth supporting. However, I am not a scientist or engineer, and I do not have access to decision-makers in Ottawa. Hence, I move that the Executive Committee establish teams to examine the four aforementioned climate change interventions and, upon their recommendation with revisions, propose them to the Canadian government. The examination procedures could be as follows.
a) Appoint co-chair(s) of the project,
b) Invite each member of the Canadian Pugwash Group to join a team that will investigate one of the following four potential interventions for an initial one-month period and choose a team leader to report their results.
c) Direct each team to appraise the probable effectiveness of its particular intervention, if fully implemented with governmental funding and support.
d) Receive all four teams’ verdicts at the end of the initial month as to whether their particular intervention should be on the final list of four. If a team concludes otherwise, it should identify an alternative intervention that seems more promising and feasible than the initial one they studied.
e) Revise the list of four top interventions and form new teams to investigate the new list for two months. Direct each new team to:
• produce a step-by-step operational plan for implementing the proposed intervention, setting time deadlines for each step and identifying sources of essential material. If the project seems unattainable within a five-year period, they should report it as such and recommend exploring an alternative possibility instead of holding out false hope.
• produce an estimated budget for implementing the innovation, to be adopted by the government of Canada. (Even a wild guess may be somewhat helpful.)
I can help the research with my talk shows. Each team can invite several experts and consult them on my talk show, which is always advertised for public viewing. I have already discussed each of these potential interventions with one or more prominent scientists and activists, and those conversations are available as Zoom recordings (see the appendix for some links) but the Pugwash teams will want to consult additional experts, probably including some who are skeptical about the proposal.
f) Receive the final reports of all four teams, then hold a plenary Zoom meeting of all Canadian Pugwashites to choose the final list of four and endorse them in a comprehensive proposal to be submitted in meetings with the environment minister and then (we hope) the prime minister.
RATIONALE: Plant trees in lawns, roadsides, parking spots.
Eleven percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans are due to deforestation[1] — an amount comparable to the emissions from all passenger vehicles on the planet. We need to keep and increase our forests.
The Crowther research group in Zurich was first to count the world’s trees.[2] They estimate that the world now has three trillion trees and that we need an extra one trillion to reduce global warming. This trillion has become a widely accepted goal, though overly optimistic. One trillion equals 1,000 billion. Canada has boldly promised to plant two billion trees, but so far, shows little progress toward that goal.
The Crowther group mapped the best global locations for trees to grow and purposely omitted planting in urban districts or farmland. Thus, most of their anticipated locations are far away from human beings, though if a tree is to have a high probability of surviving, it needs to be weeded and watered for two years after being planted. Also, Crowther expected new forests to grow in the Arctic – and, unfortunately, that prediction may be right. Trees are encroaching everywhere in the Arctic,[3] though they have a net heating effect and therefore should be eradicated from permafrost areas, not encouraged.
So where should trees be planted, and who can tend them? It is possible for drones to do the planting, for each drone can plant thousands more trees per day than any person. However, those trees have high mortality rates, so very few drone-planted trees become mature. Unfortunately, drone-planting companies are secretive about the survival rates of their trees.[4] Nowadays seeds are in short supply because tree-planting is popular, so scientists cannot afford to waste them on experiments in which 80 percent of the seeds might not survive. Consequently, at present it makes no sense to plant trees in remote areas by drones and expect most of them to mature.
On the other hand, deforested areas often can regenerate themselves without having any trees planted at all. Trillions of seeds are constantly being dispersed in nature, some of which, against all odds, become trees. Merely protecting a place from fires and logging will give it an opportunity for self-renewal. However, this type of spontaneous regrowth won’t yield Canada’s promised two billion on schedule and we can’t expect a trillion more trees on the planet any time soon.
But the Crowther group was wrong in omitting farms and cities from their projected sites for new forests. Indeed, those are the ideal places to plant trees because the best planters, weeders, and waterers are human, and humans mainly live in cities or travel on country roads. Also, trees directly cool cities and make them more habitable. So, how much can we increase the canopy cover over people? Here are my estimates.
According to Google, Canada has more than a million kilometers of roads, including expressways, unpaved country roads, and city streets. How many trees can we plant on both sides of those roads? Since there are obstacles (e.g. intersections, sidewalks, and already existing trees) we can plant along only, say, 500,000 of the one million kilometers.
Trees thrive best when planted close together. The Miyawaki system plants four per square meter, though not all of them survive, so let’s plant ours three feet apart. 1 km = 3280 feet. And 3280/3= 1093 trees. But let’s plant on both sides of the road, so 1093 X 2 =2186.7 which rounds up to 2187 trees per km. Along the 500,000 km of Canadian roads, streets, and expressways we can add almost 1.1 billion trees where people can water, weed, and hug them. Hooray!
• But wait – it gets better! Within 12 or 15 years, our streets will be full of electric, driverless trucks and taxis (so cheap that you won’t want to own a vehicle). They’ll stop to pick up and unload but won’t park. Today’s parking spots and lots will be empty. Let’s plant trees in those parking spaces!
• Google says: “Canada has 71 to 97 million parking spaces: 3.2 to 4.4 parking spaces for every vehicle in Canada.” Suppose we plant just one tree per parking space in only 50 million of those spaces. That adds 50 million trees to the 1.1 billion we plant along roads, bringing our total up to 1.15 billion.
• Next: Google says that there are about 6.2 million lawns in Canada. Suppose only half of each lawn is turned into a Miyawaki forest. This space Google estimates as totalling 28,800 hectares. Miyawaki forests are extremely diverse, each small one ideally including many different species of native origin. When mature, these forests contain up to 2.5 trees of varying size per square meter,[5] but let’s set our estimate more conservatively – at 1.5 per meter. A hectare is 10,000 square meters, so a Canadian hectare of Miyawaki forest will have 15,000 mature trees, and 28,800 X 15,000 = 432 million.
• Thus, if half of Canadian lawns are converted to forests, we can add 432 million trees to the 1.150 billion that we’ll plant along roads and parking spots. That makes 1.582 billion trees, bringing Canada closer to its promise of adding two billion, while saving birds, water, fertilizer, and preventing mowers from emitting carbon.
Google reminds us: Canada has 347 million hectares of forest (just under 900 million acres), and each hectare of mature forest can absorb about 6 tonnes of CO2 per year, so by my calculations, the existing Canadian forests capture over two billion tonnes of COs each year. But unfortunately, forests do not just store carbon — they also release it. Millions of tonnes of CO2 are emitted as trees die and decompose, are disturbed by insects like the mountain pine beetle, or are burned in forest fires. Fires in the boreal forest release about 170 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare burned. And I will leave it to others to guesstimate how much CO2 our proposed additional 1.582 billion trees will sequester.
People love trees and feel cooler when buildings are surrounded by them, so this estimate is achievable as a goal. But let’s face it: Even if each of the world’s 193 countries added two billion mature trees to the planet (which is an unrealistic goal) the result would only be 386 billion trees — not the two trillion we hope for. And drones may or may not make up the difference.
There are two conclusions: (a) Do not count on trees alone to save us, and (b) let’s plant them anyway. Trees are part of the solution, and probably the most delightful part. [6] This much is clear: Saving existing trees can achieve greater reductions in global warming than planting new ones. But let’s do both, as much as possible.
• What is the best way to organize an urban tree-planting program across Canada? Let’s consider two very different alternatives, though in fact we can combine the two.
• First: The government could hire several big companies and have hard-hat wearing guys do the job with jackhammers and steam shovels. That’s normal for a modern society. That efficient approach was used when Stockholm, Sweden planted 30,000 or 40,000 trees in that city.[7] About 1/3 of their old trees were dying and had to be removed; life is hard for urban trees because of compaction and lack of penetration by rainwater. The city’s engineers dug up pavements, laid down substrates of stones or recycled concrete chunks, filled the cracks between them with soil, and planted the root-balls of new trees into a mixture of gravel and biochar. At the top surface, each tree was surrounded by a metal grill that allowed water to flow in and, around that, covered with tiles that allow water to penetrate the cracks and be consumed by the trees instead of leaching pollution into the sea. The urban forest is flourishing. Canada could emulate Stockholm.
Second: China offers a contrasting model for the large-scale restoration of degraded land by millions of individual workers. An area in China the size of France had been barren desert for about a thousand years when the government started the project, which lifted out of poverty more than 2.5 million people. Local inhabitants were paid to do the work manually, building terraces across all the hills.[8]
The filmmaker John Liu[9] observed this process while making a documentary about it,[10] and was so impressed that he has created “ecosystem restoration camps” where volunteers create new forests in several Western societies.[11] Some of them really are camps where summer vacationers spend a few weeks restoring nature; others are year-round communities that have organized to revive their own environment. All of them, says Liu, are places where people have fun together, developing friendships and community spirit.
Canada may benefit more from coordinating a project of this type than from Sweden’s excellent mechanized approach. School children can be taken to forest expeditions to collect seeds of native trees, then plant them in coffee cans. The government can provide the saplings, tools, instruction manuals, and organic amendments such as biochar, rock dust, and seaweed and encourage Canadians to plant trees in their own neighborhoods. Able-bodied members of churches, Parent-Teacher committees, and meditation clubs will work together enthusiastically on weekend projects to save the planet, given such an opportunity. But yes, some jackhammer crews will be needed too.
RATIONALE: Carbon-negative concrete
Concrete is the second-most used substance in the world, after water,[12] and is the source of eight percent of the world’s carbon emissions. CO2 is emitted both from the energy used to fire the ingredients of Portland cement and as a chemical reaction while the mixture is being heated. According to the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, each pound of ordinary concrete releases 0.93 pounds of carbon dioxide – and the world consumes 4 billion tons of cement each year.
But only 10% to 15% of concrete is cement, whereas 60% to 75% of it is aggregate, in the form of sand and gravel. The rest is water and air. Numerous companies are using various ways of reducing the total carbon emissions from producing concrete, and the most promising company, Blue Planet, actually produces a concrete that is net carbon negative.
It is impossible to reduce the carbon footprint of the Portland cement much because the first step is to make clinker, which is typically a mixture of calcium carbonate, clay, and gypsum heated in a kiln. This heat must be very high – around 1500 degrees, and much heating inevitably creates lots of CO2 emissions while the clinker is undergoing calcination; the calcium carbonate breaks down into calcium oxide, releasing even more CO2. There is no better way of obtaining cement, though some concrete companies replace some of the cement with fly ash created by coal-powered plants or slag from the furnaces that produce steel.
However, one company, Blue Planet, makes carbon-negative concrete by producing a limestone aggregate that is far more carbon-negative than the cement is carbon-positive. It does so by capturing CO2 from a local source (e.g. emissions from a nearby smokestack, or even CO2 emitted by a cement kiln) to form a carbonate, which is combined with waste concrete to form synthetic limestone pellets – the aggregate component of Blue Planet concrete. This process subtracts CO2 from the air or a source of emission and makes it into a durable, carbon-negative concrete – a permanent carbon storage material.
I interviewed Brent Constanz,[13] the inventor and head of the California company, whose website [14] declares that its mineralization technology is
“the only known scalable method for capturing and permanently sequestering billions of tonnes of CO2. Our process can use dilute CO2 from any source, at any concentration, and turn it into valuable building materials to enable carbon capture at a profit. Each tonne of our aggregate permanently mineralizes 440 kg of CO2, preventing it from ever leaking or accumulating in the atmosphere.”
The world is currently emitting about 35 billion tonnes of CO2 per year. However, Blue Planet’s website proudly declares: “If we replace just 16% of all aggregate used today with Blue Planet Aggregate, we could achieve the CO2 storage needed by 2050 to keep temperature rise below 1.5C.”
How much does Canada contribute to the world’s production and consumption of cement? According to Statistics Canada, in 2018 Canada produced over 13.5 million metric tonnes of cement. Of course, cement is only one component of concrete (sand, aggregate, and water are the remaining components) so this figure does not tell us how much would be sequestered if Canada’s concrete were made solely with Blue Planet’s aggregate, but the Pugwash researchers may be able to reach such an estimate with publicly available information.
Several other companies – including at least one based in Canada – are producing concrete with lower CO2 emissions than the amount from conventional concrete, though I don’t think any of them produce “net negative” concrete. However, it is useful to compare all of them when appraising the potential of concrete as a means of reducing global warming. So long as carbon-negative concrete is scarce (as may be the case for a few years), conscientious users may at best choose a low-emissions concrete instead.
The transition to carbon-negative concrete does not require government subsidies, since the concrete industry is profitable and growing, and there are plenty of financial incentives for carbon reduction. Indeed, ordinarily (depending on transportation costs) carbon negative concrete is less expensive than the conventional kind.
The best contribution of the government would be to specify that only negative carbon concrete be used, whenever available, in the construction of all publicly funded infrastructure work. This kind of governmental promotion is happening elsewhere. For example, Blue Planet is creating numerous new plants in China, and the newest terminal and runway in San Francisco’s airport were made from Blue Planet’s concrete.
The concrete industry has called upon the government to “prioritize strategic spending to provide a needed boost for publicly funded infrastructure projects.”[15] They did not intend to boost carbon negative concrete, but Pugwash can propose that additional proviso.
RATIONALE: Brighten Canadian Arctic Ocean Clouds
Solar Radiation Management (SRM) can be implemented quickly at moderate cost. Because it does not reduce CO2 levels, it will not solve such problems as ocean acidification, but it can offer immediate cooling, which may relieve local problems and give us enough time to solve other aspects of the climate crisis.
Two major types of SRM method have been proposed to date. First, some have proposed the injection of solid particles at high elevations from balloons or jet planes, to form aerosols that reflect incoming radiation. High-altitude particles can indeed affect climate. For example, for three years after 1992, when Mount Pinatubo erupted, there was a noticeable cooling of the planet.
Although this technological solution would not be too expensive, potential problems loom. Rainfall would be reduced, affecting the Asian and African monsoons. The ozone hole might expand, and it is uncertain how the effect might vary for different countries. It might even warm some countries while cooling the planet as a whole. Many people understandably oppose any plan that would emit possibly toxic materials into the upper atmosphere. Hence, I exclude that approach here, while promoting the second version of solar management of radiation: Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB).
Professor John Latham of the University of Manchester was first to propose “whitening” low-level clouds over the oceans by spraying very fine particles of saltwater. The drops composing white clouds are smaller than those composing dark clouds, and therefore white clouds have more albedo; by reflecting more incoming solar radiation they cool the land or water beneath them.
I have held numerous conversations about cloud brightening with a marine engineer, Professor Stephen Salter of Edinburgh University, who has designed systems of saltwater spraying,6 and with Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University, a foremost authority on Arctic sea ice. There is apparently agreement among scientists that the global warming problem could solved by increasing the reflectivity of the earth by about 0.5% (1.7 watts per square metre out of 340). Canada cannot do the whole job, but it can adopt this technology and demonstrate its effectiveness within five years by preserving sea ice over part of a body of water within its own territory: Hudson Bay.
Marine cloud brightening (MCB) works by reflecting more sunlight back into space from the tops of thin, low-level clouds (marine stratocumuli, which cover about a quarter of the world’s oceanic surface). By increasing the whole planet’s reflectivity, the cooling could balance the global warming caused by increased CO2 in the atmosphere.
Each cloud drop forms around a tiny condensation nucleus. Salt fragments from the evaporation of sea water make ideal nuclei in humid conditions, such as over oceans. When wind blows over the sea it produces turbulence and some of the spray droplets rise and evaporate, leaving the salt particles to become the nuclei of new cloud drops that remain aloft until washed out as rain. Doubling the number of cloud drops will increase reflectivity by just over 5 percent.
Thus, we can whiten the clouds by spraying a fine mist of sea water over the oceans, which will cool the water or sea ice below. This can be done from a fleet of small ships or, in the case of Hudson Bay, even from stations on shore or on islands spraying clouds over the sea ice.
The electricity required for spraying and communications can be produced by current turbines at the spraying stations or built into the ships. The essential part of the equipment is a nozzle capable of producing droplets of the required diameter that, when they evaporate, leave a tiny salt particle that becomes the nucleus of a cloud drop (26% solution) that brightens the cloud. This creates the “Twomey effect” which can be seen in photos of the oceans taken from space: Ships create brighter clouds that resemble contrails by leaving saltwater spray in their wake.
To reduce the world’s overall climate with this approach, hundreds of ships would be required. Fortunately, the plan is ecologically benign, the only raw material required being sea water. The cooling could be controlled via satellite measurements and a computer model. If an emergency arose, the system could be switched off, with conditions returning to normal within a few days. There is no danger that the clouds will block the sunshine needed for agriculture, for the only clouds that will be brightened are those over water, not land.
Not all the necessary equipment has been perfected yet, with the nozzle design being the most challenging. The size of the saltwater droplets must be very tiny and quite precise. Several organizations are already working on designing and testing nozzles, and Salter has been working with a manufacturer that he expects can produce the ideal nozzle in three or four years with a budget of about £300,000. The easiest material to start with is monocrystalline silicon, the most popular material for making micro-chips. It is strong enough for 200 mm diameter wafers, but notch-sensitive. One tiny crack can spread across the whole wafer. There are lots of more expensive, less notch-sensitive materials but the cost will be learning how to use them. Salter would like to be sure that, say, £20 million (Can $30.4 million) will be available for the project if he can show he can make mono-disperse spray in small quantities.
It is possible to apply cloud brightening on a local region instead of the whole planet. The brightened clouds, if regionally targeted, can moderate hurricanes (which depend on sea surface temperature) or reduce coral reef bleaching. For example, I interviewed Daniel Harrison, a professor at the Southern Cross University in Australia, who is leading a project to spray saltwater into clouds over part of the Great Barrier reef, thereby reducing the water temperature enough to prevent further bleaching of the corals.
Peter Wadhams is addressing the urgent question of cooling the Arctic. The open water over the Arctic continental shelves in summer allows warming of the subsea permafrost and a potential methane catastrophe. But could this be prevented by bringing back the summer sea ice without necessarily having to cool the entire planet?
Wadhams was one of a group that addressed this regional question in 2014. They found that it is possible to advance Arctic sea ice significantly. Global seeding can also increase the area of Antarctic sea ice and cool the currents that now are expected to cause Antarctic glaciers to collapse and raise the global sea level by up to three meters.
Cooperation by numerous countries is required to save the Arctic or Antarctic ice, but no initiative is underway toward such an ambitious project. Fortunately, however, Hudson Bay lies entirely within Canada’s borders and this country can keep some of its ice from melting in the summers within five years if the government authorizes a prompt start.
Hudson Bay is a shallow bay of the Arctic Ocean the size of Texas. It is completely covered by ice in the winter but usually all of the sea ice melts between June and August. The white sea ice and snow reflect light and heat, thereby limiting global warning, whereas the open water is dark and absorbs light and heat. Here are satellite photos taken 16 days apart in July 2020.[16]
The Arctic is warming at more than three times the average global rate.[17] The sea ice is thinner nowadays and the loss of Hudson Bay’s sea ice can affect climate in the southern part Canada too. Moreover, as ocean temperatures rise and the ice melts, the methane clathrate crystals from the bottom of the ocean are released to the atmosphere, increasing global heating even more; as a greenhouse gas measured over a 20-year period, methane is 84-86 times more powerful than carbon dioxide.
Very new research shows that shallow deposits of frozen methane beneath oceans may be more vulnerable to thawing than previously known. Many models predict a warming of 1 to 3 degrees Celsius, which would not thaw the methane hydrates. However, the new research shows how waters at middle level in the ocean could warm up regionally beyond expected average changes. Although projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, do not expect intermediate-depth ocean temperatures to cross the threshold of hydrate instability, the new paleoclimate study deems a very low-probability, high-impact event on hydrate destabilization more likely.[18] Given the amount of methane in such Arctic deposits, this release would be catastrophic for life on earth. And, as Bob Berwyn notes,
“such events have happened in the distant past. The trigger for such warming and thawing, according to the study, is a large inflow of fresh, frigid water from melting Arctic ice, which can disrupt the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current, a slow ocean heat pump, pushing cold water in the Arctic deep down and southward, and warm water to the surface and northward.
“Temperature, density and salinity contrasts drive the pump. But in recent decades, the influx of water from rapidly melting Arctic ice, especially the Greenland Ice Sheet, appears to be weakening the current, which could warm the ocean at depths of 300 to 1,300 meters to destabilize methane hydrates buried 20 to 30 feet deep in the seabed.”[19]
Arctic ice must be retained in all locations in order to prevent this calamity, and the most sea ice within Canada’s sovereign control is on Hudson Bay, which is already suffering from the loss of it.
In the four provinces and territories bordering Hudson Bay about 39,000 Inuit and First Nations people live in 41 settlements near the shores. The lives and livelihood of Inuit hunters are being endangered by the loss of Hudson Bay sea ice. A survey in 2017 found that more than a third of the adults have no paid employment and fully 85 percent of them depend on the land for their sustenance, regularly hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering wild plants.[20]
Polar bears in western Hudson Bay are starving. When sea ice breaks up one month earlier than usual, 75 percent of pregnant polar bears will not give birth, so the polar bears may be extinct by 2050.[21]
Megan Sheremata, a U of Toronto graduate student who was studying the region, reported that global warming is harming the indigenous population:
“In the more southern areas of the region hunters immediately noticed the ice was more brittle … and some described seeing it literally break behind their snowmobiles. Seals, which normally float when killed in seawater and can be retrieved, were less buoyant in water with reduced salinity, and began sinking out of reach. People say that 15 or 20 years ago, winds of 150 kilometres per hour or more would only occur in the fall. Now you can have windstorms at any time of year. That’s a concern for hunters travelling by snowmobile or boat and also for communities, where high winds can damage buildings and services such as electricity and water supply.”[22]
These disasters can be prevented with the following measures, as I learned from Salter and Wadhams, who will gladly contribute their expertise to such a project.
The University of Manitoba has a new and superbly equipped research station, the Churchill Marine Observatory, on Hudson Bay. (See these photos and their website, It would be the ideal headquarters for the operation. In addition, at least one station can be erected in each of the four provinces and possibly on one of the islands. Each such station can simply consist of a shipping container and spray equipment, powered by a wind turbine and monitored by a trained indigenous person.
During the summer, there is more sunshine in the north than at the equator because of the long hours of daylight, and that is when the stations will spray sea water over the Bay, cooling the water and retaining ice that would otherwise melt. Results will be visible from the first season. Some northern regions such as Baffin Bay will also benefit somewhat from the cooling of Hudson Bay.
With about 50 or 60 such stations, it would be possible to save all the Hudson Bay ice, but that would be expensive and take too long. A better investment is Canada’s own partial saving of Hudson Bay ice within five years with only four stations, for this will likely stimulate a larger, international project to save the entire Arctic Ocean with a fleet of about 200 small ships or unmanned drones spraying sea water each summer. Such vessels can be built in the spacious workshop at the Churchill Marine Observatory.
The project can begin right away, though it will probably take three years or so for the nozzles to be ready. Salter is confident he can design and have them manufactured in Britain, where he now runs a company pursuing this idea. In the meantime, the stations can be established, local Inuit personnel trained,[23] and local environments studied more closely. Salter estimates that the entire Canadian project, including the development of the nozzles, requires a budget of C$30 million. It will greatly benefit the inhabitants of the region and make Canada into the world’s leader in solving the climate crisis of the Arctic. Fortunately, if deleterious side effects emerge, the negative effects can be stopped within days.
The preliminary Pugwash investigation should inspect previous research findings and estimate both the financial implications and the potentially negative environmental effects of the project (e.g. the possibility of reducing the rainfall in Africa and Pakistan and/or increasing ozone production).
RATIONALE: Improve soil by sequestering carbon with rock dust and biochar.
The most dangerous threats to humankind are inter-dependent as a system. We cannot resolve one without also reducing several others. A conspicuous example of this is the link between the climate crisis and global famine. Extreme weather can defeat farmers, hunters, and fishermen, and bring unemployment, hunger, and migration.
Fortunately, when dealing with a system, we can find interventions that “kill two birds with one stone.” Thus, when we reduce global warming by moving carbon from the atmosphere into soil, the soil becomes fertile again and can feed humankind. This is a win-win solution. We simply need to find optimum ways to move the carbon. Fortunately, two promising approaches are open to Canadians right now to do so simultaneously. These methods involve rocks and trees respectively – in the form of powder and charcoal.
For the first time there is a prospect of worldwide famine. Since 2019 the number of people in the world experiencing food insecurity has risen from 135 million to 345 million.[24] But food is abundant in Canada and indeed, about 40 percent of the food produced in Canada is wasted. There doesn’t seem to be much to worry about here – except perhaps our fertilizer.
The current global food shortage results mainly from the high price of energy and fertilizer. About half of the food in the world could not have been produced without fertilizer; when farmers cannot afford it, their output falls and people go hungry. Russia and Ukraine are the main suppliers and the war has interrupted the exports and raised the prices worldwide. When considering how to feed humankind, we must pay special attention to soil fertility, which of course varies from place to place.
Ironically, Canada’s farms are threatened, not by the lack but the excess of fertilizer. In fact, Canadian soil could yield better and more food without any synthetic fertilizers whatever. Organic and regenerative farmers have proved it and a government report on Canada’s farm soil supports that conclusion. The report describes improvements between 1981 and 2011 and rates Canada’s overall agricultural environment as “good,” though it mentions serious shortcomings: the risk of water contamination from pesticides and the surplus of nitrogen and phosphorus because of the application of fertilizer.[25]
Fertilizer is a wicked problem. Half the human population would have starved without it, but it could kill most of us in the long run. The so-called Green Revolution in the second half of the twentieth century brought chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides to the whole world and made possible the “population boom.” Synthetic fertilizers consist of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and “micronutrients,” such as zinc and other metals that are necessary for plant growth.
We’re experiencing the negative effects of these chemicals: the pollution of streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and even coastal areas, as they run off into waterways. There they cause massive algal blooms that sink to the bottom when they die. Their decomposition removes oxygen from the water and creates “dead zones” where fish and other species cannot survive. Humans who eat the diseased fish can themselves become ill.[26]
Regular overuse of chemical fertilizers depletes the soil nutrients and minerals. In addition to eutrophication of waterways, the phosphorus may cause hardening of soil. Soil fertility requires a balanced supply of essential nutrients and minerals, so overuse of specific nutrients may impair the plants’ immune system or disrupt the fungi and other microorganisms that keep soil rich.
When nitrogen is absorbed by soil too quickly; it will dry up the plant. Nitrogen fertilizers contaminate groundwater and can remain in that water for decades. [27] Part of the nitrogen added to soil is emitted into the atmosphere as nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas with global warming potential 265 times higher than that of carbon dioxide. It is the gas most responsible for stratospheric ozone depletion. The agriculture sector is responsible for 66% of gross anthropogenic N2O emission. Worse yet, by 2050, anthropogenic N2O emissions are expected to be twice that of today.[28]
For these reasons, agricultural scientists now advocate the replacement of synthetic fertilizers with organic amendments, such as aged animal manure, leaf mold, fish emulsion, blood meal, oyster shells, and compost. All of these are excellent for specific purposes, but wouldn’t it be better to use soil amendments that also capture lots of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and transfer it into the soil, sequestering it and feeding the roots of the plants that we’ll eat? For those dual purposes we can use biochar and rock dust.
a) Biochar made from trees
Charcoal is made by burning wood or other carbon-containing wastes in the absence of oxygen. Biochar is a synonym for charcoal. In South America there are areas of rich, black soil ten feet deep where Indians buried biochar 7,000 years ago. That charcoal still retains the sequestered carbon.
In land applications biochar can effectively capture three times its applied weight in CO2, measurably adding water-holding capacity.[29] And anyone can make biochar from wood as well as other biomass (corncobs, say, old cardboard boxes, or turkey feathers) and bury it, thereby subtracting huge amounts of carbon from the atmosphere and, in most cases, greatly improving the soil (which is degrading globally) and the nutritional quality of the food.
Under an electron microscope, biochar appears to be mostly millions of holes. In fact, because of those holes, biochar is an amazing sponge that will hold huge amounts of water that otherwise would just flow away from the field, eroding some topsoil with it. Moreover, the holes in biochar also are perfect spaces for beneficial soil microbes to live.
Plants prefer soil with a neutral pH of about 6.5 to 7, but many soils now are acid to very acid: 4 to 5.5. In such acidic soils, plants cannot take up nutrients from the soil. But if you add biochar, the pH will rise as much as a whole point higher, making more nutrients available to crops.
Because biochar is so absorbent, every nutrient in the vicinity will stick to it and be released only slowly. That explains the superiority of plants grown in biochar-enriched soil: Nutrients remain more available to them because the biochar keeps the minerals from leaching away too quickly.
Biochar is also good for mycorrhizal fungi, which act as straws for the plants, allowing them to suck nutrients out of inaccessible places in the soil. In return, plants feed the fungi. Overuse of fertilizer breaks this connection because the plants don’t need the fungi, which now must be restored in the soil. Biochar can be filled with nutrients, which will be slowly released in the soil. The fungi will help get these nutrients to the plants. Certain biostimulants (organic fertilizers) will also increase the uptake of these nutrients by the plants. Biochar will also hold onto free phosphorus so that it does not become a pollutant in our freshwater ecosystems.
Chemical or manure fertilizers can guarantee large yields to farmers especially yields of corn, wheat and soy, so farmers need good substitutes for those fertilizers. Though it is not a fertilizer (most of the nitrogen in the wood has escaped during the pyrolysis) biochar solves their problem by holding onto and conserving whatever nitrogen and phosphorus is near.[30]
If you drive through the Rocky Mountains, you’ll see hundreds of miles of red forests where the trees have been killed by pine beetles. Most of them will rot and release all their carbon back to the atmosphere, but here is one way to keep that from happening: Cut the dead trees down, put them in trenches, cover them with soil to keep the oxygen out, and burn them, making biochar and leaving it right there underground. That will sequester a gazillion tonnes of carbon. (Is a gazillion the amount that the tar sands are emitting now?)
But here’s a better plan: Sell the biochar to farmers to enrich their fields. For that, you need pyrolizers to produce the biochar – but that is not difficult. You could just take a dumpster, drill a small hole near the bottom, create a snug lid so the smoke cannot escape and oxygen cannot get in, and voila! – a pyrolizer! You could add some equipment to capture volatile gas that will otherwise escape, but that may not be worth the expense. Any garbage truck could lift your dumpster-pyrolizer and take it to and from the forest. When the wood is baked inside, any lingering pine beetles will be cooked too, and the biochar can be sold or mixed with other amendments such as rock dust for fertilizing soil harmlessly.
How much carbon can biochar remove from the atmosphere? Project Drawdown gives this estimate for the whole world:
“Biochar can reduce carbon dioxide emissions 1.36–3.00 gigatons by 2050. The net cost of implementing the solution would be US$123.54 –244.94 billion, and the lifetime operational cost would be US$333.20–663.11 billion. This analysis draws on total life-cycle assessments of the many ways biochar prevents and sequesters greenhouse gases, while assuming the nascent biochar industry is limited by the availability of biomass feedstocks.”
I think Project Drawdown has underestimated biochar’s potential, for they reassure us that this plan allocates “feedstock to biochar only after demand by all other bio-based solutions has been satisfied.” That is reasonable; we should not turn anything into biochar that might be more useful in other ways. However, Drawdown seems not take account of those millions of dead trees that should be burned anyway if we want to limit the spread of the beetle infestation. In addition, there are plenty of trees in Canadian cities that have been killed by the Emerald Ash Borer.
Indeed, almost every household, small business, and factory regularly produces dry biomass waste that could be made into biochar.[31] When we make biochar from dead wood, we permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere. The biochar that remains is 40 percent of the total carbon contained in the wood – and it will never again enter the atmosphere. For every pound of biochar we make, we remove three pounds of CO2 from the atmosphere.[32]
It is easy to make, so why not enable that? We can set up a few pyrolizers in every neighborhood park (one big one made from a dumpster and a few made from metal barrels) and train a local person to be the “biochar-master.” On Saturdays people can bring woody trash to the park and take home a box of biochar made the previous week to scatter on their gardens. They call that the “circular economy.”
And Canada can use biochar on an even larger scale by using it, mixed with other amendments, to substitute for the harmful synthetic fertilizers that are otherwise essential to the productivity of our agriculture. A uniquely promising component of the mixture is rock dust.
b) Rock Dust Carbon Sequestration
Why is Earth cooler than Venus? According to Google, Venus is surrounded by CO2, so temperatures reach 462 degrees Celsius there. But we Earthians can thank our Mother Earth, who removes carbon from the atmosphere by eroding rocks. For this, Mama uses rain, which becomes carbonic acid (much weaker than sparkling water) as it contacts CO2 in the air. When this weak carbonic acid falls on certain rocks, including basalt and olivine, a chemical reaction occurs, producing bicarbonate and cations. Cations are transferred into the plants and the soil. If the soil lacks cations, then eventually that carbon will just escape back into the atmosphere. It’s the cations that keep dissolved carbon dioxide (bicarbonate) in the water until it flows into the ocean, where eventually it becomes sediment at the bottom. It remains there for millions of years, until perhaps turned over by a tectonic plate upheaval and eventually spewed out as lava again from a volcano. The cycle continues.
We can speed up nature’s method by pulverizing the rocks; the more surface area a rock has, the more CO2 it can capture, so we grind the rock into powder, which has far more surface area than a stone. When farm soil is sprinkled with the rock powder, it absorbs CO2 and the microbes make the minerals into nutrients, including nitrogen, which regenerates the fertility of degraded soil.[33] So, soil treated with rock dust does not require chemical fertilizers. And, since agriculture accounts for nearly a quarter of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions, Canadian farmers can help solve global warming and hunger simultaneously.
On a large scale, that process, nowadays called “enhanced rock weathering,” can capture vast amounts of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and lock it up for hundreds of thousands of years. The powdered rock absorbs two to four tons of atmospheric carbon dioxide per hectare over the course of five years.[34]
We are interested in rock dust for dual purposes: (a) to enhance the productivity of the soil and (b) to remove carbon from the atmosphere and cool our planet. But does it really improve soil? And does it sequester carbon?
First: Yes, as a soil amendment it does enhance fertility, eliminating the need for chemical fertilizers. The research that I have found give consistently favorable reports, noting that rock dust contains micronutrients and trace elements that enable beneficial microbes to flourish and contribute to the life cycle of plants. No report mentions any harmful effects.
There are improvements in plant structure, increases in resistance to pests and disease, and more flavorful vegetables. Rock dust does all this with its minerals and trace elements, such as calcium, iron and manganese, which are difficult to replace after being depleted from the soil. It releases these elements when interacting with soil microorganisms and plant material. According to Yale Environment, “Field tests on corn and alfalfa show increases in crop yields; the rock dust releases other essential nutrients, including phosphorous and potassium.” Some yields are 30 percent higher. Remineralization with rock dust is a low-cost, high-impact way to produce healthier people and a healthier planet.[35]
Second: Yes, rock dust does remove carbon from the air. According to the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), rocks naturally remove one billion tons of carbon dioxide a year from the atmosphere. Rock dust could theoretically, if applied to croplands around the world, remove two to four billion tons of carbon dioxide from the air every year. That amount is between 34 percent and 68 percent of the global greenhouse gas emissions produced by agriculture annually.[36]
The most frequently cited study of rock dust’s carbon removal value, by David Beerling et al, compares the carbon removal potential and costs among nations in relation to business-as-usual energy policies and policies consistent with limiting future warming to 2 degrees Celsius. These researchers assert that
“China, India, the USA and Brazil have great potential to help achieve average global CDR goals of 0.5 to 2 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year with extraction costs of approximately US$80–180 per tonne of CO2. These goals and costs are robust, regardless of future energy policies. Deployment within existing croplands offers opportunities to align agriculture and climate policy. However, success will depend upon overcoming political and social inertia to develop regulatory and incentive frameworks.”[37]
Other papers seem to support the same conclusion, including one by Johannes Lehmann that declares, “It now seems that this approach is as promising as other strategies, in terms of cost and CO2-removal potential.”[38]
For every ten tons of rock applied to Canadian fields, one ton of CO2 will be locked away. Globally, rock dust now permanently locks away between two and four million tons of atmospheric carbon per hectare over a five-year period.[39] Let’s average it at three million tons when estimating how much Canadian farms might sequester. In 2016 Canada had 93.4 million acres (37.4 million hectares) of cropland. If rock dust were applied to all of that Canadian land, it would remove 112 million tons of carbon over a five-year period.
That sounds impressive, but according to Google, Canadian agricultural activities (minus fossil fuel use) emit 50 million tonnes of CO2 per year — or 250 million tonnes over that five-year period. So, that 112-million-ton reduction is only 45 percent as much as agriculture emits — and even that is overly hopeful, since we cannot really expect every farm in Canada to spread rock dust. Half of them may be an optimistic guess. (A tonne is a little more than a ton.)
But to make the estimate fair, we should subtract the amount of carbon emitted by the processes of grinding, transporting, and spreading the rock dust. The amount will vary, but we must reduce the estimate by 10-20 percent in some cases. It is generally costly transport rock dust, but long-distance rail shipments are affordable. Fortunately, however, the aggregate industry already produces powdered rock as a by-product, so plenty of rock dust is already available, often nearby.[40] So, let’s set a realistic goal for Canada: to remove 50 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere over a five-year period by spreading rock dust.
Mine tailings are cheaper than newly ground basalt and can cost as little as $15 per tonne of carbon removed. David Demarey, a Massachusetts farmer and chemical engineer, is even more enthusiastic about Black Lime, an ordovician shale that can be obtained in Vermont about ten miles from the Canadian border. Demarey has produced some useful estimates for me:
“I looked at the offsets to the cost of applying the Black Lime to agricultural soils in commercial quantities of one to eleven tons per acre. The tonnage isn’t entirely critical to the analysis because piling on more of it at one time does not multiply the beneficial effect beyond a certain baseline. The number of tons per acre does have a bearing on the rate and quantity of carbon dioxide that can be sequestered into the soil.
“The analysis is complex and therefore I will only summarize the results for now:
“The Black Lime generates about twice its cost in benefit to agricultural yield, trace element supply, limestone equivalence (The Black Lime has significant carbo
Science & technology | Biocement
Adding bacteria can make concrete greener
They offer ways to produce cement without releasing carbon dioxide
Concrete is one of the world’s most important materials. But making the cement that binds it generates about 8% of anthropogenic carbon-dioxide emissions.
This is not just because of the heat involved. That could, in principle, be supplied in environmentally friendly ways. It is, rather, embedded in the very chemistry of the process. The heat is applied to limestone, to break up its principal constituent, calcium carbonate, into calcium oxide (cement’s crucial ingredient) and CO2.
In a warming world, this CO2 should be disposed of in a manner which keeps it out of the atmosphere. That is tricky. Better, then, not to generate it in the first place, by remodelling the way the aggregates that are concrete’s other ingredient are bound together. Intriguingly, this may be an area where microbes can come to the rescue.
One proposal, literally as well as metaphorically green, is to recruit the services of chlorophyll-laden, photosynthesising organisms called cyanobacteria. That has allowed Prometheus Materials, a firm in Colorado, to develop a cement-making process in which the energy comes not from heat but light—something easily generated from electricity that has, in turn, been provided by renewable sources. Moreover, and perhaps more importantly, photosynthesis subtracts CO2 from the atmosphere rather than adding it.
Grow-your-own concrete
Prometheus raises its bacteria in water-filled “bioreactors” surrounded by light-emitting diodes, to allow the bugs to photosynthesise. The water contains inorganic nutrients the bacteria need, and is perfused by streams of air bubbles which provide the CO2. It also has calcium ions dissolved in it—for the purpose of the exercise is to encourage the bacteria to generate from the ingredients provided crystals of calcium carbonate a few microns across—a process called biomineralisation.
The number of bacteria in the bioreactors would double every four to six hours if permitted to do so. Instead, quantities of them are transferred regularly to another tank. Here, they are plied with a proprietary stimulant that accelerates biomineralisation and then allowed to sit for an hour or so to mature. When the crystal-rich gloop that results is mixed with an aggregate, the product is “bioconcrete”.
Bioconcrete actually comes in many varieties, depending on the aggregate employed. For the moment, Prometheus is pinning its hopes on mixing the gloop with sand, together with a so-called hydrogel (think jelly deserts for children’s parties, only more industrial), which further helps to bind the sand grains together.
To reduce the space between the grains in the mixture, and thereby strengthen the resulting material, the company first pours the mix into casts that will shape it into breeze blocks, and then uses machinery which compresses and, for about ten seconds, “vibrates the heck out of it”, says Loren Burnett, Prometheus’s boss. The resulting blocks then take about eight days to cure, compared with 28 days for conventionally produced breeze blocks.
Prometheus says making concrete this way emits a tenth of the CO2 generated by conventional concrete-making. Mr Burnett hopes that will permit the firm to charge a “green premium”—because one thing which the new blocks are not, is cheaper than the conventional variety. He will not, though, be relying on the construction industry’s goodwill for this to happen. Many jurisdictions, including the states of California, Oregon and Washington, are bringing forward regulations that will favour “reduced-carbon” concrete.
How much the premium will need to be to permit a profit is not yet clear, but it should be once Prometheus has shifted production from its laboratory to a pilot manufacturing facility nearby—a move it expects to complete early next year. That said, the firm does hope to bring costs down eventually to a point where it competes with conventional cement-makers on price as well.
One unknown is how permeable to water the new material will prove. But the stuff is certainly strong. Recent batches have withstood pressures of 380kg per square centimetre—more than some conventional concretes can tolerate. Sales of breeze blocks, and also of bricks for sound barriers to dampen traffic noise (an application based on the belief that the hydrogel will dissipate sound better than conventional concrete) should start early next year. Bringing precast bridge segments to market will take a bit longer, as more rigorous certification is involved.
Prometheus says its new plant will be able to turn out nearly 21,000 breeze blocks a month. But, because shipping heavy products long distances is expensive, it is also working on a process that air-dries both the bacteria and the crystals. The idea, says Mr Burnett, is to produce a “just-add-water” biocement mixture that would be lighter than a conventional cement mix, and could thus be shipped more cheaply.
Building on organic growth
Another biocement firm, Biomason, of Research Triangle Park in North Carolina, uses a similar approach, except that its bacteria, Sporosarcina pasteurii, do not photosynthesise, so have to be fed organic nutrients, in the form of sugar and amino acids, as well as inorganic ones. According to Ginger Krieg Dosier, the firm’s boss, the result is better than conventional cement at binding fine particles together. This lets Biomason substitute things like mine tailings for part of the sand that would otherwise be used. Biomason’s first products are wall and floor tiles branded “Biolith”.
Applications for biocement extend beyond conventional construction, too. America’s Department of Defence, for one, has shown interest. Its aim is to be able to build things in remote areas without having to hump in cement and other materials. That would be doubly valuable if the territory through which the humping would otherwise be happening were hostile. Indeed, it was the defence department that catalysed the formation of Prometheus, by awarding the team at the University of Colorado which later founded the firm a grant of $1.8m back in 2017.
The department is also, in the guise of the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (darpa) and the Air Force Research Laboratory, collaborating with Biomason to develop biocement sprays that can turn sand or loose soil into runways. Michael Dosier, Biomason’s chief technologist (and the boss’s husband), says the hardening involved could require less than 72 hours.
Even wilder uses are on the cards. In a talk given in August to darpa Forward, a technology conference in Fort Collins, Colorado, Kathleen Hicks, America’s deputy secretary of defence, outlined a goal that is literally out of this world: an ability to spray a bacterial liquid on lunar or Martian regolith, in order to “grow a landing pad”.
Back on Earth, biocements are already being used to consolidate loose ground for reasons other than runway-making. Some concocted in Singapore by researchers at Nanyang Technological University (ntu) are intended to slow coastal erosion.
To do this, ntu’s civil and environmental engineering department is formulating recipes that mix seawater, calcium chloride, urea and an enzyme from soyabeans. For some batches, the calcium chloride and urea have been successfully substituted, respectively, by carbide sludge, an industrial waste, and human urine.
ntu’s biocements are conveniently watery and, once set in concrete as it were, colourless. This means, says Chu Jian, the department’s chairman, that, “you just need to pour the solution on top of the beach”. Singapore’s National Parks Board is testing ntu’s biocements at two beaches that are being worn away by the waves—one fringing the island state’s south coast, the other in a group of offshore islets.
Filling in the cracks
Another ingenious bacterial concoction intended for the construction industry is produced by Basilisk, a firm in the Netherlands. In 2017 it launched a product that heals cracks in concrete.
Basilisk Healing Agent consists of tiny pellets that hold dried spores from a range of bacteria belonging to the genera Planococcus, Bacillus and Sporosarcina, together with nutrients including polylactic acid. Construction workers pour the pellets into conventional cement when mixing it with water and aggregate. The high alkalinity of uncured cement stops the moisture activating the spores. That alkalinity drops, however, as the concrete cures. This means that, if a crack appears and water gets in, the spores in the embedded pellets are primed to spring into action and generate calcium carbonate. This fills in fissures up to a millimetre across, nipping potentially dangerous cracks in the bud.
Not only does that lower maintenance costs, it also means the concrete concerned need contain less reinforcing steel, since the quantity of such “rebar” used in conventional concrete anticipates the extra strength which will be needed as cracks inevitably form. A cubic metre of typical concrete thus requires 100-120kg of rebar, at a cost of around a dollar a kilogram. According to Bart van der Woerd, Basilisk’s boss, adding 5kg of Basilisk’s pellets can halve that requirement for some projects, and will set you back only €37 ($37).
Not only does that save money, it also saves CO2 emissions—because making steel from iron ore is another process that releases this gas for fundamental-chemical rather than mere energy-generating reasons. (The ore is iron oxide, and the oxygen is plucked from this to leave metallic iron by its reaction with the carbon in coke.) Less steel equals less CO2. Sometimes then, and luckily, it is the road to heaven, not that to hell, which is paved with good intentions. ■
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This article appeared in the Science & technology section of the print edition under the headline “Building with bacteria” .Science and Technology, November 25, 2022.
That biocement stuff sounds great — but there’s another important way to reduce the global warming effect of concrete: the creation of carbon-negative aggregate. At the moment they make it from demolished concrete, mixing it with CO2 from an industrial site. The aggregate is so great at containing the carbon dioxide permanently that it offsets the current emissions from the manufacture of Portland cement. Now if we can just combine these two approaches (and why not?) we would have a stupendously carbon-absorbing concrete. We could suck the greenhouse gas out of the air and lock it away in structures that we need to create anyway.
How fast can they test this stuff and get factories made to produce it? We need it NOW!
The Catastrophic Threat of Thawing Permafrost Hangs Over Us All
As the Arctic heats up, sinking buildings and roads are the least of our problems: When carbon locked in the ground ends up in the air, warming could get worse for everyone
Oct 28, 2022
Richard Littlemore is a Vancouver-based journalist, consultant, speechwriter, and co-author of Climate Cover-up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming.
The Klondike capital of Dawson City is one of the best places in Canada to contemplate the catastrophic consequences of thawing permafrost. Or, if you’d rather, it might be a place to ignore the implications entirely, and with confidence that you are not alone in doing so. It depends on how closely you want to look – or how desperately you want to look away.
Most of Dawson – like 30 per cent to 50 per cent of Canada – is underlain by permafrost, which scientists define as ground that has remained frozen, winter and summer, for at least two years. The notion may seem chilly, even forbidding, in the south, but many northerners call permafrost “our concrete.” They use it as a base for roads and bridges, as the foundation for homes, churches and businesses. In the words of Steve Kokelj, a Carleton University geographer and one of the deans of the Canadian permafrost community, it’s “the glue that holds the northern landscape together.”
But if the promising prefix “perma-” suggests that this essential base is going to remain frozen forever, you might be disappointed. Thanks to climate warming, which a recent study by the Finnish Meteorological Institute showed is advancing in the North at up to seven times the global average, permafrost is thawing at an accelerating rate.
Which means that stuff is starting to break. The Northwest Territories Association of Communities said in 2017 that its annual bill for permafrost-related repairs was already $51-million – a big additional tax for a small population (44,800). And it’s going to get worse. A January study in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment predicted that permafrost-related damage will affect 30 per cent to 50 per cent of all northern infrastructure by 2050.
That’s obviously bad news for everyone who lives in one of the houses that is riding a permafrost thaw slump into the sea. But there is an even greater threat that hangs over us all.
Read more
According to Sue Natali from the Harvard-linked Woodwell Climate Research Center in Woods Hole, Mass., there is currently between 1.4 trillion and 1.6 trillion metric tonnes of carbon trapped in northern circumpolar permafrost, the remains of plants and animals that, over many thousands of years, died and slipped below the surface, where they have remained frozen ever since. For scale, that’s roughly twice as much carbon as is currently contained in the world’s atmosphere, three times as much as in all the forests on Earth.
And when the permafrost thaws and micro-organisms start chowing down on all that suddenly available carboniferous material, those microbes wind up breathing out the greenhouse gas (GHG) carbon dioxide (CO2) or the even more powerful methane.
Next comes the truly dangerous turn, the self-reinforcing feedback that could become an irreversible global tipping point. The warming atmosphere hastens the thaw of the permafrost, which belches up more greenhouse gases, which further accelerates the warming – and so on into the crisis-ridden future. The short- to medium-term impact of this “permafrost carbon feedback” loop remains speculative and controversial but by one estimate, based on calculations from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s 2019 Arctic report card, Canadian permafrost could be emitting greenhouse gases by 2050 at a rate equal to all of the country’s current human output. If we were including those GHG emissions in our national totals (we’re not), that would mean we would have to double our emission reductions and/or carbon-capture efforts to reach the federal government’s widely heralded target of net zero by 2050. It hardly bears considering.
In the slightly longer term, an overview paper published this month in the Annual Review of Environment and Resources reported that by the end of the century, even middling forecasts show that northern permafrost will be emitting carbon at a rate higher than the current output of any country other than China.
Which brings us back to Dawson, where in late August the foremost permafrost experts in the country gathered with an unprecedented contingent of First Nations delegates for the North Yukon Permafrost Conference.
It is, again, a fitting venue. The fabled home of the Klondike Gold Rush, Dawson transformed in the late 1890s from a Dene community of a few hundred to a bacchanalian metropolis of up to 30,000 miners, revellers and hangers-on before crashing back down to its current permanent population of fewer than 2,000.
Honouring that history, the town presents as something of a theme park – though, because it is curated by Parks Canada as a National Historic Site, it looks more quaint than Disneyfied. By municipal decree, all the downtown building fronts must remain “in conformity with the architectural and landscape … style common in Dawson during and immediately following the ‘Gold Rush.’”
At a distance, the effect is pretty convincing. The landscape part is easy – 1890s-style dirt roads and rickety wooden boardwalks where the sidewalks might be. This is also robustly practical. The heaving permafrost and winter temperatures that frequently dip below -40 would quickly turn pavement or sidewalk concrete to rubble.
The buildings appear similarly authentic, as long as you don’t peek behind the facades to see the ones that are, in fact, corrugated-metal Quonset huts with false fronts. If you were to lift the skirts of the actual buildings, you also would find that nearly all of them are sitting on “cribbing,” beams and posts that can be shimmed and adjusted year after year to remain level, despite the permafrost decline. You don’t have to wander far from the main streets to see drunken, slewing (and ultimately dangerous) structures that have not been kept up.
“Most of us are used to relevelling our buildings quite a bit,” says Dawson Mayor Bill Kendrick. It’s more difficult, though – and even more expensive – to manage some of the other infrastructure, he says, offering the example of the sewer and water lines that snapped a few years ago, thanks to a four-foot, permafrost-driven “deflection” along Sixth Avenue.
So people in Dawson are hypersensitized to the local effects of permafrost – the geohazard. But many seem to actively ignore the implications of permafrost carbon feedback. Far from trying to protect the permafrost, to keep excess carbon in the ground, many dozens of placer mines are working tirelessly to destroy the permafrost layer, to get access to the gold that still lurks in Klondike gravel. The miners, usually in operations of four to six people, set up in creek beds and spray water at the banks, blowing off any surface flora and the layers of permafrost ice, soils and fossilized material to get to the good stuff. Then they sluice out the gold, thereafter covering the landscape with washed-gravel tailings that, from the plane coming in from Whitehorse, look like castings from Dune-sized sandworms.
According to the Yukon government manager of surficial geology, Jeff Bond, there are roughly 150 placer mining operations in the Dawson region, generating 90 per cent of the 80,000 ounces of gold that come out of the Yukon every year. At current gold prices, about $2,200 an ounce, that’s roughly $160-million worth of income, an estimated 87 per cent of which stays in the local economy. As Mayor Kendrick says, “When COVID devastated tourism, mining helped us weather the storm.”
Here, then, is an analogy for the whole climate-change dilemma: what you know versus what you don’t want to know. As in southern Canada, where governments set emission-reduction targets and then invest in oil sands pipelines or promote oil and gas developments, there is always the tension between an uncertain threat tomorrow and a reliable income today.
Against that tension, the Dawson permafrost conference was set up as a multifaceted act of reconciliation. First, of course, was the challenge of engaging and reconciling with the Indigenous people on whom the climate effects are having the most immediate and, often, devastating impact. Carleton University’s Chris Burn, another giant in the Canadian permafrost panoply, describes First Nations people in the North as “the last group who are not removed from the environment.” He says, “They realize that they are facing an existential problem, not just an interesting intellectual exercise.” Dr. Burn is also beloved in these parts as an academic who came to the Yukon to research permafrost in 1982 and has been coming back almost every summer since. Unlike too many academic researchers, who fly in with thousands of dollars of equipment and head straight into the field, neither tapping the locals for their insights nor sharing any knowledge gained in the process, Dr. Burn recognized early that “the observations of the people who actually live here are always more interesting than those I can make myself.” As if to drive home the point, 40 years later, he still gets ribbed for the unlikely riverbank location of his first camp.
So, in preparing for this conference, Dr. Burn and others from the Canadian Permafrost Association (CPA) invited First Nations to participate as co-organizers. Three First Nations accepted: the Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin, the Vuntut Gwichen, and the Na-cho Nyak Dun.
The outcome, according to current CPA president Kumari Karunaratne, was “amazing.” Knowing that a third of the people in the room would be First Nations elders, the scientists accepted a challenge to avoid jargon-filled, insider presentations. “They’re not dumbing it down,” Dr. Karunaratne said, “but they’re breaking it down enough to be understood.” And in the multidisciplinary world of permafrost science, that turned out to be a boon for other scientists, as well.That signals the second point of reconciliation – the drawing together of the permafrost science community and, especially, the co-ordination of permafrost research.
Like other dangerous climate forcings, the permafrost threat is so dispersed that no single jurisdiction can claim or exercise responsibility. Scientists, distributed among many institutions – and many countries – tend to work in isolation and, in Canada certainly, funding agencies prioritize short-term capital-intensive research projects, resisting long-term or operating grants. As a result, the Canadian permafrost research community has been relying on what University of Montreal geographer Oliver Sonnentag calls “a coalition of the willing,” in which “co-ordination is not funded and every person, every project is disconnected.”
Thanks to at least three initiatives, however, that may be about to change.
The first is being led by Carleton University geographer Stephan Gruber, who is the principal investigator for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Permafrost Partnership Network (NSERC PermafrostNet), which unites researchers from 11 universities, and partners with government agencies, industry, and Indigenous communities to monitor, predict and adapt to permafrost thaw and its consequences.
Dr. Natali and the Woodwell Center are driving an even larger research and co-ordination project called Permafrost Pathways, which is building a comprehensive international monitoring network to improve tracking and modelling of Arctic permafrost and carbon fluxes – i.e., how much carbon is being emitted from permafrost as opposed to that which is being absorbed as new plant material dies and is frozen in the annual cycle. Dr. Natali and company are working to partner with local leaders and to provide local and national policy makers with the data they need to fill gaps in monitoring and modelling permafrost thaw.
As mentioned above, permafrost emissions are not currently included in national carbon budgets, which means that emission-reduction targets negotiated at the 2015 Paris climate conference could be way off the mark as the world seeks to keep global warming from exceeding catastrophic levels.
The bad news in the Permafrost Pathways project comes in the sudden and unfortunate departure of Russia from international permafrost science collaboration, thanks to the diplomatic break driven by the Ukraine war. Two-thirds of the world’s permafrost lies within Russian borders, so permafrost researchers in the rest of the world are eager to restore the flow of scientific information.
In the meantime, there may be a greater opportunity to focus on Canadian monitoring and the Woodwell team has now engaged Dr. Sonnentag, who will be taking a leave from his University of Montreal teaching duties, beginning Jan. 1, to serve as a liaison to the Canadian research community.
The Cascade Institute at Royal Roads University is launching a third co-ordination project, called the Permafrost Carbon Feedback Intervention Roadmap, again seeking to expand the conversation and reduce the scientific uncertainties that some policy makers use as a rationale to delay action.
Even without working through the next stage of monitoring and analysis, however, Dr. Natali bridles at the continuing policy delay. She says, “Uncertainty is just a range of possibilities. It shouldn’t frustrate action.”
She also points out that we already understand the range of consequences and says that we should be making decisions based on the high end of the range, precisely because the possible consequences are so huge. (Dr. Gruber calls permafrost carbon feedback “a trillion-dollar question for coastal cities.”)
Dr. Natali concludes that, in the long run, “The science will give us the numbers. For decisions, we need the wisdom to come together as human communities.”
One of the most popular sources of wisdom in Dawson was a Na-Cho Nyak Dun elder named Jimmy Johnny, a presenter in a panel discussion on climate-change adaptation. Mr. Johnny is a short, wiry and quietly mirthful character who has spent his life as a horse wrangler, having gotten his first job as a guide-outfitter in 1958. And he dresses the part: cowboy boots, hat, leather vest and blue jeans that stay up out of pure stubbornness, there being too little flesh on Mr. Johnny’s bones to stop them from falling down.
He told a story of a recent hunting trip in which a pack horse named Big Blue fell into a huge permafrost sinkhole: “Right before my eyes, he disappeared.” Tapping the strength of all hands and a couple of other horses, Mr. Johnny worked to pull Big Blue out, but the sloppy hole was too constricted and the horse too panicked. Facing a terrible decision, Mr. Johnny walked to a high point and phoned the horse’s owner – for permission, or maybe for his blessing. But the owner just said, “Jimmy, you’re the trail boss. You do what you have to do.”
Mr. Johnny walked back to his own horse and, to the consternation of the southern hunters in the party, he pulled a .30-30 rifle from his saddle. “And then I walked around behind the horse, so he didn’t have to see.”
But Big Blue was neither inattentive nor new to the world of hunters. When Mr. Johnny cocked the rifle – “click, click” – the horse bounded upward, not clear of the hole, but far enough that they were able to wrestle him the rest of the way.
The moderator for the adaptation panel was a Na-Cho Nyak Dun adviser named John Meikle, who noted that there is now ample evidence of the risks we all face from climate change, and the urgency of the call to action, concluding, “Maybe it’s time to take a lesson from Big Blue and imagine Jimmy Johnny standing behind you with a .30-30.”
It’s a rough metaphor, but the head-nodding and mirthless laughter that greeted Mr. Meikle’s comment suggest that, in this room, at least, there is wary consensus about the looming implications of climate change generally and permafrost specifically: Even if we’re not yet capable of jumping out of the hole, it might be time to stop digging.
The New Democrat Bill is Good for Climate
Best guess says that the bill that Joe Manchin has agreed to will allow the US to ALMOST reach the greenhouse gas target that it pledged in the Paris agreement. This is progress. Not enough, but something to celebrate — if it passes Congress. Promote it vigorously, please friends.
Fareed Zakaria Needs to Know More About Reducing Global Warming
Today, during the heat wave, Fareed Zakaria’s show discusses several ways of reducing carbon emissions, notably with nuclear power. I’ve just written to him; here’s my letter.
a) Small modular reactors don’t exist yet and will take many years to realize. That’s not a fast reaction but a slow one. Yes, extend the life of existing power plants if they are safe, but SMRs are much slower than building wind or solar or even geothermal.
b) Fareed is still are just trying to get to “net zero” quickly, but even if we were there today, the heat would continue rising for many years. I host one-hour-long talk shows with experts, and the following of my shows discuss the only current methods for quickly cooling the planet:
• REMOVE existing carbon from the atmosphere with
— trees (best: quickly plant them in cities and along country roads, where people can reach them to water and weed them for the first two years; otherwise, they die.)
— carbon farming agriculture (even better; it also improves food production)
including by adding biochar and/or crushed rock to the soil:
— iron salt aerosol sprayed into air over oceans; it neutralizes methane.
— new carbon-negative concrete, which sequesters carbon permanently.
• SHADE the planet quickly. This can be done are low cost by spraying sea water through a fine nozzle over the oceans, including the Arctic ocean in the summer. It makes existing clouds whiter, so they reflect more sunlight away. A fleet of fishing boats could be deployed within a year or two, using a machine about the size of a refrigerator.
These are the only two ways of cooling the planet within a few years (there are many other options, but they take longer). These are not very risky at all. Please promote them. Interview some experts on these technologies. I have done so with my own one-hour-long talk shows.
Basalt is Good Too
Another great possibility is to spread crushed rock (especially basalt) on the soil. It grabs and holds onto carbon from the atmosphere, and it does good to the fertility of soil The question is, how much energy does it require to smash and transport the rock? That all depends.
Reindeer as Ecosystem Engineers?
“On the Yamal Peninsula in West Siberia, the nomadic Nenets people have a long tradition of herding reindeer on the Arctic tundra. In recent decades, however, the tundra has been changing, and so are the ways that reindeer interact with it.
The Yamal Peninsula is shown above in a natural-color image acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite on July 8, 2021. At that time of year, Nenets herders likely were making their summer migration to the north.
In the Arctic, temperatures have been rising faster than anywhere else in the world. Climate change has been altering the plant communities in tundra and taiga (boreal) ecosystems. As growing seasons become longer and warmer, plant growth has increased—an effect called Arctic greening. Additionally, the tundra grasses and small plants that normally grow here are being replaced by taller, woodier shrubs and trees—a change called shrubification. These changes in vegetation affect the tundra ecosystem, including its carbon cycle, human and wildlife habitat, and susceptibility to wildfire.
But the changes have not been uniform across the Arctic. For example, research supported by NASA’s Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) found that instead of greening, some colder, drier areas have experienced browning. The map below is based on Landsat satellite observations between 2000 and 2020 that show about 27 percent of the Arctic became greener while 8 percent became browner.
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For decades, satellite instruments have monitored vegetation from space. Ground-based studies have shown how reindeer—the only large herbivore in many areas of the Arctic—can affect vegetation, including reducing greenness and lichen abundances, slowing the encroachment of shrubs, and increasing soil nitrogen. Now, satellites are being used to investigate the interactions between the vegetation and reindeer.
In a 2020 study, researchers used 30 years of Landsat imagery data to map changes in shrub cover across the Yamal Peninsula. They found it was stable between 1986 and 2016, despite the warming climate and a 75 percent increase in the reindeer population over that time.
“Our results thus point towards increases in large herbivore pressures having compensated for the warming of the Peninsula, halting the shrubification of the area,” the authors wrote in the Journal of Environmental Management. “This suggests that strategic semi-domesticated reindeer husbandry, which is a common practice across the Eurasian Arctic, could represent an efficient environmental management strategy for maintaining open tundra landscapes in the face of rapid climate change.”
However, another 2020 study of the Yamal reindeer found that this strategy may have its limits. Using Landsat imagery, along with ground surveys based on fecal pellets, scientists tried to quantify land-use by reindeer. They found that while foraging and trampling do hold back the growth of low-growing shrubs, they do not appear to prevent the further growth or expansion of taller, already established shrubs because these are areas where reindeer are unlikely to forage.
“Our results suggest that reindeer use of the landscape, and hence their effects on the landscape, correlates with the landscape structure,” the authors wrote in Environmental Research Letters, adding that further research will be needed to evaluate the role of “reindeer as ecosystem engineers capable of mediating the effects of climate change.”
Read More:
Time for Expansion: The Arctic Council at the Crossroad of Heightened Strategic Tensions and Climate Change
Nima Khorrami | The Arctic Institute: Centre for Circumpolar Security Studies | 12 October 2021
Thanks to its resources, its potential as a maritime shortcut between global trading hubs in Asia, Europe and North America, technological developments, and, above all, climate change, strategic competition is set to keep reaching new heights in the Arctic. Although the current situation is not as fragile as it once was during the Cold War, the anticipated intensification in the Sino-American strategic rivalry, Moscow’s newly acquired habit of violating international legal system, and increased commercial and military activities of both Arctic and non-Arctic nations herald the beginning of a new era; one that is already heavily marred in zero-sum thinking and therefore is considerably more prone to friction.
Given this anticipated state of affairs as well as the commonly acknowledged inadequacy of the existing defence and security arrangements in the region, the need for a well-thought out long term strategy for the region is now, more than ever before, apparent. To this end, the future trajectory of the Arctic Council and its institutional development is of paramount importance. Some scholars claim that regional institutions risk becoming irrelevant should they “fail to respond to the rate of change” while others warn of unsuitability of retaining exclusivity on the Arctic governance based on geographical proximity and simultaneously highlight the urgent need for either reforming the current “Arctic-oriented international organisations” or establishing new ones.
By taking its lead from these works and their findings, this article seeks to make the case for a reformed Arctic Council and the widening of its mandate; one that includes defence and security related issues. Its main argument is that reforming the Council, or more accurately expanding its mandate, does not represent a deviation from its initial purpose but in fact is a vital prerequisite if it is to be able to fulfil its key objectives of environmental protection and sustainable development. Concurring that insistence on exclusivity is bound to failure, moreover, this paper also contends that the Council, thanks to its large number of observer states, is the most suitable and/or natural venue for not only defence related discussions but also the wider issue of Arctic governance.
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The Arctic Council: A Brief Background As the most prominent regional organisation, the Arctic Council is a consensus-based entity which aims at promoting peaceful cooperation with a particular focus on sustainable development, environmental protection, and knowledge sharing.7) However, it neither has a fixed operational budget nor an international legal status/identity and it also lacks enforcement mechanisms. Its policy proposals, therefore, mount to non-binding recommendations while hard security issues fall outside its institutional mandate thereby disallowing it to hold discussions on defence and security issues; an inability which has begun to come under sustained criticism.8) One important reason for this occurrence is the perceived direct link between (inter)national security and the Council’s focus areas – environmental protection and sustainable development – with climate change now being commonly considered a risk or threat multiplayer.9)
To be sure, exclusion of hard security from the Council’s directive has had its benefits for regional governance. In particular, it is due to this feature that its members have been able to “compartmentalise Arctic Council affairs from broader geopolitical tensions” between the West and Russia and continue their cooperation with Moscow.10)
Still, as both regional and extra-regional actors increase their presence and stakes in the Arctic, chances are that disputes related to the issue of governance and sovereignty will flare up more frequently, and that the Arctic Council risks losing its relevance should it fail to revisit and revise its mandate; a sentiment that was indirectly hinted at by the former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.11)
Add to this its inability to reach an agreement on a Ministerial Declaration during its last meeting in Rovaniemi12)
and, more importantly, its failure to deliver on its own 2017 decision to articulate a strategic plan for revamping its priorities13)
and it then becomes reasonable to be doubtful about the Council’s ability to continue to play a constructive role in regulating Arctic affairs in its existing format.
Climate Change, Capacity Building, (inter)national Security: Time for ExpansionMore often than not, supporters of the status-quo argue that any push towards change would mount to a costly distraction for an organisation that is already under financial restraints while it would also introduce an unwelcome element of realpolitik thinking into members deliberations. This, so the argument goes, could hamper cooperation on other issues such as environmental cooperation.14)
While this may have been true in the past, it is hard to see how such reasoning holds up in the light of the region’s fast changing environment.
To state the obvious, climate change is not confined to extreme weather; that is, it also has significant geopolitical implications with regard to transitions from fossil fuels, the changing value of strategic minerals needed by the renewable industries, and the security and resilience of the armed forces’ own assets including air fields and naval bases some of which could be threatened by the rising sea levels.15)
Hence, responding to the anticipated effects of climate change on the region and the broader task of environmental protection would be impossible without being able to discuss defence and security implications of climate change. Not only are the two closely intertwined but they also feed off each other in the sense that they tend to inform, at least partly, states’ threat perceptions.16)
Climate change has already necessitated a need to upgrade sensitive or critical military and civilian infrastructure in the Arctic, as evident in the cases of Russia and the US, both of which have begun to upgrade their military, civil, and dual used installations in the region.17)
Given their uneasy relations, Moscow and Washington will be wary of each other’s intentions even though they both appear to be implementing similar policies by building up their resilience and readiness as a preventative measure. Added to this is the fact that the growing presence of armed forces in the Arctic, which are identified as one of the largest polluters,18)
means that there will be an increased need for the regulation of their use of fossil fuels.
Equally important, even if one was to discount the likelihood of expanded military activity in the region, the mere growth in commercial activity will bring the issue of defence and security to the fore. As states develop a fondness for hybrid military tactics, put differently, it is reasonable to assume that they might use commercial means as a disguise for military/security purposes.19)
This implies that increased commercial activities too could have direct military/security implications for the Arctic states.
Closely linked to the issue of increased commercial and military presence in the region, is the nexus of climate change and resource/transport security. Today, all the Arctic states, albeit to varying extents, have begun accelerating work on expanding their extractive capacities and the means for their distribution in the global market. For instance, environmentally conscious Sweden is doubling down on the region’s potential for becoming a global resource basket. Keen on reaching growth markets faster, one of the main reasons behind Stockholm’s push for increased investment in mining project and transport/rail connectivity between its Arctic mining towns and Norway, via Finland,20)
is its commercial interest in utilising the Arctic to expand its footprint in the Asian markets as a reliable supplier of mineral goods.
As these projects progress and more resources from the region come online, the likelihood of prolonged interstate disputes cannot be discounted in spite of the fact that states have an economic interest in avoiding such scenarios. This is more so the case in the current climate of great power rivalry whereby geopolitical considerations are likely to supersede and/or defy market sentiments. As a result, if the resources, or access to them, are deemed critical to national security, states would not hesitate to use aggressive means in an attempt to secure their access. To this effect, disputes could occur over a number of issues of which the following three are the most prominent ones: 21) perceived disproportionate extraction by one party from a shared field; contested offshore areas with significant energy or mineral resources and the establishment of EEZ; and the access to bodies of water that are deemed essential for the transportation of goods and materials, especially if the current disagreement between Russia and the US over NSR’s legal status persists.22)
Mitigating and/or minimising the risk of conflict, prolonged disputes, or miscalculation cannot be achieved for as long as there is no forum that could facilitate dialogue, transparency, and collective deliberation with regard to issues pertaining to transport security, sovereignty, and responsible behaviour. By expanding its mandate, the Arctic Council stands a good chance of providing a venue for overcoming “dialogue and transparency gaps”23)
and use that function as a trust building mechanism thereby enabling the concerned parties to at least develop a better understanding of each other’s interests, sensitivities and priorities. In other words, the Arctic Council can provide a platform for high-table diplomacy24) or informal high level encounters where officials can exchange ideas and negotiate non-binding agreements before engaging in official deliberations at formal settings like the UN.
Finally, the Arctic’s inadequate transport and communication infrastructure as well as its pristine ecosystem have converted capacity building into a strategic priority for regional states and a useful channel for outside actors to gain and/or strengthen their presence and influence in the Arctic. A quick review of the most recent Arctic strategy documents of the Arctic states demonstrate that they all identify a need for technological cooperation and co-investments in order to build smart and green infrastructure in the region.25)
This desire is reciprocated by non-Arctic nations which seem to view capacity building via co-investment as a shrewd tactic for both strengthening their foothold in the region and securing their vital commercial interests. This is best demonstrated in the cases of China, Japan and South Korea, all of which consider investment in the Arctic and contribution to its infrastructural development as a strategic and commercial booster;26)
that is, doing so enables them to diversify their energy and mineral supply chains and justify their calls for a more participatory approach towards regional governance by underlining their financial stakes in various projects.
Host to a sizable number of non-Arctic nations, the Arctic Council can play a key role in assisting regional and non-regional actors to coordinate their capacity building priorities and efforts with regard to enhanced search and rescue capabilities, rail connectivity, and maritime security. However, doing so requires it to be able to discuss defence and security issues because most of the capacity building initiatives, at least those related to infrastructure, tend to have dual usage. For example, increased rail connectivity in the Arctic will not only facilitate the faster transportation of goods but it will also allow for a smoother transportation of military equipments and personnel. Furthermore, regional organisations like the Arctic Council are best suited for capacity building efforts because they provide a space for both experimental undertakings and informal exchanges. As such, they can be used as both venues for states with little or no previous experiments of cooperation as well as “networks of effective action” and knowledge depositories for future capacity-building endeavours.27)
Unattainability of Exclusivity Arctic states tend to be keen on minimising non-Arctic states participation in agenda setting practices pertaining to the Arctic governance. This desire for exclusivity, it must be noted, is indeed problematic28)
not just because climate change is a transnational threat/problem but also because increased maritime activity in the Arctic will have consequences for the global economy. In an important sense, hence, it is unreasonable to insist on limiting participation to geographical proximity, and that venues such as The Arctic Security Forces Roundtable (ASFR) or the Arctic Chiefs of Defence (CHOD) forum, while useful, will most likely prove inadequate in articulating long-term solutions for the sustainable management of regional affairs.
If climate change is a transitional issue in need of international cooperation,29)
and if foreign investment and knowhow is sought after for sustainable development of the Arctic30)
it is hard to see how non-Arctic states can be justifiably excluded from governance discussions in the Arctic. As the region becomes more accessible and more integrated with the outside world, it is, put simply, inevitable that more states with no territory in the region will seek to have a say over the course and/or direction of regional affairs. Resisting such calls will not just create unnecessary tensions but also incentivises the excluded parties to put their weights behind non-regional organisations and set up alternative groupings. This is clearly evident in China, Japan and South Korea calls for involvement of international organisations like the UN and IMO in discussing Arctic affairs as well as their establishment of what could be dubbed as a Northeast Asian Arctic Club.31)
And herein lies the danger of institutional polarisation which could stifle decision making and long term planning. Arctic governance would benefit if there is a singular venue where Arctic related issues can be discussed as opposed to a multitude of institutions with different membership structures. Once again, the Arctic Council is the ideal candidate for such undertaking. Not only it has accepted observer states but its Emergency Preparedness, Prevention, and Response Working Group, which “aims to promote pan-Arctic collaboration, capacity-building, and information-sharing related to Arctic emergencies across public and private domains”,32)
can be used as a model for the involvement of non-Arctic nations in agenda setting practices.
More broadly, the Arctic Council is the only institution where smaller Arctic states can keep a check on their mightier non-Arctic counterparts’ conduct and priorities in the Arctic. Instead of blank opposition, therefore, they are better advised to utilise their current privileged position within the Council to work with Russia and the United States in setting the rules for the more active participation of non-Arctic states in the Council’s deliberations. By doing so, they would both retain their own relevance and also defer the prospect of emerging rival organisations since none-Arctic states would have less reason to set up alternative venues if they are given more rights within the Council. Their more active participation, lastly, can be regulated by making membership renewal conditional upon satisfactory conduct. Since observer status must be renewed every four years,33)
put differently, it could be used as a tool to trim outside powers conduct within the Council and the wider region.
ConclusionIn discussing the future of the Arctic Council, it is, first and foremost, vital to openly acknowledge its accomplishments. From including indigenous people on a permanent basis, to facilitating the establishment of an Arctic University, the Arctic Economic Council, and Coast Guard Forum, the Arctic Council has done a remarkable job in maintaining peace and stability in the region.34)
It has been able to do so by proactively contributing to various Arctic initiatives and pushing for their implementation.
Equally pivotal, however, is the fact that expansion of the Council’s mandate to include hard security issues will not contradict its founding spirit; rather, it will be in line with it. According to the Ottawa Declaration, the Arctic Council has the mandate to “address common Arctic issues”.35)
A quick glance through the most recently released Arctic strategy documents of both Arctic and non-Arctic states reveal that they all share a common concern with regard to the rising tide of great power competition, the (national)security implications of environmental degradation and/or climate change, and increased state presence in the Arctic.
These, in turn, imply that traditional or hard security issues are now a common concern amongst both regional and extra regional nations alike. Similar to the 1980s when a chain of environmental disasters led to calls for the creation of the Arctic Environmental Co-operation,36)
The perceived growing disquietude with traditional security and geopolitical contestations justify calls for the expansion of the Arctic Council’s mandate to include discussions on defence and security issues.
Nor will the ability to discuss defence and security matters lead to securitisation of Council’s other works and/or initiatives. Rather, it could prevent such an outcome. While defence and strategic considerations ought not to dominate and/or take precedence over environmental issues, there can be no denial that there is an element of strategic thinking embedded in discussions about climate change. Therefore, avoiding politicisation and/or securitisation of environmental efforts can be better achieved via an institution capable of facilitating the articulation of a balanced approach that is reflective of the nexus between hard security and climate change. The Arctic Council, with its strong environmental mandate, will be in a strong position to take the lead on such undertakings and prevent hyper-securitisation of environmental efforts if its members approve the expansion of its mandate.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Council’s capacity and successful track record in turning knowledge and expertise into policy advice37)
constitute one of the most important reasons why it is essential to expand its mandate. Discussions on regional defence and security matters would immensely benefit from the Council members’ knowledge and familiarity with the region, its terrain, and its needs. Home to both indigenous representatives as well as regional and extra regional states, the Arctic Council is the most inclusive Arctic-focused organisation whose lack of legal identity and enforcement mechanisms make it the optimal platform for the conduct of high-table diplomacy; that is, unrestrained talks and exchanges amongst local, national, and regional authorities on policy matters. Thanks to its inclusive structure, put otherwise, the Arctic Council is the only entity that can articulate recommendations which are reflective of all the concerned parties’ needs and concerns.
All in all, insisting on the status-quo will most likely prove to be a receipt for decay and demise at a time when the region is undergoing rapid changes. Expansion of the Council’s mandate will certainly not be easy but, to borrow from Bill Clinton, “the price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change”.
Recently, Greta Thunberg aptly described the global-warming (non)efforts of faux or neo-environmentalist politicos as just more “blah, blah, blah”.
To me, she was also saying that, while bone-dry-vegetation world regions uncontrollably burn, mass addiction to fossil fuel products undoubtedly helps keep the average consumer quiet about the planet’s greatest polluter, lest they feel and/or be publicly deemed hypocritical. Meanwhile, (neo)liberals and conservatives remain overly preoccupied with vocally criticizing one another for their relatively trivial politics and diverting attention away from some of the planet’s greatest polluters, where it should and needs to be sharply focused.
Industry and fossil-fuel friendly governments can tell when a very large portion of the populace is too tired and worried about feeding/housing themselves or their family, and the virus-variant devastation still being left in COVID-19’s wake — all while on insufficient income — to criticise them for whatever environmental damage their policies cause/allow, particularly when not immediately observable. In fact, until recently, I had not heard Greta’s name in the mainstream corporate news-media since COVID-19 hit the world.
Replace Your Lawn!
Soon I’ll blow out the candle on my 90th birthday, making this wish: that millions of people will replace their lawns with vegetation that benefits our ecosystem instead of harming it.
Lawns are mainly a status symbol. The great old estates of England have vast expanses of lawn because the owners don’t have to raise crops on their land and can pay servants to keep them mowed. In the prosperous days after World War II, tracts of houses were created as suburbs in other countries. People enacted ordinances requiring their neighbors to maintain tidy lawns as a sign of middle-class decency. The United States leads the world in “lawnsmanship,” with Australia and Canada as close competitors.
Lawns have horrible effects on the environment, so let’s replace them with beneficial vegetation: native trees, vegetables, native perennials – even the kind of grass that used to feed herds of bison. Their long roots reach several meters down into the soil, drawing down carbon to sequester it there. And you don’t mow anything.
Every year American lawns consume nearly three trillion gallons of water, 200 million gallons of gas for mowing, and 70 million pounds of pesticides. If half of the lawns were converted to native plants, this area would exceed all the national parks in the lower 48 states. These status symbols lawns are the largest irrigated crop in the country, covering more than 40 million acres. They are depleting our water aquifers, emitting greenhouse gas, and killing insects and birds.
We require insects to pollinate our food crops, and birds require insects for food, but lawns do not support insects. More than one million plant and animal species are at risk of extinction in the US alone (I cannot find figures for other countries). Insects have a rate of extinction eight times faster than mammals. Our ecosystem could collapse unless our plants feed insects..
But do not just dig up your lawn. Every spade of earth that is turned over or ploughed emits carbon back into the air. Instead, replace the lawn without turning over the soil. Dig holes only large enough to plant perennial native plants – vegetables, shrubs, flowers, and trees. I will be producing a talk show soon about urban forestry: how to select trees and plant them in ways that avoid damage to sidewalks and the foundations of buildings.
Within the next decade most of us will no longer own cars; we’ll call for an electric taxi whenever we need transportation, and this will save us thousands of dollars per year. It also means that we won’t need parking spaces or even parking lots. Let’s plan ahead and arrange to convert these parking lots to urban forests. The world needs an extra one trillion trees to help slow global warming, and we can plant most of them in the lawns and empty old parking spots of cities. I favor a system called “Miyawaki” forests for small urban plots of land. These are very dense forests of native trees. Fortunately, we live close enough to these spaces to join our neighbors in watering them for the first three years until they become self-sufficient and mature. Watch this video of a talk show I did about Miyawaki forests.
Good luck with your new forest!
Metta Spencer
Conclusions of the paper “Ocean stratification and sea-ice cover in Barents and
Kara seas modulate sea-air methane flux: satellite data” by
Igor POLYAKOV & Hong ZHANG ( are
(subjective likelihoods are in brackets):
a) CH4 flux in winter prevails over that in summer (99%)
a1) This is due to a change in mixing (90%)
b) for the winter open-water sea a positive trend of the flux is negligible (70%). More accurate measurements are needed to prove its importance.
b1) A competition between positive seabed temp-re and negative mixing trends dumps the flux from the Barents sea (50%).
b2) for a partially ice-covered sea the winter trend is very high (90%)
b3) this is due to degradation of the ice cover (70%) or to growing flux from the seabed (30%)
This is the only satellite investigation of Arctic methane.
As a lifelong resident of southwestern B.C. (Canada), the unprecedented heatwave here in late June, described by meteorologists as more of a ‘stalling heat dome’, left me feeling I could never again complain about the weather being too cold. …
After 54 years of life, I find collective human existence has for too long been analogous to a cafeteria lineup consisting of diversely societally represented people, all adamantly arguing over which identifiable person should be at the front and, conversely, at the back of the line. Many of them further fight over to whom amongst them should go the last piece of quality pie and how much they should have to pay for it — all the while the interstellar spaceship on which they’re all permanently confined, owned and operated by (besides the wealthiest passengers) the fossil fuel industry, is on fire and toxifying at locations not normally investigated.
Clearly there has been discouragingly insufficient political courage and will to properly act upon the cause-and-effect of manmade global warming and climate change. Neo-liberals and conservatives are overly preoccupied with vociferously criticizing one another for their politics and beliefs thus diverting attention away from the planet’s greatest polluters, where it should and needs to be sharply focused. (Although, it seems to be the ‘conservatives’ who do not mind polluting the planet most liberally.)
But there’s still some hope for spaceship Earth and therefor humankind due to environmentally conscious and active young people, especially those who are approaching/reaching voting age. In contrast, the dinosaur electorate who have been voting into high office consecutive mass-pollution promoting or complicit/complacent governments for decades are gradually dying off and making way for voters who fully support a healthy Earth thus populace.
A Massive Methane Reservoir Is Lurking Beneath The Sea
Fanni Daniella Szakal | EOS | 27 April 2021
“Methane bubbles regularly reach the surface of the Laptev Sea in the East Siberian Arctic Ocean (ESAO), each of them a small blow to our efforts to mitigate climate change. The source of the methane used to be a mystery, but a joint Swedish-Russian-U.S. investigation recently discovered that an ancient gas reservoir is responsible for the bubbly leaks.
Methane in the Laptev Sea is stored in reservoirs below the sea’s submarine permafrost or in the form of methane hydrates—solid ice-like structures that trap the gas inside. It is also produced by microbes in the thawing permafrost itself. Not all of these sources are created equal: Whereas microbial methane is released in a slow, gradual process, disintegrating hydrates and reservoirs can lead to sudden, eruptive releases.
Methane is escaping as the Laptev’s submarine permafrost is thawed by the relative warmth of overlying seawater. With an even stronger greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide, methane releases into the atmosphere could substantially amplify global warming.
“To anticipate how these methane releases will develop over the coming decades or centuries, we need to understand what reservoirs of methane the releases are coming from,” said Örjan Gustafsson, leader of the research group that conducted the investigation.”
Read more
Distinguishing Sources of Methane
Julia Steinbach, a researcher at Stockholm University and lead author of the new research, was instrumental in devising the triple-isotope-based method for finding methane sources. Stable isotopes detect the origin of the molecules, and radioactive isotopes help to find their age. Using this novel approach, the team discovered that the source of the methane was an old reservoir, deep below the permafrost. The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America in March.
“The big finding was that we really have something that’s coming out from a deep pool,” said Steinbach. As the permafrost thaws, it opens up new pathways that allow methane to pass through.
According to Gustafsson, this is worrying, as the pool likely contains more methane than is currently in the atmosphere. “There is, unfortunately, a risk that this methane release might increase, so it will eventually have a sizable effect on the climate,” he said.
The Challenge of Predicting Methane Releases
Although intrigued by the study, Jennifer Frederick, a geoscientist at Sandia National Laboratories not involved in the recent research, warned against trying to inflate its findings. “It is very challenging to be able to be confident that your small area is representative of the larger area,” she said. She is hopeful, however, that with enough of these types of studies, scientists will get to a point where they can make accurate predictions about methane releases.
Gustafsson also emphasized that the results are applicable only to this specific location. “It is quite plausible that there are other sources—the thawing permafrost or the hydrates that can be the major source of methane in other parts of this enormous system.”
Even though the study area concerns one of the places on Earth most difficult to reach, the scientists hope to conduct more expeditions to map methane sources in the ESAO. “The permafrost is a closed lid over the seafloor that’s keeping everything in place. And now we have holes in this lid,” said Steinbach. “That means that we really have to keep a close look on it.”
Citation: Szakal, F. D. (2021), A massive methane reservoir is lurking beneath the sea, Eos, 102, Published on 27 April 2021.
One astonishing new discovery about these leaks of methane is that they vary in intensity with the phases of the moon! Why so? Because the amount of weight above the seabed determines how much they are firmly held down. And the tides are influenced by the moon, so when there’s a high tide, the greater amount of water in the column above tends to hold the methane down so there are fewer plumes of gas escaping to the surface!
One astonishing new discovery about these leaks of methane is that they vary in intensity with the phases of the moon! Why so? Because the amount of weight above the seabed determines how much they are firmly held down. And the tides are influenced by the moon, so when there’s a high tide, the greater amount of water in the column above tends to hold the methane down so there are fewer plumes of gas escaping to the surface!
Brazil’s Climate Overture to Biden: Pay Us Not to Raze Amazon
Paulo Trevisani and Timothy Puko | The Wall Street Journal | 21 April 2021
“Brazil’s government, widely criticized by environmental groups as a negligent steward of the Amazon rainforest, has made an audacious offer to the Biden administration: Provide $1 billion and President Jair Bolsonaro’s administration will reduce deforestation by 40%.
The proposal was made as the Brazilian president prepares for a virtual environmental summit with roughly 40 heads of state hosted Thursday and Friday by President Biden, who has made battling climate change a centerpiece of his administration. European governments and activists have publicly expressed misgivings with Mr. Bolsonaro’s proposals on the environment because he has trimmed funds for environmental protection agencies amid an increase in deforestation.
But supported by some influential scholars and Amazon dwellers, Mr. Bolsonaro argues that the only way to save the jungle is through carbon credits and by financing sustainable economic activities so people can make a living from fish farming, cacao production and other activities that don’t require the razing of trees. The theme has been central to talks Brazil’s environment minister, Ricardo Salles, said he has had in recent weeks with Biden administration climate officials.
The request is likely just among the first of many similar to follow as developing nations start to negotiate with industrialized countries about who pays for costly programs to address climate change. This fall, the nations of the world are to set new, more ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, and developing countries want their richer peers to make good on pledges from the original Paris climate negotiations to mobilize $100 billion a year in public and private financing for them.”
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“Top Indian officials made that among their top requests to John Kerry, the Biden administration’s special envoy on climate change, when he visited earlier this month, according to the Indian Finance Ministry on Twitter. Officials from these countries, including Brazil, say industrialized nations must account for their historic contributions to climate change and the need for citizens in poorer countries to rise out of poverty.
“We need to focus on the people, the 23 or 25 million people who live in the Amazon,” Mr. Salles told The Wall Street Journal in an interview. “It’s an area where you have the worst human development index in the whole country. That’s why illegal activities have been so attractive.”
Mr. Salles said that Brazil has taken to heart Mr. Biden’s comments, made in a presidential debate last September, to gather $20 billion from around the world to help Brazil’s government cut forest destruction. The minister calculated that Brazil is entitled to as much as $294 billion for the big reductions the country made curtailing deforestation, even though they occurred long before Mr. Bolsonaro took office in 2019.
“We think that $1 billion, which is only 5% of the $20 billion that were mentioned during the campaign…is a very reasonable amount that can be mobilized up front,” Mr. Salles said.
He said a third of that $1 billion would be used to deploy specialized battalions to enforce environmental laws, while the remaining two-thirds would help fund nascent bio-industries that would provide alternatives to poor farmers who slash and burn to raise crops and cattle. Brazil says that with foreign aid, it would end deforestation by 2030.
“If we don’t give these people this economic support,” Mr. Salles said, “they will continue to be co-opted or incentivized by illegal activities.”
Biden administration officials didn’t respond to questions specifically about the Bolsonaro administration’s request for $1 billion. But a climate team headed by Mr. Kerry at the State Department sees Brazil as an important partner in reducing global greenhouse-gas emissions.
“We have a lot of work to do” before there’s an agreement, Mr. Kerry told reporters Sunday as he explained direct discussions on financing forest protection that are taking place with Brazil. “But we think it’s really worth working at because the rainforest is so critical, as a carbon sink, as a consumer of carbon, and it’s at risk.”
Mr. Kerry and other State Department officials also stressed the need for the Bolsonaro government to demonstrate its commitment to the environment by decreasing deforestation substantially. Deforestation is down overall since August, official government data shows, but has spiked since March.
“We want to see very clear tangible steps to increase effective enforcement and a political signal that illegal deforestation and encroachment will not be tolerated,” a State Department spokesman said.
The Biden administration has proposed $2.5 billion in total spending on international programs to curb climate change, quadruple the current budget. That includes $1.2 billion for the international Green Climate Fund, a program tied to the Paris accord and which would help developing countries such as Brazil cope with climate change and reduce emissions. Mr. Kerry, in a recent trip to India, said the money would be just an initial down payment and that industrialized nations are still working to meet their $100 billion pledge.
Mr. Biden next is “going to make his own payment, the Biden administration payment, that he will put in additional money for these forward years, and I think that is called living up to your obligations,” Mr. Kerry said, according to a State Department transcript.
Environmental activists worry that by engaging Mr. Bolsonaro, Mr. Biden is enabling the Brazilian leader’s pro-development policy and further fueling destruction in the world’s largest rainforest, a biome essential for a stable global climate. Under Mr. Bolsonaro’s watch, Amazon deforestation jumped by 9.5% in the year ending July 31, 2020, a 12-year high.
“The government’s credibility to collect funds from other governments is entirely damaged,” said Carlos Rittl, a senior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Germany. “This is a blackmail discourse. The government should actually do something” before asking for foreign aid, said Mr. Rittl, who argues Brazil has the resources to sharply lower deforestation.
In contrast, Dan Nepstad, president of the Earth Innovation Institute, a Berkeley, Calif.-based environmental group that works with Brazilian farmers and government officials to support sustainable activity, said the Biden team’s strategy of “engaging and building up that dialogue has been a very wise move.”
He explained that in Brazil there is a growing concern by the powerful agricultural sector and government officials that deforestation could hurt the country financially. That has created more possibilities for foreign governments and environmental groups to engage Brazilian farmers and officials to find a solution.
Mr. Nepstad said the international community needs to do more to consider ways to compensate farmers in Brazil who are maintaining tree cover in the expectation that some kind of mechanism will be created to make the forest more financially valuable than fields cleared of trees.
“There’s been years and years of talk about the importance of sustained forest,” Mr. Nepstad said, “and we still in 2021 don’t have a robust mechanism for compensating the people who keep the forest standing.”
He added that “land prices are still higher without forest than with forest, and that’s the most clear indicator that we have ways to go.”
—Juan Forero and Andrew Jeong contributed to this article.”
New Climate Satellite Spotted Giant Methane Leak as It Happened
Naureen S. Malik | Bloomberg Green | 12 February 2021
“Methane leaks from at least eight natural gas pipelines and unlit flares in central Turkmenistan earlier this month released as much as 10,000 kilograms per hour of the supercharged greenhouse gas, according to imagery produced by a new satellite capable of detecting emissions from individual sites.
“That amount of methane would have the planet-warming impact of driving 250,000 internal-combustion cars running for a similar amount of time, said Stephane Germain, president of GHGSat Inc., the company that picked up on the leak. The company first spotted the eight plumes of greenhouse gas on February 1. “It’s reasonable to say this happened for several hours,” he said in an interview.
The pixelated snapshot showing the eight simultaneous leaks within just 20 square miles is an alarming harbinger of what could be revealed now that satellite technology is capable of pinpointing emissions from specific wells, pipelines, and mines. GHGSat launched its first satellite in 2016, but it wasn’t until last September that it had one in orbit capable of picking out individual wells. In the fourth quarter of 2020 alone, Germain said, it detected hundreds of leaks.”
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Yes! More trees in the city! The best place is where you have a lawn. Grass lawns are environmentally horrible. Dig them up and plant a thicket of trees. Everyone will be happier.
Okay, I don’t like being held for ransom, but I would certainly rather pay it than have the world continue heating up. Maybe Bolsonaro is right. He is a nasty guy, but it is possible that the people in Brazilian rainforest really don’t have many other options. So why not pay up, and get on with it?
Absolutely right — but not quite! They did point out the dangers of these hydrofluorocarbons, but they only PARTLY reduced them They are not going to ban them entirely, as they shouled.
I am shocked but not surprised. We have had plenty of warning that this kind of thing will be increasing, and we are ignoring it. At least the politicians are ignoring it and even the scientists are not all keeping up to date about what each other are finding out.
There’s an invisible climate threat seeping from grocery store freezers. Biden wants to change that.
New undercover survey suggests leaks of powerful planet-warming gases pervade many supermarkets
By Juliet Eilperin and Desmond Butler |Feb. 15, 2021 at 9:29 p.m. EST
Some of the climate impacts of a grocery store trip are obvious, like the fuel it takes to get there and the electricity that keeps its lights glowing, conveyor belts moving and scanners beeping. But then there are the invisible gases seeping out into the atmosphere when you reach for your ice cream of choice.
In nearly every supermarket in America, a network of pipes transports compressed refrigerants that keep perishable goods cold. Most of these chemicals are hydrofluorocarbons — greenhouse gases thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide — which often escape through cracks or systems that were not properly installed. Once they leak, they are destined to pollute the atmosphere.
The Biden administration now sees eliminating these chemicals from the nation’s refrigerators as low-hanging fruit in its broader effort to rein in climate pollutants. The Environmental Protection Agency issued a public call last week for companies to report production and import data on HFCs.
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Under the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act, which passed in December, the EPA must phase down the production and import of these potent greenhouse gases 85 percent over the next 15 years.
“The environmental benefits here are very large, they’re very important,” said Cindy Newberg, who directs the stratospheric protection division in the EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. The new law, she added, “provides explicit authority for us to do this work, and that’s incredibly important to the agency, and for all of us.”
A new undercover investigation by an advocacy group suggests that some supermarkets are leaking climate-damaging refrigerants at an even higher rate than regulators have assumed. The industry estimates that every year supermarkets lose an average of 25 percent of their refrigerant charge — chemicals introduced in the 1990s to replace ones depleting the Earth’s ozone layer.
Armed with high-tech sensors, undercover investigators for the Environmental Investigation Agency have documented widespread leakage of HFCs at grocery stores in D.C., Maryland and Virginia. While Walmart and other supermarket companies have pledged to curb their use of these chemicals, more than half of all the stores the EIA surveyed were emitting these climate-warming refrigerants.
Out of 45 supermarkets surveyed — including 20 Walmarts as well as stores operated by ALDI, Costco, Giant, Harris Teeter, Safeway, ShopRite, PriceRite, Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods — investigators found leaks in 55 percent of them. (Whole Foods is owned by Amazon, whose founder and CEO, Jeff Bezos, owns The Washington Post.) The investigation did not determine the exact amount of HFCs released.
“This is a systemwide, industry-wide problem,” said Avipsa Mahapatra, climate lead for the EIA, the advocacy group. “In reality, they could easily check for this.”
None of the companies contacted for this story provided a comment on the survey itself, but a few noted their commitment to curbing these pollutants.
Whole Foods said it is “proud to be a leader among U.S. supermarkets in our efforts to reduce emissions of hydrofluorocarbons.” A little more than 30 of its stores have switched to carbon-dioxide refrigerants, and it touts one market in Brooklyn that has become 100 percent HFC-free.
Walmart noted it has pledged to reach zero emissions across its operations within two decades, a goal that includes “transitioning to low-impact refrigerants for cooling and electrified equipment for heating in our stores, clubs and data and distribution centers by 2040.”
Giant said it is also transitioning its stores to less climate-damaging refrigerants as part of a plan to halve its overall carbon emissions by 2030 and is also working with suppliers to make further cuts in its supply chain. “We have committed to working with our suppliers to reduce emissions from farm to fork,” said Felis Andrade, a spokeswoman for Giant’s parent company, Ahold Delhaize USA.
Commercial refrigeration, which includes grocery stores as well as restaurants and food processing, accounts for about 28 percent of all U.S. emissions of HFCs. Air conditioning for commercial buildings and homes represents between 40 and 60 percent of emissions, according to federal data.
The EIA survey was based on a limited sample in one region of the United States. The investigators were also not able to measure the overall quantity and rate of leakage. But it suggests that large supermarket chains may be unaware of the extent of the problem, and do not have regular monitoring in place. In some cases, the leaks persisted months after they were first detected.
The investigators, who began their survey in 2019, used leak detectors that they could insert in refrigerators and freezers as well as an infrared camera that could film fugitive greenhouse gases.
Tracking environmental actions under Biden
The food retail sector represents one part of the puzzle of how to drastically cut back on emissions in the coming years. HFCs trap thousands of times more heat than carbon dioxide, and with increasing sales they are projected to represent nearly a fifth of all climate-warming emissions by mid-century. It’s a growing problem: The hotter the Earth gets, the more people need cooling infrastructure.
Imaging camera video from the Environmental Investigation Agency shows climate-warming refrigerants leaking from a grocery store refrigerator case. (Environmental Investigation Agency)
According to new data released Friday, HFC emissions in the United States rose by 4 million metric tons between 2018 and 2019. The 38,000 supermarkets in the United States use thousands of pounds of HFCs each year, according to the EPA, with each store having the equivalent climate impact of 300 cars on the road. Taken together, it is equal to 49 billion pounds of coal being burned each year.
While monitoring for leaks and upgrading refrigeration systems translate into long-term savings by reducing energy use, stores operating on tight margins cannot always afford it.
Ratio Institute co-founder Jonathan Tan, whose organization works with the food retail industry, policymakers and conservationists on the issue, estimated that while it can cost a store between $50,000 to $100,000 to make repairs to a system, transitioning from current refrigerant to a less-potent greenhouse gas like carbon dioxide can cost between $1 million and $2.5 million.
Walmart, for example, said private companies would need government help in making the transition. “We also believe that private and public sector action is needed to foster innovation and enable an economically viable phasedown of HFCs globally,” it said in a statement.
Europe is making a swifter transition than the United States. Over 26,000 supermarkets in European countries are using lower-impact refrigerants, compared with 600 stores in the United States.
The EPA has regulated earlier generations of refrigerants for decades under the 1987 Montreal Protocol, the landmark global treaty aimed at repairing the ozone layer. Those compounds — chlorofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons — damaged the ozone layer that shields the Earth from damaging ultraviolet rays from the sun. HFCs made an appealing substitute because they didn’t deplete ozone, but they warmed the planet instead.
In 2016, the Obama administration helped broker the Kigali Amendment, where countries pledged to phase down HFCs under the treaty. But the agency’s effort to regulate the refrigerants ran aground during the Trump administration.
One rule identifying “unacceptable” uses of HFCs was partly overturned by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 2017. The administration rewrote the rule, but the same court ruled it failed to follow proper procedures and did not need to abolish the Obama-era requirements altogether. Last year, Trump officials withdrew another Obama-era rule, which required companies to detect and repair any leaks from any appliance or piece of equipment using more than 50 pounds of HFCs.
President Donald Trump declined to submit the Kigali Amendment to the Senate for ratification: President Biden signed an executive order last month instructing his secretary of state to take that step.
The federal government has pursued cases against grocery chains, and won, when it comes to leaks of older refrigerants that damage the ozone layer. In 2019, for example, Southeastern Grocers agreed to spend $4.2 million to reduce coolant leaks and pay a $300,000 civil penalty. But HFCs are in a different category.
“EPA’s recognized that it is a significant contributor to climate change and has tried to take action,” said Tom Land, a longtime agency staffer who retired in 2019 after working on both international climate negotiations and the agency’s voluntary refrigerants program, GreenChill. “It basically had to stop, it didn’t have authority.”
Food retailers that participate in the GreenChill program have a leak rate of 14.3 percent, nearly half the industry average. Kristen Taddonio, senior climate and energy adviser at the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development, said in an interview that reinstating regulations mandating leak detection could help grocers make even greater reductions.
“It’s like that old adage, you can’t manage what you can’t measure,” said Taddonio, who worked on energy efficiency at the EPA and the Energy Department between 2004 and 2015.
Anu Narayanswamy contributed to this report.
The Washington Post, Feb. 15, 2021
Suggestion Box: More Trees in the City!
Here’s a proposal: “Trees in the City” is an integral part of the Society’s “Trees for Life” centennial program. This will be an informative and enlightening opportunity for you to develop a more significant appreciation, and become more deeply aware of trees where we live and move and have our essential being provincially and municipally. Please forward this link onto others in your circle of influence. What better way to begin a new year 2021 than with trees. DAS President, Royal Commonwealth Society Vancouver Island (RCS VI)”
Hi, Commonwealth Society! We love trees too! If you want to post more comments, we will be glad to hear from you, and we hope you’ll post your upcoming events in the Events Listings. Sorry we missed getting one of your events up in time, but if you post them yourself, it will go up immediately.
This is something we can do while the pandemic is keeping us from traveling this year. We should have ceremonies to thank the trees along our street. Everyone could come out and get some fresh air, honoring the trees.
I agree. But it is true that this would just encourage every other tin-pot dictator to try to extort money from the richer countries as payment for complying with the Paris Agreement. I wonder whether there might be a better, more judicious way of collecting money to be distributed to the poorer countries that need help in fulfilling their commitments?
Eeeek! Turkmenistan now? I hadn’t heard about any permafrost there. Is it from pipelines or what?
Suggestion Box: Stop Traveling!
Brian Beaton has posted this idea in the suggestion box:
“Finding effective ways to stay in our communities doing the work required to support each other, our families, our neighbours to grow in all ways locally while respecting mother earth and Indigenous traditional teachings and ceremonies honouring the earth, the land, the air, the water and all our relations.”
Interesting proposal, Brian! The possibilities are being shown by the decrease in carbon emissions during pandemic lockdowns. If you have further thoughts on this, please share them here in this comment column. I imagine it may create quite a significant discussion.
Stanford Designer is Making Bricks Out of Fast-Growing Mushrooms That Are Stronger than Concrete
Andy Corbley | Good News Network | 10 December 2020
“While there aren’t any species of mushroom large enough to live in, one Bay-area designer thinks he can make one if he only cranks out enough of his patented “mushroom bricks.”
In fact, he knows he can do it, because he’s already build a showpiece called “Mycotecture”—a 6×6 mushroom brick arch from Ganoderma lucidum or reishi mushrooms.
Phil Ross doesn’t use the mushroom, or fruiting body of the reishi; he uses mycelium, the fast-growing fibrous roots that make up the vast majority of fungus lifeforms.
Mycelium grows fast, and is incredibly durable, waterproof, non-toxic, fire-resistant, and biodegradable.
Ross uses it to build bricks by growing mycelium in bags of delicious (to mushrooms) sawdust, before drying them out and cutting them with extremely heavy-duty steel blades.
This works because mushrooms digest cellulose in the sawdust, converting it into chitin, the same fiber that insect exoskeletons are made from.
“The bricks have the feel of a composite material with a core of spongy cross grained pulp that becomes progressively denser towards its outer skin,” explained Discover Magazine. “The skin itself is incredibly hard, shatter resistant, and can handle enormous amounts of compression.”
One design/architecture website described these mushroom bricks as “stronger than concrete,” while another quotes Ross in an interview suggesting that it could replace all manner of plastic polymer building materials.
Indeed, designers have already used mycelium to make cloth hats, sea-worthy canoes, and eco-friendly coffins. Ross’ next plan, according to the same interview, is to build an entire house for 12-20 people out of reishi mycelium.”
Somehow I don’t think this is going to become a major industry. Nice idea, but ….
Trias of carbon, silicon and water – silicate weathering and “stone eating microbes”
1) Important is the trias of carbon, silicon and water. Silicon as biochar increase soil water capacity. Plant and soil need silicates, which are produced by continues weathering. Weathering of one molecule silicate, e.g. MgSiO4 consumes 4 molecules of CO2: “Mg2SiO4 + 4 CO2 + 4 H2O ⇌ 2 Mg2+ + 4 HCO3− + H4SiO4. [H4SiO4 = Si(OH)4].
2) So silicates work as antacids/liming agents, without liberating CO2 (opposite to usual liming agents). Silicate weathering is promoted by “stone eating microbes, especially mycorrhizaea” [Koele N, Hildebrand EE (2008) ]
3) Plants consume silicates the same amounts as main cations and decrease the plant available silicon. Recycling is important, but usually cannot replace the losses. The space science could show the importance of silicon by astronauts. On the earth – possibly in oceans – the losses of silicon can be balanced by silicon amendments, e.g. by fine stone meal.
(Reference: Hensel J (1894) Bread from Stones: A New and Rational System of Land Fertilization and Physical Regeneration.
4) Space science should build one or several “laboratory community/ies” on the earth for studying and improving the methods for managing recycling and silicate-carbonate cycle.
Capture it in the Smokestack
The IEA (International Energy Agency) says that Carbon Capture, Sequestration and Storage (CCUS) is an important part of the mix in moving forward on mitigating climate change, so the article below is good news.
Carbon capture and storage pipeline grows by 10 large scale facilities globally 8th June 2020
8 June 2020, Washington, DC – The Global CCS Institute, an international think tank, has added 10 carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities to its global database, bringing the total number of CCS facilities in various stages of development to 59 with a capture capacity of more than 127 million tonnes per annum (mtpa). There are now 21 facilities in operation, three under construction, and 35 in various stages of development.
“Our recent CO2RE Database update shows that despite the current CV-19 crisis we are observing a significant increase in CCS facilities in the pipeline which demonstrates continued progress towards meeting climate targets, and will also result in significant job creation and economic growth”, said Global CCS Institute CEO Brad Page.
In a recent flagship report on the value of CCS, the Global CCS Institute found that CCS deployment in line with the Paris Agreement and energy-related Sustainable Development Goals could create some 100,000 jobs in the industry by 2050.
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The facilities added continue trends in CCS deployment that include innovative applications such as natural gas power, negative emissions and cement, as well as stacked and offshore geologic storage. Fuelled by targeted incentives and sustained government support the US adds nine facilities, while the UK adds one facility
“We are thrilled to see the diversity of CCS applications. The average capture capacity of the new facilities is 2.6 mtpa, as opposed to 2 mtpa for those already in the pipeline, indicating that new facilities are aiming for economies of scale, and strengthening CCS’ role in large-scale emissions abatement. Nonetheless, with 21 facilities operating today, we still need at least a 100-fold scale-up to reach climate goals”, adds Brad Page.
In the UK, the Drax bioenergy with CCS project aims to capture 4 mtpa from one of the existing biomass-fired power units by 2027, before converting all of its remaining biomass units to bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) by 2035. The carbon dioxide (CO2) will be transported by pipeline and stored in the southern North Sea via dedicated geological storage. The project will be an anchor for the wider Zero Carbon Humber Cluster.
The US continues to add a large number of facilities mainly as the result of the 45Q tax credit, and the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard CCS Protocol. For example, the combined incentives contribute to the economic viability of both California Resources Corporation’s (CRC) CalCapture Project, and Velocys’ and Oxy Low Carbon Ventures’ Bayou Fuels Negative Emission Project. Multiple projects were also awarded US Department of Energy (DOE) front-end-engineering-design (FEED) study grants, or part of CarbonSAFE, seeking to establish large-scale storage of 50 mtpa and more. The Zeros Project in Texas, in an important development for the CCS facilities pipeline, has also completed its FEED and entered pre-construction.
“This is an important time for CCS in the US,” says Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Steven Winberg. “Policy incentives and research from DOE projects are working together to help industry move forward towards the goal of net-zero carbon emissions.”
>While the US does not currently have any natural gas plants equipped with CCS, the database update includes three gas plant projects: Mustang Station in Texas, Plant Daniel in Mississippi and CRC’s CalCapture facility in California. This brings the total natural gas-fuelled power plants with CCS under development globally in the database to six.
“The CalCapture project offers multiple benefits including substantial emissions reductions, prolific positive economic impacts across the California economy, and development of a key technology needed worldwide to meet future energy transition targets. The FEED for the Cal Capture project is expected to be completed by the end of 2020, which would position the project for permitting, construction and commissioning by mid-decade”, said Shawn Kerns, CRC Executive Vice President of Operations and Engineering.
Moreover, two projects, the San Juan Generating Station and CRC’s CalCapture facility, are also evaluating plans for stacked storage, using both geologic storage with enhanced oil recovery, as well as dedicated storage in saline formations.
Oxy Low Carbon Ventures (LCV) has teamed up with LaFarge Holcim and Total to evaluate the capture of CO2 from a cement plant in Colorado, and Oxy LCV also intends to store CO2 from Velocys’ biofuel production, delivering negative emissions.
The facilities update comes on the heels of continued momentum for CCS, including the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line becoming fully operational, a positive investment decision by Equinor, Shell, and Total for the Northern Lights project, supportive policy momentum in Australia, and a $131 million funding announcement by the US Department of Energy.
View the Global CCS Institute database at
Lucy Temple-Smith (Melbourne): +61 466 982 068
Guloren Turan (London): + 44 782 505 7765 guloren.turan@globalccsinstitute.comAbout the Global CCS Institute: The Global CCS Institute is an international think tank whose mission is to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS), a vital technology to tackle climate change and provide energy security. For more information, visit
CCS Projects
How close are they getting to producing batteries that can really enable households to be independent for months at a time? I think that is essential. Every 100 years or so we have to expect a burst of radiation from the sun that will destroy all the electric grids and circuits on the side of the earth facing the sun. So even if we don’t have a cyber war where one country destroys the cyber capacity of the other, we are vulnerable. And the only way to become less vulnerable is to decentralize from the grid and enable households to use the electric power from their own roofs. For that, we will need batteries better than any existing today.
I just watched a video of someone interviewing Bill Gates about sustainable energy. I was shocked. He sounded very pessimistic about being able to run our modern lives with the available types of sustainable energy — solar and wind. He is investing his money in research and development, hoping that someone will come up with breakthrough discoveries that will save us Good batteries are part of the solution, but he is looking for tons of other innovations, and really thinks they are essential.
Eucalyptus Problem in California
A significant factor within the California and Portuguese contexts came from the introduction of eucalyptus trees in the 1850s. These trees -– introduced from Australia – became quite popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries -– and were planted in mass groves.
However -– the trees are very flammable, invasive, and are full of volatile oils that burn hotter and more intense than endemic ecosystems -– such as California’s oak woodlands. The endemic oak woodlands require low-intensity fires to maintain surrounding savannah ecosystems. However, the eucalyptus trees throw this balance off – creating very, very intense and high-heat fires – which cause widespread damage to surrounding areas and are difficult to control. Perhaps mitigation of the eucalyptus trees in California would help reduce the damage caused by the fires – though may not eliminate the problem.
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“At very high temperatures, eucalypt species release a flammable gas that mixes with air to send fireballs exploding out in front of the fire. With eucalyptus, you see these ember attacks, with huge bursts of sparks shooting out of the forests, Bowman says. “It’s just an extraordinary idea for a plant.”
Though it’s difficult to prove, Bowman suspects the trees evolved to be “uber flammable.” Sixty million years ago eucalyptus species hit on a way to recover from intense fire, he explains, using specialized structures hidden deep within their bark that allow rapid recovery through new branches, instead of re-sprouting from the roots like other trees. “They have this adaptive advantage of not having to rebuild their trunk. Whether their oil-rich foliage is also an adaptation, we don’t know.”
Climate Change, Trees and Cows
By Metta Spencer, Peace Magazine, January 2020
The two most feasible ways to limit global warming are planting a trillion more trees and sequestering carbon in the soil. Yet both could do more harm than good. Shall we plant trees in the Arctic and boreal forest? Shall we go vegan or double the livestock herds? Answer: It depends.
Though we should eagerly seize upon most new means of limiting global warming, there are two seemingly brilliant ideas that deserve closer scrutiny: Should we plant a trillion trees? And should we all become vegans? Unless qualified, both of these ideas may bring unanticipated and unwanted consequences. The current state of evidence is too ambiguous to justify any firm conclusions, but we have to make crucial decisions anyway.
Two things are clear: First, we should keep buried carbon buried. Second, we should suck ambient carbon out of the atmosphere and bury it. What remains uncertain is how best to fulfill these goals.Sometimes trees also can do Earth’s temperature more harm than good. That’s why we need to look so carefully at the unsettling evidence, which is the purpose of this paper.
People have little control over the planet’s carbon, for nature is mostly in charge. All living cells contain carbon. It’s everywhere: in rocks, in plants, in the soil, in petroleum, in the air, in crystals at the bottom of the ocean, and in 30,000-year-old muskox carcasses and frozen grass roots in Siberia’s permafrost. Nature moves carbon around continually, smashing ocean waves against rocks to form soil, then blowing it away as dust or feeding it to trees or flooding it into your basement. For eons, nature has balanced the carbon cycle by locking carbon in storage “sinks” that offset other ongoing emissions. But over the most recent dozen decades humans have botched nature’s routine. We’ve pulled petroleum, coal, and methane out of the earth for fuel and cut down forests for farmland. We’ve degraded and desertified areas of land larger than Newfoundland each year, turning fertile earth into barren dust. Land use (including agriculture and forestry) produces about 24 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, largely through misuse, for if the land were managed well, it would be a sink instead of a source of emissions. Unless we repair the damage quickly, we shall suffer catastrophic consequences.
The repairs must begin by halting our continuing blunders, so the first task is to stop emitting carbon. That’s easier said than done, but by now it’s insufficient anyway. We also have to undo previous mistakes by recapturing some of the carbon that’s already in the air. Global warming will almost inevitably exceed the two-degree target adopted in the Paris Agreement of 2016, but by promptly using effective “negative emissions technologies” (NETs), scientists believe it possible to reduce it afterward to under 1.5 degrees.
Though several NETs are being developed, only two of them are realistic options for the urgent eleven-year target that scientists have set: First, let’s plant a trillion trees and, second, let’s adopt farming methods that recapture more carbon from the atmosphere than we are emitting. These changes will reverse the ongoing deforestation and desertification trends and may enable the expected human population of about 11 billion1 to be fed adequately in 2100. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has called for an increase of one billion hectares of forest to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. [2] At least 20 countries have begun major efforts to reverse farmland and forest losses, and the effort is only getting underway. It can be accomplished for only about $300 billion—equivalent to the world’s military spending every sixty days.3 But we must hurry!
Our tool is photosynthesis: the mysterious biochemical trick every plant uses for capturing carbon dioxide and making it into sugar for its own functions. Even when a plant dies or is harvested, its roots may leave some carbon in the soil, enriching the fertility for future crops. Moreover, wooden houses and furniture can store carbon for centuries, so, as we shall see, both forests and farmland can be vast carbon “sinks”—or not. Today, farming is a major net source of carbon, emitting more to the atmosphere than it sequesters.
Forests and Climate
A scientific lab in Zurich led by Thomas Crowther has done the most extensive inventory of the world’s forests, estimating that there are now approximately three trillion trees on the planet. Is there room for another one trillion? After examining photos of some 80,000 plots of land around the world, the lab published a report by Jean-François Bastin et al. that gained worldwide attention.4 It noted that, whereas about 8.7 billion hectares (two-thirds of all the soil on the planet) could support forests, only 5.5 billion of that land is actually forested. Of the remaining 3.2 billion hectares, most is either cropland or urban areas. That leaves about 0.9 billion hectares as potentially available for restoration of forests. The researchers conclude that “the global forest restoration target proposed by the IPCC of 1 billion hectares (defined as >10% tree cover) is undoubtedly achievable under the current climate.” Those trees could theoretically store an additional 205 gigatonnes of carbon. Since there is an excess of about 300 gigatons of anthropogenic carbon in the atmosphere now, they infer that such enlarged forests could clean up about two-thirds of the mess we humans have made so far. In theory, then, trees can save us.
But the authors emphasize that we must act quickly, for global warming is reducing the amount of suitable land. At the current rate of warming, about 450 million hectares of tropical rainforests will be lost by 2050. This subtracts 46 gigatonnes from the 205 gigatonnes reductions now possible. Nevertheless, the researchers assure us that there is ample available land for the new forests—especially in six countries. More than 50 percent of the tree restoration potential can be found in diminishing order in Russia, United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and China.5
Most readers worldwide rejoiced upon learning of these findings, but not everyone. Adam Rogers, among others, soon published a withering criticism in the same journal.6 He claims that the Zurich research team had greatly over-estimated the total amount of carbon uptake by trees. Correcting such errors would largely negate their upbeat findings.
The report shocked some of us in a different way—by suggesting that many of the anticipated new billion hectares of forest will be in the Arctic. Hadn’t those researchers heard the bad news about forests and permafrost? We wrote to the lead author, Jean-François Bastin, to express our alarm, but he denied that their paper had recommended planting trees anywhere. They had only predicted that trees can, and unless people interfere, probably will proliferate in the tundra of Russia, Canada, and Alaska.
And that is true. Forests can grow in the Arctic and indeed are encroaching into the sparse grasslands of that region.7 However, even if quite large canopies grow there, the forests will sequester far less carbon per hectare than those in the tropics. A tree in a boreal forest (or “taiga,” as it is called in Russia) grows too slowly to sequester much carbon. Worse yet, forests in the Arctic may even be increasing global warming.8 This detrimental effect, which was discovered by climate scientists, initially surprised many foresters, who had assumed that photosynthesis everywhere has the same benign cooling effect on the planet. The trees in the Arctic do sequester some carbon but they also have another, less desirable, effect. Whereas the snow-covered grass reflects sunlight (the “albedo effect”), the trees make the landscape darker and therefore warmer. Second, it seems that some tree roots also stimulate the decomposition of organic material in the soil, so that long-frozen microbes revive and begin producing methane, which is twenty times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.9
Iain Hartley has compared carbon stocks of vegetation and soils between tundra and a birch forest. There was far less carbon in the forest than in the tundra nearby.10 Thus, despite sequestering some carbon, trees in a carbon-rich permafrost may have an overall warming effect on the climate. This possibility is so crucial for the climate crisis that much more research is urgently needed to clarify where trees are beneficial and where they are harmful—and more specifically, which trees, in which types of soil. For example, black spruce forests in some regions may actually protect the permafrost and help keep the earth cold, in contrast to birch forests.11
There is a huge amount of carbon involved: the northern hemisphere contains an estimated 1,672 billion tons of organic carbon. If just ten percent of it thaws, one estimate projects that it will release enough carbon to raise global temperature by 0.07 degrees Celsius by 2100.12 Another recent study estimates that already more carbon is lost from the permafrost regions during the winter than is taken up during the average growing season.13
There’s a major policy implication here: Although overall the Arctic is presumably still a carbon sink (sequestering more carbon than it emits), it will become a net source of greenhouse gas if forests continue encroaching there. That means it would be wholly inadvisable to plant billions of trees in carbon-rich permafrost soil—the type that is most widespread in the Arctic, especially Siberia.
The Zimovs
An even more impassioned warning against Arctic trees comes from two Siberian ecologists, the father and son Sergey and Nikita Zimov. They have spent most of their lives studying the changing climate in Russia’s eastern Arctic. Contrary to the widespread assumption that the Arctic had always been a desert of ice and thin soils, they say that in the Pleistocene era it was a fertile grassland, rich with huge wild animals, such as bison and woolly mammoths, despite the 5 to 10 degree colder average temperature than today. They find vast numbers of ancient bones in the melting permafrost near the river Kolyma. These animals knocked down any saplings and prevented the warming of soil. By trampling the snow in winter, they also kept the soil cold.
“At the time,” writes Sergey Zimov, “the biomass of big herbivores on the planet reached 1.6 billion tons…. Bison and deer killed trees by eating the bark. Elephants and mammoths simply broke trees. Through fertilizing, harvesting, and trampling, herbivores managed their pastures in any climate.”14 The region still would be entirely grassland, they say, if stone age hunters had not killed off the huge animals —especially woolly mammoths—that had roamed the tundra in herds.
The Zimovs conduct their research in a large reserve called “Pleistocene Park,” which attracts scientist visitors from all over the world. They keep its land colder than the surrounding region by importing large animals and driving a vehicle around, knocking down every tree possible. According to their records, when air temperature sank to –40°C in winter, the temperature of the ground was found to be only –5°C under an intact cover of snow, but –30°C where the animals had trampled down the snow.15 The Zimovs are eagerly awaiting the progress of George Church, a Harvard geneticist who is trying to breed a larger elephant that can thrive in cold, to repopulate the Arctic with a close approximation of the woolly mammoth.
We cannot wait for that strange solution but there is now a sufficient basis for prohibiting the planting of forests in permafrost regions. However, if trees must not be planted in the Arctic, that will reduce the 0.9 billion hectares that Crowther’s team had defined as potentially available. Worse yet, permafrost is not limited to the Arctic, so it may be necessary to avoid reforesting in other places too. Professor Google explains that “Permafrost is widespread in the northern part of the Northern Hemisphere, where it occurs in 85 percent of Alaska, 55 percent of Russia and Canada, and probably all of Antarctica.” But the northern parts of Alaska, Russia, and Canada are the main places where Crowther et al suggest new forests could be established. To limit global warming, must we also reduce the size of our boreal forest and taiga? Surely almost no one would take seriously such a shocking proposal.
But the expansion proposal also looks difficult. A trillion is a lot of trees— a thousand billions. The current human population in 2019 is 7.7 billion. A trillion trees equal 130 trees per person. When prime ministers of countries are in a good mood, they offer to plant two billion trees, as Justin Trudeau has recently done, but even if every country in the United Nations planted two billion, we would reach only about one-third of our goal. And one trillion is not enough. The realism of any particular target number will depend on the effectiveness of the planting program. China is carrying out the most ambitious planting program of all (their target is 100 billion trees by 2050) but some Beijing researchers report that “on-the-ground surveys have shown that, over time, as many as 85 percent of the plantings fail.”16 So shall we aim for two trillion, say, or even three?
And if not in most of Russia, the United States, and Canada, where can even one more trillion trees be planted? The Crowther lab’s paper has explicitly excluded land now being used for crops as well as urban land. Most of the remainder therefore can only be in remote areas, beyond cities and farms, mainly far from roads.
Logically, it seems we must (a) choose very promising species, (b) plant them in the most suitable plots of soil © densely enough to maximize the number of trees per hectare, (d) in places where people can reach them easily and care for them regularly, and (e) protect them from fires and deforestation until they are mature and ready to be replaced. And, even so, we cannot rely entirely on new forests to save us, but must adopt other NETs as well—notably regenerative farming.
Regenerative Agriculture
Big trees generally sequester more carbon than other plants, but even vegetables, flowers, grass, and grain put a lot of it into the soil. Although human beings are releasing 9.4 billion metric tons of carbon, the actual concentration of CO2 that stays in the atmosphere is only about half that. The rest is already being sequestered by oceans and land. Our challenge is to develop methods that sequester much more—even the 320 billion tons excess that we have put into the air and now must remove. Plants make that possible and there is evidence that increasing soil carbon content also increases the amount and quality of food grown there.
In 2015 France launched an exemplary campaign called “4 per 1000” at the COP 21 meeting. This is a plan to increase global soil organic matter stocks by 4 per 1000 (or 0.4%) per year, which would offset 20–35% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. As a strategy for climate change mitigation, soil carbon sequestration would buy time over the next ten to twenty years while other effective technologies become viable.17
These agricultural innovations have come from a variety of different traditions such as organic farming, which are merging now and being called “regenerative agriculture”—farming that goes beyond being “sustainable” by actually reversing carbon loss on degraded land. This regeneration is necessary because poor land management is continuously degrading soil all around the world and, if not reversed, will make it impossible to feed the growing human population.
Techniques that increase carbon storage also tend to increase water retention and support the bacteria, fungi, and other organisms in healthy soil that live on carbohydrates produced by decaying roots and other plant materials.
There are promising genetic discoveries now that may soon improve the quality of several plant foods, such as soybeans. By selective breeding (not modifying genes) it is possible to create “super-plants” with deep roots that greatly increase the amount of carbon they sequester. A biochemical called suberin determines the length of roots, and scientists are developing suberin-rich varieties that may become available to farmers within a decade or so.19
But there are already other practical regenerative methods that about ten percent of North American farmers now are using. And around the world, such innovations are spreading as the extensive use of composts and mulching to avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Leading farmers now keep their land covered year-round with cover crops. They avoid plowing the soil, so as to protect the roots of the plants for transferring carbon downward. And instead of planting crops in furrows, they insert seeds into soil that still is covered with the residue of last season’s crop. They replace annual crops with perennials.
To aerate the surface layer of soil without turning over the earth, some farmers use “key-line” methods, such as slicing narrow grooves into the soil, into which they may pour “compost tea” brewed from special bacteria and fungi, which they serve to the growing plants with minimal damage to the roots.
Such biological additives can multiply the crop yield and the soil sequestration many times over.20 Or they apply biochar— charcoal that is pure carbon, and which can stay in the soil for thousands of years, enriching it and retaining moisture. “Keyline” farming was invented by Australians during droughts; they created ponds and swales to move the water around the contours of hills and allow it to sink in deeper, instead of eroding the topsoil. Indeed, within a few years, these practices together can create 12 inches of new topsoil.21
By now, regenerative practices are well-established and uncontroversial, with one exception: “holistic management,” which involves the use of livestock to regenerate degraded soil. Livestock means meat, and meat is a fighting word nowadays, with almost all environmentalists opposing it.
Livestock and Meat
First let me summarize the overwhelming case against meat. Around the world, lush grasslands and gardens are becoming barren wastelands, and for this, livestock is largely blamed. One-third of the planet’s arable land is used to produce crops for livestock,22 which includes about a billion cows and bulls. Nearly one-fifth of the world’s land is threatened with desertification, which is partly attributed to overgrazing by animals. Farmers are urged to remove their cattle from the land and let it rest until the vegetation recovers. Then the world’s grasslands could sequester carbon equivalent to 0.6 gigatonnes of CO2 per year.23
Moreover, meat production is clearly a source of global warming. Global livestock supply chains are the source of 14.5 percent of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions—5 percent of the carbon dioxide, 44 percent of the methane, and 53 percent of the nitrous oxide emissions. Although less prevalent than carbon dioxide, methane is more potent because it traps 28 times more heat.24 Nitrous oxide is 264 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over 20 years, and its lifetime in the atmosphere exceeds a century, according to the IPCC.
Farmers feed grain to cows, pigs, and other animals before slaughtering or milking them for human consumption. If we ate that grain our selves, we would supposedly be healthier and there would be enough food for the entire human population. Vegetarians say they get along fine without meat and vegans manage without animal protein at all.
Ruminants such as cows are the worst culprits, for they directly add greenhouse gas to the air from both their front and rear ends. In the cow’s extra stomach—the one that enables it to digest the cellulose in grass and leaves —bacteria ferment its lunch and generate the methane. The nitrous oxide is released by decomposing manure.
These arguments for veganism are powerful and valid. The only logical advice seems to be this: Eat plants, not meat! Nevertheless, there are other facts (or at least claims) that may justify this contradictory response: Eat meat if you want to, and raise more livestock!
Let’s run through the health issue first, since in principle that could be settled by empirical research. In reality, though, such studies produce weak evidence. There are two reasons: First, people fib when reporting what they eat and, second, other factors confound the results. For example, vegetarians are so health conscious that they disproportionately exercise, avoid smoking, get plenty of sleep, etc, and these may be the real causes of any health differences.
One major review compared 54 different studies and concluded that, if there is any difference whatever between the mortality rates of vegetarians and omnivores, it amounts to less than one percent over a twenty-year period—too trivial to warrant any dietary changes.25 One study found that vegetarians and vegans suffer slightly fewer heart attacks but slightly more strokes than omnivores.
India is a good place to make these comparisons because most families there are consistently and permanently either vegetarians or not. Dr. Prabhat Jha is studying the health habits of a million households in India where someone had recently died. He finds no differences in mortality between male vegetarians and non-vegetarians, but vegetarian women have slightly shorter lives. He thinks this sex differential will be found only in India, for women there customarily serve the men and children first and eat only the (mainly carbohydrate) leftovers themselves.26 Vegetarian women in India probably consume too little protein.
In any case, health concerns are not a strong reason for choosing whether to raise livestock and eat meat. The consumer’s decision should probably be based mainly on the effects of livestock on global warming and on the importance of livestock for the livelihood on the world’s population.
As for the effect of cattle on sequestration of carbon in the soil, some, but not all, studies have shown that their grazing is beneficial. As one review of the research reports,
“Reeder and Schuman reported higher soil carbon levels in grazed—compared with ungrazed—pastures, and noted that when animals were excluded, carbon tended to be immobilized as above-ground litter and annuals that lacked deep roots. After reviewing 34 studies of grazed and ungrazed sites (livestock exclusion) around the world, Milchunas and Lauenroth reported soil carbon was both increased (60 percent of cases) and decreased (40 percent of cases).”27
The loss of carbon can be attributed to two forms of mismanagement: over-grazing and under-grazing, both of which will degrade the soil, harming not only the world’s climate but also the survival prospects of the world’s poorest people. Over one billion people depend on livestock—including 70 percent of those living on less than US$1 per day.28 It is unreasonable to espouse a doctrine that would deprive these people of the main or only source of their livelihood. Pastoralism is not about to end. The point is to make it more productive.
Holistic Management
We have already considered the plight of the Zimovs as they struggle to keep the permafrost from melting around them. One is inclined to smile at their solution: Bring vast herds of giant herbivores—preferably woolly mammoths—back to the Arctic. That does not seem feasible. Cattle would have many of the same effects as super-elephants, but they cannot survive the Arctic winters outdoors. Bison can, and if there were a sufficient demand for their meat, quite large bison herds might be raised there, though not as quickly as they are needed.
Anyway, we should not ignore the ecological basis for the Zimovs’ proposal. During the ice age, the tundra flourished superbly as a grassland, while feeding far more animals than exist on the planet today. Those huge creatures stomped around eating constantly, and the grasses sequestered immense quantities of carbon. Today, buried in the circumpolar region of the Arctic, are 1.4 trillion tons of carbon, two times more than in all the forests on the planet. According to our current assumptions, such “overgrazing” should certainly have desertified the Arctic, but it had precisely the opposite effect! Is there a lesson here for cattle-ranchers elsewhere?
Allan Savory did not learn from the Zimovs but from his own observations of the barren land in Zimbabwe. Nevertheless, his conclusions are completely compatible with theirs. He says that saving the world from desertification will require more cattle, not fewer.
And, like the Zimovs, his evidence comes largely from the past, when vast numbers of huge animals roamed the African savannah.29 There were, as in the Arctic, about as many predators as herbivores, which stayed closely bunched together in herds; those closest to the centre were less likely to be eaten. There was luxuriant grass for these herds, which kept moving around, leaving manure behind. As they moved, their hooves trampled the grass and aerated the top layer of soil. If they stayed too long, their overgrazing would indeed degrade the land, but they would not return to the same spots until their previous deposits of manure and urine had been absorbed. Such herds maintained a thick grassland that retained rainwater that would otherwise have run off in gullies.
Savory learned from ecological history; he teaches regenerative farmers to restore their barren soil by enlarging their herds of livestock. He says the key is not their numbers so much as the way they are maintained. Conventional farmers around the world today let their whole herds stay on the same common paddock indefinitely, loosely spaced and grazing independently rather than in tight herds, for there are no longer predators to encourage crowding. By contrast, Savory’s “holistic management” instead requires the farmer to move his animals around in dense, grazing herds from one paddock to another, on a schedule determined by observing their impact, day by day, on the grass. Such a close herd is often surrounded today by a temporary electric fence that can readily be moved to the next paddock within a day or two, as required.
Another factor that must influence herding practice is the quality of soil being grazed. Savory classifies it as either “brittle” or “non-brittle,” which is a more important distinction than the difference between “arid” or “dry” land. “Brittle” soil receives most of its annual rainfall in a brief period, then remains dry for long intervals. The effect on vegetation is more challenging than that of a “non-brittle” landscape, where the humidity is distributed evenly throughout the year. Brittle land requires the services provided by especially large herds of animals, managed holistically. However, even non-brittle cropland that is producing vegetables, grain, and fruit also benefit from having heavy animal impact on the land, though not necessarily every year.
Livestock perform two other remarkable services: counteracting gravity and maintaining biodiversity. Water runs downhill, taking the nutrients with it. If unchecked, this phenomenon would mean that valleys would be fertile but the soil at the top of hills and mountains would be barren. However, herbivores eat the plants that grow in valleys, then wander uphill and excrete. Their manure contains, not only the nutrients that they have consumed, but a number of seeds from all the plants they have eaten along the way. This re-diversifies plant species and fertilizes the ground where they grow.
Holistic management has its critics—more, it seems, in the popular press than among researchers or ranchers, who are apparently becoming converts. Agronomists cite Savory in their FAO reports, asserting for example that
“Overgrazing is a function of time (grazing and recovery) and not of absolute numbers. It results when livestock have access to plants before they have time to recover. Compromised root systems of overgrazed plants are not able to function effectively.”30
On the Internet one can find hundreds of photos of landscapes split down the center by a fence. The land on one side is degraded but on the other side verdant—allegedly because of the proper grazing methods used there. And on Facebook there are regenerative farming and grazing groups with ten thousand members. They prohibit debates about global warming or vegetarianism but exchange the pragmatic know-how that working farmers need.
Sheldon Frith, a farmer-scholar advocate of holistic management, notes in his book Letter to a Vegetarian Nation that there are about 100 million cattle in Canada and the United States now. He estimates that between 27 million and 135 million are needed to maintain the cropland soil; about 58 million cattle to maintain rangelands; and about 59 million to regenerate and maintain North American tundra. That would mean that the existing livestock should be approximately doubled, and of course maintained holistically.31 And indeed, farmers around the world are increasingly adopting holistic management because it does evidently restore degraded ecosystems.
But What About the Methane?
Unfortunately, Frith’s proposal seems totally incompatible with our earlier acknowledgment that these animals emit huge quantities of methane—a far more powerful agent of global warming than even carbon dioxide. There is obviously a great need for additional research to resolve much contradictory evidence.
It seems to be an established fact that good grazing practices enhance the health of the soil, enabling plants and soil organisms to flourish. However, we must also ask whether good grazing also increases the long-term sequestration of carbon—and that is a controversial question.
The climate crisis requires clear answers, yet the best methods of measuring carbon uptake are unsettled, and there are obviously so many other factors involved that the evidence is questionable. One meta-analysis, for example, reached the upbeat conclusion that “grazing lands generate carbon surpluses that could not only offset rural emissions, but could also partially or totally offset the emissions of non-rural sectors.”32 (In other words, cows can save us.)
Yet another meta-analysis reported flatly that “study after study arrived at similar conclusions. Grazing did not increase carbon sequestration in soils.” (In other words, cows do great things for the environment and can feed us, but they can’t save us from climate change.)
What does ecological history tell us about the equilibrium between methane emissions and uptake? Remember the astounding biomass of herbivores that lived in the Pleistocene period‚ a total far exceeding that of all animals, including humans and livestock, living today. Woolly mammoths and other megafauna also emitted methane. Nevertheless, ice cores from the Pleistocene period show that the atmosphere contained lower levels of methane than today. How so? Probably the answer lies in the balance between methane-excreting animals and methane-eating microbes in the soil.
It is not easy to break methane molecules apart to sequester the carbon in soil, but there is one category of bacteria that do so: methanotrophs, which eat methane and thrive best in areas where it is abundant—ocean floors, swamps, and pastures. During the Pleistocene, methanotrophs must have flourished, fed by the herds of megafauna. Presumably their abundance explains the stupendous quantities of ice age carbon in today’s Arctic soil.
Methanotrophs have a protein called methane monooxygenase, or MMO—an enzyme that contains copper. The metal us stored energy to destroy the super-strong methane bond and make MMO the only known protein that can break apart methane. Scientists are now studying it with the hope that MMO can be cultivated on a large scale for the fight against global warming.33 The methane from ruminant animals would be sequestered by methanotrophs instead of emitted into the atmosphere as greenhouse gas. However, this research is not advanced enough to offer the solution to our current predicament—that, although the health of our soil depends on grazing animals, they are probably also worsening our climate crisis.
In the short term, the most promising way reducing the livestock dilemma may be to find ways of limiting the methane produced in ruminant stomachs. Vaccination may be able to eliminate the causative enteric bacteria. Another solution is to feed cows small amounts of seaweed, which reduces about 80 percent of their methane emissions.34 If successful on a large scale, this would diminish the basis for abolishing livestock and the consumption of meat. Unfortunately, seaweed seems to be more effective with cows kept and fed in pens than with cattle that graze on pastures, restoring the fertility of the land.
Thinking about Solutions
So yes, maybe trees and cows can save us—if they don’t kill us first, which is equally likely. Everything depends on how we manage them. A trillion of the right species of trees in the right location might capture and sequester enough carbon to offset our worst past mistakes, giving us a couple of decades to phase in better technologies. But large forests in carbon-rich permafrost might set off a positive feedback loop that becomes irreversible.
Likewise, with proper management, cattle, sheep, bison, and other livestock might restore to fertility a large part of the earth’s degraded land. But poorly managed flocks, especially ones that graze too long or with too little hard impact as a herd, will hasten the desertification of our planet.
Both of these challenges require more scientific information than exists at present. The search for optimum solutions may be the most urgently consequential policy facing humankind, so everyone is obliged to join in the discourse. Every advanced country must immediately speed up the quest for clear answers.
Until more is known, the following policies seem to be the wisest practices:
A. Plant no trees in the Arctic and probably in no other area of permafrost.
B. Do not reduce (and maybe even increase) the number of grazing animals for meat and milk, but use holistic methods of managing them.
Since permafrost areas and savannahs are among the places that Crowther’s lab had counted as potential forest areas, removing them from the plans for afforestation will diminish the prospect of planting a trillion trees—or the several trillion that will be required if they are not cared for properly.
We must recognize the inevitable competition for the use of land, with food crops deserving high priority, and we are ambivalently including meat as one of the foods to be produced. Cities were also excluded from the 0.9 billion hectares that Crowther’s lab initially designated for prospective new forests. Therefore, the remaining available land would mostly be far away from where people live or grow their food. Will governments fly hordes of workers, students, and soldiers out in helicopters with spades and bundles of saplings? And will they fly them back every month to weed and water their trees?
How about less labor-intensive methods? There are stories on the Internet about “seed balls” made of clay and dung containing seeds. They are thrown into vacant lots or even dropped from airplanes with the expectation that they will become new forests. This apparently never happens.
What about drones? We interviewed some people who are using that technique.35 They do know the results of carefully monitored studies but for various reasons would not share that information with us. Probably drone planting succeeds in some environments but we were more pessimistic at the end of our interviews than at the beginning. Tree-planting machines exist too, but no one claims they are quicker than people.
Thus we need a billion hectares of land that will support trees, and we need a lot of human labor to plant them and maintain a good survival rate, so we will have to squeeze many saplings onto land that Crowther’s people declared off-bounds: farms and cities. And perhaps we can plant more trees per hectare than had been planned.
There actually are beneficial ways of maximizing land-use. Silvopasturing, for example, is being praised in FAO publications as a way of raising cattle on pastures where there are also some trees. And some food crops (notably coffee) thrive best in the shade of other trees.
Miyawaki Forests
Biodiversity can actually improve the carbon sequestration of trees, though this depends on the combination of trees that are put together, e.g. planting adjacent trees of differing heights, so they do not compete for canopy space.36 Moreover, biodiversity and dense planting can work together to speed up the growth of trees. This is best demonstrated in the forests created by the Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, which actually grow ten times faster than the monoculture plantations that are planted by the logging industry.
An Indian engineer named Shubhendu Sharma studied with Miyawaki and has created a company called Afforestt, which is creating mini-forests in cities and degraded plots of land all around the world.
First Sharma’s team collects seeds from a wide variety (say, 60 or 70) of local indigenous trees, rejecting any alien species. They classify them by expected height at maturity, start them growing in pots until they are saplings about two years old. Next they remove the first meter of degraded soil, mix it with an appropriate blend of organic matter from the same locality, and replace it. Then they plant the trees and shrubs very densely—about four per square meter, with all four plants chosen for their differing expected heights. They water and weed them for about two years, after which the trees generate their own water and can continue growing with no maintenance for hundreds of years.
Of course, many or most of these closely-planted trees die, but Afforestt does not thin them out. They see trees as social beings who form their own friendships and alliances. Sharma lets the trees themselves “decide” which of their companions shall survive, for they all benefit from their closeness. It is impossible to walk through a Miyawaki-type forest, for they are all so dense.37
Most of these mini-forests are in cities, and some are only the size of a parking spot or tennis court. Some communities hire Afforestt to plant urban forests so their children can learn the care of trees. Such urban forestry, if done on a mass scale, could locate billions of trees where people live, work, and can conveniently volunteer their spare time. It enhances the community-spirit in a neighborhood. Certainly not all trillion of the new trees can be planted in cities, but possibly enough urban to compensate for preventing Arctic forests.
In North America and much of Europe, huge amounts of urban space can be reclaimed beneficially, not from degraded land but from lawns. In the United States, lawns take up more acreage than the top eight crops combined.38 This was not always the case. Historically, only the wealthy could afford the space and servants to keep lawns. The invention of the lawnmower, the shortening of the work week to forty hours, and the spread of tract suburban housing after World War II enabled the middle class to acquire the habit. Indeed, having a proper lawn became a badge of respectability.
The climate crisis must call this symbol into question. Matt Weber reminds us that,
“We apply more synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to our lawns than an equivalent area of cropland. Not only can this hurt local wildlife, these chemicals can end up in our own drinking water. The manufacture and use of these chemicals require large amounts of fossil fuels and contribute to global warming. Running a single lawn mower for an hour emits just as much pollution as 40 automobiles, according to the EPA. [Each] lawn mower produces more pollution than multiple cars. In a year, a hectare of lawn can contribute as many greenhouse gases as a jet flying halfway around the world… [and] 50–70 percent of all residential water in the United States goes to landscaping. Irrigated lawns take up nearly three times as much space as irrigated corn.”39
Weber did not mention one of the worst offenses of lawn-owners: they are maintaining major sources of nitrous oxide. This greenhouse gas has global warming effects 298 times greater than carbon dioxide on a 100-year timescale. It is increasing in the atmosphere each year because of fertilizer use in landscaping and lawns.40
But perhaps this destructive symbolism is ending. Florida has just passed a law saying that cities cannot prohibit people from growing food on their front yards. Next maybe they will let us plant Miyawaki forests. Those two measures are among the promising changes that can be made on land to save the world. (And we have not even considered here the prospects for increasing carbon sequestration in the oceans. Paul Beckwith helpfully reminds me: “Don’t forget plankton. If you like trees, you’ll love plankton.”)
Current research on forestry and regenerative agriculture is incomplete. The climate emergency requires information that is lacking. Still, we must make fateful decisions in this context of uncertainty. Therefore, the following policies should be considered seriously:
Eat meat if you want to. Raise livestock, using holistic management. Feed them a little seaweed. Replace your lawn with a vegetable garden or a Miyawaki forest. Plant two trillion trees, but none in carbon-rich permafrost areas. Good luck.
Metta Spencer is editor of Peace and Project Save the World.
1 Population Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, “The World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights”, 17 June 2019.
2 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “An IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1,5 Degrees Centigrade Above Pre-Industrial Levels and Related Global Greenhouse Gas Emission Pathways”. (IPCC, 2018).
3 Adam Majendie and Pratik Parija, “How to Halt Global Warming for $300 Billion,” Bloomberg News, October 24, 2019.
4 Jean-François Bastin, Yelena Finegold, Claude Garcia, Danilo Mollicone, Marcelo Rezende, Devin Routh, Constantin M. Zohner, and Thomas W. Crowther, “The Global Tree Restoration Potential,” Science, 365, 76-69 (2019) 5 July, 2019.
5 Ibid.
6 Adam Rogers, “Trying to Plant a Trillion Trees Won’t Solve Anything,” Science, Oct. 26, 2019.
7 Jonathan A, Wang, Damien Sulla-Menashe, Curtis E. Woodcock, Oliver Sonnentag, Ralph F. Keeling, and Mark A. Friedl, “Extensive Land Cover Change Across Arctic-Boreal Northwestern North America from Disturbance and Climate Forcing.” Global Change Biology 2019, 00.1 -1-16.
8 Christa Marshall, “Vegetation May Speed Warming of Arctic,” Scientific American, Sept 1, 2019.
9 Bartosz Adamdzyk et al, “Plant Roots Increase both Decomposition and Stable Organic Matter Formation in Boreal Forest soil,” Nature Communications, Sept. 04, 2019.
10 Bits of Science, “Trees Starting to Grow in the Arctic due to Climate Change Could Cause Carbon Dioxide Release,” June 17, 2012. Hartley’s research was initially published in Nature Climate Change (no date).
11 Argyro Zerva et al, “Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) Chronosequence on a Peaty Gley,” Forest Ecology and Management 205 (2005) 227–240 .Available online at
12 Holli Riebeek “The Carbon Cycle”, NASA Earth Observatory, June 15, 2011.
13 Susan M Natali, Jennifer D Watts, and Donatella Zona, “Large Loss of CO2 in Winter Observed Across the Northern Permafrost Region,” Nature Climate Change (2019)
14 Sergey Zimov, “This Wild Field Manifesto is a Work in Progress,” Revive and Restore. Nov. 25, 2014.
15 S.A. Zimov, N.S. Zimov, A.N. Tikhonov, F.S. Chapin III (2012). “Mammoth steppe: a high-productivity phenomenon” (PDF). In: Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 57, 4 December 2012, p. 42 fig.17. Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 March 2016.
16 Jon Luoma, China’s Reforestation Programs: Big Success or Just an Illusion?” Yale Environment 360. Jan. 17, 2012.
17 Budiman Minasny et al, “Soil Carbon 4 per Mille,” Geoderma, Vol. 292. Aril l14, 2017, pp 59-86.
18 David Fogarty, “Crops with deeper roots capture more carbon, fight drought: study” Reuters Aug 5. 2011.
19 Joanne Chory’s TED talk, “How Supercharged Plants Could Slow Climate Change.”
20 John J. Berger, “Can Soil Microbes Slow Climate Change?” Scientific American Mar 26, 2019. See also videos by David Johnson. and
21 Ethan Roland video: “Carbon Farming: Tools for Regenerative Agriculture.” and see
22 Alastair Bland, “Is the Livestock Industry Destroying the Planet?” Aug. 21, 2012.
23 U.N Food and Agriculture Organization: “Key Facts and Findings,”
24 FAO, “Key Facts and Findings.”
25 Bradley C. Johnston et al, “Unprocessed Red Meat and Processed Meat Consumption: Dietary Guideline Recommendations From the Nutritional Recommendations (NutriRECS) Consortium Free” Annals of Internal Medicine, 2019.
26 Dr. Prabhat Jha reports these results in a lecture to Science for Peace, video . See also the defence of meat diets by Chris Kressler, “Do Vegetarians and Vegans Live Longer than Meat-Eaters?” “Eating Meat Reduces Stroke Risk? New Study Says Yes” Topical Thunder, Sept. 5, 2019, reporting on a British study of 48,000 adults.
27 Micharel Abberton, Rochard Conant, and Caterina Batello, “Grassland Carbon Sequestration: Management, Policy, and Economics,” Plant Production and Protection Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, April 2009.
28 World Bank, 2009.
29 Allan Savory and Jody Butterfield, Hoiistic Management, Third Edition: A Commonsense Revolution to Restore Our Environment, Kindle Book.
30 Abberton et al. op cit.
31 Sheldon Frith, Letter to a Vegetarian Nation, an e-book available on Kindle, 2016,
32 E.F.Viglizzo et al, “Reassessing the role of grazing lands in carbon-balance estimations: Meta-analysis and review,” Science of The Total Environment Volume 661, 15 April 2019, Pages 531-542.
33 Alex Berr, “The Bacteria that Eat Methane: An Interview with Soo Ro, Molecular Biophysicist.” Helix, Sept. 15, 2017.
34 Emma Bryce “Feeding Cows Seaweed Could Reduce Their Methane Emissions,” Anthropocene Magazine, June 21, 2019.
35 “Can drones plant a trillion trees?” Video discussion with Sandy Smith, Eric Davies, Elena Fernadez-Miranda and Eman Hamdan.
36 Jean-Baptiste Pichancourt, Jennifer Firn, Iadine Cgades, and Tara G. Martin, “Growing Biodiverse Carbon-Rich Forests,” Global Change Biology (2013) 20, 382-393.
37 See my two video interviews with Afforestt staff. “Afforestation and Climate,” with Gaurav Gurjar. and Shubhendu Sharma, “Miyawaki Forests,” .
38 Matt J. Weber, “Why Everybody Wants a Lawn, and Why It’s Killing the Planet,” Medium, June 26, 2018
39 Ibid.
40 Amy Townsend Small, Diane E. Pataki, Claudia I. Czimczik, and Stanley C. Tyler, “Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Isotopic Composition in Urban and Agricultural Systems in Southern California,” Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 116, G01013, 2011.
Beware the balconies! They waste heat!
But as currently constructed, most balconies are ecological pirates. The are built on six-feet-wide extension of the steel girders that hold up the apartment. And the steel conducts the heat out into the world, where it can travel away in all directions.
The answer is: when constructing, put in a “thermal break” — something that blocks the transmission of the heat outward. The apartment building will look like all the normal apartment buildings, but it will do the world a favor.
I am reading this carefully to find out what renewable sources they are turning to instead of fossil fuels. They don’t explain it. Obviously, Sweden is so far north that they are in the dark a lot of the time. They surely cannot count on solar for much of their needs. What about wind? Water? Nuclear? Geothermal?
When I lived in California I was told that people planted them to function as windbreaks. But they shed strips of bark that made a big mess. We had some by our front yard and the grass would not survive within a few feet of the tree. Still, Eucalyptus oil is great when you have a cough. Just rub it on your chest or inhale it. You have buy it, though. I never heard of anyone making their own eucalyptus oil.
There seems to be a lot of disagreement about this technology. Most environmentalists (I think) say it is too expensive to be realistic. (They laugh and say that “clean coal” is a ludicrous oxymoron.) However, I know a physicist who thinks it is the best available solution at the present. What do the numbers say when people calculate costs?
We could put greenhouses out there and raise vegetables year-round, maybe warming them with that excess heat that is being lost otherwise.
I like the idea of raising forests where there are lawns now. But the roots will ruin the foundations of your house. Maybe there is a solution to that but I don’t know of any.
Bullish on Battery Metals
You already know about lithium, which is king right now. But there are other important metals too–especially nickel, cobalt, manganese and copper, which are needed for lithium batteries. An electric vehicle contains four times as much copper as a fossil-fueled model. Nickel is popular with EV battery-makers because it provides the energy density that gives the battery its power and range. Feb 3, 2020
Green-gap in the construction waste industry
By Gail Johnson
Three years before he got into the waste-disposal business, Ray LaLonde became a father. And having kids who are growing up in the era of environmental consciousness has had a profound impact on the way he runs his company.
“I don’t use landfills any more,” says Mr. LaLonde, owner of Clean Away Disposal, which serves the Metro Vancouver region and specializes in removing debris from small to medium construction projects – in particular, buildings that are Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified.
“I have three young children and I care about the environment, and I don’t like where it’s going. My eight-year-old and my six-year-old twins have their own recycling bins, and it’s hard to explain why a lot of recyclables end up in landfills. It doesn’t make any sense. Everybody’s got to do their part to make a difference.”
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The construction industry is a major source of waste. But combine the popularity of green buildings with the fact that many jurisdictions have already implemented recycling bylaws on construction sites, and the need for eco-friendly enterprises such as Mr. LaLonde’s is only going to escalate.
According to Construction Specifications Canada, an industry association, construction and demolition waste – such as asphalt, concrete, gravel, bricks, ceramics, plumbing, insulation, wood, glass, metal, and electrical fixtures – make up 23 per cent of the overall waste stream. The industry is also the greatest producer of wood waste, making up between 25 and 45 per cent of all solid waste generated in North America.
In Portland, Ore., one construction project, a 5,000-square-foot restaurant, yielded 12,344 pounds of waste, including 7,440 pounds of wood, 1,414 pounds of cardboard, and 500 pounds of gypsum wallboard – materials that are all recyclable.
In fact, more than half of construction and demolition-related debris is recyclable or reusable and doesn’t need to end up in landfills. Construction waste is sometimes illegally dumped or burned, resulting in land, air, and water pollution.
LEED is playing a big role in the growing trend of eco-friendly construction-waste removal companies. The internationally recognized sustainable building certification system promotes green development through a series of rating systems.
In addition to key areas such as energy use and water consumption, the program recognizes performance in the reduction of waste of materials and resources. For new construction projects, LEED awards up to two points for diverting between 50 and 75 per cent of demolition, land clearing, and construction waste from landfills and redirecting recyclables back to the manufacturing process. LEED guidelines allow diversion to include the salvage of materials on-site and the donation of materials to charitable organizations.
Construction material can be reused in many ways: old concrete can be crushed into gravel, steel can be melted and reused, scraps of drywall can be crushed into gypsum then made into new drywall.
Even though environmentally responsible practices are increasingly common, there’s still a lack of awareness about minimizing waste, and some contractors mistakenly assume that environmentally friendly practices will increase their costs, according to Public Works and Government Services Canada.
However, there’s a business case to be made for sustainable refuse removal. The diversion of waste from landfills can reduce disposal costs by up to 30 per cent, the federal body claims, through lower tipping fees as well as the sale of reusable materials – materials that are becoming more and more valuable as the cost of construction goes up and the availability of natural resources – such as lumber – goes down.
Mr. LaLonde says that taking construction waste to specific material-recovery facilities can sometimes be more time-consuming if he’s working on a project that’s located closer to a landfill.
Green construction-waste removal is also more challenging in smaller communities that don’t have places to divert or recycle such material. Still, Mr. LaLonde says the future of construction-waste disposal is definitely green.
“Even compared to when I started out, we have a lot more choices,” he says; his company’s services also include coming up with demolition- or construction-waste management plans and providing documentation that’s required for LEED certification. “The whole thing has really taken off in the last two years.”
From The Globe and Mail, Dec. 2011.
What are the Russians doing and thinking about this? They have far more people living in the Arctic than Canada does. Whole cities! They must be feeling the effects as much as the Canadians living in the north, but I don’t hear anything about them protesting. Why not? Or maybe they do but we just don’t hear about it. I bet Putin doesn’t like to hear from them.
Shockingly Simple!
How Farmland Could Absorb an Extra 2 Billion Tonnes of CO2 From the Atmosphere Each Year
Adding crushed rock dust to farmland could draw down up to two billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air per year and help meet key global climate targets, according to a major new study led by the University of Sheffield.
Research identifies the nation-by-nation potential for CO2 drawdown, as well as the costs and the engineering challenges involved
Findings reveal the world’s highest emitters (China, India and the US) also have the greatest potential to remove CO2 from the atmosphere using this method
Scientists suggest unused materials from mining and the construction industry could be used to help soils remove CO2 from the atmosphere
Adding crushed rock dust to farmland could draw down up to two billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air per year and help meet key global climate targets, according to a major new study led by the University of Sheffield.
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The technique, known as enhanced rock weathering, involves spreading finely crushed basalt, a natural volcanic rock, on fields to boost the soil’s ability to extract CO2 from the air.
In the first nation-by-nation assessment, published in Nature, scientists have demonstrated the method’s potential for carbon drawdown by major economies, and identified the costs and engineering challenges of scaling up the approach to help meet ambitious global CO2 removal targets. The research was led by experts at the University of Sheffield’s Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation, and the University’s Energy Institute.
Meeting the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global heating to below 2C above pre-industrial levels requires drastic cuts in emissions, as well as the active removal of between two and 10 billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere each year to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. This new research provides a detailed initial assessment of enhanced rock weathering, a large-scale CO2 removal strategy that could make a major contribution to this effort.
The authors’ detailed analysis captures some of the uncertainties in enhanced weathering CO2 drawdown calculations and, at the same time, identifies the additional areas of uncertainty that future work needs to address specifically through large-scale field trials.
The study showed that China, the United States and India – the highest fossil fuel CO2 emitters – have the highest potential for CO2 drawdown using rock dust on croplands. Together, these countries have the potential to remove approximately 1 billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere, at a cost comparable to that of other proposed carbon dioxide removal strategies (US$80-180 per tonne of CO2).
Indonesia and Brazil, whose CO2 emissions are 10-20 times lower than the US and China, were also found to have relatively high CO2 removal potential due to their extensive agricultural lands, and climates accelerating the efficiency of rock weathering.
The scientists suggest that meeting the demand for rock dust to undertake large-scale CO2 drawdown might be achieved by using stockpiles of silicate rock dust left over from the mining industry, and are calling for governments to develop national inventories of these materials.
Calcium-rich silicate by-products of iron and steel manufacturing, as well as waste cement from construction and demolition, could also be processed and used in this way, improving the sustainability of these industries. These materials are usually recycled as low value aggregate, stockpiled at production sites or disposed of in landfills. China and India could supply the rock dust necessary for large-scale CO2 drawdown with their croplands using entirely recycled materials in the coming decades.
The technique would be straightforward to implement for farmers, who already tend to add agricultural lime to their soils. The researchers are calling for policy innovation that could support multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals using this technology. Government incentives to encourage agricultural application of rock dust could improve soil and farm livelihoods, as well as reduce CO2, potentially benefiting the world’s 2.5 billion smallholders and reducing poverty and hunger.
Professor David Beerling, Director of the Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation at the University of Sheffield and lead author of the study, said: “Carbon dioxide drawdown strategies that can scale up and are compatible with existing land uses are urgently required to combat climate change, alongside deep and sustained emissions cuts.
“Spreading rock dust on agricultural land is a straightforward, practical CO2 drawdown approach with the potential to boost soil health and food production. Our analyses reveal the big emitting nations – China, the US, India – have the greatest potential to do this, emphasizing their need to step up to the challenge. Large-scale Research Development and Demonstration programs, similar to those being pioneered by our Leverhulme Centre, are needed to evaluate the efficacy of this technology in the field.”
Professor Steven Banwart, a partner in the study and Director of the Global Food and Environment Institute, said: “The practice of spreading crushed rock to improve soil pH is commonplace in many agricultural regions worldwide. The technology and infrastructure already exist to adapt these practices to utilize basalt rock dust. This offers a potentially rapid transition in agricultural practices to help capture CO2 at large scale.”
Professor James Hansen, a partner in the study and Director of the Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions Program at Columbia University’s Earth Institute, said: “We have passed the safe level of greenhouse gases. Cutting fossil fuel emissions is crucial, but we must also extract atmospheric CO2 with safe, secure and scalable carbon dioxide removal strategies to bend the global CO2 curve and limit future climate change. The advantage of CO2 removal with crushed silicate rocks is that it could restore deteriorating top-soils, which underpin food security for billions of people, thereby incentivizing deployment.”
Professor Nick Pidgeon, a partner in the study and Director of the Understanding Risk Group at Cardiff University, said: “Greenhouse gas removal may well become necessary as we approach 2050, but we should not forget that it also raises profound ethical questions regarding our relationship with the natural environment. Its development should therefore be accompanied by the widest possible public debate as to potential risks and benefits.”
Reference: “Potential for large-scale CO2 removal via enhanced rock weathering with croplands” by David J. Beerling, Euripides P. Kantzas, Mark R. Lomas, Peter Wade, Rafael M. Eufrasio, Phil Renforth, Binoy Sarkar, M. Grace Andrews, Rachael H. James, Christopher R. Pearce, Jean-Francois Mercure, Hector Pollitt, Philip B. Holden, Neil R. Edwards, Madhu Khanna, Lenny Koh, Shaun Quegan, Nick F. Pidgeon, Ivan A. Janssens, James Hansen and Steven A. Banwart, 8 July 2020, Nature.
Crushed Rock Eats CO2. Spread it Around!
The world emits 43 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Adding rock dust to farmland could remove about two billion tonnes — more than the current total emissions from global aviation and shipping combined — while improving soil fertility. New research provides a detailed initial assessment of this use of crushed rock, called “enhanced rock weathering.”
The new research was led by experts at the University of Sheffield’s Leverhulme Centre for Climate Change Mitigation, and the University’s Energy Institute. The authors showed that just three countries, China, the United States and India (the highest fossil fuel CO2 emitters, have the potential to remove approximately 1 billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere, at a cost comparable to that of other proposed carbon dioxide removal strategies (US$80-180 per tonne of CO2).
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“Shockingly Simple: How Farmland Could Absorb an Extra 2 Billion Tonnes of CO2 From the Atmosphere Each Year” By University of Sheffield.
Thanks for the article and references
Read Karen Smith’s contribution. She partly explains it. It’s the ozone hole or something.
Stop cutting down trees for biomass. . .STOP WOODY BIOMASS!
“According to Earth Institute, burning wood biomass emits as much, if not more, air pollution than burning fossil fuels — particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, mercury, and other hazardous air pollutants — which can cause cancer or reproductive effects.” Have other folks heard similar claims?
According to LSA — University of Colorado/Boulder, wood accounts for 79% of biomass production and accounts for 3.2% of energy production. Wood dominates the worldwide biomass industry.
For perspective purposes, a paid lobbyist on behalf of trees could rightfully claim: (1) Trees cool and moisten our air and fill it with oxygen. (2) They calm the winds and shade the land from sunlight. (3) They shelter countless species, anchor the soil, and slow the movement of water. (4) They provide food, fuel, medicines, and building materials for human activity. (5) They also help balance Earth’s carbon budget. Name another organism with credentials like that!
Meanwhile, the worldwide woody biomass industry consumes forests, gobbling up trees by the minute. But, it’s a wayward ruse to classify woody biomass as “carbon neutral.” It is not carbon neutral. It’s a carbon emitter, the antithesis of clean renewable energy.
A 1,000-kilowatt-hour wood-pellet power plant, enough to power 1,000 homes, emits a total of 1,275 grams of CO2 per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated. That’s according to Dr. Puneet Dwivedi, a research professor at the University of Georgia. By way of comparison, a 1,000-kilowatt-hour coal plant emits 1,048 grams of CO2 per kilowatt-hour. The net result is that coal produces 227 grams less CO2 than the biomass plant. Hmm. (Source: A Burning Question: Throw Wood on the Fire for 21st-Century Electricity? CNBC, Sept. 15, 2017)
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According to the study, the influx of 1/3 more trees would buy humanity time by adding 20 years to meet climate targets. By keeping that many additional trees rather than felling, it effectively “locks-up 205 gigatonnes of CO2.” It’s significant as humanity emits 37 gigatonnes per year. Additionally, the “scale up of the world’s forests by one-third” helps meet IPCC guidelines to hold temp rises to 1.5°C pre-industrial, assuming temperatures are not already overshooting, an issue of some contention. Which depends a lot upon which baseline is used.
The tradeoff between “saving/enlarging forests” rather than “burning trees” is consequential for several reasons, including, the U.S. Energy Information Agency estimates that for each 1% added to current U.S. electricity production from forest biomass an additional 18% increase in U.S. forest harvest is required. At that rate, by the time woody biomass is a meaningful slice of electricity production, the nation’s forests would be leveled.
How long does it take forests to regrow?
Furthermore, is it really possible to regrow a natural efficient forest ecosystem once it has been denuded of key organic life? No.
A Columbia University study argues for leaving trees alone: “Is Biomass Really Renewable?” State of the Planet, Earth Institute/Columbia University, Updated October 19, 2016, to wit: “Cutting or clearing forests for energy, either to burn trees or to plant energy crops, releases carbon into the atmosphere that would have been sequestered had the trees remained untouched, and the regrowing and thus recapture of carbon can take decades or even a century. Moreover, carbon is emitted in the biomass combustion process, resulting in a net increase of CO2.”
Additionally, according to the Columbia study: “Most of the new biomass electricity generating plants being proposed in the U.S. will burn wood. Plants in the Southeast U.S. are churning out wood pellets to meet Europe’s increasing need for wood. Last year, wood pellet exports from the Southeast increased 70 percent; the Southern U.S. is now the largest exporter of wood pellets in the world. Since there isn’t enough logging residue to meet the increased demand for biomass, many fear that more standing trees will be chopped and more forests clear-cut.”
The overriding issue is that woody biomass negatively impacts climate change, the health of people, and the overall environment. Yet, the market is growing by leaps and bounds in Europe and the U.S. Go figure!
According to Earth Institute, woody biomass power plants actually produce more “global warming CO2” than fossil fuel plants, i.e., 65% more CO2 per megawatt hour than modern coal plants and 285% more CO2 than natural gas combined cycle plants (which use both a gas and steam turbine together). This analysis confirms the conclusion of several similar university-level studies that woody biomass is inefficient and thus a sensible rationale for outright banning of woody biomass.
Furthermore, according to Earth Institute, burning wood biomass emits as much, if not more, air pollution than burning fossil fuels — particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, lead, mercury, and other hazardous air pollutants — which can cause cancer or reproductive effects.
The “air pollution emitted by biomass facilities,” which the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association have called “a danger to public health,” produces respiratory illnesses, heart disease, cancer, and developmental delays in children.” (Earth Institute)
Nevertheless, in 2009 the EU committed to 20% renewable energy by 2020, including biomass (heavily sourced by forests, especially from Canada and the U.S.) as a renewable energy, which it categorized as “carbon neutral.” This was done to meet obligations under the Paris climate agreement of 2015. Several other countries followed with commitments to “subsidize” biomass development.
As a result, today 50% of EU renewable energy is based upon biomass, and it is on the rise. Expect a command performance of massive growth by biomass in upcoming years.
For example, in the UK, the Drax Group converted 4 of 6 coal-generating units to biomass, powering 12% of UK electricity for 4 million households. The Drax biomass plant has an enormous appetite for wood, e.g., in less than two hours an entire freight train of wooden pellets goes up in smoke, spewing out smoke signals that spell “O Canada” and “Say, can you see. . . By the dawn’s early light.”
According to Drax’s PR department, their operation has slashed CO2 by over 80% since 2012, claiming to be “the largest decarbonization project in Europe.” (Source: Biomass Energy: Green or Dirty? Environment & Energy – Feature Article, Jan. 8, 2020)
Ahem! When scientists analyzed Drax’s claims, they do not hold up. Not even close!
When wood pellets burn, Drax assumes the released carbon is “recaptured instantly by new growth.” That is a fairy tale.
According to John Sherman, an expert on Complex Systems Analysis at MIT: The carbon debt payback time for forests in the eastern US, where Drax’s wood pellets originated, compared to burning coal, under the best-case scenario, when all harvested land regrows as a forest, the wood pellet “payback time” is 44 to 104 years. Whoa!
Alas, not only is the carbon payback nearly a lifetime when using wood, but according to Sherman: “Because the combustion and processing efficiencies for wood are less than coal, the immediate impact of substituting wood for coal is an increase in atmospheric CO2 relative to coal. This means that every megawatt-hour of electricity generated from wood produces more CO2 than if the power station had remained coal-fired.”
Study after study after study finds that burning coal instead of woody biomass reduces the impact of CO2 atmospheric emissions. Coal is the winner, but problematically coal has already been cast into no-man’s land as a horrific polluter. Therefore, this scenario is a massive complexity as countries have committed to using trees to meet carbon neutral status, but the end results are diametrical to their stated intentions.
Therefore, a preeminent question arises: Why continue using woody biomass if it emits more CO2 per kilowatt-hour than coal?
Alas, not only is it insane to burn trees, but burning “forest residues” rather than whole trees also produces a net emissions impact of 55%-79% greater than direct emissions after 10 years. This is based upon analysis by Mary Booth, an ecosystem ecologist and a director of the Partnership for Policy Integrity, Pelham, Massachusetts.
According to scientist Bill Moomaw, co-author of the Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report and co-author of four additional IPCC reports and widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on “carbon sinks”: “If we let some of our forests grow, we could remove an additional 10 to 20 percent of what we emit every year. Instead, we’re paying subsidies to have people cut them down, burning them in place of coal, and counting it as zero carbon.” (Source: Europe’s Renewable Energy Policy is Built on Burning American Trees, Vox, Mar. 4, 2019 – this article was endorsed by the Pulitzer Center)
Dr. Moomaw led a group of 800 scientists that petitioned the EU parliament (Jan. 2018) to “end its support for biomass.”
In June 2018, the EU Commission voted to keep biomass listed as a renewable energy, joined in their position by the support of the U.S. and Britain.
Under the influence of U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, the 2018 fiscal spending bill, as directed by Congress, instructed federal agencies to pass policies that “reflect the carbon-neutrality of biomass.” Among the many benefits mentioned by Congress, three seem almost Orwellian. Oops, scratch that. They are Orwellian, to wit: “To promote environmental stewardship by improving soil and water quality, reducing wildfire risk, and helping ensure our forests continue to remove carbon from the atmosphere.”
Congress’s emphasis on biomass that fells trees “ensuring that our forests continue to remove carbon from the atmosphere.” Really?
What about reams upon reams of scientific analyses that conclude it is a huge mistake to fell forests for biomass?
In the final analysis, the sorrowful impact of woody biomass can be summed up by two short sentences: (1) Wood-pellet power plants emit more CO2 into the atmosphere than coal-powered plants. (2) If forests are left alone an additional 10% to 20% of human-generated CO2 emissions are absorbed by the forests every year. Ipso facto, nature does the dirty work all by itself. . .for free!
(Robert Hunziker lives in Los Angeles and is a CityWatch contributor. He can be reached at Photo: Prepped for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.
Title: The Biomass Fiasco
Author: Hunziker, Robert
Publication(s): City Watch
Date: 4 May 2020
Stopping Deforestation Can Prevent Pandemics
By the Editors of Scientific American, June 1, 2020
Three quarters of the emerging pathogens that infect humans leaped from animals, many of them creatures in the forest habitats that we are slashing and burning to create land for crops, including biofuel plants, and for mining and housing. The more we clear, the more we come into contact with wildlife that carries microbes well suited to kill us—and the more we concentrate those animals in smaller areas where they can swap infectious microbes, raising the chances of novel strains. Clearing land also reduces biodiversity, and the species that survive are more likely to host illnesses that can be transferred to humans. All these factors will lead to more spillover of animal pathogens into people.
Stopping deforestation will not only reduce our exposure to new disasters but also tamp down the spread of a long list of other vicious diseases that have come from rain forest habitats — Zika, Nipah, malaria, cholera and HIV among them. A 2019 study found that a 10 percent increase in deforestation would raise malaria cases by 3.3 percent; that would be 7.4 million people worldwide. Yet despite years of global outcry, deforestation still runs rampant. An average of 28 million hectares of forest have been cut down annually since 2016, and there is no sign of a slowdown.
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Societies can take numerous steps to prevent the destruction. Eating less meat, which physicians say will improve our health anyway, will lessen demand for crops and pastures. Eating fewer processed foods will reduce the demand for palm oil—also a major feedstock for biofuels—much of which is grown on land clear-cut from tropical rain forests. The need for land also will ease if nations slow population growth—something that can happen in developing nations only if women are given better education, equal social status with men and easy access to affordable contraceptives.
Producing more food per hectare can boost supply without the need to clear more land. Developing crops that better resist drought will help, especially as climate change brings longer, deeper droughts. In dry regions of Africa and elsewhere, agroforestry techniques such as planting trees among farm fields can increase crop yields. Reducing food waste could also vastly lessen the pressure to grow more; 30 to 40 percent of all food produced is wasted.
As we implement these solutions, we can also find new outbreaks earlier. Epidemiologists want to tiptoe into wild habitats and test mammals known to carry coronaviruses — bats, rodents, badgers, civets, pangolins and monkeys — to map how the germs are moving. Public health officials could then test nearby humans. To be effective, though, this surveillance must be widespread and well funded. In September 2019, just months before the COVID-19 pandemic began, the U.S. Agency for International Development announced it would end funding for PREDICT, a 10-year effort to hunt for threatening microbes that found more than 1,100 unique viruses. USAID says it will launch a new surveillance program; we urge it to supply enough money this time to cast a wider and stronger net.
In the meantime, governments should prohibit the sale of live wild animals in so-called wet markets, where pathogens have repeatedly crossed over into humans. The markets may be culturally important, but the risk is too great. Governments must also crack down on illegal wildlife trade, which can spread infectious agents far and wide. In addition, we have to examine factory farms that pack thousands of animals together — the source of the 2009 swine flu outbreak that killed more than 10,000 people in the U.S. and multitudes worldwide.
Ending deforestation and thwarting pandemics would address six of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals: the guarantee of healthy lives, zero hunger, gender equality, responsible consumption and production, sustainably managed land, and climate action (intact tropical forests absorb carbon dioxide, whereas burning them sends more CO2 into the atmosphere).
The COVID-19 pandemic is a catastrophe, but it can rivet our attention on the enormous payoffs that humanity can achieve by not overexploiting the natural world. Pandemic solutions are sustainability solutions.”
Sweden shuts down coal power two years early!
Great news from Sweden in that Sweden shut down their last coal-fired power plant 2 years ahead of schedule!
“It seems like a lot of countries are falling behind on their climate goals lately, and Sweden is currently putting them all to shame — and that’s not only because the Nordic country produced Greta Thunberg. Sweden just shut down its last remaining coal-fired power plant, two years before it was scheduled to close.
The coal-fired cogeneration plant KVV6 at Värtaverket, located in Hjorthagen in eastern Stockholm, has been in operation since 1989, according to Stockholm Exergi, the local energy company that owns the plant. Stockholm Exergi is equally owned by the municipality of Stockholm and Fortum, a Finnish energy company that operates across Europe and Asia.
As Stockholm Exergi explained, before the winter of 2019-2020, the company shut down one of KVV6’s two boilers, and converted the other to a power reserve. Because the winter wound up being mild, Stockholm Exergi did not need to use energy from the reserves, meaning the company was able to close the plant down this month, rather than in 2022 as planned.
Additionally, there is a chance that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on Sweden’s recent energy use. For example, Britain just beat its personal record of going more than 18 days without using coal-powered electricity, thanks in part to the recent mild weather, but more interestingly, due to people needing less power during the coronavirus pandemic. With many areas on lockdown, people are using less electricity and driving cars less, reducing dependence on fuel overall.
“Our goal is for all our production to come from renewable or recycled Exergi,” Anders Egelrud, CEO of Stockholm Exergi, said in a translated statement. “This plant has provided the Stockholmers with heat and electricity for a long time, today we know that we must stop using all fossil fuels, therefore the coal needs to be phased out and we do so several years before the original plan.”
“Since Stockholm was almost totally fossil-dependent 30-40 years ago, we have made enormous changes and now we are taking the step away from carbon dependency and continuing the journey towards an energy system entirely based on renewable and recycled energy,” Egelrud added.
In 2018, 54.6 percent of the energy used in Sweden came from renewable sources, according to the Swedish Energy Agency. While that is still pretty far from the country’s goal of 100 percent renewable energy, Sweden is far ahead of many other countries. For example, in 2018, renewable energy sources only accounted for 11 percent of U.S. energy consumption, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
As reported by The Independent, Sweden is the third country in Europe to cut off its reliance on coal. Belgium closed its last coal power plant in 2016, according to Climate Change News, and Austria said Auf Wiedersehen to its last remaining coal-fired power station earlier this April, as per CNBC. Hopefully now that three European countries no longer have coal-fired power plants, other nations across Europe — and all over the world — will ramp up efforts to do the same.”
Why the Most Environmental Building is the Building We’ve Already Built
About one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions come from buildings. That’s why we should be retro-fitting our houses and workplaces. But watch out for the demolition that precedes rebuilding. Half of the residue winds up in landfills. But retrofitting is almost always more energy efficient–especially if we reduce the amount of waste.
By Emily Badger
Reusing an old building pretty much always has less of an impact on the environment than tearing it down, trashing the debris, clearing the site, crafting new materials and putting up a replacement from scratch. This makes some basic sense, even without looking at the numbers.
But what if the new building is super energy-efficient? How do the two alternatives compare over a lifetime, across generations of use?
“We often come up against this argument that, ‘Oh well, the existing building could never compete with the new building in terms of energy efficiency,’” says Patrice Frey, the director of sustainability for the National Trust for Historic Preservation. “We wanted to model that.”
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Retrofit an existing building to make it 30 percent more efficient, the study found, and it will essentially always remain a better bet for the environment than a new building built tomorrow with the same efficiencies. Take that new, more efficient building, though, and compare its life cycle to an average existing structure with no retrofitting, and it could still take up to 80 years for the new one to make up for the environmental impact of its initial construction.
Crisis in the Arctic Ocean
The Arctic Ocean is changing faster than any other body of water on Earth. In some cases, elements of the ecosystems and environments appear to be changing quicker than studies can be conducted – and many undiscovered species are thought to exist in the region.
Article Excerpt(s):
“The top of the world is turning upside down, says the first overall assessment of Canada’s Arctic Ocean.
The assessment, the result of work by dozens of federal scientists and Inuit observers, describes a vast ecosystem in unprecedented flux: from ocean currents to the habits and types of animals that swim in it.
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The Arctic Ocean, where climate change has bitten deepest, may be changing faster than any other water body on Earth, said lead scientist Andrea Niemi of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
“As the Arctic changes, the rest of the ecosystem is going to track with those changes,” she said. “There isn’t going to be a delay.”
Changes are coming so fast scientists haven’t even had a chance to understand what’s there.
Sixty per cent of the species in the Canada Basin — like the worms found living in undersea mud volcanoes and living off expelled methane — are yet to be discovered, the report suggests.
“Who knows what else is down there?” Niemi asked. “So much in the Arctic, we’re still at step one.”
The first assessment of fish species in the Beaufort Sea wasn’t done until 2014, she said.
Changes hard to miss
Still, changes are hard to miss, right down to the makeup of the water.
It’s 33 per cent less salty than in 2003 and about 30 per cent more acidic — enough to dissolve the shells of some small molluscs.
The Beaufort Gyre, a vast circular current that has alternated direction every decade, hasn’t switched in 19 years.
Nutrient-rich water from the Pacific Ocean isn’t getting mixed in as it used to, which affects the plankton blooms that anchor the Arctic food web. Sea ice is shrinking and thinning to the point where Inuit communities can’t get to formerly dependable hunting grounds.
Shorelines are on the move. Erosion has more than doubled in the last few decades. The mix of species is changing.
Killer whales are becoming so frequent they’re altering the behaviour of other species such as narwhal and beluga that Inuit depend on. Pacific salmon, capelin and harp seals are moving up from the south.
“In some cases, the communities are putting out their nets and they’re just catching salmon,” Niemi said.
The effect of the salmon on other species is unknown.
Coastal fish species are being found much further offshore.
Ringed seals can’t finish moulting before the ice breaks up and accompanying high ocean temperatures seem to be making them sluggish and more prone to polar bear predation.
Humans are making their presence felt, too. Increased Arctic shipping is making the ocean noisier and masking the sounds animals from seals to whales use to communicate.
Lack of long-term data on the North
The report’s conclusions are hamstrung by a lack of long-term data all over the North.
Niemi said it’s hard to measure changes when you don’t know what was there in the first place. Even when the changes can be measured, it’s difficult to know what’s causing them.
Inuit communities want to know what’s going on in their home, she said. “They’re interested in a holistic view of what’s going on. But we’re just handcuffed sometimes to provide the mechanisms behind the changes.”
One thing is certain: The old idea of the frozen North, with its eternal snows and unchanging rhythms, is gone forever.
“People see it as a faraway frozen land,” Niemi said. “But there is much happening.””
Title: First Federal Assessment of Arctic Ocean Finds Drastic Change
Author: The Canadian Press
Publication(s): CBC North
Date: 27 April 2020
Oh hell! This is a disturbing article. I was beginning to pin a lot of hope on the iron filings gambit. Paul Beckwith had almost convinced me that it is the easiest and best solution. Now I have to get back to him and have another conversation.
Each cherry tree can absorb 20 pounds of greenhouse gas!
By Aila Slisco
This is an excerpt of an article on research from South Korea on the potential of cherry trees as carbon sinks.
A study from South Korea’s Forest Research Institute indicated that each 25-year-old cherry tree can absorb about 20 pounds of emissions each, according to a Tuesday report from UPI.
The country’s cherry trees are said to be capable of absorbing about 2.4 tons of carbon, roughly equivalent to the emissions of 6,000 cars per year. Thee emissions of a single car can be absorbed by 250 mature trees.
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The amount of carbon absorbed by cherry trees may pale in comparison to other types of trees, with Black walnut, horse-chestnut, Douglas fir and pine trees among some that are thought to be especially adept.
The average mature tree can absorb 48 tons per year according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Trees absorb emissions with a system of respiration that also releases oxygen. The carbon that is absorbed by trees is then sequestered in trunks, roots, branches and leaves. Trees that have reached at least 20 years of age are believed to absorb carbon better than young or very old trees.
A significant amount of carbon is eventually released back into the atmosphere, typically within a couple hundred years as the trees die and decay. Small amounts are also released during respiration and the overall amount of carbon that trees can capture is also finite.
Environmentalists have long proposed planting massive amounts of trees in an effort to counter climate change and many government programs around the world have already been planting trees to help increase forested areas.
Research from 2019 indicated that up to two thirds of emissions currently in the atmosphere could be absorbed, leading some scientists to promote tree-planting as a powerful tool to combat climate change.
“[Forest] restoration isn’t just one of our climate change solutions, it is overwhelmingly the top one,” researcher Professor Tom Crowther of the Swiss university ETH Zürich told The Guardian. “What blows my mind is the scale. I thought restoration would be in the top 10, but it is overwhelmingly more powerful than all of the other climate change solutions proposed.”
However, other scientists have been less enthusiastic and insist that reducing overall emissions remains the most effective strategy to mitigate climate change. In order for tree-planting have a significant effect on the climate, a trillion trees may need to be planted.
Although opinions are divided, some have warned against relying on mass tree-planting schemes due to risks of upsetting the biodiversity of areas where the trees are planted.
“There is an idea that you can just buy land and plant trees but that’s too simplistic—there is a risk of doing more harm than good,” Nathalie Seddon, professor of biodiversity at the University of Oxford, told the BBC.”
Single Cherry Tree Can Offset 20 Pounds Of Carbon Emissions Each Year, New Study Says, by Slisco, Aila. Newsweek 7 April 2020
Mutant Enzymes feed on Plastic
Party time!
I have heard a number of reports of microorganisms or microorganism-derived compounds which have been discovered to have potential to decompose plastic. Most of the time it appears as if these are studied, though subsequently have limited applications outside of laboratories and test sites. Has anyone heard of large-scale applications of these microorganisms that eat plastic?
Regardless, I would like to share this interesting article with readers of Plank 9 – as it bears relevance to the subject. This article specifically discusses an enzyme – discovered in a compost pile – which breaks the plastic down to building blocks that facilitate recycling of the material into high quality (and food quality) products. Notably, the enzyme can be derived from specific types of fungi.
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Title: Scientists Create Mutant Enzyme That Recycles Plastic Bottles In Hours
Author: Carrington, Damian
Publication(s): The Guardian
Date: 8 April 2020
Article Excerpt(s):
“A mutant bacterial enzyme that breaks down plastic bottles for recycling in hours has been created by scientists.
The enzyme, originally discovered in a compost heap of leaves, reduced the bottles to chemical building blocks that were then used to make high-quality new bottles. Existing recycling technologies usually produce plastic only good enough for clothing and carpets.
The company behind the breakthrough, Carbios, said it was aiming for industrial-scale recycling within five years. It has partnered with major companies including Pepsi and L’Oréal to accelerate development. Independent experts called the new enzyme a major advance.
Billions of tonnes of plastic waste have polluted the planet, from the Arctic to the deepest ocean trench, and pose a particular risk to sea life. Campaigners say reducing the use of plastic is key, but the company said the strong, lightweight material was very useful and that true recycling was part of the solution.
The new enzyme was revealed in research published on Wednesday in the journal Nature. The work began with the screening of 100,000 micro-organisms for promising candidates, including the leaf compost bug, which was first discovered in 2012.
“It had been completely forgotten, but it turned out to be the best,” said Prof Alain Marty at the Université de Toulouse, France, the chief science officer at Carbios.
The scientists analysed the enzyme and introduced mutations to improve its ability to break down the PET plastic from which drinks bottles are made. They also made it stable at 72C, close to the perfect temperature for fast degradation.
The team used the optimised enzyme to break down a tonne of waste plastic bottles, which were 90% degraded within 10 hours. The scientists then used the material to create new food-grade plastic bottles.
Carbios has a deal with the biotechnology company Novozymes to produce the new enzyme at scale using fungi. It said the cost of the enzyme was just 4% of the cost of virgin plastic made from oil.
Waste bottles also have to be ground up and heated before the enzyme is added, so the recycled PET will be more expensive than virgin plastic. But Martin Stephan, the deputy chief executive at Carbios, said existing lower-quality recycled plastic sells at a premium due to a shortage of supply.
“We are the first company to bring this technology on the market,” said Stephan. “Our goal is to be up and running by 2024, 2025, at large industrial scale.”
He said a reduction in plastic use was one part of solving the waste problem. “But we all know that plastic brings a lot of value to society, in food, medical care, transportation. The problem is plastic waste.” Increasing the collection of plastic waste was key, Stephan said, with about half of all plastic ending up in the environment or in landfill.
Another team of scientists revealed in 2018 that they had accidentally created an enzyme that breaks down plastic drinks bottles. One of the team behind this advance, Prof John McGeehan, the director of the Centre for Enzyme Innovation at the University of Portsmouth, said Carbios was the leading company engineering enzymes to break down PET at large scale and that the new work was a major advance.
“It makes the possibility of true industrial-scale biological recycling of PET a possibility. This is a very large advance in terms of speed, efficiency and heat tolerance,” McGeehan said. “It represents a significant step forward for true circular recycling of PET and has the potential to reduce our reliance on oil, cut carbon emissions and energy use, and incentivise the collection and recycling of waste plastic.”
Scientists are also making progress in finding biological ways to break down other major types of plastic. In March, German researchers revealed a bug that feasts on toxic polyurethane, while earlier work has shown that wax moth larvae – usually bred as fish bait – can eat up polythene bags.”
These stickers have always irritated me. Now I know why!
I am shocked!
I am shocked there is not a separate section on this site for invasive species management – particularly as these are linked to ecological decline.
Icy Road Ahead!
With Global Warming, Arctic Ice Road Season Grows Shorter
“Many people avoid driving on icy roads. But in Northern Canada’s Arctic tundra, some roads are made of ice.
By Sarah Kennedy
Article Excerpt:
A network of seasonal roads on frozen rivers and lakes allows trucks to reach remote areas. Many of these places are otherwise accessible only by boat or plane. But as the climate warms, the ice road season is getting shorter.
Xiao Yang of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill analyzed more than three decades of satellite images of rivers around the globe. He looked at which rivers were frozen and when.
“We detect widespread decline in river ice in the past 34 years,” he says. “In general, we have later freeze-up of the river surface and we have earlier breakup of the river surface. … And that has consequences for … when you can actually be on these ice roads.”
Yang also studied what is likely to happen to river ice if global carbon pollution and temperatures continue to rise. He found that by 2100, some rivers could be ice-free for weeks longer than they are now.
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So global warming could continue to shorten the ice road season and make it harder and more expensive to reach some remote and isolated places in the Arctic.”
Author: Kennedy, Sarah
Publication(s): Yale Climate Connections
Date: 24 March 2020
Deforestation in the Congo
By Eliza Barclay, Umair Irfan and Tristan MConnell
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We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.
If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.
This is the story of three trees at the center of our climate crisis that provide big benefits to you, me, and the world. Meet the trees, get to know their superpowers, and learn how scientists are trying to protect them.”
There was a big spill in an industrial town in Siberia recently. Not from a ship but industry. Equally dangerous, though.
NASA satellite images reveal dramatic melting in Antarctica after record heat wave
By Sophie Lewis February 22, 2020 / 2:58 PM / CBS News
Article Excerpt
Earlier this month, temperatures in Antarctica appeared to reach a record-breaking 64.9 degrees Fahrenheit, matching the temperature in Los Angeles that day. New images released by NASA show the dramatic ice melt caused by the heat wave, a phenomenon that is becoming more and more common in the peninsula.
NASA’s Earth Observatory released two new images Friday by the Operational Land Imager on Landsat 8 that show the difference on the Eagle Island ice cap between February 4 and February 13.
The before-and-after snapshots show a dramatic decrease in ice and snow along the northern tip of the Antarctic peninsula. In the later shot, a large portion of the ground is visible, as are bright blue melted ponds in the center of the island.
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Eagle Island is only about 25 miles from Argentina’s Esperanza research base, which recorded the potentially record-high temperature on February 6. According to NASA climate models, the island experienced peak melt — about 1 inch — on that same day, leading to a loss of 4 inches total in a one-week period.
Eagle Island lost around 20% of seasonal snow accumulation in that single event, NASA said.
“I haven’t seen melt ponds develop this quickly in Antarctica,” Mauri Pelto, a glaciologist at Nichols College in Massachusetts, said in a NASA press release Friday. “You see these kinds of melt events in Alaska and Greenland, but not usually in Antarctica.”
According to Pelto, this kind of rapid melting is caused by sustained temperatures significantly above freezing, an almost-unheard-of phenomenon in Antarctica until the 21st century that’s become more common in recent years.
“If you think about this one event in February, it isn’t that significant,” said Pelto. “It’s more significant that these events are coming more frequently.”
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is still working to verify the record temperature, but the agency called the Antarctic Peninsula one of the faster warming regions on Earth.
The heatwave was the culmination of several atypical weather patterns off the coast of South America. Warm temperatures built up due to a ridge of high pressure over Cape Horn, Chile. While warm air is typically kept out of the peninsula by strong winds, the westerlies were in a weakened state, allowing warm air to reach the ice sheet.
Scientists also recently found warm water for the first time beneath a vital point of Antarctica’s “doomsday glacier,” a nickname for one of Antarctica’s fastest melting glaciers. The collapse of the 74,000-square-mile Thwaites could release a mass of water roughly the size of Florida or Great Britain, raising sea levels by more than three feet.
On Elephant Island, just slightly north of the peninsula, chinstrap penguins have suffered a 60% decline because of the increasing temperatures, researchers found. WMO researchers have also discovered that the average temperature in Antarctica has increased by more than five degrees Fahrenheit over the last 50 years — a rate five times the global average.
First published on February 22, 2020 / 2:58 PM
© 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Sophie Lewis is a social media producer and trending writer for CBS News, focusing on space and climate change.
Earthships: Heat Your House with Car Tyres and Earth
Earthships use earth and tires for insulation. Gorgeous ones have been built in several countries, including the UK and the US, but to build yours, you may have to change the local building codes first.
By Kris de Decker
A dirt cheap and 100 percent ecological house that has all the comforts of an ordinary home, without being connected to the electricity grid, waterworks, sewer system or the natural gas network. It does exist, but in most countries, building one is not allowed.
An Earthship is a completely self-sufficient house that has a natural temperature regulation, without the use of a heating system. The building also generates its own electricity, collects and filters its own drinking water and cleans its own effluent water. The house is partly buried into the earth and is constructed mainly with waste materials; car tyres, aluminium cans and glass bottles. This low-tech building approach is ecologically as well as economically advantageous.
This autumn, the British coastal city of Brighton approved the construction of 16 Earthships. It’s the first time that a European city council has given builders the green light to mass construct this radical ecological housing form. In the United States nearly one thousand Earthships have been built, most of them in the desert of New Mexico.
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The ecological damage produced by a traditional house is not only the consequence of the energy used during its lifetime, but also through the building materials required to construct it
Earthships are the brainchild of American architect Michael Reynolds, who first put the concept into practice in the seventies, during the first oil crisis. Sharp falling energy prices in the 80’s and 90’s restricted the idea for a long time to mostly anarchistic communities and individuals. Recently however, this revolutionary architecture is slowly gaining credibility in other sections of society. Oil prices continue to climb and uneasiness surrounding global warming grows. Moreover, thanks to 30 years of evolution, many of the initial glitches Earthships faced have been ironed out.
The autonomous nature of an Earthship is not as revolutionary as it was 30 years ago. The technology required to generate energy, filter water and recycle waste water apart from the existing infrastructure has significantly advanced. What makes an Earthship special and interesting these days is that it is mainly built out of waste materials and partly buried into the earth.
Thick Walls:
The house has very thick walls, with a diameter of around one metre. The walls are not made from concrete or bricks, but from piled up car tyres covered with clay. Every tyre is filled with earth and then tamped down with a sledge-hammer. Depending on the climate, two to three walls are surrounded by a heaped up wall, or built into a slope. Combined with a sun lounge on the south side of the building (the north side on the southern hemisphere) the construction provides a natural heating and cooling system.
The solar heat that enters the house through the large windows is absorbed by the thick walls. The walls have a large thermal mass thanks to the car tyres and the earth – insulation is extremely effective. During the night and on cloudy days, the heat is then slowly released. The same system cools the house in summer, as the surrounding earth and the car tyres are colder than the open air. Thanks to this natural air-conditioning, the inside temperature varies from 17 to 24 degrees all year round.
“No matter how sensible the idea is, building houses with car tyres and aluminium beer cans sounds ludicrous to most politicians”
Scrapped car tyres are the foundations of an Earthship. They are the key to the natural air-conditioning system and they take care of the solidity of the bearing walls. For non-bearing walls, aluminium cans or glass bottles are used. The roof and the veranda are made of wood. While the wood can be re-used, in many instances new wood is preferred. Because the tyres are completely packed in earth, the walls are also fireproof – it is impossible for oxygen to reach the rubber. During a forest fire in New Mexico, the interior of an Earthship was completely destroyed, but the walls were left intact.
Building houses out of car tyres and cans might sound unconventional, but the ecological benefit is so large that the concept deserves to be given some serious consideration. The fact that an Earthship does not use fossil fuels for heating or electricity (and therefore emits no CO2) is not even its most important advantage. By using waste material, the result is even better.
40 million car tyres = 40,000 Earthships
Firstly, great amounts of waste materials can be utilized. In the United Kingdom alone, 40 million car tyres are dumped annually. The project in Brighton uses a thousand tyres for one house, which theoretically means that with the yearly UK supply of dumped tyres, 40,000 Earthships could be built.
Furthermore, one is re-using, not recycling; a much greener option than grinding down tyres to produce speed bumps for example, since the waste is not undergoing an additional industrial, energy consuming process.
Secondly, and even more importantly, by using waste materials, thousands upon thousands of tonnes of building materials could be saved; concrete, mortar and bricks. The ecological damage produced by a traditional house is not only the consequence of the energy used during its lifetime, but also through the building materials required to construct it.
More traditional shapes may help with the general acceptance of this type of building method by the general public
Concrete production is one of the most energy-intensive industrial processes that exist. The sector is responsible for ten percent of global CO2-emissions, which makes it the third highest producer of greenhouse gases (following transport and energy production). Thus, building houses using waste materials (whether the buildings are self-sufficient or not) is an environmental advantage in more ways than one.
Old buildings are often demolished with the argument that replacement buildings have better insulation and therefore consume less energy. What is being overlooked is that both the pulling down of the old house as well as the building of the new house implicates a huge amount of building materials and energy (embodied energy), which completely negate the advantages of better insulation.
And the cost?
Using waste materials does not necessarily mean than an Earthship is cheaper than a traditional house – the homes on offer in Brighton will even be slightly more expensive due to the labour intensive nature of the Earthship (labour is taxed much more heavily than use of energy or materials). Although, once the house is built, the extra investment is quickly recovered as there are no gas, water or electricity bills.
Building an Earthship yourself with some friends could be very cheap, but is time consuming. The largest Earthships in the United States took almost ten years to build. If you build one on your own, the biggest cost would be the purchasing of solar panels and batteries, followed by the large windows, pumps and filters. Waste materials could be delivered for free, as people have to pay to get rid of them.
Unconventional and revolutionary ideas need to be adopted if we want to help prevent a worldwide fight for energy.
At the moment, there are only a handful of Earthships in Europe, with half of them built illegally, but the concept following is strong, with various national organisations promoting the idea. The most pressing problem is obtaining a building permit. No matter how sensible the idea is, building houses with car tyres and aluminium beer cans sounds ludicrous to most politicians.
Most Earthships in the US take on an unconventional form. They have fairy-tale like features that remind one of the works of architects like Gaudí and Hundertwasser. But others, like the 16 Earthships being built in Brighton (picture above), hardly look any different from conventional houses. These more traditional forms may help with the general acceptance of this type of building method by the general public.
Built up environments
Until now, most Earthships were built in isolated places, where most people live in built-up urban environments. The problem with the feasibility of an Earthship is the size of the plot on which it is built. This plot is significantly larger than the size of a conventional house.
But the idea is flexible enough to adapt to different situations. When an Earthship is built, earth mounds are formed, which in turn may provide support for another Earthship, and so on. The result would be revolutionary and unconventional. However, in response to the recent warnings from the International Energy Agency, unconventional and revolutionary ideas need to be adopted if we want to help prevent a worldwide fight for energy.
Low Tech Magazine, 29 December 2007
Is Russia Finally Waking Up to Climate Change?
By Daniel Kozin, The Moscow Times, 4 March 2020
Notes: Mr. Kozin is the Saint Petersburg correspondent for the Moscow Times.
Article Excerpt:
“However, Russian leaders have been reluctant to take steps to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. While this comes as no surprise — as Russia’s economy is largely dependent on fossil fuel exports — it also means the country is doing little to slow global warming.”
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“The vast majority of Russia’s greenhouse gases are emitted by the energy industry (78.9%). Nearly half of these emissions come from the production of electricity and heat for the general population, while the rest largely come from the production of solid fuels, petroleum refining and fuels used in transportation.
Russia’s industrial production accounts for a further 10.8% of total greenhouse gas emissions — with metals production accounting for most. Agriculture makes up another 5.9% of total emissions and waste 4.4%.”
“Meanwhile, the plan lists possible economic benefits for Russia from climate change that must be exploited — like increased access along the Northern Sea Route due to melting ice and more space for agriculture and livestock.”
Fruit Walls: The Centuries old Technology
[Article excerpt here, but check out the original article for its interesting photos and explanations!]
“We are being told to eat local and seasonal food, either because other crops have been tranported over long distances, or because they are grown in energy-intensive greenhouses. But it wasn’t always like that. From the sixteenth to the twentieth century, urban farmers grew Mediterranean fruits and vegetables as far north as England and the Netherlands, using only renewable energy.
These crops were grown surrounded by massive “fruit walls”, which stored the heat from the sun and released it at night, creating a microclimate that could increase the temperature by more than 10°C (18°F). Later, greenhouses built against the fruit walls further improved yields from solar energy alone.
It was only at the very end of the nineteenth century that the greenhouse turned into a fully glazed and artificially heated building where heat is lost almost instantaneously — the complete opposite of the technology it evolved from.
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The modern glass greenhouse, often located in temperate climates where winters can be cold, requires massive inputs of energy, mainly for heating but also for artificial lighting and humidity control.
According to the FAO, crops grown in heated greenhouses have energy intensity demands around 10 to 20 times those of the same crops grown in open fields. A heated greenhouse requires around 40 megajoule of energy to grow one kilogram of fresh produce, such as tomatoes and peppers Source — page 15. This makes greenhouse-grown crops as energy-intensive as pork meat (40-45 MJ/kg in the USA).”
Low Tech Magazine, 24 Dec. 2015.
The Unexpected Link Between The Ozone Hole And Arctic Warming: U of T Expert
By Karen Smith, University of Toronto News, 19 February 2020
Article Excerpt:
“One of the earliest climate model predictions of how human-made climate change would affect our planet showed that the Arctic would warm about two to three times more than the global average. Forty years later, this “Arctic amplification” has been observed first-hand.
Record-breaking Arctic warming and the dramatic decline of sea ice are having severe consequences on sensitive ecosystems in the region.
But why has the Arctic warmed more than the tropics and the mid-latitudes?
We now know that this is due, in part, to tiny concentrations of very powerful greenhouse gases, including ozone-depleting substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
A wonder gas?
The ozone layer is the protective layer in the stratosphere, roughly 20-50 kilometres above the Earth, that absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Ozone-depleting substances are potent greenhouse gases, but they are more commonly known for their devastating effect on the ozone layer.
These chemicals were invented in the 1920s. They were touted as “wonder gases” and used as refrigerants, solvents and propellants in refrigerators, air conditioners and packing materials. It wasn’t until the 1980s when scientists discovered a hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica that they realized the full extent of the ozone-depleting nature of these chemicals.
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In 1987, 197 countries agreed to phase out their use of ozone-depleting substances by ratifying the Montréal Protocol. The success of this historic international agreement has reduced the emissions of CFCs to nearly zero; however, the recovery of the ozone hole has been slower as CFCs remain in the atmosphere for decades.
Due to the effect of ozone-depleting substances on the ozone layer, climate scientists who study these chemicals and their climate impacts have been focused on the consequences of ozone depletion. The climate impact of ozone-depleting substances themselves has been typically considered small given the very tiny concentrations of these gases in the atmosphere, and has been largely unexplored.
Experimenting with climate models
My colleagues and I were interested in understanding how ozone-depleting substances might have influenced late-20th century warming from 1995 to 2005. We specifically chose this time period in order to capture the rapid rise in ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere over this time. Since the early 2000s, atmospheric concentrations have been declining.
One way that climate scientists approach problems like this one is to use computer models of the Earth to understand what the effects of different phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions and greenhouse gases such as methane, might have on air temperatures, ocean circulation patterns, rainfall and so on.
To explore the contribution of ozone-depleting substances to late-20th century warming, we ran a climate model over the period from 1955 to 2005. One of the simulations incorporated all of the various historical climate drivers – those that warm the climate, like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone-depleting substances, and those that cool the climate, like volcanic particulate matter. The second simulation had all the historical climate drivers, except the ozone-depleting substances.
This is one of the first times the role of ozone-depleting substances had been isolated. Typically, climate model experiments that examine the roles of different climate drivers will lump all greenhouses gases together.
Comparing the two model simulations revealed that global warming was reduced by a third and Arctic warming by half when the ozone-depleting substances were not included in our simulation.
Arctic amplification
Why do ozone-depleting substances have such a large impact despite their very small atmospheric concentrations? First, these chemicals are very potent greenhouse gases, a fact that we have known for a long time. Second, in the late-20th century, warming from carbon dioxide was partially cancelled out by the cooling that comes from particulate matter in the atmosphere, allowing CFCs and other ozone-depleting substances to contribute substantially to warming.
Finally, when it comes to Arctic amplification, we know that this phenomenon arises from feedbacks within the climate system that act to enhance warming, and this is exactly what we find in our model simulations. In the simulation without ozone-depleting substances, the climate feedbacks were weaker than in the simulation with them, resulting in less Arctic amplification.
Understanding why the feedbacks differ is the aim of our future research but, in the meantime, our work clearly demonstrates the significant impact of ozone-depleting substances on Arctic climate.
Thirty years ago, those who signed the Montréal Protocol were not thinking about climate change. Yet, research such as ours underscores the important role this agreement will play in mitigating future warming as the concentrations of ozone-depleting substances decline over time.
That said, without massive reductions in carbon dioxide emissions in the coming decades, the gains we will achieve through the Montréal Protocol will be quickly overwhelmed. Further action is needed to protect the Arctic – and our planet.
The Conversation
Seeding oceans with iron may not impact climate change
By Jennifer Chu, Phys. org Feb 17, 2020
Publication(s): [Science X Network]
Article Excerpt:
“Historically, the oceans have done much of the planet’s heavy lifting when it comes to sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Microscopic organisms known collectively as phytoplankton, which grow throughout the sunlit surface oceans and absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, are a key player.
To help stem escalating carbon dioxide emissions produced by the burning of fossil fuels, some scientists have proposed seeding the oceans with iron—an essential ingredient that can stimulate phytoplankton growth. Such “iron fertilization” would cultivate vast new fields of phytoplankton, particularly in areas normally bereft of marine life.
A new MIT study suggests that iron fertilization may not have a significant impact on phytoplankton growth, at least on a global scale.
The researchers studied the interactions between phytoplankton, iron, and other nutrients in the ocean that help phytoplankton grow. Their simulations suggest that on a global scale, marine life has tuned ocean chemistry through these interactions, evolving to maintain a level of ocean iron that supports a delicate balance of nutrients in various regions of the world.
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“According to our framework, iron fertilization cannot have a significant overall effect on the amount of carbon in the ocean because the total amount of iron that microbes need is already just right,” says lead author Jonathan Lauderdale, a research scientist in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences.
The paper’s co-authors are Rogier Braakman, Gael Forget, Stephanie Dutkiewicz, and Mick Follows at MIT.
Ligand soup
The iron that phytoplankton depend on to grow comes largely from dust that sweeps over the continents and eventually settles in ocean waters. While huge quantities of iron can be deposited in this way, the majority of this iron quickly sinks, unused, to the seafloor.
“The fundamental problem is, marine microbes require iron to grow, but iron doesn’t hang around. Its concentration in the ocean is so miniscule that it’s a treasured resource,” Lauderdale says.
Hence, scientists have put forth iron fertilization as a way to introduce more iron into the system. But iron availability to phytoplankton is much higher if it is bound up with certain organic compounds that keep iron in the surface ocean and are themselves produced by phytoplankton. These compounds, known as ligands, constitute what Lauderdale describes as a “soup of ingredients” that typically come from organic waste products, dead cells, or siderophores—molecules that the microbes have evolved to bind specifically with iron.
Not much is known about these iron-trapping ligands at the ecosystem scale, and the team wondered what role the molecules play in regulating the ocean’s capacity to promote the growth of phytoplankton and ultimately absorb carbon dioxide.
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“People have understood how ligands bind iron, but not what are the emergent properties of such a system at the global scale, and what that means for the biosphere as a whole,” Braakman says. “That’s what we’ve tried to model here.”
Iron sweet spot
The researchers set out to characterize the interactions between iron, ligands, and macronutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate, and how these interactions affect the global population of phytoplankton and, concurrently, the ocean’s capacity to store carbon dioxide.
The team developed a simple three-box model, with each box representing a general ocean environment with a particular balance of iron versus macronutrients. The first box represents remote waters such as the Southern Ocean, which typically have a decent concentration of macronutrients that are upwelled from the deep ocean. They also have a low iron content given their great distance from any continental dust source.
The second box represents the North Atlantic and other waters that have an opposite balance: high in iron because of proximity to dusty continents, and low in macronutrients. The third box is a stand-in for the deep ocean, which is a rich source of macronutrients, such as phosphates and nitrates.
The researchers simulated a general circulation pattern between the three boxes to represent the global currents that connect all the world’s oceans: The circulation starts in the North Atlantic and dives down into the deep ocean, then upwells into the Southern Ocean and returns back to the North Atlantic.
The team set relative concentrations of iron and macronutrients in each box, then ran the model to see how phytoplankton growth evolved in each box over 10,000 years. They ran 10,000 simulations, each with different ligand properties.
Out of their simulations, the researchers identified a crucial positive feedback loop between ligands and iron. Oceans with higher concentrations of ligands had also higher concentrations of iron available for phytoplankton to grow and produce more ligands. When microbes have more than enough iron to feast on, they consume as much of the other nutrients they need, such as nitrogen and phosphate, until those nutrients have been completely depleted.
The opposite is true for oceans with low ligand concentrations: These have less iron available for phytoplankton growth, and therefore have very little biological activity in general, leading to less macronutrient consumption.
The researchers also observed in their simulations a narrow range of ligand concentrations that resulted in a sweet spot, where there was just the right amount of ligand to make just enough iron available for phytoplankton growth, while also leaving just the right amount of macronutrients left over to sustain a whole new cycle of growth across all three ocean boxes.
When they compared their simulations to measurements of nutrient, iron, and ligand concentrations taken in the real world, they found their simulated sweet spot range turned out to be the closest match. That is, the world’s oceans appear to have just the right amount of ligands, and therefore iron, available to maximize the growth of phytoplankton and optimally consume macronutrients, in a self-reinforcing and self-sustainable balance of resources.
If scientists were to widely fertilize the Southern Ocean or any other iron-depleted waters with iron, the effort would temporarily stimulate phytoplankton to grow and take up all the macronutrients available in that region. But eventually there would be no macronutrients left to circulate to other regions like the North Atlantic, which depends on these macronutrients, along with iron from dust deposits, for phytoplankton growth. The net result would be an eventual decrease in phytoplankton in the North Atlantic and no significant increase in carbon dioxide draw-down globally.
Lauderdale points out there may also be other unintended effects to fertilizing the Southern Ocean with iron.
“We have to consider the whole ocean as this interconnected system,” says Lauderdale, who adds that if phytoplankton in the North Atlantic were to plummet, so too would all the marine life on up the food chain that depends on the microscopic organisms.
“Something like 75 percent of production north of the Southern Ocean is fueled by nutrients from the Southern Ocean, and the northern oceans are where most fisheries are and where many ecosystem benefits for people occur,” Lauderdale says. “Before we dump loads of iron and draw down nutrients in the Southern Ocean, we should consider unintended consequences downstream that potentially make the environmental situation a lot worse.”
How Produce Stickers Contribute to Climate Change
By Emily Chung, CBC: What on Earth? 14 February 2020
Article Excerpt:
“About three years ago, Susan Antler was at a composting facility in B.C. when a truck full of rotting avocados pulled up.
It was “51 feet, 52 feet [approx. 14 metres] — like, [a] massive truckload,” said Antler, executive director of the Compost Council of Canada. “And the facility just wouldn’t accept it.”
Why? Because each of those thousands of rotting avocados was “contaminated” by a little plastic PLU (or price look up) sticker. It carries a number, standardized around the globe, that identifies the type of produce and whether it’s conventionally or organically grown, to help cashiers enter the right price at the supermarket checkout.
Jane Proctor, vice-president of policy and issue management at the Canadian Produce Marketing Association, said while the stickers are voluntary, most chain supermarkets require them. “It is not a regulatory requirement,” she said. “It’s a business requirement.”
The stickers are too small to be screened out in the waste sorting process, but don’t break down during composting. Antler said they end up sprinkled as “foreign matter” through the finished product — compost that’s destined to be used to enrich soils in places such as gardens, farmland and parks.
The stickers aren’t toxic and don’t harm the compost — although presumably they add microplastics to the environment — so it’s mostly a cosmetic issue, Antler acknowledged. But there are strict guidelines about how much foreign matter is allowed in compost, especially higher grades. And too much can make compost unmarketable.
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Mindful of the old adage “garbage in, garbage out,” composting plants that want to produce and sell higher grades of compost need to be careful about what raw materials they take.
In the case of the B.C. facility, Antler offered to remove the stickers from the avocados, but the composting plant manager declined. “He just sent the truck away, so that material went to landfill.” She’s pretty sure it happens all the time. “The scale of waste is massive.”
It’s not just a waste — it could also speed up climate change.
At a compost plant, organic matter typically decomposes in the presence of oxygen, generating CO2 and compost that can nourish plants. At a landfill, it decomposes without oxygen into methane, a greenhouse gas that has about 30 times the global warming impact of CO2 over a century. (Some organics plants use anaerobic digestion, which also generates methane, but it is captured and burned so it doesn’t go into the atmosphere.)
But there are solutions, including other ways to affix the PLU to bulk fruits and veggies, such as:
1) Paper stickers or certified compostable plastic stickers, which have been successfully tested in the U.S.
2) Ink stamps like the ones used to label eggs.
3) “Branding” with lasers.
Proctor said produce sellers often don’t see the extra investment as worthwhile when many customers don’t have access to municipal composting. She added that the recent introduction of scannable barcodes on PLU stickers — which Canadian stores are expected to adopt soon — requires the labels to show fine detail and maintain durability, which only plastic enables.
In the meantime, you can help by making sure you take the little stickers off your fruit and veggie peels and rinds before tossing them in your green bin at home.”
Are these cacti endangered? I’ve never seen them. Where do they grow in Canada?
Heavy fuel oil and the Arctic — are they compatible?
By Niels Bjorn Mortensen, Lloyd’s List: Maritime Intelligence, 1 July 2017
Article Excerpt:
“Whether carried or burned, heavy fuel oil is a particular threat in Arctic waters
Rapid melting of the Arctic sea ice and the Arctic glaciers is predicted to have negative global effects. Melting of glaciers will result in rising sea levels globally, threatening the existence of many island states. Many large cities will also need to invest in expensive climate change mitigation enterprises, such as increasing the height and extent of dykes and barriers. Two obvious examples are New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and New York/New Jersey during hurricane Sandy. Rising sea levels and a likely increase in frequency and violence of hurricanes is a toxic mix for low-lying cities and countries.
Massive melting of ice in the Arctic might also, according to some scientists, force the Gulf Stream to take a more southerly course, which will result in a much colder northern Europe. So even in a global warming scenario, there might be regions that will experience colder weather and climate.
HFO is a dirty and polluting fossil fuel that powers ships around the world. Around 75% of marine fuel currently carried in the Arctic is HFO, over half by vessels flagged to non-Arctic states — countries that have little if any connection to the Arctic. Combined with an increase in Arctic state-flagged vessels targeting previously non-accessible resources, this will greatly increase the risk of an HFO spill.
If HFO is spilled in the colder waters of the Arctic, it breaks down even more slowly than in warmer waters, with long-term devastating effects on both livelihoods and ecosystems.
HFO is a larger source of high emissions of harmful air pollutants — such as sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter, including black carbon — than alternative fuels such as distillate and liquid natural gas. When emitted and deposited on Arctic snow or ice, the climate warming effect of black carbon is five times more than when emitted at lower latitudes, such as in the tropics.
Mitigating risks
Canada along with Finland, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway and the US have now proposed, in time for next week’s 71st meeting of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee, that work begins on mitigating the risks of use and carriage of HFO as fuel by ships in the Arctic. The European Parliament has broadly supported this move by adopting its resolution calling for a ban on the use of HFO in Arctic waters.
Meanwhile, Danish Shipping (the association of Danish shipowners) and Arctic expedition cruise operator Hurtigruten, among others, have called for regulation banning the use of HFO in the Arctic.
The submission from Canada et al is a request for a new output from the IMO, hence there are no concrete text amendments proposed. However, it is already embedded in Marpol Annex I that carriage of Heavy Grade Oil in the Antarctic, ie south of latitude 60 S, is prohibited. Heavy Grade Oil is defined as oil with a density greater than 900 kg/m3 or a viscosity (at 50°C) of 180 centistokes (cSt) or above. Thus, drafting of the relevant text to introduce a similar ban in the Arctic would be the least of the challenges.
It is noteworthy that the proposal will cover only the carriage of HFO as fuel, not as cargo. There are huge known oil reserves in the region, not least in the Russian Arctic, and a possible ban of transporting this at sea would presently not be feasible. Oil transported as cargo will most certainly be carried on board double-hulled tankers, whereas the requirement to double side skin protection of fuel tanks has taken effect only for ships built after January 1 this year.
It is also interesting that Canada et al in the submission do not use the damaging effects of Black Carbon as part of the rationale for a ban.
In October 2016, the IMO at MEPC 70 decided that from January 1, 2020, all ships operating outside Emission Control Areas must not burn fuel oil with a sulphur content above 0.5% (by mass). When that rule was adopted in 2008, it was believed that such future fuel oil would be distillate, either marine gas oil or marine diesel oil.
One could then suggest that the problem of carriage of HFO in the Arctic would resolve itself by 2020.
Well, if only the world were so simple.
In connection with the 0.1% sulphur limit in ECAs in 2015, the world saw a number of new fuels that did not fall under the traditional definition of distillate fuel. It is expected that the 2020 global cap of 0.5% sulphur limit will see the introduction of many new fuels. Some of these are expected to be based on de-sulphurised HFO derived from sweet crude, others might be blends of HFO with low-sulphur products. It could even be new oil products that the world has not yet seen.
It should thus be evident that a carriage ban only on HFO as fuel might not solve the potential problem. Whether the definitions of Heavy Grade Oil, as used for the Antarctic, will suffice is not for this author to judge. It would be recommended to involve refinery and bunker experts to ensure a robust definition of a fuel ban in the Arctic.
At this July’s MEPC meeting, IMO member states must not only support the action proposed by Canada and others to mitigate the risks of HFO use in the Arctic, they must commit to any measures taken by the IMO to reduce these risks — including a ban.”
I cannot believe Canada even has Cacti, it’s so cold here.
So how do people drive on the ice? Dont they just skid around?
If you look at Youtube’s videos by farmers who evaluate rock dust you will see that most of them conclude that it is not significantly helpful in producing better crops. I can’t say that this means that the stuff is without value (maybe the videos are not representative of all the research on the topic), but it would have to influence the popularity of the approach. Do any readers know anything more about this?
Four several years I kept a worm composter in my apartment. I would save food scraps in a sealed plastic contained until they got really smelly, and then put them in the box with about 1,000 worms. Every spring I would spread them out on a plastic sheet and keep removing the top layer of soil (which by then was rich with excellent fertilizer castings), and the worms would keep struggling to get lower, away from the light. Afte removing layer after layer from the top, the bottom layer would be full of fat worms, which I would gather up and put back into the box, with about ten pounds of new soil. It worked fine. The composter did not smell bad. I could have kept it in my living room (I have a friend who did so) but actually kept it in the laundry room. However, after I had surgery I needed help and the people who took care of me were squeamish about the worms so I got rid of them. I sort of miss them but I won’t start over. I will advise anyone else who wants to try it, though.
Fuel Oil Pollution in the Arctic!
Too much heavy fuel is used the Arctic. Heavy fuel is a dirty fuel that causes lots of pollution.It poses a risk regardless of whether it is burned for energy or being transported. Cold temperatures in the environment and water cause the fuel to break down slower and prolongs the impact on ecosystems. There are ongoing calls – by countries such as Canada and the Scandinavian nations – to prohibit the use of heavy fuel as a fuel source in the Arctic. However, these proposals will not prevent heavy fuel from being shipped as cargo through the Arctic.
BY Niels Bjorn Mortensen
“Whether carried or burned, heavy fuel oil is a particular threat in Arctic waters
As Arctic waters open up, most likely due to human use of fossil fuels, vessels powered by heavy fuel oil are likely to divert to Arctic waters in search of shorter journey times. This will mean more burning of marine fuels and black carbon emissions, accelerating further melting. More open water means further absorption of the sun’s warmth and heating of the Arctic Ocean — a vicious cycle.
As a former navigator I have sailed on ships in both the Arctic and the Antarctic. In 1979 I was second officer on the first ship to east Greenland that season and we arrived at Angmagssalik around July 1 after spending a day navigating very heavy multi-year ice. Later that year, I was in the Thule (Qaanaaq) district in northwest Greenland, which opened up for ship traffic only in early August.
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Much later, around 1998, I got involved in the International Maritime Organization’s work on drafting the Polar Code. The first draft was brought to the IMO by Canada, but it needed quite some work in order to appear as an IMO document. The first version was adopted in 2002 as a set of voluntary guidelines, whereas the present version, which entered into force on January 1 this year, is a mandatory IMO Code under both the Solas and the Marpol Conventions.
Looking again at this year’s ice chart, it appears that the areas I visited back in 1979 will be open to ship traffic much earlier and the navigable window will be much longer.
Is that good? Well, from a purely navigational view, an ice-free Arctic for half of the year would be convenient. Many tonne-miles would be saved and thereby less fuel burned on a global basis, which arguably could have a mitigating effect of shipping on climate change and even delay the 2°C temperature increase scenario by several weeks. But overall, is this significantly beneficial compared with the negative side-effects of global warming, and the potential impacts of burning heavy fuel oil in the Arctic?
Rapid melting of the Arctic sea ice and the Arctic glaciers is predicted to have negative global effects. Melting of glaciers will result in rising sea levels globally, threatening the existence of many island states. Many large cities will also need to invest in expensive climate change mitigation enterprises, such as increasing the height and extent of dykes and barriers. Two obvious examples are New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and New York/New Jersey during hurricane Sandy. Rising sea levels and a likely increase in frequency and violence of hurricanes is a toxic mix for low-lying cities and countries.
Massive melting of ice in the Arctic might also, according to some scientists, force the Gulf Stream to take a more southerly course, which will result in a much colder northern Europe. So even in a global warming scenario, there might be regions that will experience colder weather and climate.
HFO is a dirty and polluting fossil fuel that powers ships around the world. Around 75% of marine fuel currently carried in the Arctic is HFO, over half by vessels flagged to non-Arctic states — countries that have little if any connection to the Arctic. Combined with an increase in Arctic state-flagged vessels targeting previously non-accessible resources, this will greatly increase the risk of an HFO spill.
If HFO is spilled in the colder waters of the Arctic, it breaks down even more slowly than in warmer waters, with long-term devastating effects on both livelihoods and ecosystems.
HFO is a larger source of high emissions of harmful air pollutants — such as sulphur oxide, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter, including black carbon — than alternative fuels such as distillate and liquid natural gas. When emitted and deposited on Arctic snow or ice, the climate warming effect of black carbon is five times more than when emitted at lower latitudes, such as in the tropics.
Mitigating risks
Canada along with Finland, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway and the US have now proposed, in time for next week’s 71st meeting of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee, that work begins on mitigating the risks of use and carriage of HFO as fuel by ships in the Arctic. The European Parliament has broadly supported this move by adopting its resolution calling for a ban on the use of HFO in Arctic waters.
Meanwhile, Danish Shipping (the association of Danish shipowners) and Arctic expedition cruise operator Hurtigruten, among others, have called for regulation banning the use of HFO in the Arctic.
The submission from Canada et al is a request for a new output from the IMO, hence there are no concrete text amendments proposed. However, it is already embedded in Marpol Annex I that carriage of Heavy Grade Oil in the Antarctic, ie south of latitude 60 S, is prohibited. Heavy Grade Oil is defined as oil with a density greater than 900 kg/m3 or a viscosity (at 50°C) of 180 centistokes (cSt) or above. Thus, drafting of the relevant text to introduce a similar ban in the Arctic would be the least of the challenges.
It is noteworthy that the proposal will cover only the carriage of HFO as fuel, not as cargo. There are huge known oil reserves in the region, not least in the Russian Arctic, and a possible ban of transporting this at sea would presently not be feasible. Oil transported as cargo will most certainly be carried on board double-hulled tankers, whereas the requirement to double side skin protection of fuel tanks has taken effect only for ships built after January 1 this year.
It is also interesting that Canada et al in the submission do not use the damaging effects of Black Carbon as part of the rationale for a ban.
In October 2016, the IMO at MEPC 70 decided that from January 1, 2020, all ships operating outside Emission Control Areas must not burn fuel oil with a sulphur content above 0.5% (by mass). When that rule was adopted in 2008, it was believed that such future fuel oil would be distillate, either marine gas oil or marine diesel oil.
One could then suggest that the problem of carriage of HFO in the Arctic would resolve itself by 2020.
Well, if only the world were so simple.
In connection with the 0.1% sulphur limit in ECAs in 2015, the world saw a number of new fuels that did not fall under the traditional definition of distillate fuel. It is expected that the 2020 global cap of 0.5% sulphur limit will see the introduction of many new fuels. Some of these are expected to be based on de-sulphurised HFO derived from sweet crude, others might be blends of HFO with low-sulphur products. It could even be new oil products that the world has not yet seen.
It should thus be evident that a carriage ban only on HFO as fuel might not solve the potential problem. Whether the definitions of Heavy Grade Oil, as used for the Antarctic, will suffice is not for this author to judge. It would be recommended to involve refinery and bunker experts to ensure a robust definition of a fuel ban in the Arctic.
At this July’s MEPC meeting, IMO member states must not only support the action proposed by Canada and others to mitigate the risks of HFO use in the Arctic, they must commit to any measures taken by the IMO to reduce these risks — including a ban.”
Ship pollution is bad for public health
By Samuel White
Additionally of note: “the NGO Transport & Environment said, “Marine fuel is 2,700 times dirtier than road diesel and €35 billion of fuel tax is paid yearly in Europe for road transport, while shipping uses tax-free fuel.”
“Given that shipping accounts for over one fifth of global fuel consumption, the fact that its emissions are not more strictly regulated is cause for concern.”
Read more
Shipping emissions are an invisible killer that cause lung cancer and heart disease, a new study has found, but researchers say the 60,000 deaths they cause each year could be significantly cut by exhaust filtration devices.
The University of Rostock and the German environmental research centre Helmholzzentrum Munich have established a firm link between shipping exhaust emissions and serious diseases, that cost European health services €58 billion annually.
Conventional ship engines that burn heavy fuel oil or diesel fuel emit high concentrations of harmful substances including heavy metals, hydrocarbons and sulphur, as well as carcinogenic particulate matter (PM).
People in coastal areas are particularly at risk, researchers said. Up to half of PM-related air pollution in coastal areas, rivers and ports comes from ship emissions, according to the study.
Lief Miller, the CEO of conservation NGO NABU, said, “The results are frightening and confirm our worst fears. Emissions from ships cause serious lung and heart diseases.”
Fine particle emissions have been linked to increased health risks for decades. Although substantial efforts have been made to reduce the sulphur and diesel soot emissions from cars and lorries, no comparable efforts have been made for the shipping sector.
The NGO Transport & Environment said, “Marine fuel is 2,700 times dirtier than road diesel and €35 billion of fuel tax is paid yearly in Europe for road transport, while shipping uses tax-free fuel.”
Given that shipping accounts for over one fifth of global fuel consumption, the fact that its emissions are not more strictly regulated is cause for concern.
Improving air quality through exhaust filtration
For the researchers, legislation enforcing particle filtration and PM limits in shipping is the “next logical target for improving air quality worldwide, particularly in coastal regions and harbour cities”.
Dietmar Oeliger, NABU’s transport expert, said, “We really underline the recommendation of the scientists to urgently switch to low sulphur fuels together with effective emission abatement techniques.”
The most effective method of cleaning up emissions from shipping is to combine PM filters with low-sulphur fuels, a measure that has long been in place on the roads.
Other options include converting ships’ engines to run on gas or retrofitting them with exhaust gas cleaning systems known as “scrubbers”.
Controlling sulphur emissions
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has capped the sulphur content of shipping fuel at 3.5%. By 2020, the IMO will limit sulphur content in ship’s fuel to 0.5% worldwide.
In many of Europe’s coastal waters the limit is 1%, and as of January 2015, the limit in the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs) of the North and the Baltic Seas is just 0.1%.
According to Transport & Environment, the health benefits from the implementation of the new stricter SECAs are projected to be worth up to €23 billion.
But these limits are not strictly enforced, and the options available for reducing sulphur and PM emissions remain too expensive for the majority of ship operators.
As well as severe health risks to humans, sulphur causes acid rain and leads to a host of environmental problems including soil and water quality degradation and damage to biodiversity.
“We need meaningful measures to incentivise the uptake of cleaner marine fuels as a stepping stone towards cleaning up the sector,” said Sotiris Raptis, clean shipping officer at Transport & Environment.
EURACTIV, June 10, 2016
Pollution from ships kills thousands each year
European health agencies spend approximately €58 billion ($83 billion CAD) each year on serious diseases connected to ship emissions and ship-related pollution. These are mostly heart and lung diseases. Furthermore, this annual €58 billion ($83 billion CAD) expense does not include environmental damage.
Given that shipping accounts for over one fifth of global fuel consumption, the fact that its emissions are not more strictly regulated is cause for concern.”
By Samuel White. Euractiv, June 20, 2015
Article Excerpt:
The University of Rostock and the German environmental research centre Helmholzzentrum Munich have established a firm link between shipping exhaust emissions and serious diseases, that cost European health services €58 billion annually.
Conventional ship engines that burn heavy fuel oil or diesel fuel emit high concentrations of harmful substances including heavy metals, hydrocarbons and sulphur, as well as carcinogenic particulate matter (PM).
People in coastal areas are particularly at risk, researchers said. Up to half of PM-related air pollution in coastal areas, rivers and ports comes from ship emissions, according to the study.
Read more
Lief Miller, the CEO of conservation NGO NABU, said, “The results are frightening and confirm our worst fears. Emissions from ships cause serious lung and heart diseases.”
Fine particle emissions have been linked to increased health risks for decades. Although substantial efforts have been made to reduce the sulphur and diesel soot emissions from cars and lorries, no comparable efforts have been made for the shipping sector.
The NGO Transport & Environment said, “Marine fuel is 2,700 times dirtier than road diesel and €35 billion of fuel tax is paid yearly in Europe for road transport, while shipping uses tax-free fuel.”
Given that shipping accounts for over one fifth of global fuel consumption, the fact that its emissions are not more strictly regulated is cause for concern.
Improving air quality through exhaust filtration
For the researchers, legislation enforcing particle filtration and PM limits in shipping is the “next logical target for improving air quality worldwide, particularly in coastal regions and harbour cities”.
Dietmar Oeliger, NABU’s transport expert, said, “We really underline the recommendation of the scientists to urgently switch to low sulphur fuels together with effective emission abatement techniques.”
The most effective method of cleaning up emissions from shipping is to combine PM filters with low-sulphur fuels, a measure that has long been in place on the roads.
Other options include converting ships’ engines to run on gas or retrofitting them with exhaust gas cleaning systems known as “scrubbers”.
Controlling sulphur emissions
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has capped the sulphur content of shipping fuel at 3.5%. By 2020, the IMO will limit sulphur content in ship’s fuel to 0.5% worldwide.
In many of Europe’s coastal waters the limit is 1%, and as of January 2015, the limit in the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs) of the North and the Baltic Seas is just 0.1%.
According to Transport & Environment, the health benefits from the implementation of the new stricter SECAs are projected to be worth up to €23 billion.
But these limits are not strictly enforced, and the options available for reducing sulphur and PM emissions remain too expensive for the majority of ship operators.
As well as severe health risks to humans, sulphur causes acid rain and leads to a host of environmental problems including soil and water quality degradation and damage to biodiversity.
“We need meaningful measures to incentivise the uptake of cleaner marine fuels as a stepping stone towards cleaning up the sector,” said Sotiris Raptis, clean shipping officer at Transport & Environment.
UN Will Force Shipping to Clean Up its Act
By Laramée de Tannenberg, Valéry, Euractiv, 26 October 2016
Article Excerpt:
The UN’s International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is pondering measures to cut shipping pollution and bring emissions into line with the Paris Agreement. EURACTIV’s partner Journal de l’Environnement reports.
Like commercial aviation, marine transport slipped through the cracks in the Paris Agreement. Responsible for more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions, commercial shipping is also a major source of local air pollution.
But the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MPEC) has begun to take local and global impact of shipping pollution seriously; it was on the agenda for the committee’s 70th meeting in London this week.
The UN organisation is considering enforcing stricter regulations on large ships. Under the proposals, the owners of the tens of thousands of ships with a displacement greater than 5,000 tonnes would be obliged to measure their fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, and to declare the results to the IMO and the ships’ countries of registration. This is a first step.
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At its meeting in April this year, MPEC also agreed on the need for marine transport to take account of the Paris Agreement. The IMO plans to adopt binding measures to reduce the sector’s carbon footprint, and could lay out its timetable this week.
Cutting Sulphur Emissions:
The 171 members of the IMO will also have to agree on a date for the entry into force of the new rules on the reduced sulphur content of fuels. Adopted in 1997, the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) placed a limit of 0.5% on the sulphur content of shipping fuel, which will come into force in 2020.
60,000 premature deaths per year
Existing rules limit the sulphur content of shipping fuel to 3.5%, making marine transport the biggest emitter of sulphur oxides in the world. Exceptions can be found in the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs) of North America and Northern Europen where the mlimit is 0.1%.
In 1999, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University estimated that between 5% and 30% of the concentration of airborne sulphates in coastal regions was down to commercial shipping. These particles are harmful to marine and land environments, as well as to human health.
Later research by the University of Delaware attributed more than 60,000 premature deaths per year in Europe and Asia to this pollution, and predicted that that figure would rise by 40% by 2012.
Opposition from refiners
But refiners of shipping fuel have spoken out against the mandatory sulphur reduction. At least, if it comes into force so soon.
Cutting sulphur content would require big changes to machinery and investments in the billions of dollars. According to the consultancy CE Delft, the success of the reduced sulphur convention will depend on the ability of the refiners to provide low-sulphur fuel from 2020. If not, the oil companies and some shipping companies plan to push the entry into force of Annex VI of the MARPOL convention back to 2025.
One interesting detail: the Cook Islands pushed hard to strengthen the Paris Agreement, but are one of the fiercest opponents of binding emissions limits on maritime transport.
UN Will Force Shipping to Clean Up its Act
By Laramée de Tannenberg
The UN’s International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is pondering measures to cut shipping pollution and bring emissions into line with the Paris Agreement. EURACTIV’s partner Journal de l’Environnement reports.
Like commercial aviation, marine transport slipped through the cracks in the Paris Agreement. Responsible for more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions, commercial shipping is also a major source of local air pollution.
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But the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MPEC) has begun to take local and global impact of shipping pollution seriously; it was on the agenda for the committee’s 70th meeting in London this week.
The UN organisation is considering enforcing stricter regulations on large ships. Under the proposals, the owners of the tens of thousands of ships with a displacement greater than 5,000 tonnes would be obliged to measure their fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, and to declare the results to the IMO and the ships’ countries of registration. This is a first step.
At its meeting in April this year, MPEC also agreed on the need for marine transport to take account of the Paris Agreement. The IMO plans to adopt binding measures to reduce the sector’s carbon footprint, and could lay out its timetable this week.
Cutting Sulphur Emissions:
The 171 members of the IMO will also have to agree on a date for the entry into force of the new rules on the reduced sulphur content of fuels. Adopted in 1997, the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) placed a limit of 0.5% on the sulphur content of shipping fuel, which will come into force in 2020.
60,000 premature deaths per year
Existing rules limit the sulphur content of shipping fuel to 3.5%, making marine transport the biggest emitter of sulphur oxides in the world. Exceptions can be found in the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs) of North America and Northern Europen where the mlimit is 0.1%.
In 1999, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University estimated that between 5% and 30% of the concentration of airborne sulphates in coastal regions was down to commercial shipping. These particles are harmful to marine and land environments, as well as to human health.
Later research by the University of Delaware attributed more than 60,000 premature deaths per year in Europe and Asia to this pollution, and predicted that that figure would rise by 40% by 2012.
Opposition from refiners
But refiners of shipping fuel have spoken out against the mandatory sulphur reduction. At least, if it comes into force so soon.
Cutting sulphur content would require big changes to machinery and investments in the billions of dollars. According to the consultancy CE Delft, the success of the reduced sulphur convention will depend on the ability of the refiners to provide low-sulphur fuel from 2020. If not, the oil companies and some shipping companies plan to push the entry into force of Annex VI of the MARPOL convention back to 2025.
One interesting detail: the Cook Islands pushed hard to strengthen the Paris Agreement, but are one of the fiercest opponents of binding emissions limits on maritime transport.
Euractiv, Oct 26, 2016
What a nutty form of charity! Wouldnt you do better spending your time working on a campaign to ensure that everyone has a place to live?
I am aware that both the Arctic and Antarctica are experiencing climate change more than temperate climates. I hear that all the time. But nobody has explained to me yet why that happens. Will someone please explain it? Thank you.
Builders Shouldn’t Count on Liquified Natural Gas
Revealed in a Common Ground magazine article (“BC’s LNG industry – flogging a dead horse,” posted Dec. 8, 2018) is that Coastal GasLink’s liquefied fractured gas project is a bad deal for both British Columbians and the environment, with the following disturbing facts (extracted and listed below as published in point-form word for word) I’ve yet to hear reported in the mainstream news-media:
“ …. Faced with such competition for a resource product widely available worldwide, BC’s fledgling gas industry turned to Governments for concessions to help “make them competitive”.
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So we now have publicly-funded concessions that Federal and Provincial Governments – past and present – have placed in the industry’s begging bowl, including:
–no Provincial Sales Tax on gas purchased;
subsidized (6 cents/ kilowatt-hour) electricity rates (residential customers pay 12 cents/KWh). The 6-cent industrial rate was originally conceived for labour-intensive industries, which LNG definitely is not;
–zero percent LNG royalty tax; 9 percent corporate tax rate on future profits declared in BC. Royalty taxes are payments to the resource owners – in this case the BC public. Much of the LNG industry is financially structured to offshore any profits to lower-tax jurisdictions, as Australia has already learned to its chagrin;
–$35/tonne carbon tax cap and $0/tonne on “fugitive” (vented and leaked) gases. The public will pay much higher carbon taxes, as this is ramped up in future years to limit global climate disruption. Fugitive emissions, when fully and accurately accounted for, make LNG a worse climate-warmer than coal;
–$120 Million a year for infrastructure costs (roads and pipelines to fracking holes). When this is factored into the skimpy returns to the public purse, the fracked gas industry remits less to BC’s coffers than do parking fees and fines in the City of Vancouver;
–reduced property assessments and property taxes. BC has legislated discounted property tax rates for all port facilities;
–relaxed Temporary Foreign Worker restrictions for imported workers. Unlike Australia, Canada has not negotiated local employment guarantees for the construction and operation of LNG facilities and pipelines;
–exemption from 25% import duty on machinery and equipment. The industry is also appealing a ruling by Canadian International Trade Tribunal imposing a hefty anti-dumping tariff on LNG modules constructed in Korea and floated here for final assembly. Constructing these units abroad denies jobs to Canadian steelworkers and revenue to Canada;
–accelerated capital cost write-downs. The Harper Government hiked the speed at which the LNG industry could write off its huge capital costs (to 30 percent per annum, previously 8 percent), effectively delaying income taxes and reducing borrowing costs for the industry.
All in all, this is extremely generous treatment for a foreign-owned industry which would employ, at most, a tiny fraction of BC’s 2.5 million-strong workforce – far fewer than each of BC’s high-tech, film and tourism industries. A 2014 study by the Centre for Policy Alternatives showed that, at a $12 LNG price in Asia, it would be 14 years before the capital costs of these projects were written off and LNG royalties begin to trickle into BC’s public coffers. The fracked gas industry has built up tax credits of a whopping $3 billion, meaning that, should it ever actually record a profit locally, the first $3 billion will be tax-free. As the LNG price has fallen to under $10/mmBTU, that 14-year break-even timing is likely to be further delayed. This mirrors the Australian LNG experience, which has shown break-even periods of 15 years or more for its LNG projects, and a tripling of local gas prices in the face of export competition for local supplies. Australians are paying more for their own gas than are foreign buyers.
Natural gas is composed primarily of methane, as a greenhouse gas 34 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Fracking for natural gas causes severe damage to local environments, permanently pollutes local groundwater, and has been identified as the cause of a series of earthquakes in north-eastern BC. …”
Canadian Cacti: Let’s eat ’em!
Did you know that Canada has several native cacti species? These are all in the Opuntia family of cacti – commonly called prickly pears. Opuntia (prickly pears) are more commonly found in Latin America, Mexico, and the Southwestern USA – though grow throughout the Americas. Indigenous and Latin American peoples have used the species for centuries as sources of dyes, fibers, and food. One common cuisine produced from Opuntia (prickly pears) are Nopales – which are grilled cacti pad. Thornless varieties or cacti pads with the thorns (glochids) removed are preferred for culinary applications. Prior to colonization, cacti were only native to the Americas.
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However – attention has been drawn to the species in recent years due to its drought resistance and its potential to become an essential crop in areas presently facing and/or at risk of droughts. The cactis are a source of minerals and additionally store significant quantities of water in arid and desert environments.
Here is a report from the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nation around the benefits of Opuntia (prickly pears):
Title: Cactus pear deserves a place on the menu: Turning a useful food-of-last-resort into a managed and valuable crop
Author: Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
Date: 30 November 2017
News Agency: Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
Article Excerpt:
“Climate change and the increasing risks of droughts are strong reasons to upgrade the humble cactus to the status of an essential crop in many areas,” said Hans Dreyer, director of FAO’s Plant Production and Protection Division.
Cactus pear cultivation is slowly catching on, boosted by growing need for resilience in the face of drought, degraded soils and higher temperatures. It has a long tradition in its native Mexico, where yearly per capita consumption of nopalitos – the tasty young pads, known as cladodes – is 6.4 kilograms. Opuntias are grown on small farms and harvested in the wild on more than 3 million hectares, and increasingly grown using drip irrigation techniques on smallholder farms as a primary or supplemental crop. Today, Brazil is home to more than 500,000 hectares of cactus plantations aimed to provide forage. The plant is also commonly grown on farms in North Africa and Ethiopia’s Tigray region has around 360,000 hectares of which half are managed.
The cactus pear’s ability to thrive in arid and dry climates makes it a key player in food security. Apart from providing food, cactus stores water in its pads, thus providing a botanical well that can provide up to 180 tonnes of water per hectare – enough to sustain five adult cows, a substantial increase over typical rangeland productivity. At times of drought, livestock survival rate has been far higher on farms with cactus plantations.
Projected pressure on water resources in the future make cactus “one of the most prominent crops for the 21st century,” says Ali Nefzaoui, a Tunis-based researcher for ICARDA, the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas.
Here is a YouTube Video from the UNFAO on the benefits of Opuntia (prickly pears):
Title: Opuntia cactus: a useful asset for food security
Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Date: 24 November 2017
News Agency: UNFAO (YouTube)
For those of you interested in the Ontario context, here is an article and a website about the Opuntia (prickly pears) native to Ontario.
Title: Eastern prickly pear cactus
Author: Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Date: 2009 / 2014
News Agency: Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Title: Prickly pear cactus at home anywhere
Author: Lee Reich
Date: 5 November 2008
News Agency: The Toronto Star
Russia’s $300B investment in Arctic oil and gas
By John Last, CBC News, 15 February 2020
Russia’s $300 billion gas and oil investment in the Arctic will encourage development of and increased traffic in Northern sea routes. What impacts will these activities will have on locals – including Indigenous (Chukchi, Nenets, etc.) peoples? There is international concern that gas and oil drilling in this ecologically sensitive region could result in long-term, environmental damage through leaks or spills.
The Soviet Union formerly used the Barents Sea, Kara Sea, and areas around Novaya Zemlya as a nuclear waste dump. These areas abut and/or intersect the Northern Sea Route. Several gas and oil companies proposed drilling the Kara Sea due to its large gas and oil reserves but shifted plans about 5 years ago. In recent years, Russia additionally has developed floating nuclear reactors, such as the Academic Lomonosov, which can be moved along the Northern Sea Route to supply power to remote regions.
Article Excerpt:
“Last month, the Russian government pushed through new legislation creating $300 billion in new incentives for new ports, factories, and oil and gas developments on the shores and in the waters of the Arctic ocean.
The incentives are part of a broader plan to more than double maritime traffic in the Northern Sea Route, on Russia’s northern coast — and give a boost to state energy companies like Gazprom, Lukoil, and Rosneft.
But analysts say their immediate impact will be increased exploration and development for offshore oil and natural gas.
How is the money being spent?
Russia’s government is offering tax incentives for offshore oil and gas developments, including a reduced five per cent production tax for the first 15 years for all oil and gas developments.
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Projects in the east Arctic, closer to Canada’s Beaufort Sea, receive an even greater incentive — no extraction tax for the first 12 years of operation.
Russia may be borrowing a page from Canada’s book in drafting the policy. Doug Matthews, a Canadian energy writer and analyst, said the incentive package sounds “rather like our old national energy program in the … Beaufort [Sea] back in the ’70s and ’80s.”
What new projects are getting the go-ahead?
Russia’s minister of the Far East and Arctic, Alexander Kozlov, said in a press release that those incentives are resulting in three new massive offshore oil projects.
Currently, there is only one producing offshore oil platform in Russian waters — the Prirazlomnaya platform, located in the Pechora Sea.
Russia’s state oil companies are also expected to massively intensify their onshore Arctic operations.
Rosneft’s Vostok Oil project, billed as the “biggest in global oil,” will involve the construction of a seaport, two airports, 800 km of new pipelines, and 15 new towns in the Vankor region.
“The project is expected to become the stepping stone for large scale development of Arctic oil,” said Nikita Kapustin, an energy researcher with the state-funded Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in an email.
Developments in the Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas — nearer to Alaska — are “more distant prospects,” Kapustin said.
But massive incentives for Arctic ports and pipelines could make exploiting those regions more feasible in the future.
What could the environmental impacts be?
Simon Boxall, an oceans scientist at the University of Southampton, said sending more goods via the Northern Sea Route could actually have a positive environmental impact.
“You’re knocking thousands of miles off of that route, and that of course saves energy, it saves fuel, it saves pollution,” he said.
The problem, Boxall says, comes with what those ships are carrying. Any spilled oil degrades slowly in cold Arctic waters, and is easily trapped beneath ice.
Boxall is optimistic that moderate spills from Russia’s offshore oil projects could be contained to “a fairly small locality,” and would be unlikely to affect Canadian shores.
But Tony Walker, an assistant professor at the School of Resource & Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University, disagrees.
“Any petroleum products released into surface water could easily get to the Northwest Territories in just a matter of days,” he said.
“Basically, it’s everybody’s problem.”
Walker says most Arctic nations have limited capacity to perform cleanups in the region. Russia’s fleet is mostly based in Murmansk, near its western border, he says, and is mostly decommissioned anyway.
“So it would really be virtually impossible,” he said.
How could this affect oil and gas prices?
Despite enabling access to more than 37 billion barrels of oil — equivalent to about a fifth of Canada’s total remaining reserves — analysts say the effect on prices should be negligible.
“The main intention of Arctic oil is to replace production of some of the more mature Russian fields,” said Kapustin.
“I don’t see much of an effect on price,” said Matthews.
The primary market for Russia’s Arctic oil and gas is China. Canada’s market share there is so small, Matthews says, it’s unlikely to make a difference.
Could Canadian businesses benefit?
Since U.S. and EU sanctions were put in place in 2014, international oil companies have been reluctant to co-invest in Arctic oil projects. Sanctions prohibit collaboration on offshore oil projects with Russia’s biggest companies.
Canadian businesses also might not have the expertise needed any longer, according to Matthews.
“We were really the leaders back in the ’70s and ’80s for technology for Arctic exploration,” Matthews explained. But “when the oil industry in the Beaufort [Sea] shut down in the mid-’80s … we really lost that technological edge.”
Canada’s recent investment in pipelines means some Canadian companies have built expertise in their construction, including in cold-weather environments.
But Matthews and other analysts say Russia is more likely to look to the East for expertise and investment — to Japan and China, and to India, which Kapustin said has already invested in the Vostok Oil project.”
This explains why Russia may be slow to develop electric cars (Arctic oil is profitable)
Russia is investing $300 billion in the Arctic – specifically within the realm of gas and oil. These investments would encourage development of and increased traffic in Northern sea routes. There is hope that this could assist with economic bolstering and potential development of remote Northern communities along the Northern Sea Route. What impacts these activities will have on locals – including Indigenous (Chukchi, Nenets, etc.) peoples – has yet to be fully determined.
The Soviet Union formerly used the Barents Sea, Kara Sea, and areas around Novaya Zemlya as a nuclear waste dump. These areas abut and/or intersect the Northern Sea Route. I am hoping that some of these $300 billion in investments could go towards cleaning up these sites. Former President Boris Yeltsin’s science advisor first reported on the state of the Kara Sea nuclear waste dump in 1993 – though according to recent media articles – little has been done in subsequent decades to clean-up and contain the nuclear waste, move it to a more appropriate and secure location, and remediate the contaminated environments. Interestingly, several gas and oil companies proposed drilling the Kara Sea due to its large gas and oil reserves – but shifted plans about 5 years ago.
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Multiple agencies – including environmental groups – indicated concern of drilling activities in close proximity to a nuclear waste dump. In recent years, Russia additionally has developed floating nuclear reactors which can be moved along the Northern Sea Route to supply power to remote regions – with a particular focus on resource extraction activities. Here is a news item by the CBC.
“Last month, the Russian government pushed through new legislation creating $300 billion in new incentives for new ports, factories, and oil and gas developments on the shores and in the waters of the Arctic ocean.
The incentives are part of a broader plan to more than double maritime traffic in the Northern Sea Route, on Russia’s northern coast — and give a boost to state energy companies like Gazprom, Lukoil, and Rosneft.
But analysts say their immediate impact will be increased exploration and development for offshore oil and natural gas.
With Canadian and U.S. offshore oil developments still on ice, here’s what Russia’s big spending could mean for the Arctic — and Canadians.
How is the money being spent?
Russia’s government is offering tax incentives for offshore oil and gas developments, including a reduced five per cent production tax for the first 15 years for all oil and gas developments.
Projects in the east Arctic, closer to Canada’s Beaufort Sea, receive an even greater incentive — no extraction tax for the first 12 years of operation.
Russia may be borrowing a page from Canada’s book in drafting the policy. Doug Matthews, a Canadian energy writer and analyst, said the incentive package sounds “rather like our old national energy program in the … Beaufort [Sea] back in the ’70s and ’80s.”
What new projects are getting the go-ahead?
Russia’s minister of the Far East and Arctic, Alexander Kozlov, said in a press release that those incentives are resulting in three new massive offshore oil projects.
Currently, there is only one producing offshore oil platform in Russian waters — the Prirazlomnaya platform, located in the Pechora Sea.
Russia’s state oil companies are also expected to massively intensify their onshore Arctic operations.
Rosneft’s Vostok Oil project, billed as the “biggest in global oil,” will involve the construction of a seaport, two airports, 800 km of new pipelines, and 15 new towns in the Vankor region.
“The project is expected to become the stepping stone for large scale development of Arctic oil,” said Nikita Kapustin, an energy researcher with the state-funded Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in an email.
Developments in the Laptev, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas — nearer to Alaska — are “more distant prospects,” Kapustin said.
But massive incentives for Arctic ports and pipelines could make exploiting those regions more feasible in the future.
What could the environmental impacts be?
Simon Boxall, an oceans scientist at the University of Southampton, said sending more goods via the Northern Sea Route could actually have a positive environmental impact.
“You’re knocking thousands of miles off of that route, and that of course saves energy, it saves fuel, it saves pollution,” he said.
The problem, Boxall says, comes with what those ships are carrying. Any spilled oil degrades slowly in cold Arctic waters, and is easily trapped beneath ice.
Boxall is optimistic that moderate spills from Russia’s offshore oil projects could be contained to “a fairly small locality,” and would be unlikely to affect Canadian shores.
But Tony Walker, an assistant professor at the School of Resource & Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University, disagrees.
“Any petroleum products released into surface water could easily get to the Northwest Territories in just a matter of days,” he said.
“Basically, it’s everybody’s problem.”
Walker says most Arctic nations have limited capacity to perform cleanups in the region. Russia’s fleet is mostly based in Murmansk, near its western border, he says, and is mostly decommissioned anyway.
“So it would really be virtually impossible,” he said.
How could this affect oil and gas prices?
Despite enabling access to more than 37 billion barrels of oil — equivalent to about a fifth of Canada’s total remaining reserves — analysts say the effect on prices should be negligible.
“The main intention of Arctic oil is to replace production of some of the more mature Russian fields,” said Kapustin.
“I don’t see much of an effect on price,” said Matthews.
The primary market for Russia’s Arctic oil and gas is China. Canada’s market share there is so small, Matthews says, it’s unlikely to make a difference.
Could Canadian businesses benefit?
Since U.S. and EU sanctions were put in place in 2014, international oil companies have been reluctant to co-invest in Arctic oil projects. Sanctions prohibit collaboration on offshore oil projects with Russia’s biggest companies.
Canadian businesses also might not have the expertise needed any longer, according to Matthews.
“We were really the leaders back in the ’70s and ’80s for technology for Arctic exploration,” Matthews explained. But “when the oil industry in the Beaufort [Sea] shut down in the mid-’80s … we really lost that technological edge.”
Canada’s recent investment in pipelines means some Canadian companies have built expertise in their construction, including in cold-weather environments.
But Matthews and other analysts say Russia is more likely to look to the East for expertise and investment — to Japan and China, and to India, which Kapustin said has already invested in the Vostok Oil project.”
Hooray for Thunder Bay!
Article Excerpt:
Thunder Bay is among nine other Canadian cities being recognized for their commitment to urban forestry management by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Arbor Day Foundation.
The Tree Cities of the World list was released last week, and includes cities from across the world and in Canada, including Edmonton, Toronto, Halifax, and Regina, in addition to Thunder Bay.
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“It’s really exciting that we could be recognized as a Tree City of the world alongside Toronto and Edmonton and Halifax,” he said. “Those are places that you would think of as a little greener than Thunder Bay.”
Scott said that despite the size of Thunder Bay, the city has all the same tree and forest management strategies as larger cities, which allowed for the city to receive the designation.
“We have a very good management strategy for these trees and it should be recognized throughout the city as something we should continue and build upon, especially as we face climate change,” Scott said. “The city has declared a climate emergency, so I think this really ties into the sustainability of Thunder Bay as a whole.”
The city had to meet a number of standards to be considered for the designation. One of the items provided by the city was the inventory of Thunder Bay’s public tree assets as well as a tree canopy estimate.
Other necessary criteria of the designation covered areas such as allocation of resources and policy that outlines management of the trees.
“We congratulate the first cities to be recognized for 2019, our inaugural year,” said Hiroto Mitsugi, assistant director general, FAO in a press release. “Together, these Tree Cities form a new global network of urban forestry leaders that share the same values for city trees and forests.”
Author: CBC Thunder Bay
Date: 11 February 2020
News Agency: CBC Canada: Thunder Bay
Crocheting Plastic
“Renee Outhouse is crocheting plastic sleeping mats for people who are homeless, just as Fundy Region Solid Waste plans to stop accepting plastic bags for recycling beginning in March.”
“Because the mats are made of plastic, fleas or bedbugs won’t nest in them, Outhouse said. The mats would melt if exposed to fire, however.”
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“The mats will be about a metre wide and two metres long.
Title: Rothesay woman crochets plastic bags together to make sleeping mats for homeless
Author: Semerad, Elke
Date: 10 February 2020
News Agency: CBC New Brunswick
Indigenize Toronto’s Black Oak Savannah
There’s a wonderful urban black oak savannah in Toronto’s High Park that reflects indigenous land stewardship in urban contexts.
Article Excerpt:
An Indigenous collective wants a more active role in land restoration and management in Toronto, with a focus on High Park’s rare black oak savannah.
The Indigenous Land Stewardship Circle is a collective of elders, knowledge holders and members of the urban Indigenous community who want to Indigenize and decolonize land restoration by healing the land through traditional approaches.
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“What we’re talking about is restoring the right relations with the land,” said Catherine Tamarro, who is part of the land stewardship circle.
Tamarro is a Wyandot elder who belongs to the Wyandot of Anderdon Nation in Michigan. She’s a multimedia artist who lives in Toronto.
“Indigenous people have been in that space for thousands of years,” she said.
“I think that the idea is to have those rights of stewardship returned to us.”
What is a black oak savannah?
Prior to the arrival of European settlers, the majority of southern Ontario was covered in densely forested areas that were broken up by two kinds of tallgrass ecosystems, prairies and savannahs.
Black oak savannah is characterized by grasses, shrubs and widely spaced oaks, and is an ecosystem relatively rare in Canada. Savannas are dependent on fire, either natural or human-caused, to maintain the open space. The black oak is resistant to fire, and some of the largest ones in Toronto are located in High Park.
The savannah is a place for traditional medicines and berries to grow and would attract grazing animals for hunting.
“It is a remnant of Indigenous land stewardship that exists in the city,” said Tamarro. “It’s very precious.”
The black oak savannah in High Park is estimated to be approximately 4,000 years old. Since savannahs are characterized by open spaces, they were often the first areas to be cleared for settler developments and agriculture, and suppression of wildfires also reduced their expanses.
Challenges of park management
“It’s significant because it’s an approach to managing the landscape that is in pretty stark contrast to how Canadian municipal and federal authorities manage it,” said Doug Anderson who is a Métis earthworker in the land stewardship circle.
Some of the challenges around managing High Park include controlling invasive plant species and looking for a sustainable way to restore the park to its natural state while still allowing for recreational usage.
The land stewardship circle believes that the use of pesticides for dealing with invasive species is detrimental to the entire ecosystem that exists within the savannah.
For decades, the city has been also been doing controlled burns in the park to maintain the savannah. While no burns happened in 2019, the land stewardship circle hopes that in the future contracts offered by the city for restoration are offered to Indigenous stewards.
Restoring the savannahs is a first step in restoring Indigenous relationships with the land for future generations, according to Anderson.
“We need to teach our kids how to heal the land,” said Anderson.
“We have to have relationships with the land and we have to know how things grow and balance and how you can get a lot of food off it. We need to actually live with all of these things and in balance.”
City says it welcomes feedback
The City of Toronto’s Park’s, Forestry and Recreation department said in a statement “We are engaged in conversations with the Indigenous community about incorporating Indigenous knowledge and practices in High Park.
“These conversations are ongoing, and we welcome feedback and suggestions for collaboration.”
The statement said High Park is one of Toronto’s most popular and ecologically sensitive parks.
“Practices, including prescribed burn management, have been selected based on research and experience and are part of the city’s long-term management plan to protect and sustain Toronto’s rare black oak woodlands and savannahs.
“Parks, Forestry and Recreation staff are committed to building a relationship with Indigenous communities, as well as exploring new partnerships and land use practices.”
Title: ‘It’s very precious’: Indigenous collective wants input into managing High Park’s oak savannah
Author: Rhiannon Johnson
Date: 15 February 2020
Publication: CBC Indigenous / CBC News
There are comparisons to recent initiatives to revitalize the black oak savannah in the Niagara and St. Catharines regions of Ontario. More information about the Niagara and St. Catharines initiatives can be found here:
Title: Work begins to restore Niagara’s oak savannah
Author: Julie Jocsak
Date: 1 March 2019
Publication: The Standard (St. Catharines)
I think the real question here is: DOES IT SMELL?
Hey, Israel! Trees are not your enemy!
Israel’s army blocks activists who work with Palestinians from planting trees in the West Bank. More information about this can be found at the link below – though unfortunately the article is now behind a paywall.
Title: Israeli Army Blocks 200 Activists From Planting Trees With Palestinians in West Bank
Author: Hagar Shezaf
Date: 14 February 2020
Publication: Haaretz
Geothermal energy has significant potential for a number of global regions. Dr. Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility recently shared this article indicating geothermal energy is being explored in Massachusetts. Is there an opportunity for expansion of geothermal systems to other regions?
Thinking About A Geothermal Future
By Bruce Gellerman, 13 January 2020, WBUR (Boston University)
Natural gas utilities in Massachusetts are facing an existential crisis: they could be out of business by mid-century. That’s because the state’s 2008 Global Warming Solutions Act requires emissions from burning fossil fuels — like natural gas — be cut by 80% economy-wide by 2050.
But now a solution that could help save the companies — and the climate — is at hand. Or, more accurately, underfoot. It’s geothermal energy, which takes advantage of the biggest energy storage system on earth: the earth itself.
Our planet absorbs the sun’s solar energy and stores it underground as thermal energy that can be used to heat and cool homes and businesses. Just a few yards down, the earth’s temperature is a constant 50 to 60 degrees; warmer than the air above during winter, cooler in the summer. You can take advantage of the temperature difference using what is called a geothermal or ground source heat pump: plastic pipes filled with water and antifreeze pick up the heat from the ground, and the pump circulates it through a building.
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“The site has to be appropriate,” said architect Lisa Cunningham, who recently designed a gut renovation of a private Brookline home using geothermal energy. The best sites for geothermal systems have lots of space to install horizontal pipes in relatively shallow ground. But because the Brookline lot is so small, workers had to drill two holes 500 feet deep.
“One thing that’s so great about having a project like this right in the heart of a very dense town, we’re showing people it can be very cost-effective,” Cunningham said, adding that the cost for installing the system in the Brookline home “came in less than a comparable gas system.”
But that includes thousands of dollars in state rebates and federal tax incentives that are expiring. Cost is still a big hurdle, said Zeyneb Magavi, co-executive director of Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET), a Cambridge-based environmental nonprofit.
“Geothermal ground source heating has been around a long time, and it has usually been installed one house by one house individually,” she said. “It works. However, it is a fairly high up-front cost, and you have to have the means and motivation to be able to do it.”
Magavi, a clean energy advocate, said she asked herself: Who already digs holes and puts pipes in the ground, has big money and is motivated to find a new business model? Her answer: natural gas distribution companies.
Magavi was familiar with the gas utilities through her work — along with HEET co-executive director Audrey Schulman and the Gas Leaks Allies — helping gas companies identify leaky pipes most in need of repair.
Together, they found it would cost $9 billion over 20 years to fix the aging infrastructure. Magavi suggested they use for money to transform the industry instead.
“The idea is that a gas utility takes out its leaky gas pipe and, instead of putting in new gas pipe, we put in a hot water loop,” Magavi said. “If we’re going to invest in infrastructure, let’s invest in infrastructure for the next century. Let’s not invest in infrastructure that was hot in 1850.”
HEET commissioned a study to investigate if there were a way to make geothermal energy appealing to both utilities and environmentalists.
“We wanted something that was renewable, resilient, reliable, kept gas workers in jobs, [was] equal or lower cost than gas, and safe and doable,” Magavi said. She found that “networking” — connecting geothermal systems to many homes and businesses — ticked all of the boxes.
“The beautiful thing is that when you interconnect them, the more customers you put on the system, the more efficient it gets,” Magavi said.
Magavi showed the results to senior officials with Eversource, the largest energy delivery company in New England.
It was an unusual pitch, but she felt that “they also understood that we were approaching this always from a data- and fact-based conversation, and they took us very seriously,” Magavi said.
Eversource Senior Vice President and Chief Customer Officer Penni Conner said the company likes the idea.
“This looks a lot like the gas business that we’re in except it’s totally clean,” Conner said. “Eversource can bring the capital and the expertise to this. We know how to build infrastructure.”
Eversource conducted its own study of networked geothermal heat pump systems, leading it to propose three different pilot projects to Massachusetts regulators in order to prove that the networked systems are feasible.
Under a networked system, homes and businesses would own the geothermal heat pumps, while Eversource would own and manage the system of pipes, sensors and pressure regulators, Conner said. That would convert the gas utility into a networked, thermal management company.
“Maybe I have a laundromat that has a lot of heat load, maybe it’s working a lot in the evening,” Conner said. “So they are leveraging putting heat back into the system potentially in the evening when others need it for cooling. So you get that benefit.”
State regulators are now reviewing Eversources’s proposals for networked pilot projects, and could give the go-ahead within a year.
“I think we can move fast,” Magavi said. “My vision of the future is that we have wires delivering us renewable energy competing with pipes delivering us renewable energy. So thermal power and electric power grids, and the two benefit each other.”
Geothermal energy heating our homes, with pumps powered by solar- and wind-generated electricity. If this unusual collaboration between a natural gas utility and an environmental organization pays off, a clean energy future could be right under our feet.
A Geothermal Future
By Bruce Gellerman, 13 Jan 2020
Natural gas utilities in Massachusetts are facing an existential crisis: they could be out of business by mid-century. That’s because the state’s 2008 Global Warming Solutions Act requires emissions from burning fossil fuels — like natural gas — be cut by 80% economy-wide by 2050.
But now a solution that could help save the companies — and the climate — is at hand. Or, more accurately, underfoot. It’s geothermal energy, which takes advantage of the biggest energy storage system on earth: the earth itself.
Our planet absorbs the sun’s solar energy and stores it underground as thermal energy that can be used to heat and cool homes and businesses. Just a few yards down, the earth’s temperature is a constant 50 to 60 degrees; warmer than the air above during winter, cooler in the summer. You can take advantage of the temperature difference using what is called a geothermal or ground source heat pump: plastic pipes filled with water and antifreeze pick up the heat from the ground, and the pump circulates it through a building.
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The technology, developed in the late 1940s, does away with furnaces, air conditioners and hot water heaters, and is the most efficient way to heat and cool a building. While it’s widespread in some countries, like Sweden, it’s been slow to catch on here.
“The site has to be appropriate,” said architect Lisa Cunningham, who recently designed a gut renovation of a private Brookline home using geothermal energy. The best sites for geothermal systems have lots of space to install horizontal pipes in relatively shallow ground. But because the Brookline lot is so small, workers had to drill two holes 500 feet deep.
“One thing that’s so great about having a project like this right in the heart of a very dense town, we’re showing people it can be very cost-effective,” Cunningham said, adding that the cost for installing the system in the Brookline home “came in less than a comparable gas system.”
But that includes thousands of dollars in state rebates and federal tax incentives that are expiring. Cost is still a big hurdle, said Zeyneb Magavi, co-executive director of Home Energy Efficiency Team (HEET), a Cambridge-based environmental nonprofit.
“Geothermal ground source heating has been around a long time, and it has usually been installed one house by one house individually,” she said. “It works. However, it is a fairly high up-front cost, and you have to have the means and motivation to be able to do it.”
Magavi, a clean energy advocate, said she asked herself: Who already digs holes and puts pipes in the ground, has big money and is motivated to find a new business model? Her answer: natural gas distribution companies.
Magavi was familiar with the gas utilities through her work — along with HEET co-executive director Audrey Schulman and the Gas Leaks Allies — helping gas companies identify leaky pipes most in need of repair.
Together, they found it would cost $9 billion over 20 years to fix the aging infrastructure. Magavi suggested they use for money to transform the industry instead.
“The idea is that a gas utility takes out its leaky gas pipe and, instead of putting in new gas pipe, we put in a hot water loop,” Magavi said. “If we’re going to invest in infrastructure, let’s invest in infrastructure for the next century. Let’s not invest in infrastructure that was hot in 1850.”
HEET commissioned a study to investigate if there were a way to make geothermal energy appealing to both utilities and environmentalists.
“We wanted something that was renewable, resilient, reliable, kept gas workers in jobs, [was] equal or lower cost than gas, and safe and doable,” Magavi said. She found that “networking” — connecting geothermal systems to many homes and businesses — ticked all of the boxes.
“The beautiful thing is that when you interconnect them, the more customers you put on the system, the more efficient it gets,” Magavi said.
Magavi showed the results to senior officials with Eversource, the largest energy delivery company in New England.
It was an unusual pitch, but she felt that “they also understood that we were approaching this always from a data- and fact-based conversation, and they took us very seriously,” Magavi said.
Eversource Senior Vice President and Chief Customer Officer Penni Conner said the company likes the idea.
“This looks a lot like the gas business that we’re in except it’s totally clean,” Conner said. “Eversource can bring the capital and the expertise to this. We know how to build infrastructure.”
Eversource conducted its own study of networked geothermal heat pump systems, leading it to propose three different pilot projects to Massachusetts regulators in order to prove that the networked systems are feasible.
Under a networked system, homes and businesses would own the geothermal heat pumps, while Eversource would own and manage the system of pipes, sensors and pressure regulators, Conner said. That would convert the gas utility into a networked, thermal management company.
“Maybe I have a laundromat that has a lot of heat load, maybe it’s working a lot in the evening,” Conner said. “So they are leveraging putting heat back into the system potentially in the evening when others need it for cooling. So you get that benefit.”
State regulators are now reviewing Eversources’s proposals for networked pilot projects, and could give the go-ahead within a year.
“I think we can move fast,” Magavi said. “My vision of the future is that we have wires delivering us renewable energy competing with pipes delivering us renewable energy. So thermal power and electric power grids, and the two benefit each other.”
Geothermal energy heating our homes, with pumps powered by solar- and wind-generated electricity. If this unusual collaboration between a natural gas utility and an environmental organization pays off, a clean energy future could be right under our feet.
Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change
By Robert McSweeney, Carbon Brief, 10 Feb, 2020
Say Goodbye to Salt, Say Hello to Beet Juice Brine
Did you know that beet juice brine can be used to melt ice on roads in an ecologically friendly manner?
Calgary has undertaken this initiative to use a more ecologically friendly way (than salt) to melt ice on winter roads. Other municipalities are exploring similar options too.
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The CBC explored this subject in a Calgary-focused article.
Title: Beet brine again used to keep Calgary streets clear of snow and ice
Author: Dave Dormer
News Agency: CBC News
Date: 17 November 2018
Don’t plant trees in permafrost!
We should GENERALLY protect forests, but not those in permafrost. They — at least most of those in the Arctic — are speeding up the melting. If anything, they should be cut down. Forests and shrubs are spreading throughout the Arctic now — which may be one of humankind’s worst challenges.
How hot does the Arctic get?
Historically, for many Arctic regions — specifically those inland — it would be rare for 20C to be sustained more than a few days a year — if at all — though this is changing with climate change and is becoming increasingly more frequent.
I don’t know what is problematic here. What is wrong with the electric grids we have now?
Uh oh. That last bit sounds ominous. We have to expect that it won’t be rare for a place to exceed 20C.
Is Cannabis Better Than Concrete?
Yes, these are hemp bricks
I’ve seen videos lately about hemp bricks instead of concrete. How realistic is that option?
Resisting Earthquakes with 3D Printers
By Will Webster
Earthquakes are one of the most destructive forms of natural disaster, but the biggest hazard during an quake isn’t the shaking itself – it’s the collapse of human-built structures caused by it.
For centuries people have aimed to make buildings, bridges, and roads stronger and more rigid, with the hope that they would progressively become better at their jobs. That’s largely been the case, apart from when an earthquake strikes, where rigidity immediately becomes a big issue.
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The failure to conquer this issue hasn’t been for lack of trying. Engineers have been hard at work developing structures that can absorb an earthquake’s energy and remain standing. These solutions require a fundamental change in how we approach design and architecture, however. But what if there was a way to address the earthquake issue without tearing up the rulebook, and also going one further?
Researchers from Purdue University have developed a variety of 3D printed structures using cement paste that can not only withstand stress, but also become stronger in the process. We sat down with the team to find out more.
Controlling how the damage spreads
To this day there remains a lot of uncertainty over how a building collapses during an earthquake, but we do know that it begins with a single point of weakness. The team from Purdue set about transforming that single point into many, while also creating a predefined path for the crack to follow – essentially controlling how the damage spreads.
“Depending on the architecture and geometry of these interfaces, the growing crack will eventually run into an obstacle, and initiate the nucleation and growth of other cracks – thus spreading the distribution of damage and delaying damage localisation, which ultimately leads to catastrophic failure of the material,” says Pablo Zavattieri, a member of the research team.
By replacing the formation of one single crack with multiple distributed cracks at weak interfaces, the team were able to improve the toughness of the cement paste without sacrificing on strength. And they’ve been able to do so across several separate 3D printed designs, known as architectures.
Each architecture has been created with the ultimate aim of providing greater resilience to structures. But, as each have very different behaviours, the architectures have been devised for very different use cases. For example, the helicoidal architecture uses weak interfaces to make the material more crack-resistant. Then we have the compliant architecture that gives the structure a spring-like quality, while still retaining its usual strength.
“These architectures can be incorporated in structures under vibration, and use that to generate energy when they are coupled with a piezoelectric device,” explains team member Reza Moini, on the compliant architecture. “The helicoidal architecture though, can be incorporated in the design of structural elements, such as beams and columns of a building or concrete pavements, and provide additional toughness and increased longevity.”
Finding inspiration in millions of years of evolution
The approach taken by the Purdue team is undoubtedly an innovative one, but it’s not entirely original (not in the natural world, at least). The shells of arthropods, such as lobsters and beetles, deploy a helicoidal architecture to gain crack tolerance. And it’s from these wonders of the natural world that the research team found their inspiration, and also the names they’d use.
“Our research team has been inspired by a variety of architectures found in natural materials,” says Zavattieri. ‘But more important than imitating nature’s geometrical design, is to be able to trigger the right damage mitigation mechanisms. While the length scales in our 3D printed architectures are evidently not the same as those observed in nature, we’re still able to mimic the same mechanisms.”
Taking inspiration from nature – or biomimicry – is an ever-growing trend in science and design. After all, there’s a lot to be learnt from millions of years of evolution. For this project, it’s clear to see how important observing nature has been. So does the team have any further biomimetic plans?
“There are a lot of design motifs in nature that we can learn from in the design and fabrication of man-made materials,” says Moini. “We’d like to explore other architectures, such as the brick-and-mortar structures found in Nacre (mother of pearl), rod-like microstructures found in teeth, and foam-like structures found in bones and lightweight structures like Toucan and Woodpecker beaks.”
Scaling up the technology brings challenges
It’s fair to say that nature provides an almost endless source of inspiration, but right now the focus of the Purdue team is most definitely on their 3D printed structures.
The project has only been made possible by developments in 3D printing technology, providing the structures with characteristics that wouldn’t have been possible from traditional casting methods, but there remains a long way to go. 3D printing is a technology still in its infancy, particularly when it comes to the creation of materials for construction and engineering, and that’s not the only hurdle in the way of scaling up the technology.
“The selection and development of a large-scale 3D printer that can reliably handle large movement and motions, as well as the ability to control the material’s deposition rates in the process is critical,” explains Moini. “Similarly, understanding the fresh properties of the material itself, and how to control them during the printing process, and right after the deposition, is crucial as we need material to hold its shape.
“This becomes more important at a large scale, as larger and more complex elements require larger ‘green’ strength build-up. Other challenges will be related to the combination of materials for improved mechanical properties, as well as for improving functionality of these structures.”
There clearly remains a long way to go before we can build homes along a fault line with absolute confidence. Nonetheless, Moini, Zavattieri and their fellow researchers Jan Olek and Jeffrey Youngblood, have made significant progress by giving cement-based structures behaviours that we’d only previously seen in the natural world. So we asked for their next steps.
“We’re planning to look into other types of material processing techniques, and architectures that can improve performance of cement-based materials on a larger scale,” says Zavattieri. “Self-healing and thermal adaptation will be future topics given current technology, and research in the general area of multifunctional materials.”
Self-healing cement sounds more like what would happen if Wolverine went into construction. However, if possible, it will be amazing to see in the real world.
Nordic trash
Reykjavik is additionally monitoring for microplastic contamination within their drinking water system. These are fascinating and initiative technological applications with potential applications for elsewhere globally.
Sweden wants to ban sale of gas and diesel cars?
“Sweden launches inquiry on how to ban sales of new gasoline and diesel cars and phase-out fossil fuels” – Green Car Congress [25 December 2019]
“The Government of Sweden has launched a study to offer proposals on how to implement a ban on sales of new gasoline and diesel cars, and the timeline for the phase-out of fossil fuels. The final report is to be presented by 1 February 2021.
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Sven Hunhammar will chair the inquiry. Hunhammar holds a Master’s degree in engineering and a doctorate in natural resource management. He is Director of Sustainability and Environment at the Swedish Transport Administration, and has previously worked at the Stockholm Environment Institute, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Transport Analysis and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
The inquiry is to:
Analyze the conditions for introducing a national ban on sales of new gasoline and diesel cars—and how to exempt vehicles that run on renewable fuels and electric hybrid vehicles from such a ban;
Analyze how to bring about an EU-wide ban on sales of new gasoline and diesel cars and the phasing out of fossil fuels in the EU;
Make the necessary legislative proposals, albeit not in the area of taxation, where the inquiry may only analyse measures and conduct impact analyses; and
Propose a year by which fossil fuels should be phased out in Sweden, and the measures needed for this to happen in the most cost-effective manner possible.
The inquiry’s terms of reference are based on point 31 of the January Agreement, the policy agreement between the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Center Party, the Liberal Party and the Green Party.”
Cherish the lichens, algae and mosses!
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry noted that these organisms were often omitted from climate models and started researching the role that these played in greenhouse gas cycles.
“Mat-forming ‘‘ground layers’’ of mosses and lichens often have functional impacts disproportionate to their biomass, and are responsible for sequestering one-third of the world’s terrestrial carbon as they regulate water tables, cool soils and inhibit microbial decomposition.”
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“Cyptogamic covers are responsible for about half of the naturally occurring nitrogen fixation on land and they take up as much carbon dioxide as is released yearly from biomass burning.”
Though — there is some debate — as some research points that temperatures above 20C cause these organisms to release large amounts of methane and nitrous oxide.
3D printers are now being used to reconstruct homes in areas decimated by natural disasters. Research is additionally being conducted on the notion of using biomimicry (nature-inspired designs) to create crack and earthquake resistant structural design. Fascinating fields!
Forest fire smoke transports microbes and other influential particles
I’ll summarize here an article from Popular Mechanics about a newly emerging field of science (pyroaerobiology) which examines how forest fires spread life – specifically microbial life. On a related note, scientists working at the Chernobyl site noted that radiation contamination impedes fungal, insect, and microbial activity (such as decomposition) and can contribute to the increased risk of large forest fires – such as through a larger layer of leaves, old trunks, etc. on the forest floor.
“Pyroaerobiology, a new field of science with a badass name, seeks to understand how colonies of bacteria, fungi, archaea, and viruses are swept up in smoke. These organisms float off into distant lands thousands of miles away, altering the microbial composition of the ecosystem. Microbes floating in this smoke can also impact the weather, seeding the ice crystals that form clouds. There’s also been evidence to suggest these microbiotic zoos could potentially contain allergens that could be harmful to humans.”
Leda Kobziar, the inventor of the field and scientist publishing materials on it, said “I became curious about smoke after I learned that bacteria were being added to snow-making machines—believe it or not—because they act as powerful ice nucleators, which means they can be the nuclei for ice crystals, [spawning snowflakes] at higher temperatures than you would otherwise find.” […]
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“Some of these are organisms that you would typically find in ambient air, but they’re highly concentrated, so we see a lot more of them than we would find in ambient air conditions. Others are organisms that are not typically found in ambient air. So there are things that grow deep in the soil or grow in the insides of plants and not things that would generally be aerosolized just by wind.” […]
“There’s just as much possibility that the movement of these organisms through the smoke has a beneficial impact. Some microbes called “endophytes” can increase plant growth and yield and some even act as antibiotics against plant pathogens, thereby assisting their host species.
We’ve seen a lot of bacteria that act as nitrogen fixers. Of course, nitrogen is the building block of all protein and everything that exists on earth. We wouldn’t have anything if it weren’t for these bacteria, and we’ve seen these bacteria being transported.”
Popular Mechanics, Dec. 20, 2019
Asbestos in the Cement?
“The problem was not the use of asbestos in Canada, which has practically been outlawed. Indeed, Harper’s government is paying millions of dollars to remove asbestos from the Parliament Buildings. Rather, the problem is what Canadian asbestos is doing in other countries.”
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“No surprise, then, that [asbestos] is effectively banned in Canada. And a surprise, to observers, that Canada exports it to other countries, most notoriously India, where public-health regimes are less vigorous than in Canada.”
But that fact is no more mysterious than two forces that are as well known in India as they are in Canada. One is the power of supply and demand. The other is the vacuum of political indifference.”
Regarding the Indian context:
“Swami worked eight hours a day, six days a week. In return, the Shree Digvijay Cement Co. Ltd. each day dispensed 230 rupees ($5) and a 150-gram lump of dark, sticky cane sugar, called jaggery. His managers instructed him to suck on it through the day. “They told us if we ate it, all the dust that we breathed in would stick to it and move through our system and not hurt us,” he says.
That’s the sort of thing that passed for safety equipment at the factory, where Swami worked until recently. After 10 years of the sugar fix, the workers were given gloves, and cotton handkerchiefs to tie over their mouths. But for more than a decade, there has been nothing at all, Swami says.
India has a voracious market for asbestos, which is used to make a cement composite used in low-cost building products.”
So they add vitamins and “nutrients”. Does that mean the solein has no real food value except for the nutrients and vitamins they put into it? Well, if it is cheap and nourishing, okay. But the writer should have said how much they were adding besides the carbon dioxide and water.
One Day= A Million Cars
Wind Energy Is Not Renewable, Sustainable Or Climate-Friendly
BY DUGGAN FLANAKIN, Climate Change Dispatch
Wind turbines continue to be the most controversial of so-called “renewable” energy sources worldwide. But, you say, wind energy is surely renewable.
It blows intermittently, but it’s natural, free, renewable and climate-friendly.
That’s certainly what we hear, almost constantly. However, while the wind itself may be “renewable,” the turbines, the raw materials that go into making them, and the lands they impact certainly are not.
And a new report says harnessing the wind to generate electricity actually contributes to global warming!
Arcadia Power reports that the widely used GE 1.5-megawatt (MW) turbine is a 164-ton mini-monster with 116-foot blades on a 212-foot tower that weighs another 71 tons.
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The Vestas V90 2.0-MW has 148-foot blades on a 262-foot tower and a total weight of about 267 tons. The concrete and steel rebar foundations that they sit on weigh up to 800 tons, or more.
And the newer 3.0-MW and even more powerful turbines and foundations weigh a lot more than that.
Citing National Renewable Energy Laboratory data, the U.S. Geological Survey notes that wind turbines are predominantly made of steel (which comprises 71-79% of total turbine mass), fiberglass and resin composites in the blades (11-16%), iron or cast iron (5-17%), copper (1%), aluminum (0-2%), rare earth elements (1-3%) and other materials.
Plus the concrete and rebar that anchor the turbines in the earth.
It takes enormous amounts of energy (virtually all from fossil fuels) to remove the overlying rock to get to the ores and limestone, refine and process the materials into usable metals and concrete, fabricate them into all the turbine components, and ship everything to their ultimate locations.
Petroleum for the resins and composites – and all that energy – must also be extracted from the earth, by drilling and fracking, followed by refining and manufacturing, again with fossil fuel energy.
Wind turbine transportation logistics can be a deciding factor in scheduling, costing and locating a project, Wind Power Monthly admits.
The challenge of moving equipment from factories to ports to ultimate industrial wind power generation sites has become more formidable almost by the year, as the industry has shifted to larger and larger turbines.
Offshore turbine sizes (up to 10 megawatts and 650 feet in height) present even more daunting logistical, maintenance and removal challenges.
Back in 2010, transportation costs totaled an average of 10% of the upfront capital cost of a wind project.
Transporting the nacelles (housings for the energy-generating components, including the shaft, generator, and gearing, to which the rotor and blades are attached) typically required a 19-axle truck and trailer that cannot operate using renewable energy and which a decade ago cost about $1.5 million apiece.
Those costs have continued to escalate.
Highways and city streets must often be closed down during transport to wind farm sites hundreds, even thousands, of miles away – to allow nacelles, 100-foot tower sections and 150-foot blades to pass through.
Transmission lines and transformers add still more to the costs, and the need for non-renewable materials – including more steel, copper, aluminum, and concrete.
To get wind-generated energy from largely remote locations to cities that need electricity and are eager to cash in on the 2.3 cents per kilowatt-hour production tax credit, the U.S. is spending $47.9 billion to construct transmission lines through 2025.
Of that, $22.1 billion will be spent on transmission projects aimed at integrating renewable energy into the existing power grid, without making it so unstable that we get repeated blackouts.
On top of all that, wind turbines only last maybe 20 years – about half the life spans of coal, gas and nuclear power plants.
Offshore turbines last maybe 12-15 years, due to constant corrosion from constant salt spray. Then they have to be decommissioned and removed.
According to Isaac Orr, a policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment, the cost of decommissioning a single turbine can reach half a million dollars. Then the old ones have to be replaced – with more raw materials, mining and smelting.
Recycling these materials also consumes considerable energy, when they can be recycled. Turbine blades are extremely hard, if not impossible to recycle because they are complex composites that are extremely strong and hard to break apart.
A lot of times, the blades just get cut up in large segments and dumped in landfills – if they can find landfills that want them. The massive concrete bases often just get left behind.
All these activities require incredible amounts of fossil fuel energy, raw materials, mining lands and waste products (overburden, mined-out rock, and processed ores).
How much, exactly? The wind energy industry certainly isn’t telling, wind energy promoters and environmentalist groups certainly don’t want to discuss it, and even government agencies haven’t bothered to calculate the amounts.
But shouldn’t those kinds of data be presented front and center during any discussion of what is – or is not – clean, green, free, renewable, sustainable, eco-friendly energy?
We constantly see and hear reports that the cost of wind energy per kilowatt-hour delivered to homes and businesses is becoming competitive with coal, gas, nuclear and hydroelectric alternatives.
But if that is the case, why do we still need all the mandates, feed-in tariffs, and other subsidies? And do those reports factor in the huge costs and environmental impacts presented here?
Amid all these terribly inconvenient facts about wind energy, it shouldn’t be too surprising that a new study destroys the industry’s fundamental claim: that wind energy helps prevent global warming.
Harvard professor of applied physics and public policy David Keith and his postdoctoral researcher, Lee Miller, recently found that heavy reliance on wind energy actually increases climate warming!
If this is so, it raises serious questions about just how much the U.S. or other nations should rely on wind power.
As the authors explain, the warming is produced because wind turbines generate electricity by extracting energy out of the air, slowing down wind and otherwise altering “the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere.”
The impact of wind on warming in the studied scenario was 10 times greater than the climate effect from solar farms, which can also have a warming impact, the two scientists said.
The study, published in the journal Joule, found that if wind power supplied all U.S. electricity demands, it would warm the surface of the continental United States by 0.24 degrees C (0.43 Fahrenheit).
That is far more than any reduction in warming achieved by totally decarbonizing the nation’s electricity sector (around 0.1 C or 0.2 F)) during the 21st century – assuming climate models are correct about the amount of warming that carbon dioxide emissions are allegedly causing.
“If your perspective is the next ten years, wind power actually has – in some respects – more climate impact than coal or gas,” says Keith, a huge wind power supporter. But, he added, “If your perspective is the next thousand years, then wind power is enormously cleaner than coal or gas.”
Of course, his analysis assumes significant warming that has yet to occur, despite the increasing use of fossil fuels by China, India, Indonesia, and other countries.
It also assumes the world will still be using increasing amounts of coal and natural gas 100 to 1,000 years from now – a highly dubious proposition.
And it ignores every point made in this article, which clearly explains why wind energy is not really cleaner than coal or gas.
Maybe, my friends, the answer is not blowing in the wind.
Duggan Flanakin is Director of Policy Research at the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (
Which Premiers are promoting small modular reactors?
Many areas in Canada have concerning trends in the management and trends of radioactive waste products – such as radioactive materials being stored only a few hundred meters from the shores of various Great Lakes (Lake Huron, Lake Ontario.). Where will the eventual waste products (spent activation products) from these small modular reactors be stored for hundreds or thousands of years post-use?
Is it worth encouraging exploration and investment in other modes of energy production? Surely New Brunswick, Ontario, and Saskatchewan have potential for hydroelectric, solar, and wind to various extents… Could these be integrated in ecologically friendly manners?
Dilbit, Dilbat
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and those of like-mind have such a strong sense of free-flow dilbit-oil revenue entitlement that they cannot see or really care about its serious environmental consequences.
They, including PM Justin Trudeau, appear recklessly blind to the significantly increased risk caused by the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project to B.C.’s far-more valuable (at least to us) tourism, food and sports fishing industries—not to mention pristine natural environments and ecosystems themselves—in the case of a major oil spill, which many academics believe is inevitable.
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How much more does Kenney actually believe Trudeau’s Liberal government can realistically do to more hastily complete the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project—that is, without the police state and/or armed forces getting brutally involved?
What more could he realistically do, considering the fact aboriginal title rights must be observed, along with general populace constitutional and charter rights?
Would the large number of project protesters—including those of many aboriginal nations—actually be expected to drop their undoubtedly strong moral and ethical convictions simply because some government tells them so?
Indeed, the federal government used the very same National Energy Board as did the Harper Conservatives to now twice approve (many call it rubber stamping) the pipeline project, while failing to consider the threats the greatly increased oil tanker traffic will pose to B.C.’s tourist-attracting waters and the life within it, including the endangered Southern Resident Orca whale.
Also, let’s not forget that the governing Liberals early this year gave the increasingly outdated dirty-energy fossil fuel sector 12 times the subsidization allocated to clean renewable energy innovative technologies.
NASA can make food from thin air!
By Robby Berman 05 Aug 2019
It’s likely to first appear on grocery shelves in protein shakes and yogurt. It could be an exciting development: Solein’s manufacturing process is carbon neutral and the potential for scalability seems unlimited — we’ve got too much CO₂, if anything. Why not get rid of some greenhouse gas with a side of fries?
Solar Foods makes Solein by extracting CO₂ from air using carbon-capture technology, and then combines it with water, nutrients and vitamins, using 100 percent renewable solar energy from partner Fortum to promote a natural fermentation process similar to the one that produces yeast and lactic acid bacteria.
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The company is already working with the European Space Agency to develop foods for off-planet production and consumption. (The idea for Solein actually began at NASA.) They also see potential in bringing protein production to areas whose climate or ground conditions make conventional agriculture impossible.
And let’s not forget all those beef-free burgers based on pea and soy proteins currently gaining popularity. The environmental challenge of scaling up the supply of those plants to meet their high demand may provide an opening for the completely renewable Solein — the company could provide companies that produce animal-free “meats,” such as Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods, a way to further reduce their environmental impact.
The impact of the beef — and for that matter, poultry, pork, and fish — industries on our planet is widely recognized as one of the main drivers behind climate change, pollution, habitat loss, and antibiotic-resistant illness. From the cutting down of rainforests for cattle-grazing land, to runoff from factory farming of livestock and plants, to the disruption of the marine food chain, to the overuse of antibiotics in food animals, it’s been disastrous.
The advent of a promising source of protein derived from two of the most renewable things we have, CO₂ and sunlight, gets us out of the planet-destruction business at the same time as it offers the promise of a stable, long-term solution to one of the world’s most fundamental nutritional needs.
Solar Foods’ timetable
While company plans are always moderated by unforeseen events — including the availability of sufficient funding — Solar Foods plans a global commercial rollout for Solein in 2021 and to be producing two million meals annually, with a revenue of $800 million to $1.2 billion by 2023. By 2050, they hope to be providing sustenance to 9 billion people as part of a $500 billion protein market.
The project began in 2018, and this year, they anticipate achieving three things: Launching Solein (check), beginning the approval process certifying its safety as a Novel Food in the EU, and publishing plans for a 1,000-metric ton-per-year factory capable of producing 500 million meals annually.
Let’s befriend those helpful methanotropic bacteria
Besides carbon dioxide we have to worry about methane too. It is apparently produced mainly by the agricultural sector — either by ruminant livestock or by rice paddies. But there are methanotropic bacteria that consume methane. From what i have been reading, they live mainly in swamps and waterways. But shouldn’t there be more of them and shouldn’t they live in pastures where the cows produce all that methane? Does anybody know much about these little guys? They sound like things we want to make friends with.
How is fish farming coming along? Is there any way to do that sustainably and without using antibiotics to prevent fish diseases? It seems to me that ought to be a big solution.
Is recycling really worth it?
Learn from PG&E’s mistake: Trim your trees!
Financiers and corporate managers had better pay more attention to climate change or they may suffer the same fate as PG & E: bankruptcy. Erik Kobayashi-Solomon has explained the collapse of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a shareholder-owned company that has provided the electricity for 5.2 million households in central and northern California.
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The managers of PG&E assumed that every home and business would have to use their electricity. The company’s gas-powered generation plants depended on large turbines. But Californians have been installing solar panels on their rooftops, and instead of depending on PG&E’s electricity, many of them even wanted to sell their excess power back onto the grid.
PG&E did not take this decentralization trend into account so their revenues fell and it was more difficult to maintain transmission lines.
Global Warming had meant that between 2012-15 California experienced a severe drought, which dried out vegetation. Since then, it has undergone five of the ten largest fires in its history. Some of the blame even fell on PG&E for not maintaining its power lines properly and keeping trees pruned back so they could not fall and start fires.
Bankruptcy is the outcome. Let that be a lesson to other corporate managers. Climate change is real. Plan for it.
Source: Erik Kobayashi-Solomon, “PG&E: The First S&P 500 Climate Change Casualty,” Medium.
Airlines consume about 87 billion gallons of fuel per year. Very little of it has been sustainable, and price is one of the reasons. Even if it could be produced in sufficient quantity, biofuels cost now about $16 a gallon, as compared to $2.50 for conventional fuel. But considerable work is being done to develop sustainable fuel for planes and it may be achieved within a few years.
Burn it instead!
Okay, so my question is naive, but I still want to know. Whatever I read about recycling says it is not very helpful. It takes a lot of labor to process it, and a lot of the stuff gets sent to the landfill anyway. And there are other arguments that I haven’t followed closely. But then why not just burn it? Isn’t a big incinerator better than a landfill? Especially if we use the heat for some useful purpose– either to heat something that needs it, or as a source of energy.
There must be a good, reasonable answer or else we would be burning our trash. But I haven’t heard it. Can anyone explain? Thanks.
Heat Pumps Save Energy!
Call more things ‘parks,’ please
The Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park – in Ontario – is the largest undeveloped provincial park in Southern Ontario. That is, there are no central park facilities, etc. It’s a lot of wilderness.
Interestingly, the park – before it was parkland – was extensively logged. It was known as the burnt lands for a while – due to the desolation and lack of trees – from both logging and repeated wildfires. Since then, it has regrown and is now dense bush – including forests, swamps, etc – and is likely a large carbon sink. Perhaps more areas need to be declared parks.
Carbon sinks or carbon dumps?
Earth’s entire atmosphere and water systems are being used as our carbon dumps?
Perhaps due to (everyone’s sole spaceship) Earth’s large size, there seems to be a general obliviousness in regards to our natural environment. It’s as though throwing non-biodegradable garbage down a dark chute, or pollutants emitted out of exhaust and drainage pipes, or spewed from sky-high jet engines and very tall smoke stacks—or even the largest contamination events—can somehow be safely absorbed into the air, sea, and land (i.e. out of sight, out of mind); like we’re safely inconsequentially dispensing of that waste into a compressed-into-nothing black-hole singularity.
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It’s undoubtedly convenient for the fossil fuel industry to have such a large portion of mainstream society simply too exhausted and preoccupied with just barely feeding and housing their families on a substandard, if not below the poverty line, income to criticize the former for the great damage it’s doing to our planet’s natural environment and therefore our health, particularly when that damage may not be immediately observable.
After all, why worry about such things immediately unseen, regardless of their most immense importance, especially when there are various undesirable politicians and significant social issues over which to dispute—distractions our mainstream news-media sadly are only too willing to sell us?
To have almost everyone addicted to driving their own fossil-fuel-powered single occupant vehicle surely helps keep their collective mouths shut about the planet’s greatest and very profitable polluter, lest they feel like and/or be publicly deemed hypocrites.
Sustainable Government Buildings
I am a student at the University of Toronto and often walk by the Ontario legislative and parliament buildings, which abut the campus. I think it would be an interesting initiative to see various government and institutional (colleges, universities, etc.) buildings — such as Queen’s Park, etc. — install solar panels on their roofs, etc. These buildings have large foot prints (surface area) with both angled / flat roofs — and could likely generate a fair bit of electricity from solar panels. This would demonstrate beneficial and innovative land stewardship and create a positive role model for other individuals and property managers in various contexts. It could additionally save money for the government!
(Some of the buildings use skylights for interior lighting – though there is a lot of underutilized space on the structure…)
Buildings such as these could even re-cycle / re-use rain water from the roofs – either for irrigation of the grounds – or for use in the building (other than drinking water).
Oh, lord. If the Pentagon believes it, maybe I should too.
A Use for Carbon Dioxide
What works?
The Short List Of Climate Actions That Will Work
There is more consensus on what solutions are effective than there appears to be
By Michael Barnard. Medium, Oct. 22, 2019 .
I spend a lot of time critiquing solutions for low-carbon transformation, and that leads, inevitably, to people asking me: what works? What should we be doing? Most recently, that came in the form of a question on Quora that was well enough formed to trigger me to write down the solution set: “What exactly is the current scientific consensus on steps to combat climate change?“
Consensus is an interesting word. I tend to prefer consilience, where multiple lines of investigation lead to the same conclusions. That said, the following are the solutions or approaches that I see from my investigations and discussions as gaining consensus and consilience. It’s not the how, but the what. There are many paths that lead to these realities. One way to read the following is to consider that it describes the world in 2050.
This list doesn’t necessarily map easily to Project Drawdown because its approach is a cost benefit analysis of CO2e reductions for dollars, while this is a more aggressive transformational vision.
The Short List
Electrify everything
Convert all energy services to work directly from electricity instead of fossil fuels. Transportation, industry, and agriculture. All of it. All gas appliances must go. All road transport must be electric. Most trains and a lot of planes must shift to electric. Electricity creating biofuels or hydrogen for the subset of transportation that can’t be electrified. All heat from electricity. The US throws away two thirds of all primary energy, mostly in the form of waste heat from fossil fuels used in inherently inefficient combustion processes. We only have to replace a third of the actual primary energy we use today to maintain our lifestyle and economy.
Overbuild renewable generation
All other forms of generation with the exception of nuclear were overbuilt, so we’ll do the same with wind and solar, and they are really cheap, so that is not that expensive. Also a bit of geothermal and some biomass. After all, only $3 trillion of renewables would provide all primary energy for everything the US does today.
Build continent-scale electrical grids and markets
And improve existing ones. HVDC became much more viable with high-speed hybrid circuit breakers in 2011, and is an essential technology for long-distance, low-loss electrical transmission. It can replace some AC transmission and be buried along existing right-of-ways.
Build a fair amount of hydro storage
And some other storage too. While storage of electricity is an overstated concern given overbuilt renewables and continent-scale grids, some is still required. Pumped hydro resource potential is far greater than the need, is efficient, and uses very stable, known technologies. Shifting existing hydro-electric dams to be passive, on-demand storage as opposed to baseload is also key. Fast response grid storage can be provided by existing lithium-ion technologies, as Tesla has proven in California and Australia. By 2050, we’ll have roughly 20 TWh of batteries on wheels in US cars alone, available both for demand management to reduce peak demand, soak up excess generation, and to provide vehicle-to-grid electricity as needed.
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Plant a lot of trees
We have cut down about 50% of the six trillion trees that used to grow on earth. Planting a trillion trees would buy us a lot of time as they sucked about a ton of CO2 from the atmosphere per tree over 40 years.
Change agricultural practices
High-tillage agriculture is a process that keeps releasing carbon captured by the soil back into the atmosphere. Switching to low-tillage farming would buy us a lot of time as the CO2 captured by farmland would stay in the soil a lot longer, and some of it would be permanently sequestered.
Fix concrete and steel
8% of global CO2 emissions come from making Portland cement. It’s absolutely critical to urban densification and industry, so we won’t stop making it. But it’s a huge source of CO2, about half from the energy and half from CO2 that bakes off limestone as it is turned into quicklime. Electrifying that energy flow helps a lot, but capturing that CO2 is one of the few places where mechanical carbon capture makes sense. Steel will mostly be fixed by aggressively turning internal combustion cars and other fossil fuel infrastructure into new steel using electric minimills. 70% of North American steel is already made this way.
Price carbon aggressively
The simplest way to get a lot of people and industries to shift away from emitting lots of CO2 is to make it expensive. That’s what carbon taxes do.
Shut down coal and gas generation aggressively
Getting rid of coal is already happening, but it’s by far the biggest single source of CO2 emissions. Aggressive actions to eliminate burning coal are needed. For gas, the question is how few gas plants can we build, how many of them can we run on biologically sourced methane and how fast can we shut them down.
Stop financing and subsidies for fossil fuel
Exploration, extraction, and use, just cut it out. The US alone spends tens of billions of dollars annually on subsidies of various kinds for the fossil fuel industry, and hasn’t done a thing about it since committing to eliminate them in 2009. The G7 and G20 have committed to eliminating subsidies, but progress has been very slow. The World Bank continues to finance coal, oil, and gas projects, despite commitments to end them.
Eliminate HFCs in refrigeration
The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer targets the unforeseen side effects of displacing ozone-depleting CFCs with high global warming potential HFCs. Project Drawdown puts this at #1 on its ranked list of solutions by cost vs benefit. The US has not ratified this Amendment, although 65 other countries have.
There are some mildly controversial things left out of this list:
Nuclear power is too slow to build and too expensive
That’s empirical reality, not an advocacy statement. The conditions for rapid build that existed in a couple of places and times in the past don’t exist today. And we need a lot of clean electricity very quickly. Nuclear need not apply. Keep existing nuclear going, don’t stop new nuclear buildout in China, pretty much the only place building new generation capacity, but don’t expect it to be more than a rounding error in a few decades. New nuclear technologies are decades from commercial deployment at any scale, and we have technologies that are reliable, predictable, cheap, and fast to build, so there will be nothing for new nuclear to do once it actually makes it out of R&D.
Mechanical carbon capture and sequestration is a mostly dead end
This is an overhyped fig leaf for the fossil fuel industry. Virtually every CCS site is actually an enhanced oil recovery site which recovers oil that couldn’t be pumped out before, typically enough that 2–3 times more CO2 is generated from the oil than was put underground. Exceptions are natural gas wells with too high a concentration of CO2, leading to 25 times the emissions once the natural gas is burned. Expensive, unscalable, and wasteful. As stated, it might be useful for concrete.
Air-to-fuel technologies are dead ends
Solutions such as Carbon Engineering’s direct-air-capture with hydrogen electrolysis to create synthetic fuels is a broken model. It’s vastly more expensive and higher CO2 emitting than electrification or biological pathway fuel synthesis. Any money spent on this would have vastly better results if spent on renewables instead. It’s not an either-or, but in this case policy makers should ignore this and governments shouldn’t fund it.
The military is a hard problem
The military requires vast amounts of high energy fuel in places with no electrical supply chain, often for months at a time. The US military is considered by many to be the single largest CO2 emitting organization in the world. However, eliminating global fossil fuel strategic military actions — which describes virtually everything done in the Middle East for the last 100 years — will diminish the need for the US military substantially. A great deal of its current emissions, which hopefully will start coming to light once the US signs the Paris Accord either in 2021 or 2025 once Trump is gone, are related to the ongoing Middle Eastern deployments. There’s only so much we can do for biofuels, but to be clear, the world has been in a period of diminishing military conflict since the end of WWII. Globalization may have downsides, but the ties of trade and treaties which bind countries together have been highly effective in allowing diplomacy pathways to work, and making the military option increasingly difficult to consider.
Where approaches or recommendations from people or groups diverge from the above, question what lobbying groups are involved, where revenue will be lost or gained and in general what the motivations of the people or organizations involved are. This is all empirically grounded analysis. It’s not rocket science.
We have the solutions. We just need the will to execute, which is being sapped by the losers in this necessary transformation, predominantly the fossil fuel industry.
This article originally appeared on CleanTechnica.
Carbon Parks
Is it time for Canada and the world to create carbon parks?
By Dan Kraus
Over the last 134 years, more than 8,300 parks and protected areas have been established across Canada that protect wildlife, examples of different habitats, spectacular scenery, recreational areas and places of cultural importance.
In a world where rapid climate change is impacting the stability of our planet’s health and threatening the well-being of future generations, we need a new type of protected area.
Nature plays an important role in carbon storage and reducing carbon pollution. When we lose forests, wetlands and grasslands, we lose species and habitats. But we also lose the carbon that these lands store in soil, roots and stems.
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Carbon parks and reserves would support Canada’s internationally agreed upon Target 1 commitment to protect 17 per cent of land and inland waters by 2020. Target 1 also includes conserving areas that are of particular importance for ecological services, meaning places that conserve nature’s benefits to people. In a world that is quickly warming and shifting to a new abnormal, carbon storage is a service that we desperately need.
There are few other places on the planet that have as much carbon stored as Canada. It’s been estimated that our northern lands hold an amount of carbon that is equivalent to one-fifth of all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today. The release of this carbon would be like a carbon bomb going off. It would move the Earth into uncharted levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Much of our Canadian carbon is stored in peatlands, a type of wetland often referred to by its Cree name: muskeg. Peatlands cover only three per cent of the planet’s surface, but store more carbon than all of the world’s forests combined. Canada has more peatlands than any other nation, and most of these are still intact. Protecting our peatland along with forests and grasslands that hold carbon can be Canada’s most important global contribution to climate change.
Carbon parks in Canada could play a critical two-for-one role in climate change. Wetlands, forests and grasslands store carbon, but also help to buffer nature and people from the increasing number of extreme weather events, such as floods and drought. The protection of these places also protects the quality of our drinking water and provides places for recreation.
We are a big country blessed with a rich endowment of nature, but it could slip away without our action.
Dan Kraus is the senior conservation biologist with the Nature Conservancy Canada
Hard times ahead!
U.S. Military Could Collapse Within 20 Years Due to Climate Change, Report Commissioned By Pentagon Says
The report says a combination of global starvation, war, disease, drought, and a fragile power grid could have cascading, devastating effects.
by Nafeez Ahmed | Oct 24 2019, 9:00am
According to a new U.S. Army report, Americans could face a horrifically grim future from climate change involving blackouts, disease, thirst, starvation and war. The study found that the US military itself might also collapse. This could all happen over the next two decades, the report notes.
The senior US government officials who wrote the report are from several key agencies including the Army, Defense Intelligence Agency, and NASA. The study called on the Pentagon to urgently prepare for the possibility that domestic power, water, and food systems might collapse due to the impacts of climate change as we near mid-century.
The report was commissioned by General Mark Milley, Trump’s new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, making him the highest-ranking military officer in the country (the report also puts him at odds with Trump, who does not take climate change seriously.)
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The report, titled Implications of Climate Change for the U.S. Army, was launched by the U.S. Army War College in partnership with NASA in May at the Wilson Center in Washington DC. The report was commissioned by Gen. Milley during his previous role as the Army’s Chief of Staff. It was made publicly available in August via the Center for Climate and Security, but didn’t get a lot of attention at the time.
The two most prominent scenarios in the report focus on the risk of a collapse of the power grid within “the next 20 years,” and the danger of disease epidemics. Both could be triggered by climate change in the near-term, it notes.
“Increased energy requirements” triggered by new weather patterns like extended periods of heat, drought, and cold could eventually overwhelm “an already fragile system.”
The report also warns that the US military should prepare for new foreign interventions in Syria-style conflicts, triggered due to climate-related impacts. Bangladesh in particular is highlighted as the most vulnerable country to climate collapse in the world.
“The permanent displacement of a large portion of the population of Bangladesh would be a regional catastrophe with the potential to increase global instability,” the report warns. “This is a potential result of climate change complications in just one country. Globally, over 600 million people live at sea level.”
Sea level rise, which could go higher than 2 meters by 2100 according to one recent study, “will displace tens (if not hundreds) of millions of people, creating massive, enduring instability,” the report adds.
The US should therefore be ready to act not only in Bangladesh, but in many other regions, like the rapidly melting Arctic—where the report recommends the US military should take advantage of its hydrocarbon resources and new transit routes to repel Russian encroachment.
But without urgent reforms, the report warns that the US military itself could end up effectively collapsing as it tries to respond to climate collapse. It could lose capacity to contain threats in the US and could wilt into “mission failure” abroad due to inadequate water supplies.
Total collapse of the power grid
The report paints a frightening portrait of a country falling apart over the next 20 years due to the impacts of climate change on “natural systems such as oceans, lakes, rivers, ground water, reefs, and forests.”
Current infrastructure in the US, the report says, is woefully underprepared: “Most of the critical infrastructures identified by the Department of Homeland Security are not built to withstand these altered conditions.”
Some 80 percent of US agricultural exports and 78 percent of imports are water-borne. This means that episodes of flooding due to climate change could leave lasting damage to shipping infrastructure, posing “a major threat to US lives and communities, the US economy and global food security,” the report notes.
At particular risk is the US national power grid, which could shut down due to “the stressors of a changing climate,” especially changing rainfall levels:
“The power grid that serves the United States is aging and continues to operate without a coordinated and significant infrastructure investment. Vulnerabilities exist to electricity-generating power plants, electric transmission infrastructure and distribution system components,” it states.
As a result, the “increased energy requirements” triggered by new weather patterns like extended periods of heat, drought, and cold could eventually overwhelm “an already fragile system.”
The report’s grim prediction has already started playing out, with utility PG&E cutting power to more than a million people across California to avoid power lines sparking another catastrophic wildfire. While climate change is intensifying the dry season and increasing fire risks, PG&E has come under fire for failing to fix the state’s ailing power grid.
The US Army report shows that California’s power outage could be a taste of things to come, laying out a truly dystopian scenario of what would happen if the national power grid was brought down by climate change. One particularly harrowing paragraph lists off the consequences bluntly:
“If the power grid infrastructure were to collapse, the United States would experience significant:
• Loss of perishable foods and medications
• Loss of water and wastewater distribution systems
• Loss of heating/air conditioning and electrical lighting systems
• Loss of computer, telephone, and communications systems (including airline flights, satellite networks and GPS services)
• Loss of public transportation systems
• Loss of fuel distribution systems and fuel pipelines
• Loss of all electrical systems that do not have back-up power”
Although the report does not dwell on the implications, it acknowledges that a national power grid failure would lead to a perfect storm requiring emergency military responses that might eventually weaken the ability of the US Army to continue functioning at all: “Relief efforts aggravated by seasonal climatological effects would potentially accelerate the criticality of the developing situation. The cascading effects of power loss… would rapidly challenge the military’s ability to continue operations.”
Also at “high risk of temporary or permanent closure due to climate threats” are US nuclear power facilities.
There are currently 99 nuclear reactors operating in the US, supplying nearly 20 percent of the country’s utility-scale energy. But the majority of these, some 60 percent, are located in vulnerable regions which face “major risks” including sea level rise, severe storms, and water shortages.
The report’s authors believe that domestic military operations will be necessary to contain future disease outbreaks. There is no clear timeline for this, except the notion of being prepared for imminent surprises: “Climate change is introducing an increased risk of infectious disease to the US population. It is increasingly not a matter of ‘if’ but of when there will be a large outbreak.”
Areas in the south of the US will see an increase in precipitation of between .5 and .8 mm a day, along with an increase in average annual temperatures of 1 to 3 degrees Celsius (C) by 2050.
Along with warmer winters, these new conditions will drive the proliferation of mosquitos and ticks. This in turn will spur the spread of diseases “which may be previously unseen in the US”, and accelerate the reach of diseases currently found in very small numbers such as Zika, West Nile Virus, Lyme disease, and many others:
“The US Army will be called upon to assist in much the same way it was called upon in other disasters. Detailed coordination with local, state and federal agencies in the most high risk regions will hasten response time and minimize risk to mission.”
A new era of endless war
The new report is especially significant given the Trump administration’s climate science denial. Commissioned by General Mark Milley, now the highest ranking military officer in the United States, the report not only concludes that climate change is real, but that it is on track to create an unprecedented catastrophe that could lead to the total collapse of US society without serious investments in new technology and infrastructure. However, while focusing on projected climate impacts, the report does not discuss the causes of climate change in human fossil fuel emissions.
The report was written by an interdisciplinary team active across several US government agencies, including the White House’s Office of American Innovation, the Secretary of Defense’s Protecting Critical Technology Task Force, NASA’s Harvest Consortium, the US Air Force Headquarters’ Directorate of Weather, the US Army’s National Guard, and the US State Department. The US Army War College did not respond to a request for comment.
Their report not only describes the need for massive permanent military infrastructure on US soil to stave off climate collapse, but portends new foreign interventions due to climate change.
The authors argue that the Syrian civil war could be a taste of future international conflicts triggered by climate-induced unrest. There is “no question that the conflict erupted coincident with a major drought in the region which forced rural people into Syrian cities as large numbers of Iraqi refugees arrived,” they say.
The resulting conflict “reignited civil war in Iraq,” and heightened military tensions between the US and Russia.
“The Syrian population has declined by about 10 percent since the start of the war, with millions of refugees fleeing the nation, increasing instability in Europe, and stoking violent extremism,” the report concludes.
The most urgent case for a potential US intervention, however, is the South Asian country of Bangladesh.
With half its 160 million-strong population currently living at sea level, some 80 million Bangladeshis are set to be displaced as huge areas of the country become “uninhabitable” due to climate impacts: “How will this large scale displacement affect global security in a region with nearly 40 percent of the world’s population and several antagonistic nuclear powers?”
With a population eight times that of Syria’s, the report explains, “permanent displacement of a large portion of the population of Bangladesh would be a regional catastrophe with the potential to increase global instability.”
The authors recommend the US Army work with the State Department and USAID to “strengthen the resilience of [Bangladeshi] government agencies and provide training for the Bangladeshi military.”
Water scarcity will destabilize nations—and the U.S. Army
While sea level rise offers one specific type of risk, another comes from water scarcity due to climate change, population increase, and poor water management. The report describes water scarcity as a near-term risk driving civil unrest and political instability.
By 2040, global demand for fresh water will exceed availability, and by 2030 one-third of the world population will inhabit the “water-stressed regions” of North Africa, Southern Africa, the Middle East, China, and the United States, the report notes.
The decline in water availability over the next two decades will lead to an increase in “social disruption” in poor, vulnerable regions.
Water scarcity is also a driver of possible global food system failure, which could trigger new “outbreaks of civil conflict and social unrest.”
The report depicts a global food system increasingly disrupted by “rapid freeze-thaw cycles in spring and fall, soil degradation, depletion of fossil water aquifers, intensified spread of agricultural pests and diseases, and damage to shipping infrastructure as a consequence of flooding.”
Such food system instability will result in “significant increases in mortality in vulnerable locations, which are those where DoD-supported humanitarian intervention is most likely.”
But foreign military interventions, particularly in water scarce regions of the Middle East and North Africa, might not be viable unless the US Army invents or acquires radical new technologies to distribute adequate levels of water to soldiers.
The problem is so bad and so expensive, the report says, that the Army “is precipitously close to mission failure concerning hydration of the force in a contested arid environment.”
Water is currently 30-40 percent of the costs required to sustain a US military force operating abroad, according to the new Army report. A huge infrastructure is needed to transport bottled water for Army units. So the report recommends major new investments in technology to collect water from the atmosphere locally, without which US military operations abroad could become impossible. The biggest obstacle is that this is currently way outside the Pentagon’s current funding priorities.
Rampaging for Arctic oil
And yet the report’s biggest blind-spot is its agnosticism on the necessity for a rapid whole society transition away from fossil fuels.
Bizarrely for a report styling itself around the promotion of environmental stewardship in the Army, the report identifies the Arctic as a critical strategic location for future US military involvement: to maximize fossil fuel consumption.
Noting that the Arctic is believed to hold about a quarter of the world’s undiscovered hydrocarbon reserves, the authors estimate that some 20 percent of these reserves could be within US territory, noting a “greater potential for conflict” over these resources, particularly with Russia.
The melting of Arctic sea ice is depicted as a foregone conclusion over the next few decades, implying that major new economic opportunities will open up to exploit the region’s oil and gas resources as well as to establish new shipping routes: “The US military must immediately begin expanding its capability to operate in the Artic to defend economic interests and to partner with allies across the region.”
Senior US defense officials in Washington clearly anticipate a prolonged role for the US military, both abroad and in the homeland, as climate change wreaks havoc on critical food, water and power systems. Apart from causing fundamental damage to our already strained democratic systems, the bigger problem is that the US military is by far a foremost driver of climate change by being the world’s single biggest institutional consumer of fossil fuels.
The prospect of an ever-expanding permanent role for the Army on US soil to address growing climate change impacts is a surprisingly extreme scenario which goes against the grain of the traditional separation of the US military from domestic affairs.
In putting this forward, the report inadvertently illustrates what happens when climate is seen through a narrow ‘national security’ lens. Instead of encouraging governments to address root causes through “unprecedented changes in all aspects of society” (in the words of the UN’s IPCC report this time last year), the Army report demands more money and power for military agencies while allowing the causes of climate crisis to accelerate. It’s perhaps no surprise that such dire scenarios are predicted, when the solutions that might avert those scenarios aren’t seriously explored.
Rather than waiting for the US military to step in after climate collapse—at which point the military itself could be at risk of collapsing—we would be better off dealing with the root cause of the issue skirted over by this report: America’s chronic dependence on the oil and gas driving the destabilization of the planet’s ecosystems.
But what are the waste products?
I have heard algae and ocean environments act as both large carbon sinks and produce significant quantities of oxygen. I had not heard of this specific Eos bioreactor device – though it is an interesting article. One of my questions- not addressed by the article – is what waste products are produced by these devices?
Thanks for sharing.
I agree. And I too haven’t heard anything about it lately. Have any of you folks?
I’ve heard that it’s just not at all sustainable. The fish are too close together- if one get’s sick, they all get sick so they always use antibiotics- plus, these fish just bring disease to fish in the wild too.
Who’s Printing Your New House?
Here’s how the Kiwis are doing it
Firstly when you say the best way to reduce the consumption of energy is not to change the building codes but simply to tax heavily the carbon in fuel, I would agree. Tax the carbon in fuel heavily but also incentivise the use of products, services and practices employed by companies. Combine incentives with a combination of preferred local authority contractors at a local authority level, possibly even combined with less red tape at the building consent stage and finally seek at a national / state / province level to add tax breaks to qualifying companies.
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Secondly I would just like to add a comment on the lack of progress inspections for Green Builds. As an inspector, I see building products being substituted regularly during the course of a build. Sometimes product substitutions are easily picked up here in NZ and are either reversed or, must to go back to the licencing authority if it is a major deviation from the plan, especially those that affect high risk areas (also equally high risk in the litigious sense), such as weather-tightness, structure, durability or fire.
My call is that certain declared, low embedded energy products are added to this list and are given the same level of importance. The list does not have to be big and could be directly tied to the LEED or even the Green Building Councils (here in NZ and in Australia) with the cost covered by those green building authorities (to begin with at least) and checked as part of the main build at each stage.
Final sign off from the building authority will necessitate the additional product and practitioner documentation forwarded at the completion of the build before final sign-off as we do here with all other stages of the build.
We tend to treat minor variations in NZ with more latitude if they can be declared, re-designed with revised documentation from the Designer and Engineer and, then approved by the owner or their agent. Following completion of a `Minor Variation’ an inspection can then pass and the build can then proceed with less red tape, this includes certain product substitutions, the idea being that it will still perform to the same standard and will thus comply with building legislation (or indeed to sustainable outcomes) and importantly, is recorded.
Hurrah for algae!
This algae bioreactor can remove as much carbon dioxide as an acre of trees
By Mike Brown | Sept. 17, 2019
On Tuesday, A.I.-focused technology firm Hypergiant Industries announced a machine that uses the aquatic organisms to sequester carbon dioxide. Algae, the company claims, is “one of nature’s most efficient machines.” By pairing it with a machine learning system, its developers hope to make these talents even more effective.
That’s not all. The team claims the device, which measures three feet on each side and seven feet tall, can sequester as much carbon as a whole acre of trees — estimated somewhere around two tons.
“We’ve been thinking about climate change solutions in only a very narrow scope,” Ben Lamm, CEO of the Austin-based firm, tells Inverse. “Trees are part of the solution but there are so many other biological solutions that are useful. Algae is much more effective than trees at reducing carbon in the atmosphere, and can be used to create carbon negative fuels, plastics, textiles, food, fertilizer and much more.”
It’s not the only ambitious idea in the works at the six-division Hypergiant Industries. Its Galactic division is aiming to build a multi-planetary internet by using satellites as relays. Last month, it took the wraps off a prototype Iron Man-like helmet that could aid search and rescue teams. The company, founded last year, counts Bill Nye and astronaut Andy Allen among its advisory board members.
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Hypergiant’s algae-powered bioreactor is the sort of idea that could be needed now more than ever. Despite a push to greener technologies, global annual carbon emissions rose in 2018 to hit an all-time high of 37.1 billion tonnes. That’s after two years of a relative plateau between 2014 and 2016. This has resulted in a global climate shift, where 2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record. Several countries, including the United Kingdom, have pledged to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
Research has shown that restoring forests by an area the size of the United States could cut carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a staggering 25 percent, reaching levels not seen for a century. While planting trees could play an important role in the pushback, alternative solutions like carbon capture and storage and new sequestering technologies could also help remove carbon from the atmosphere.
Algae bioreactor: how to supercharge natural processes
Algae, Hypergiant Industries explains, needs three elements for growth: light, water, and carbon dioxide. The machine monitors factors like light, available carbon dioxide, temperature and more to maximize the amount sequestered by the algae.
“One Eos Bioreactor sequesters the same amount of carbon from the atmosphere as an entire acre of trees,” Lamm says. “With enough Eos devices, we could make whole cities carbon-neutral or even negative, and at a rate that is so much faster than that of trees. That’s the dream: breathable, livable cities for everyone and right now.”
When the algae consumes carbon dioxide, it produces biomass. The company has suggested that this biomass could be used in a number of applications, like making oils or cosmetics. A smart city could take the biomass and use it for fuels. The machine is small enough to fit inside office buildings, and Lamm tells FastCompany that the initial prototype it’s currently operating can attach to a building’s HVAC system to clean the air inside.
Shouldn’t we worry about those planned wooden skyscrapers?
Chicago and London are both researching wooden skyscrapers 80-storeys tall, whereas Taiwan has one planned (70 storeys) for 2041. Is this possible with the compression that will be exerted on the on the wood materials as the weight of the upper floors press down on the base? How will these survive potential intense storms and/or earthquakes? Even if it is possible, is it wise to construct such large buildings out of a material such as wood?
Tip: Sneak in Through an Open Stoma!
By Kathy Voth
Imagine you’re a carbon molecule floating in the atmosphere and your mission is to get from there into the soil and stay there for decades.
Your first step — slip into a plant through an open stoma.
Stomata are microscopic openings on the surfaces of plant leaves that allow for the easy passage of water vapor, carbon dioxide and oxygen. They are crucial to the function of leaves as photosynthesis requires plenty of carbon dioxide as well as the release of waste oxygen and excess water.
Inside the plant you go through your first transformation: photosynthesis. You’re combined with water (H20) and photons from sunlight to become glucose (C6H12O6). You’re now part of the body of the plant. From here, there are multiple routes to your destination, some that take much longer than others. You could become part of the body of a cow, or part of her manure. You might be part of a plant that gets trampled onto the soil, or you might be part of the roots that get sloughed off periodically underground.
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Which ever route you take, you eventually end up in the soil as organic matter -– a tasty meal for soil microbes. As they eat, they respire carbon back into the atmosphere as CO2. That means that if you’re going to accomplish your mission of staying in the soil, you have to avoid these hungry microbes.
How do you get away and become sequestered?
That’s the puzzle that scientists have been working on, and they’ve recently discovered how carbon molecules escape: through very tiny pore spaces in the soil.
A team of researchers led by Alexandra Kravchenko found that the pores in the range of 30-150 µm (about the size of 1 to 3 human hairs) can trap carbon molecules, making them inaccessible to the microorganisms that might otherwise consume them and send. Of course, the more of these tiny spaces there are, the more carbon is effectively sequestered in the soil. Knowing how to create those environments will help us sequester more carbon, improving soil fertility, improving forage production and wildlife habitat, and increasing resilience to droughts and floods.
To help us with this, over a nine-year period, Alexandra Kravchenko and her team studied five cropping systems: continuous corn, corn with cover crops, a switchgrass monoculture, a poplar system with trees and undergrowth, and native succession. In the end, only the two systems with high plant diversity, poplar and native succession, resulted in higher levels of total carbon.
“What we found in native prairie, probably because of all the interactions between the roots of diverse species, is that the entire soil matrix is covered with a network of pores. Thus, the distance between the locations where the carbon input occurs, and the mineral surfaces on which it can be protected is very short,” says Kravchenko. Having these readily available escape routes means that more carbon is sequestered for the long-term.
Kravchenko writes that the 30-150 µm pores are associated with the most active microorganisms that can respond rapidly to increased carbon inputs. When these pores are spread throughout the soil, as they were in the more diverse systems the team studied, the volume of the soil matrix receiving and protecting the products of microbial decomposition is greater as well, and the more soil carbon is accrued. So, while the switchgrass monoculture had the largest root mass and did create the small poor spaces necessary, there was an absence of the necessary volume of pore spaces. Once the layer next to the pore was saturated, most of the carbon was oxidized into CO2 and returned to the atmosphere…
Simply increasing biomass, in the form of above ground residue or below ground roots, does not necessarily help us accumulate more carbon in the soil. We now know that, not only does the plant community help determine the soil microbial community, but by adding to and changing soil pore space, they help define where microorganisms can live and how well they can function. The larger the “footprint” of the microbial community the better it is for keeping carbon in the soil.
What can you do with this?
The lesson once again is that diversity is important. If you’re looking across your pasture and see one species, think about how you might add more. Some folks have found that all it takes is better grazing management to create an environment that helps a greater variety of plants to thrive and grow. If you’re considering seeding, talk to your supplier or with Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation District, or Extension staff in your area about what kind of mixes will work best for you. If you’re managing row crops, use a variety of cover crops. Avoid monocultures whenever possible.
New Discovery on the Mechanics of Keeping Carbon in the Soil and What It Means For Your Pastures
By Kathy Voth / On Pasture. October 21, 2019 .
Mass Timber is Supposed to be Safe
Allegedly the timber components are stronger than conventional wood – as they are multiple layers of wood glued together. This increased density of material additionally assists with fire prevention purposes. Do you have any insight – from your perspective – as to why wood skyscrapers have become somewhat popular in Scandinavia?
Builders, We’re Out of Time!
We are out of time. I have been working on offgrid passive buildings since 1992. The good news is that we have had the technology to do net positive buildings for decades.<'em> With cheap polluting fossil fuels propagating false economies, it didn’t make financial sense to do it. Now, every building that is not built net zero or positive bakes in even more costly climate impact. Pay now or pay later.
I’d like to see the 2030 Challenge (with its Energy Use Intensity target in eKwh/ m2/ year) adopted worldwide but even that has shortcomings. B.C.’s Step Code is on the right path with a Carbon Use Intensity target, but we do need life cycle targets that consider the embodied energy built in to incentivize getting away from the concrete and steel.
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We need low-rise to mid-rise fairly dense developments—transit-oriented development (TOD). This type of development easily makes low-cost wood structures (no fancy glue-laminated timber or heavy timbers required) and makes public transit cost-effective and viable. Mid-rise developments support small businesses, reduces transportation fuel and reduces embodied energy.
We need mandatory occupant climate impact survey so that people are aware of the impact that their electricity and water usage has and where they sit compared to our targets ( There is no need for high-rise concrete structures with window walls even if they have a thermally-broken balcony (Schöck Isokorb). These buildings are all currently dead buildings on life support and they are dangerous if the power goes out during a winter storm or summer heat wave. We need passive survivability and Total Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI) targets help measure that.
In addition, we have to address food production and waste, and childcare. Why? Our food production systems are going to collapse—they are predicated on fossil-fuel-based fertilizers and a stable climate. So the design of our buildings needs to embed alternative means for food production (greenhouses and shared gardens), preparation (shared cooking) and childcare (the madness to get to the 6 pm pickup must end!). Our human culture is based on eating together and raising the next generation. Let’s do this more effectively.
Everyone should have a carbon ration and they can choose how to spend it. Some will indulge in long showers and others will go on a flight once every two years. Ideally, we are living in low-carbon buildings in walkable neighbourhoods, using very little electricity and water, and helping each other raise the next generation.
Beware of wooden high-rise buildings
Timber high rises are a PR effort by companies like Weyerhauser and Georgia Pacific. It’s ridiculous to build high rises from wood, which is both heavier and weaker than steel. They are strictly PR stunts, subsidized by the timber industry. No architect or engineer would design them on his own. When one of them catches fire, and they can’t put it out, we will hear all kinds of excuses. Anything but the truth.
Why Everybody Wants a Lawn: And Why it’s Killing the Planet
By Matt J. Weber
This article may shake you up. You’ll probably decide to turn your lawn into something more convenient. But the article (unfortunately) doesn’t suggest that you turn it into a forest. Why not? That’s what the world really needs — about two trillion additional trees, and your lawn is the best place for you to plant your share of them. Still, this great article may motivate you to turn in the right direction. Please share it with everyone you know who has control of a piece of land that’s not already devoted to food crops or trees.
–Carol Wells
This is my lawn. I mow it, water it, pull weeds, and occasionally enjoy it. Though it’s not the greatest lawn in the world, it’s pretty typical. Everybody on my block has one. In fact, pretty much every house in this town has a lawn — each one tended to relentlessly by its owner-occupier.
But what insidious force compels me to expend so much energy on this measly plot of grass? Why not let it grow to its full potential? What’s wrong with a few dandelions? Why do I need a nice lawn at all?
Well, like most things in this world, I can pin the blame squarely on medieval aristocracy. But seriously, the invention of the lawn mower, the passage of the 40-hour work week, and the mass production of cheap housing all contributed to my insatiable desire for a nice, big lawn.
First, though, let’s talk about Angiosperms.
Angiosperms rule the Earth. They’ve been around since the dinosaurs. Today, they occupy over 90 percent of the planet’s land surface. Angiosperms are flowering plants. They constitute most of the plant species on the planet, including all flowers, fruiting plants, deciduous trees, and yes, grasses. Grass itself covers over 40 percent of the Earth’s surface. Our ancestors evolved in the vast grasslands of prehistoric Africa. We are grassland animals. It’s our natural habitat. No wonder it is by far the most common plant used in our lawns.
In the United States, lawns take up more acreage than the top eight crops combined.
But it wasn’t always like this. We didn’t really even start having lawns until the 19th century. And they didn’t really take off until after World War II.
Before that, lawns were mostly limited to the wealthy upper classes of medieval Europe. Nobility were the only ones who could afford to set aside and maintain land that didn’t produce food or contribute to their livelihood in any way. See, maintaining a lawn was hard work back then. The grass had to be cut by hand, using a scythe or shears. Of course, the landed elite that owned these lawns weren’t going to be rolling up their ruffled sleeves and getting their cravats dirty scything their own lawns. No way. They paid people to do that for them. So not only was a lawn a ton of work, it was very expensive.
That is, until the invention of the lawn mower in 1830. Through mechanizing lawn care, virtually anyone — not just the extremely rich — could maintain a lawn. As sports and lawn games became more popular, so did lawns. If you could afford the land and the lawn mowing machine, you were set.
Because extreme wealth was no longer necessary for lawn maintenance, an aspiring lawn owner need only the time to tend to it. But before 1938, many in the U.S. had to work more than eight hours a day during the week and half days on Saturdays. That left little time to take care of a lawn. But in 1938, congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act, mandating the 40-hour work week. Suddenly, workers were free (enough) to conceivably manage a lawn.
But the lawn’s greatest ally was still to come.
Enter, the Suburb
As the cities of the 19th century grew more crowded and industrial, those who could afford it began to move. But they couldn’t move too far away. The jobs were still in the city. So communities sprang up on the outskirts of metropolitan areas, far enough to escape from the density and pollution of the inner city but close enough to commute to work. These were the first suburbs. Many of the houses in these suburban communities were built on enough land to have their own lawns.
Soon, the condition of the lawn became synonymous with the caliber of its homeowner’s character.
While suburbs began to surround most major cities in the US at the turn of the 20th century, they didn’t really take off until after World War II. An influx of war veterans seeking homes increased the demand for cheap, plentiful housing. The GI Bill made it possible for these returning soldiers to buy homes at discounted rates. To keep up with the housing demand, cheap, mass produced housing began to expand throughout the United States.
It was all thanks to William Jaird Levitt.
By circumventing unions, cutting out middlemen, and turning the construction of a home into 27 systematic steps, Levitt created what was essentially the first assembly line for large-scale, low-cost housing. Soon, these Levitt-style housing developments were popping up all over the United States, each one ordained with a pristine plot of well-manicured grass.
Now everybody could have a nice, big lawn.
Well, not really.
Levitt was super racist and restricted the sale of his homes to white Americans. Sales agents were explicitly instructed not to accept any applications from African Americans — even if they were war veterans. So not everybody got a nice, big lawn.
But these suburbs began to represent the American Dream — a place where anyone with a can-do spirit and a hardworking attitude (and the right complexion) could obtain their own piece of land with their very own pre-fabricated home, complete with 2.5 kids and an immaculate lawn. Soon, the condition of the lawn became synonymous with the caliber of its homeowner’s character. A well-maintained lawn meant a well-run, hardworking household, populated by true Americans who work 40 hours during the week but don’t spend their weekends in idleness. No, they have a lawn to take care of. It needs to be mowed and watered. Unwelcome plant varieties need to be removed to make room for a perfectly uniform mat of green grass. An overgrown, neglected lawn reflected laziness on the part of the homeowner, even a decrepitude of moral fiber. Because if you’re not maintaining your lawn to the same standards as your neighbors, you must be some kind of social deviant. Just as Levitt was enforcing a monoculture within his suburbs, his homeowners were cultivating a monoculture of plants in their lawns.
Having a nice, big lawn is more than just a symbolic act. Many communities across the U.S. actively police the upkeep of their neighborhood’s lawns. Homeowners can be subject to a fine if their grass isn’t clipped short enough or if their yard doesn’t adhere to the community’s standards of lawn care.
It’s all pretty insane when you think about it. But humans are weird. Especially Americans.
Lawns, Meet Climate Change
Our national obsession with lawns is putting a real strain on the environment.
We apply more synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to our lawns than an equivalent area of cropland. Not only can this hurt local wildlife, these chemicals can end up in our own drinking water. The manufacture and use of these chemicals require large amounts of fossil fuels and contribute to global warming. Lawnmowers and landscaping equipment account for 10-18 percent of non-transportation related gasoline emissions. Running a single lawn mower for an hour emits just as much pollution as 40 automobiles, according to the EPA (though some dispute this claim, they agree that a single lawn mower produces more pollution than multiple cars). In a year, a hectare of lawn can contribute as many greenhouse gases as a jet flying halfway around the world. Not to mention that an estimated 17 million gallons of gasoline are spilled every summer while refueling those lawn mowers. That’s almost two Exxon Valdez-scale oil spills every year, right in our front yard.
Most critically, lawns require a lot of water: 50–70 percent of all residential water in the United States goes to landscaping. Irrigated lawns take up nearly three times as much space as irrigated corn. To maintain that amount of grass on a daily basis, nine billion gallons of water need to be allocated to our lawns. That’s like every person in the United States dumping 30 gallons of fresh, drinkable water onto the ground, every single day.
Properly maintained, a lawn can actually help fight climate change while still providing space for barbecues and bocce ball.
But our lawns don’t have to be this much of a drain on the environment. First, we can reduce the amount of fertilizers and pesticides we use just by switching up the plants in our lawn. We don’t need uniform mats of grass. Low maintenance shrubs, herbs, or perennials can take the place of grass and increase the biodiversity of your lawn. Some plants can reduce the amount of time needed for mowing, and increase the natural carbon sequestration potential of our lawns. After all, grasslands are the planet’s great carbon sinks. Properly maintained, a lawn can actually help fight climate change while still providing space for barbecues and bocce ball.
We need only change what it means to have a nice, big lawn.
Truly, environmentally sustainable lawns would be better measures of our moral fiber as citizens of planet Earth than any of those old medieval lawns ever were.
Medium Environment, June 26, 2018
U of Toronto is planning a timber-based 14-storey high-rise
What are your thoughts on this trend of timber-based high-rises? The University of Toronto is proposing plans for a 14-storey high rise adjacent to the Munk School of Global Affairs – but it will be constructed of a timber frame…
I think context is important… how do the clear-cuts (as bad as these are) compare in Borneo vs. Brazil vs. Canada? Are some more sustainable sources of lumber than others? Surely clear-cutting is not the best forest management strategy by any means.
What role does reclaimed lumber play in relation to ecological / environmental impacts? I heard several years ago that reclaimed lumber (including some from logs sank to the bottom of the Ottawa River in the 19th century) was a designer trend.
Sugar Cane Paper
Several years ago, I used to use sugar cane paper (notebooks) when writing notes – particularly in high school and first year of university. I have not seen these notebooks for sale for a while — though will check more stores the next time I go to buy a notebook. This paper was made from leftover components of the sugar cane industry — which made a paper similar to contemporary wood pulp paper.
I recently looked back into this and it turns out there is some research in the field — as it reduces waste from the sugar industry – and may have environmental benefits. Some of the products use an estimated 80% less wood-based products than traditional papers. One of the technical names for this is called bagasse — this is the name for sugar cane by-products – used in various industries, such as biofuel or paper manufacturing.
Perhaps some school boards could look into this initiative based on affordability and environmental benefits – as a way to reduce their environmental footprints.
Blame Americans first
I’m tired of Americans pointing fingers at places like Borneo and Brazil. We consume 25% of the earth’s wood products, and build houses out of lumber, 1/3 of which comes from Canadian clearcuts. Our “green” organizations are scared of the American timber industry. Until that changes, we all go down.
It’s time for an Energy Transition in South East Asia
By: Liming Qiao, Asia Director of GWEC
This urgency is all the more pressing in South East Asia, a region that still relies on fossil fuels in a time where power demand is on the rise as the region’s economy and populations continue to grow.
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While most people can agree that we must decarbonise our economies, the challenge for our industry to become the mainstream energy source is also daunting. There is unprecedented pressure on cost reduction for the whole industry as support schemes are changing around the world. While wind energy in many countries is transitioning to zero subsidies schemes or grid parity, heavy subsidies continue to sustain the fossil fuel industry. While wind energy is still struggling with project financing and bankability challenges of PPAs in several emerging countries, the traditional energy sources are securing their funding easily with investors not fully realising the risks of the “stranded assets”, that is their investment decisions are based on the outdated risk factors, where climate risks are not properly taken into account.
The challenges are even greater in South East Asia region, where population growth, economic development rate and electricity demand are forecasted to soar for decades to come. Yet, this is exactly where the transition to a cleaner energy system is needed the most. Clean energy can not only help to deliver the carbon reductions needed to meet the climate mitigation targets, but also to shield these countries from the volatility of the fuel market and provide a more secure energy supply.
This is the paradox of promoting renewables in this emerging region: there are perceived difficulties of managing and balancing variable renewable energy (VRE) that prevent countries to see the benefits that VRE can provide: a more sustainable, cost-effective and secure source of energy for a national energy system. These perceived difficulties can actually be overcome efficiently through modern technologies and a shift in mindset of grid operators. A system change is crucial to provide a full set of flexibility measures that allow countries to embrace the benefits of VRE. For this to happen, the industry must work together with the government and other stakeholders to make it happen.
We are not yet there and the fight is just beginning. Through GWEC’s South East Asia Task Force, we will continue this fight for an energy transition in the region by engaging with government authorities in key countries to directly promote wind energy, with local and national associations in SEA countries, as well as build an industry networking platform with events and conference in the region to bring all stakeholders together and move the transition forward.
About GWEC Southeast Asia Taskforce
Established in June 2019, GWEC’s South East Asia Task Force is the official industry platform driving wind energy growth and the energy transition in the region. With one of the highest potentials globally for wind energy, South East Asia is the next big market for the industry with a growing population and economy needing more clean and reliable power.
GWEC will host our next SEA Task Force meeting in Singapore on the occasion of Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) and the Asia Clean Energy Summit (ACES) to discuss our strategies on priority markets in SEA.
If you are interested in learning more about our GWEC Asia SEA Taskforce and other membership benefits, contact Raveen Singh at
Green Hydrogen
Decarbonisation impacts depends on how hydrogen is produced. Current and future sourcing options can be divided into grey (fossil fuel-based), blue (fossil fuel-based production with carbon capture, utilisation and storage) and green (renewables-based) hydrogen. Blue and green hydrogen can play a role in the transition and synergies exist.
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Falling renewable power cost and falling capital cost for electrolyzers is creating an economic case for green hydrogen
With falling cost of renewables, the potential of green hydrogen particularly for so called ‘hard-to-decarbonise’ sectors and energy-intensive industries like iron and steel, chemicals, shipping, trucks and aviation is rapidly becoming more compelling given the urgency to limit CO2 emissions. This includes direct hydrogen use but also the production of liquid and gaseous fuels such as ammonia, methanol and synthetic jet fuel from green hydrogen. Electrolyzer deployment is currently ramping up from MW to GW-scale as witnessed by dozens of projects worldwide.
Large-scale adoption of hydrogen could also fuel an increase in demand for renewable power generation, IRENA’s report finds. In total, IRENA sees a global economic potential for 19 exajoule (EJ) of hydrogen from renewable electricity in total final energy consumption by 2050. This translates into around 4-16 terawatts (TW) of solar and wind generation capacity to be deployed to produce renewable hydrogen and hydrogen-based products in 2050.
However, deployment of hydrogen-based solutions will not happen overnight, IRENA’s report cautions. Hydrogen might likely trail other strategies such as electrification of end-use sectors, and its use will target specific applications. The need for a dedicated new supply infrastructure may also limit hydrogen use to certain countries that decide to follow this strategy. Existing natural gas pipelines could be refurbished, but implications must be further explored.
Low-carbon, clean hydrogen should be understood as part of a larger energy transition effort
Green hydrogen could make a substantial contribution to the energy transition in the long run. The report recommends acknowledging the strategic role of hydrogen in the transition and at the same time calls on governments and private sector to better understand energy system benefits, cost-reduction and investment requirements to tap into the potential of a hydrogen future.
Tucson, get with the program!
Renowned linguist and cognitive scientist (etcetera) Noam Chomsky has noted that: “A very good economist, Dean Baker, had a column a couple of weeks ago in which he discussed what China is doing. They are still a big huge polluter, but they are carrying out massive programs of switching to renewable energies way beyond anything else in the world. [American] States are doing it. Or not.” … In Tucson, Arizona, for example, “the sun is shining … most of the year, [but] take a look and see how many solar panels you see. Our house in the suburbs is the only one that has them [in the vicinity].
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People are complaining that they have a thousand-dollar electric bill per month over the summer for air conditioning but won’t put up a solar panel; and in fact the Tucson electric company makes it hard to do. For example, our solar panel has some of the panels missing because you’re not allowed to produce too much electricity …
People have to come to understand that they’ve just got to [reform their habitual non-renewable energy consumption], and fast; and it doesn’t harm them, it improves their lives. For example, it even saves money. But just the psychological barrier that says I … have to keep to the common beliefs [favouring fossil fuels] and that [doing otherwise] is somehow a radical thing that we have to be scared of, is a block that has to be overcome by constant educational organizational activity.”
He concludes: “The way every other popular movement developed — the civil rights movement, the antiwar movement, the feminist movement — just constant, often very small groups, growing into bigger groups for activism. Occasionally they have a dramatic action like a demonstration, but mainly to stimulate ongoing activity. And it can’t be delayed.”
Save the Organgutans
Willie Smits wanted to save organgutans. The effort led him to restore a rainforest and provide livelihood and food for the local people. There’s a lot for us to learn from this TED talk.
The Renewables Pull Ahead!
In 2019, for the first time, more electric energy was produced in UK by green sources than by fossil fuels!
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Solar panel farm grows 17,000 tons of food without soil, pesticides, fossil fuels or groundwater
In addition, the technique can save what are clearly finite resources from extinction, something all of us should clearly favor.
As reported by Natural Blaze, as the world’s population grows, so too does its demand for food. Right now, activist organizations are battling the spread of the genetically modified organisms (GMOs) which have become prevalent in modern agriculture, despite the dangers they pose to our health.
The primary argument for GMO makers like Monsanto and backers in industry and government is that they are necessary because the world is running out of resources, and GMO crops are a better way to boost yields (which is not true, actually). On first hearing it, this argument might sound cogent and believable; after all, it’s “science” and scientists aren’t trying to harm us.
Technology to make agriculture sustainable and environmentally clean
But digging deeper into the impact of GMO crops and the herbicides used to make them most effective, demonstrates well that chemical farming is what’s doing real harm to finite land and soil resources.
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So GMOs aren’t a viable, long-term option. Thankfully, however, a new innovation that is efficient and environmentally friendly – as well as productive – has been developed.
A new start-up called Sundrop Farms has developed what can only be called high-tech greenhouses that employ several solutions to grow crops with far less reliance on finite natural resources, even more than conventional greenhouse production. With offices in the UK, Australia and the US, the company is working to educate, enlighten and, most of all, expand.
Sundrop Farms’ reinvents the resources
In order to grow crops, you need land, water and energy – all finite resources. But Sundrop Farms’ technology sort of reinvents the resources.
In 2010, when the company launched its first pilot farm in Port Augusta, South Australia, it was located in the middle of a desert, where it would have been impossible to grow food using traditional agricultural methods. However, by combining seawater and sunlight, Sundrop Farms has managed to change the agricultural dynamic. It is a technology that negates any effects of climate change (real or imagined), land grabs by biotech companies who only want to spread GMOs, droughts, floods and other natural and man-made occurrences.
Using coconut husks, 23,000 mirrors to reflect solar power, and desalinated water on 20-hectares (roughly 49,400 acres), the developers have grown tons of fresh, wholesome, organic food.
As further reported by Natural Blaze, the facility in South Australia uses seawater from the Spencer Gulf, desalinating it and then using it in a massive greenhouse lined with cardboard, thereby eliminating the need to rely on groundwater or rain for growing produce.
Year-round production and tons of food per year – organically
In addition, the facility also grows food hydroponically – which you can also do at home – thereby further reducing the overall need for water and eliminating the need for soil.
Utilizing the mirrors for power to redirect the desert sun, all that is required is sunlight and seawater to grow as much as 17,000 metric tons of food a year.
And none of it is genetically modified.
What’s more, this kind of agricultural operation can produce year-round. During winter months, the greenhouse is fed with 39 megawatts of clean energy that comes directly from the sun. While the $200 million price tag may seem excessive, consider that with the renewable technologies and year-round growing seasons, such operations can quickly pay for themselves.
But the bigger issue is that Sundrop Farms is redefining the way food can be – and should be – grown in a world where the population is only expanding, along with competition for resources.
IRENA. — International Renewable Energy Association — is an organization that seems to be doing a great deal to promote energy self sufficiency. I saw its Facebook page.
Germany decided after Fukushima to quit, not only coal, but also nuclear. And it’s working!
Germany has released plans — several months ago — to shut down 84 of its coal burning plants to help with climate change.
The decision to quit coal follows an earlier bold energy policy move by the German government, which decided to shut down all of its nuclear power plants by 2022 in the wake of Japan’s Fukushima disaster in 2011.
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At the time, that was harshly criticized as reckless by business leaders, who worried that it would raise electricity prices and make their industries less competitive against foreign rivals. They also pointed out the futility of the move because no other major industrial country followed Germany’s nuclear exit.
Twelve of the country’s 19 nuclear plants have been shuttered so far.
The plan to eliminate coal-burning plants as well as nuclear means that Germany will be counting on renewable energy to provide 65% to 80% of the country’s power by 2040. Last year, renewables overtook coal as the leading source and now account for 41% of the country’s electricity.”
“German CO2 emissions fell appreciably in the early 1990s, largely because of the implosion of Communist East Germany and its heavily polluting industry. Still, the country continued to rely on coal-fired plants for a significant share of its electricity.
Powerful utilities and labor unions helped keep coal-burning plants operating and previous governments even planned to expand the number of coal plants to compensate for the pending withdrawal from nuclear power. There are still about 20,000 jobs directly dependent on the coal industry and 40,000 indirectly tied to it.”
Here is a link to an article by Erik Kirschbaum in the Los Angeles Times with more information:
Hydrogen-powered aircraft produces zero emissions
by Katherine Gallagher on Inhabitant
Alaka’i Technologies has launched a zero-emissions aircraft with six rotors, electric motors and hydrogen fuel cells as well as a range of 400 miles or four hours. The helicopter-meets-drone aircraft was designed to be piloted either in person, remotely or autonomously, with ample space for up to five passengers.
The most impressive feature — that it runs on hydrogen fuel cells — gives this aircraft the potential to become one of the greenest modes of air transportation. The hydrogen fuel cells allow Skai to travel farther and carry more weight, and they are 95 percent reusable, with 99 percent of the remaining materials being recyclable. An Airframe parachute feature adds an additional level of safety, and there is no need for long runways thanks to the vertical take-off and landing capabilities.
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So who exactly designed this futuristic, environmentally friendly aircraft? The creators are an impressive team of nationally recognized aerospace experts, engineers and veteran pilots that have completed top-level positions at organizations such as NASA and the Department of Defense.
Alaka’i Technologies has been around since the 1990s, earning recognition with its development and testing of the world’s first Fly-By-Light aircraft. These days, the company is focused on transportation though hydrogen-powered mobility. For Skai, Alaka’i Technologies teamed up with Designworks, the design studio for the BMW Group. This collaboration promises a sleek, fashionable design in line with the luxury and style for which BMW is known.
Skai also offers so much more than commercial air travel. Brian Morrison, the co-founder, president and chief technology officer of Alaka’i Technologies, suggested that this eco-friendly aircraft can provide affordable and responsible solutions to “everything from relieving traffic congestion to delivering supplies during natural disasters.” Currently, Skai is in testing with the FAA, pending certification. The company plans to launch the piloted version of the aircraft initially and follow with an autonomous version.
First Time Success for Ocean Cleaning Device!
By Jordan Davidson Oct. 03, 2019
Ocean Cleanup has been hard at work on creating a device to attack the plastic waste crisis for seven years, by creating a device that captures plastic in its fold like a giant arm, according to Business Insider. The company announced that it was able to capture and hold debris ranging from large cartons, crates and abandoned fishing gear — or “ghosts nets,” which are a scourge to marine life — to microplastics that are as small as one millimeter, according to an Ocean Cleanup press release.
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“Today, I am very proud to share with you that we are now catching plastics,” Ocean Cleanup founder and CEO Boyan Slat said at a news conference in Rotterdam, as CNN reported.
The system’s success in capturing microplastics came as a welcome surprise since microplastics tend to fall to the ocean floor rather than float on the surface, according to the press release. Since microplasitcs tend to sink, Ocean Cleanup focused on large pieces of plastic.
Slat posted a picture on Twitter of collected debris along side a forsaken wheel.
“Our ocean cleanup system is now finally catching plastic, from one-ton ghost nets to tiny microplastics! Also, anyone missing a wheel?” Slat wrote.
The Ocean Cleanup device is a U-shaped barrier that drops a net below the surface. As the current moves, the net traps faster moving objects that float into it. Fish, however, are able to swim beneath it, according to CNN.
Slat first presented the concept of a giant barrier near the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in a TEDx talk when he was 18 years old. But the project has been slowed by some spectacular failures that Slat and his team learned from. Last year, a design flaw stopped the barrier from holding onto the plastic it captured and a 59-foot section of the barrier disconnected from the device. In its next attempt, the design team noticed that plastic was floating over the top of a cork line that was supposed to stabilize the system, as Business Insider reported.
The team also noticed that the barrier, known as System 001/B was picking up speed from the ocean currents that outpaced the plastic litter. Therefore, after some rethinking and some upgrades, the device was slowed down by a parachute-anchor. That allows faster moving plastic to float into the barrier. After the parachute-anchor was on, the team fixed the corkline so very little plastic was able to pass over the top of the barrier, according to Ocean Cleanup’s press release.
“Our team has remained steadfast in its determination to solve immense technical challenges to arrive at this point,” said Slat in the statement. “Though we still have much more work to do, I am eternally grateful for the team’s commitment and dedication to the mission and look forward to continuing to the next phase of development.”
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is twice the size of Texas, is a swath of plastic debris brought together by the ocean currents and kept in formation by a whirlpool of currents, as The Guardian reported. Ocean Cleanup now wants to scale up the project so it can hold plastic for a year before collection is necessary. It has the goal of removing half of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
The Ocean Cleanup said in its press release that it will now start on its next iteration, System 002, a full-scale cleanup device that will endure rough ocean conditions and retain the collected plastic for long periods of time between collections. Once the plastic is collected, it will be returned to land for recycling.
The science says it is true:
Climate change catching up with us
Methane in Siberian Sea
Sea in Siberia is “boiling” with Methane bubbles
The team, led by Igor Semiletov, from Tomsk Polytechnic University in Russia, traveled to an area of the Eastern Arctic previously known to produce methane fountains. They were studying the environmental consequences of permafrost thawing beneath the ocean.
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Permafrost is ground that is permanently frozen—in some cases for tens of thousands of years. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, permafrost currently covers about 8.7 million square miles of the Northern Hemisphere.
Locked within in the permafrost is organic material. When the ground thaws, this material starts to break down and, as it does, it releases methane—a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide. With global temperatures increasing, scientists are concerned the warming will result in more permafrost thawing, causing more methane to be released, leading to even more warming. This is known as a positive feedback loop.
A huge proportion of Siberia is covered in permafrost, but this is starting to change. Over recent years, scientists working in remote regions have started documenting changes to the landscape thought to be related to it thawing, including huge craters. In 2016, footage emerged of the ground wobbling “like jelly.”
But permafrost is also present under the ocean. In 2017, scientists announced they had discovered hundreds of craters at the bottom of the Barents Sea, north of Norway and Russia. The craters had formed from methane building up then exploding suddenly when the pressure got too high.
In the latest expedition to chart methane emissions coming from the ocean, researchers analyzed the water around Bennett Island, taking samples of sea water and sediments. In one area, however, they found something unexpected—an extremely sharp increase in the concentration of atmospheric methane. According to a statement from Tomsk Polytechnic University, it was six to seven times higher than average.
They then noticed an area of water around four to five square meters that was “boiling with methane bubbles,” the statement said. This could be scooped out with buckets, the researchers said. After identifying the fountain, the team was able to take samples directly from it. Methane levels around the fountain were nine times higher than average global concentrations.
“This is the most powerful gas fountain I’ve ever seen,” Semiletov said, according to a translation from the Moscow Times. “No one has ever recorded anything like this before.”
After identifying the fountain, the team was able to take samples directly from it. Methane levels around the fountain were nine times higher than average global concentrations. The following day they found another methane fountain and conducted a comprehensive analysis of it.
Sergey Nikiforov, a journalist who took part in the expedition, said there will now be more research and experiments in this part of the ocean: “The work to study the secrets of the Arctic seas…continues,” he said in a statement.
Hard Times
“A very good economist, Dean Baker, had a column a couple of weeks ago in which he discussed what China is doing. They are still a big huge polluter, but they are carrying out massive programs of switching to renewable energies way beyond anything else in the world. [American] States are doing it. Or not.” … In Tucson, Arizona, for example, “the sun is shining … most of the year, [but] take a look and see how many solar panels you see. Our house in the suburbs is the only one that has them [in the vicinity].
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People have to come to understand that they’ve just got to [reform their habitual non-renewable energy consumption], and fast; and it doesn’t harm them, it improves their lives. For example, it even saves money. But just the psychological barrier that says I … have to keep to the common beliefs [favouring fossil fuels] and that [doing otherwise] is somehow a radical thing that we have to be scared of, is a block that has to be overcome by constant educational organizational activity.”
He concluded, “The way every other popular movement developed — the civil rights movement, the antiwar movement, the feminist movement — just constant, often very small groups, growing into bigger groups for activism. Occasionally they have a dramatic action like a demonstration, but mainly to stimulate ongoing activity.
And it can’t be delayed.”
Flouting Environmental Law
It’s quite safe to assume that, had the (central B.C., August 4, 2014) Mount Polley copper and gold mine massive tailings pond release of a slurry of years’ worth of waste into Polley Lake—yet for which there were no B.C.-environmental-law charges laid against Imperial Metals regardless of its clear recklessness—been located in plain sight just off of, say, Vancouver’s scenic attraction Stanley Park instead of in a region of natural wilderness, it would not have received the relatively minute mainstream news-media coverage it has to date.
Denial, Even By Kids
And then there’s the astonishing short-sighted selfishness. I observed this last year when a Global TV news reporter randomly asked a young Vancouver man wearing sunglasses what he thought of government restrictions on disposable plastic straws. “It’s like we’re living in a nanny state, always telling me what I can’t do,” he recklessly retorted.
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Astonished by his shortsighted little-boy selfishness, I wondered whether he’d be the same sort of individual who’d likely have a sufficiently grand sense of entitlement—i.e. ‘Like, don’t tell me what I can’t waste or do, dude!’—to permit himself to now, say, deliberately dump a whole box of unused straws into the Georgia Strait, just to stick it to the authorities who’d dare tell him that enough is enough with our gratuitous massive dumps of plastics into our oceans (which are of course unable to defend themselves against such guys seemingly asserting self-granted sovereignty over the natural environment), so he could figuratively middle-finger any new government rules with a closing, ‘There! How d’ya like that, pal!’
No wonder so much gratuitous plastic waste eventually finds its way into our life-filled oceans, where there are few, if any, caring souls to see it.
Plastic roads
However, my questions are – what are the byproducts of this road? Is it recyclable when needing repairs or replacement? Is there run off in the form of small plastic particles / microplastics? Is it permeable / what are the long-term implications for the health of soil in adjacent environments?
Here is a video the World Economic Forum posted on their Instagram social media:
Isn’t this exploitative? I’ve heard that this is bad for other countries. Also when did we even get into the habit of doing this? When did we even stop processing our own garbage? C’mon Canada…
Canada exports its trash!
There have been several alarming articles in Canadian media over the past week or so around the exportation of Canadian waste products to other countries due to a limited capacity and limited industry here in Canada. Several alarms were raised previously – in early 2019 – around this trend – though it is being re-examined in September 2019.
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Of note are the following articles:
“We don’t want to be the next cancer village” CBC news 27 September 2019: Link:
and this Marketplace CBC Examination:
I am curious if the Swedish model of trash incineration could be used in Canada. “Sweden imports around 1.3 million tonnes of rubbish each year, most of it from Norway and the UK, and has long been hailed for its efficiency in handling waste. Only one percent of waste produced in Sweden ever reaches landfill, with the remaining 99 percent recycled, reused, or converted into energy.” However – from my understanding – the ash produced from incinerating these products is incredibly toxic and requires special containment measures and programs to handle it.
Australia recently banned the exportation of waste products – could Canada undertake a similar initiative?
Climate change is not smoke or is real and its coming to get us. Observe good scientiffic information coming from the brains of NASA.
CLARREO : a satellite that can help make our space based scientiffic instruments much more accurate and powerful.
And I thought he was just an action hero…
Garbage Bags are Canadian
Did you know garbage bags are a Canadian invention circa. 1950s? Perhaps there is increased research and development potential here. For many years – they were manufactured in my hometown – among other locations – though the City of Kawartha Lakes recently banned black garbage bags in hopes of reducing trash output and promote increased recycling rates (clear bags = ease of identifying recycling materials in garbage; etc.). Residents are allowed one small opaque bag per trash collection cycle.
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Polluting by Protesters?
Furthermore, does the United Nations track the emissions / climate change impact from their delegates? I have seen on social media and news agencies that the Secretary General (Antonio Guterres) travels all over the place – in short periods of time – such as flying to Mozambique then Tuvalu then Philippines, etc. What is the climate impact of all this air travel over the course of the year?
Greens don’t love pipelines
Could it have something to do with her party’s platform promise, if elected, to kill the Trans Mountain dilbit pipeline expansion project? …
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According to then-publisher of Postmedia’s National Post, Douglas Kelly: “From its inception, the National Post has been one of the country’s leading voices on the importance of energy to Canada’s business competitiveness internationally and our economic well-being in general. We will work with CAPP [Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers] to amplify our energy mandate and to be a part of the solution to keep Canada competitive in the global marketplace. The National Post will undertake to leverage all means editorially, technically and creatively to further this critical conversation.”
Also, during a Postmedia presentation it was stated: “Postmedia and CAPP will bring energy to the forefront of our national conversation. Together, we will engage executives, the business community and the Canadian public to underscore the ways in which the energy sector powers Canada.” [Excerpted from Politically Incorrect, a 2017 book written by Rafe Mair, the late popular and well-respected B.C. lawyer, politician, journalist and radio host.]
More recently, though, Postmedia newspaper empire acquired a lobbying firm with close ties to Alberta Premier Jason Kenney in order to participate in the latter’s government’s new $30 million PR “war room” in promoting the interests of Canada’s fossil fuel industry. But the newspaper giant’s apparent bedding with the powerful industry is not news (albeit it’s little known amongst the general population).
Get your electricity from a quartz crystal
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A nightclub in the Netherlands has already tried to implement this system via a dance floor situated on a number of springs that aim to produce an electric charge as dancers bounce; move; etc. The roads application could allow for adjacent streetlights to have an additional or supplementary source of electricity. Bones and ceramics – not just crystals – are additionally piezoelectric – though each material generates a different electric charge dependent on stress factors, conductivity, etc. Limitations at present for this technology include mechanical fatigue; corrosion; and conductivity limitations.
Artificial Islands?
Several nations have explored options of artificial islands to mitigate climate change and other political situations. One of the most famous at present is China’s activity in the South China Sea around the Paracel Island.
The Maldives constructed an artificial island via dredging a shallow area of sea several years ago. This allegedly is to mitigate congestion on the main capital island of Male.
“A Flood-Resistant Island:
You catch a ferry from a part of Male where motorcycles clog the narrow streets and fishermen gut their morning catch on the sidewalk. A few minutes later, you arrive in a brand new world, the island of Hulhumale. It’s an artificial island built by engineers, not volcanoes.
When the ferry arrives, you step up onto this island. The streets are straight and wide. There’s a new hospital, new schools, new government buildings, new apartments — all several feet higher than the rest of the Maldives.
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The flood-resistant island was created by a huge dredge that sucked up sand from the ocean floor and disgorged it into a shallow lagoon. Eventually, Hulhumale rose from the waters.
That was more than five years ago. Now, several thousand people live here. Gayoom’s goal is to attract at least 50,000.
But unlike their president, residents don’t talk much about climate change.
They say they like Hulhumale because it’s clean. It has wide sand beaches instead of a concrete seawall. Apartments are less expensive than on Male.”
“”The higher elevation of the land is to address the sea-level rise,” he says. “But the primary factor is to create a city to ease the congestion in Male.”
What are the environmental impacts on adjacent ecosystems from this process? Are marine habitats being disrupted from large scale dredging activities? Is there an environmentally friendly way to construct artificial islands?
What about floods?
Several urban areas have begun seawall construction to try and mitigate regional flooding and/or evacuation. Are there similar ecosystem options to mangroves for areas where mangroves are not native and/or the climate is not welcoming to them? Malé in the Maldives has begun an artificial seawall construction around the city – funded partly by Japan. New York has additionally begun investigating (if not constructing) systems to mitigate flooding on Lower Manhattan. Is there opportunity for a mix of artificial and natural seawalls and seawall alternatives? Other nations – such as Fiji (and potentially Kiribati and Tuvalu)- have begun looking for land in other countries to purchase to move their population(s) as climate refugees. Is there a clear legal situation for climate refugees? I am not sure if there is a precedent in history before – though there are certainly examples of forced relocation.
MHD additionally has applications for the desalination of water. This has been in research and development since the 1980s (I think).
Next:Try Magnets?
” The fundamental concept behind MHD is the magnetic field can induce currents in moving conductive fluid, which in turns creates force on the fluid and also changes the magnetic field itself. The generator used in this process is called Magneto Hydro Dynamic (MHD) Power Generator. MHD power generator don’t have any mechanical part to produce current and the actual conductor are replaced by magneto-fluid (plasmas gas, liquid metals, and salt water).
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In conventional turbine generator, the rotation of rotor inside the turbogenerator will cut the magnetic flux and the current will produce perpendicular to the magnetic field. The principal of MHD power generator also similar with conventional turbine generator which is the moving fluid (plasma gases, liquid metals, and salt water) move pass through the magnetic fields, the voltage is induced in the conductor, which results in flow of current across the terminals that are parallel and opposite to each other (A.R Kantrowitz, 1962) as shown in figure 1.0. This principle knows as Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.”
“A seawater magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) power generator / hydrogen generator is a unique system that not only directly transforms the kinetic energy of an ocean current / tidal current into electric
energy but also generates hydrogen gas as a by-product. The energy of the ocean current / tidal current is expected to be effective as a sustainable energy source because of its independence of both weather and season in comparison with solar energy and wind power energy.”
I wonder what the environmental impacts would be to have a series of these on the bottom of the sea floor in areas with large and persistent tidal forces?
There is additionally applications for space exploration with this form of drive.
Egypt’s big solar park
Have folks heard of the Benban Solar Park? It is a series of 41 land plots in Egypt – ranging from 0.3 to 1 square kilometer. The plots are designed to generate solar energy – in the largest such complex globally. Interesting, instead of one company running it- each plot is to be leased (or sold) to a different company or group of companies. Interesting notion here – as it seems most solar panel installations (on a commerical scale) are managed or owned by one company.
How do the big corporate powers get to damage the environment this way?
Pesticides in our Food
Poisoning has a long history
“By the 1920s, U.S. fruit growers were plastering on lead arsenate in such amounts that they were starting to poison their customers. In 1919, the Boston Health Department destroyed arsenic contaminated apples because people were getting sick. The follow year, it had to do it again. In 1919, California health officials discovered with alarm that arsenic residues tended to stick to fruit, meaning the poison was hard to remove.
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A history from Washington State University notes, however, that until the DDT era farmers continued to use the compounds because they were the most effective. That report also notes that arsenic tends to concentrate in the top layer of the soil and – thankfully – that most food crops don’t take it up in any measurable way.
Rice is an exception to that. Scientists have discovered that the rice plant, because it’s designed to pull silicon out of the soil (it strengthens the grain) does the same with the structurally similar arsenic. Researchers at Dartmouth College’s Toxic Metals Superfund Research program note that rice has been described as a natural arsenic accumulator. Most of this accumulation, of course, is due to naturally occurring arsenic in soil and water. But some is due to residual contamination from arsenate pesticides – and that’s what makes rice from the United States so interesting in this regard.”
China allegedly continued using arsenic-based pesticides until the early 2000s.
Beware of Poisonous Pesticides on your Food
In the late nineteenth through mid-twentieth century, the United States (among other nations) used arsenic and lead based pesticides in agricultural contexts. Arsenic was additionally used to make green paint at this time. I wonder what the legacy of this trend is on environmental health. Could this be impacting bees and/or human health? It is unclear to me how long the compounds stay in the soil – though even the subsequent generations of pesticide chemicals were toxic too.
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“In the early 20th century – enthusiastically supported by the U.S. government – the most popular pesticides were arsenic compounds. How popular? In the year 1929, almost 30 million pounds of lead arsenate and calcium arsenate were spread across this country’s fields and orchards.
And how enthusiastic was the government? Well, in 1935, on a weekly radio program sponsored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the host suggested that the old-time school rhyme “A is for Apple” be changed as follows:
A is for Arsenate/Lead if you please/Protector of Apples/Against Archenemies.”
“I’m indebted to the work of public health historian, James Whorton, for the information above. A more detailed history of arsenic pesticides can be found in his 1974 book, Before Silent Spring: Pesticides and Public Health in pre-DDT America. As the book title indicates, the arsenate pesticides were edged out in the years after World War II, with the rise of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, like DDT, and organophosphates, like malathion. Even so, arsenate pesticides were not officially bannedin the United States until the 1980s. (And modified arsenic pesticides such as MMA and DMA are still approved for use on cotton). Their story remains a fascinating one. An important one. And one that still affects us. The residues of lead arsenate and calcium arsenate still haunt us, tainting acres of farmland still in use today. Scientists say that a major source of inorganic arsenic in rice from the American southeast is from pesticide residues, seeping from lands once used to raise cotton. During the early 20th century, calcium arsenate was the number one pesticide used by growers to fight the cotton boll weevil. “There’s a legacy of arsenic in some of those fields,” Joshua Hamilton, a senior toxicologist with the Marine Biological Laboratory, told me recently.
Pesticides in our Food
You can help! Hunt for seeds!
“Canadians asked to find ash trees in a bid to preserve the species: Co-ordinator for the National Tree Seed Centre in Fredericton, McPhee is asking Canadians to help him find mature stands where seeds can be gathered and later stored for future generations in the centre’s deep-freeze vaults.
“We’re looking to protect the genetic diversity of the species,” McPhee said in an interview. “We’re looking for natural stands of trees that are in seed …. We want Canadians to be our eyes — to let us know they’re out there.”
“Jon Sweeney, a research scientist with the Canadian Forest Service, said the loss of ash trees also means the loss of the 44 species of insects and other organisms that depend on this particular type of tree.
“When the ash trees go, you lose more than the trees,” said Sweeney. “You get complications.”
“Aside from the environmental impact, there will be an economic impact as well, considering white ash is used to make baseball bats, hockey sticks, canoe paddles and many types of tool handles, ladders and furniture.
“It’s going to cost municipalities millions, if not billions, of dollars to cover tree removal and replacement costs,” Sweeney said from Fredericton.
“It can cost you $200 to take a tree down, or it can cost you $2,000 … (And) if your house is no longer shaded, you’ll be paying more for air conditioning.”
More information available here:
Tripping over the Cord
In Toronto – a homeowner owned an electric car and tried to charge the battery while it was parked on the street in front of their home. Municipal bylaw indicated this is not allowed – due to the hazard of someone tripping over the cord running over the sidewalk – city officials indicated this would additionally be a violation of multiple building and electrical codes.
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There was discussion to bury the cable under the sidewalk – which was ultimately not allowed either. There is potential for a city/private partnership with charging infrastructure being installed on adjacent utilities poles – but the question arises from accessibility, safety, as well as both short and long term maintenance. This is an issue to look into in urban areas where many homes pre-date the common construction of garages or alternatives to on-street parking.
Here is a CBC Link to the article in relation to that:
For many decades toxic materials were used in construction – such as asbestos and heavy metal based paints. When buildings are demolished or renovated – where do these materials end up? I am hoping that in most cases they are safely disposed of – but what if these end up as infill or in a garbage dump? Who’s monitoring this kind of thing?
Nutrition in the South Pacific
Environmental considerations is a rather broad category in this circumstance. I am particularly curious around this in relation to remote areas – such as the South Pacific states. A number of these areas have exceptionally poor nutrition statistics, with high rates of chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, etc.
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From my understanding – many of these issues arose in the post-war era with the increasing urbanization of these islands. Additionally, salinization of fresh water sources – through climate change – results in limited arable land to grow traditional crops like breadfruit and taro. Of course importing food to remote areas will have a significant impact on emissions due to the sheer volume of fuel required to get food to these places in the first place.
The other consideration is that there is often a significant price related to importing food to remote regions – such as the South Pacific – and as such – often trade offs with the type and quality of food. For example – there is often a lack of fresh produce on remote islands – and as such a high rate of processed foods are imported. Is there an opportunity for a global standard when it comes to food and environmental impacts or should it be considered on a case-by-case, region-by-region metric?
Ontario, does Quebec have a deal for you?
Fence your backyard with solar panels!
Everything for the sake of jobs?
Whether it’s the mass deforestation and incineration of the Amazonian rainforest (which produces 20 percent of Earth’s oxygen), a B.C. midsummer’s snowfall, a vicious heatwave, a near-extinct whale species gradually dying off, unprecedentedly large-scale flooding or geologically invasive/destructive fracking or mass deforestation or increasingly dry forests resulting in record-breaking deadly wildfires in California and B.C. or a myriad of other categories of large-scale toxic pollutant emissions and dumps, there’s discouragingly insufficient political gonad planet-wide to sufficiently address it.
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Astonishingly, what apparently still politically matters most, or too close to it, is the seemingly euphoria-inducing creation of jobs, however temporary, and stimulating/strengthening the economy (whatever that exactly means).
Perhaps due to (everyone’s sole spaceship) Earth’s large size, there seems to be a general obliviousness in regards to our natural environment. It’s as though throwing non-biodegradable garbage down a dark chute, or pollutants emitted out of exhaust and drainage pipes, or spewed from very tall smoke stacks—or even the largest contamination events—can somehow be safely absorbed into the air, sea, and land (i.e. out of sight, out of mind); like we’re safely inconsequentially dispensing of that waste into a compressed-into-nothing black-hole singularity.
Although I have never (nor likely ever will) own and/or operate any form of motor vehicle, there are many green-minded people who rely upon their (probably very efficient) fossil-fuel powered cars since they haven’t had a monetarily feasible opportunity to acquire an electric vehicle.
Also, I believe it’s no coincidence that the first thing upon his “Progressive” Conservative Party’s election into office after a campaign won in part with a large political donation from the fossil fuel industry Premier Doug Ford canceled government rebate incentives for electric car buyers in Ontario. As for our allegedly environmentally concerned Canadian (neo-)Liberal government, besides pushing for the TRIPLING(!) of dilbit-oil tanker flow, it recently gave the old and increasingly outdated dirty-energy Big Fossil Fuel sector 12X(!) as much subsidization as they allocated towards clean renewable energy technology innovations.
Especially with the vocal paid fossil fuel shills, apologists and activists (so many of whom are themselves barely making ends meet), I see our collective selves—including the mainstream news-media and most of institutionalized organized religion—essentially acting as the industry’s Useful Idiots.
Plenty of oxygen
I gained a huge amount of surprising knowledge from this extraordinary article. It explains how the whole carbon cycle works in nature and why we’re not going to run out of oxygen — though humankind is doing something terrible.
The Amazon Is Not Earth’s Lungs
Humans could burn every living thing on the planet and still not dent its oxygen supply.
By Petet Brannen. The Atlantic Aug 27, 2019
Second Life for Plastics
“A pilot project in Whitby, Ont., is using technology to give plastic waste a second life by turning it into diesel fuel and gasoline.
The technology, dubbed the Phoenix, can convert single-use items like plastic bags and Styrofoam — items that would otherwise end up in landfill.
John O’Bireck, president of energy investment company Sparta Group, says he sees plastic “as a resource, not a scourge.”
He says the fuel produced by Phoenix is already being used in his company’s fleet of trucks that transport industrial waste. “Five tonnes of plastic can be converted into about 4,000 litres. And 4,000 litres can drive our whole fleet of 10 vehicles back and forth every day running 16 hours a day.”
O’Bireck says Phoenix uses a process involving pyrolysis — using heat to bring about decomposition — to upcycle plastics that can’t go into the recycling stream.”
Why are climate deniers so hostile to women?
Here’s an article from The New Republic:
The Green Old Deal
By William Hawes
There are a lot of things to like about the recent resolution for the Green New Deal. The commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the acknowledgment of the catastrophic events that will occur if the world does not act soon- these are all healthy signs. Like Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign which removed many stigmas about socialism, raising public consciousness about the structural changes needed to lessen the impacts of global warming are to be commended.
However, there are very serious problems with the language of the resolution, as well as the underlying assumptions, biases, and ideology which pervades the text.
Starting with an obvious problem, the “Green New Deal” is based on the political and economic mobilization of FDR’s New Deal. It was the New Deal, essentially, which saved capitalism from collapse in the US in the 1930s. If the Green New Deal is saying anything, it is offering cover to the ruling class- here is your propaganda model out of this mess you’ve created; here is another chance to save capitalism from itself. It’s a false promise of course, as no purely technological scheme based in a capitalist economy will be able to fix what’s coming, but it’s a very convenient narrative for capitalist elites to cling to.
Roosevelt’s New Deal placated workers and bought time for the bourgeoisie to rally, but it was the combined forces of post-WWII macroeconomic Keynesian economic stability, high taxes on the wealthy, the Bretton Woods agreement, the Marshall Plan and reconstruction of Japan which helped grow the middle classes in the mid-20th century.
Indeed, the Green New Deal (GND) mimics the mainline liberal/reformist agenda when it pledges to try: “directing investments to spur economic development, deepen and diversify industry and business in local and regional economies, and build wealth and community ownership, while prioritizing high-quality job creation…”
That’s about as boilerplate as one can get. You’d expect to hear this blather from anywhere on the mainstream spectrum, out of the mouth of a Chamber of Commerce hack or a College Republican newsletter.
Another issue of basic civil decency is that the GND is blatantly cribbing from the Green Party’s own ideas, and then watering them down, without any reference to their origins. The limitations of the GPUS do not need to be run through here, but the point remains: stealing policies from others who have been campaigning on this platform for decades, without offering even a token of acknowledgement, is not a good look.
I mean, this is all so obvious, and frankly, it’s disheartening and embarrassing to live in a country with such little common sense.
There’s more. The resolution calls for “net-zero global emissions by 2050”. This sounds great, except it leaves the foot in the door for a carbon trading scheme, where polluters will pay to offset their emissions with money, “investments in technology”, false promises to plant tree farms which they can renege on in court battles, etc.
Further, the GND states that it supports:
“to promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth”
It calls for:
“[The] Green New Deal must be developed through transparent and inclusive consultation, collaboration, and partnership with frontline and vulnerable communities, labor unions, worker cooperatives, civil society groups, academia, and businesses…”
First, who in Congress is talking about implementing the kind of direct democratic practices alluded to here, or drawing on the expertise of community leaders, local governments, etc? Nobody. Who in Congress is calling for actually concrete material reparations, reconciliation, and public methods to heal the intergenerational traumas, inequities, and systemic racism and classism which continue to punish vulnerable communities? No one. Who in Congress is calling for an end to our intervention in Venezuela and supporting the Maduro government from the obvious covert and military-corporate machinations currently underway? Not a soul.
I understand that this resolution is a first sketch, a very early draft which may go through many changes. I am not interested in demeaning people who are serious about fighting climate change; or scoring points by being “more radical” than others; or by igniting controversy around a critical “hot take” of the GND.
What I am curious about is how those in Congress foresee the types of jobs being created. Are we going to have millions of people planting trees (the best way to slow down climate change) or millions toiling in wind and solar factories? The most effective way to slow global warming would be to support the Trillion Tree Campaign.
Another ridiculous oversight is the lack of acknowledgement in the resolution of quite possibly the 2nd most pressing issue regarding humankinds’ survival, the threat of nuclear war and militarism. Obviously only international cooperation can determine the nuclear states relinquishing their arsenals, as well as shut down all reactors worldwide. Further, the huge budget of the military and the interests of the defense companies in promoting endless wars are not called out.
The only way a GND can work is through international collaboration. Asking other countries with far fewer resources, infrastructure, and technology at their disposal to “follow our lead” as we undergo a purely domestic New Deal within our 50 states and territories is cruel, shortsighted, and disingenuous. It would be the 21st century analogy to socialism in one country, expecting other nations to simply deal with the wreckage of climate disasters after we’ve fucked over the entire world.
What I’m attempting to sketch out is that to even put a dent in global warming in the 21st century and beyond, the feeble approaches by bourgeois democrats must be denounced for what they are. A GND for the USA as the “leader” is not in the cards; the analogy I’d use is more like a fully international Green Manhattan Project.
This would mean councils of expert indigenous peoples, climate scientists, ecologists, and socio-psychological experts in conflict resolution and ecological and cultural mediation worldwide would begin directing and implementing structural transformations of society, by addressing the separation from nature, historical amnesia, and emotional numbness endemic to Western society.
Natural building methods would have to take prominence over Green-washed corporate-approved LEED standards, massive conservation, ecological and restoration projects would have to get underway, along with the relocation of millions globally who live in unsustainably arid or resource hungry areas, and programs for regenerative organic agriculture would need to begin being taught to our youth right now. Is anything like this happening or being talked about in the mainstream?
These supporters in Congress as well as most progressives are assuming we still have twelve years to act, which the latest IPCC report warned was the maximum amount of time left. Perhaps people should be reminded that 12 years is just an estimate. We might have two years. We may be already over the tipping point.
Really, this is all just bullshit for Democrats to get each other reelected by LARPing as progressives and social democrats, and anyone with half a brain can see that. There can be no mass green transportation system unless urban cores get significantly denser, because as of now, perhaps half the country is still based on a post-WWII design to accommodate the whimsies of suburban property developers who only cared for profit and segregated communities, city planners with no conception of the consequences of rising energy demand, and homeowners in the fifties who likewise did not understand the devastation that sprawl, large energy-hogging single family homes, inefficient energy transmission, and long commutes would contribute to global warming.
How many mountains would need to be mined and blasted, how many wild plants and animals killed and desecrated, and rivers and waterways polluted would it take to get every soccer mom and Joe six-pack a new electric vehicle?
It is possible that only a mass relocation to urban cores with public infrastructure and fair compensation for citizens to move would allow for a green transportation and energy network to work properly. If not explained properly, these positive ideas for change would only feed into conservative far-right paranoia.
There are two people in Congress out of 535 that identify as anti-capitalist. The evidence even for these two is lacking, and we don’t have time to wait electing the other 270 or so. The military, financial institutions, defense companies, fossil fuel multinationals, intelligence sectors, and mainstream media are in total lockstep on the march towards societal and economic collapse and continued ecological degradation. Can anyone see the Pentagon, Halliburton, Shell and BP, and any Democrat or Republican giving away the equivalent of trillions of dollars in renewable technology, resources, IT networks, medicine, etc., to sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, or Southeast Asia? I didn’t think so.
If even self-proclaimed socialists like Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez don’t have the guts to speak out against imperial mechanized drone warfare and the CIA literally fomenting a coup in Venezuela, and the majority of citizens having no problem with this, it just goes to show the lack of empathy and education in this country. Both of them are childish and uneducated; and should be treated as such, even if we should show conditional support for this preliminary GND, if only because it could theoretically morph into something promising.
In short, this first draft GND is “old” for a couple reasons: first, the economic model and the signaling in the language come directly from the liberal-bourgeois-reformism of the FDR administration. Second, it is old in the sense of being behind the times environmentally; it doesn’t keep up with what science proves is necessary for humanity to thrive: the GND does not call for economic degrowth, a reduction in energy demand, a sharp reduction in obtaining protein from meat, and a thoroughly anti-capitalist method to regenerate civic life and the public commons.
The flip side is that to thrive in a truly green future, we will have to re-examine truly ancient “old” Green methods to balance the “new” methods of technological innovation: the ancient ways of working with nature that indigenous traditions have honed, which has provided humanity with abundance for tens of thousands of years.
Natural building, creating and promoting existing holistic, alternative medicine, localizing energy and agricultural production, and growing food forests must be at the top of any agenda for humankind in the 21st century. This might seem impossible to our Congress because these methods do not cater to “marketplace solutions”, do not rely on factories and financialization, do not use patents to create monopolies, i.e., because these priorities do not put more power in the hands of capitalists.
Here are a few final thoughts. The first is the whole premise of the GND is based on a very reductionist, analytical, and Anglo style of thinking. Basically, this resolution is insinuating that we can change everything about the economy and forestall climate change without taking apart the financial sectors, the war machine, etc.
The second thought follows form the first, which is that the Continental thinkers offer a more grounded, immanent approach which examines how capital itself has warped human nature.
Specifically, many important researchers demonstrated how the culture industry has manufactured ignorance, false needs, and ennui on a mass basis.
For instance, in a US context, to put it in very crude stereotypes, how are we going to convince one half of the country to stop eating red meat, give up their pickup trucks, put their guns in a neighborhood public depot, and stop electing outright racists and sexists. On the other hand, how can we convince the other half to give up their Starbucks on every corner, give up their plane travel to exotic locations, not buy that 2nd posh home to rent out on Airbnb which leads to gentrification, etc.
Basically, most middle class people in the US don’t want to fundamentally change as of yet, and this resolution won’t have the force to confront the utterly fake, conformist, and escapist lifestyles most US citizens continue to choose at least partially of their own volition.
Simple, clear language is important to energize citizens and can lead to catalyzing change. The concept of the Green New Deal could very well be that theme which unites us. One hundred and two years ago, it was those three special words “Peace, land, bread” which helped unite a nation and sparked a revolution.
Here’s one last thing to chew on. In the 21st century, the nation-state has proven that its time is over, as it provides a vehicle which centralizes corporate and military power that now threatens the existence of life on this planet. The Green New Deal calls for:
“obtaining the free, prior, and informed consent of indigenous peoples for all decisions that affect indigenous peoples and their traditional territories, honoring all treaties and agreements with indigenous peoples, and protecting and enforcing the sovereignty and land rights of indigenous peoples…”
Although it is clear the writers meant this in a very general and vague kind of way, as obviously not a single agreement has been “honored” going back 500 years by invading settler-colonialists, enforcing the sovereignty and land rights of indigenous peoples would mean the abolition of the USA. That’s a Green New Deal I can work with.
WRITTEN BY William Hawes. Author of the ebook Planetary Vision: Essays on Freedom and Empire. Visit my website
Is 3-d printed construction really green?
More powerful battery systems need to be developed. But another way to reduce the carbon emissions is maybe have more pre-fab housing built then transported onsite. This would make the 3d printing process easy to set up. However it might add to the glut of transport trailers on our highways. But then again even Tesla is building electric trucks.
What is Mass Timber?
Paul, I learned a lot from my interview with you and Michael Yorke — especially about the merits of “mass timber,” which I had never heard about before. I was concerned that using wood for construction might make for firetraps, so it was very instructive to learn that when you use thick pieces of wood they just char on the outside and retain their structure inside quite well. That is certainly reassuring, and I think more other people need to hear that news too.
We must Cut Carbon out of Construction – NOW!
By Paul Dowsett, OAA, FRAIC, LEED AP
Principal Architect — Sustainable. Architecture for a Healthy Planet. August, 2019
Five months. That’s all we have to transform as an industry. Seventeen months if we’re being generous. And transform we must! There is no option – or planet – B.
Being an architect, I look at my own industry, to determine the state we’re in, and more importantly, to propose how we can, and must, change.
The act of city building would not be possible without the literal city builders, i.e. the entire construction industry – building owners and managers, architects and engineers, general contractors and tradespeople, and material manufacturers and suppliers.
Read more
And when it comes to the climate crisis, all of us as “city builders” have an important role to play. And that role must change. We must cut carbon out of construction – NOW !
“Pollution” from the construction industry looks like this: Massive amounts of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere during the construction of a building (embodied carbon) and during the lifetime operation of a building (operational carbon).
The thing is, we as a group must do our part to mitigate the climate crisis. These massive carbon emissions must stop, we as an industry must change, and here’s why and how.
Why we must change
According to a 2017 report by the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC), the global construction industry, which is responsible for 30% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (roughly equivalent to those of China) must operate at “net zero carbon” by 2050 if global warming is to remain under two degrees Celsius — the limit enshrined in the Paris Agreement.
Not only that, but “Every building on the planet must be ‘net zero carbon’ by 2050 to keep global warming below 2°C” (emphasis mine).
When they say “every building on the planet”, this means every building … whether new and existing.
Further, it is likely that, in 2017, WorldGBC was only considering operational carbon, and not embodied carbon.
How can we transform both the operation of existing buildings, and the construction of new buildings, to emit no carbon?
How we will change — existing buildings and adaptive reuse
There is nothing that we can do to reduce the embodied carbon in existing buildings, as it has already been emitted during construction.
But, we can respect that that carbon has been emitted , and maintain the building’s existing structure by retaining it as-is or transforming it through adaptive reuse. The alternative is to demolish that structure and send its component parts to landfill, only to emit more carbon during the construction of a replacement building.
Further, we can retrofit an existing building so that it is optimally energy-efficient, thus reducing its operational carbon going forward.
To reduce operational carbon, in Ontario we could electrify everything — both new and existing buildings. We have one of the most carbon-clean electrical grids on the planet.
Embodied carbon is becoming significant
We’re catching on to the idea that embodied carbon is significant, especially as we develop more and more energy-efficient buildings.
Regarding the term “embodied carbon”, I appreciate Lloyd Alter’s blog post in Treehugger, where he outlines that he is not a fan of the term (because it hides the urgent need to deal with the carbon that is emitted as a result of the construction process). Instead, he suggests we all use “”upfront carbon emissions” (UCE) because that’s what they are.”
Anthony Pak states that, “The importance of embodied carbon becomes even more evident when you consider that, according to the IPCC, to limit global warming to 1.5°C, carbon emissions would need to peak next year in 2020 and then go to net zero globally by 2050. Given that embodied carbon will make up almost half of total new construction emissions between now and 2050, we cannot ignore embodied carbon if we want to have any chance of hitting our climate targets.” (emphasis mine)
2020 is 5 months from now — 5 months to peak our global carbon emissions !
(17 months if we’re being generous and giving ourselves to the end of next year.)
What we cannot ignore any longer is that the manufacturing processes for concrete, steel, and asphalt — the assumed inevitable foundations of our construction industry — are huge emitters of carbon.
Writing in The Guardian, Jonathan Watts calls concrete, “the most destructive material on earth”.
What to use instead ?
A forest — the “wood factory” if you will — is a carbon-sink, drawing down carbon from the atmosphere, and moving us in the right direction with our carbon emissions. According to Project Drawdown, which cites a 2014 study, “Building with wood could reduce annual global emissions of carbon dioxide by 14 to 31 percent.”
The construction industry can, and must, change
But getting the designers and builders in the construction industry to convince the concrete, steel, and asphalt industries to give up their predominant position will be on par with getting the petroleum industry to give up theirs. They are all big, and powerful, and not terribly willing to change.
But there is hope !
A promo piece by Skanska, the world’s largest construction firm, encourages us to: “Think of a world where fantastic buildings …are created …giving [people] great places to live and work in, and where the CO2 impact during construction is …well, there isn’t one. That would be a future we could really look forward to.”
Attention: city REbuilders !
Choosing to bring the embodied and operational carbon of buildings to zero is hard, and it is also necessary for our survival.
We must embark on a program of city REbuilding, and we must do it now !
It is time for all of us to do something. And to do it now.
Medium writer Marta Brzosko says it best: “We are all on this sinking ship together — and we are afraid. That’s only natural. But this is precisely why it’s the time to find courage. The courage for acting and speaking about the climate crisis, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Because, as Greta Thunberg says, our house is on fire. And to ignore the fact that your own house is burning is just ridiculous.”
Remember the California wildfires…now we have the amazon wildfires…why are these fires happening all of a sudden. CNN is reporting on the situation and its looking pretty grim for global warming. We need trees because they convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, not to mention protect wildlife and provide the ecosystem they need to survive. Hopefully someone will develop a strategy for dealing with these catastrophic events so that action can be taken when something like this occurs. With all the incredibly technology we have we could at least help save some of our important worldly resources. How is fire fighting drone technology coming along? Can it be used under the circumstances? How can it be organized and deployed? I hope the world’s leaders are considering such an option.
Protect the Oak Savannahs
An interesting article by Julie Jocsak at the Saint Catharine’s Standard (1 March 2019) around the restoration of oak savannah ecosystems in the Niagara region of Ontario. Many oak savannas have been over-taken by introduced and invasive species, threatening endemic and native eco-systems’ flora and fauna.
Many more cities have floods now, due to climate change. But Berlin is requiring all new developments implement on-site storm-water management. This has led to a building boom of green roofs. I wonder how long green roofs last vs. “traditional” roofing materials. Some areas of Scandinavia have been using green roofs for centuries – such as the Faroe Islands.
“Traditional” roofing material has its drawbacks as well — when Notre Dame burned, the lead roof vaporized, releasing tons of lead into Paris’ atmosphere – leading to health concerns for children in surrounding areas.
In Ontario, several articles recently estimated that 15-30% of landfill waste was from demolished buildings. Is it more environmentally friendly to demolish buildings rather than retrofit them? Do building codes plan for the eventual demolition and disposal of building components? Is there a better solution than simply dumping them in landfills?
How Climate Change Could Trigger the Next Global Financial Crisis
By Robinson Meyer | The Atlantic | 1 August 2019
“In other words, the success of the delaying tactics of the carbon lobby create a situation in which we’re then faced with the possibility of a sudden regulatory shock, something that really inflicts major losses.”
Many ideas discussed in this outstanding interview with the financial historian Adam Tooze.
“Tooze: I mean, that’s been the green-modernization agenda of climate politics, certainly in Europe, since the 1980s, right? This is not simply a zero-sum game; this is a structural transformation that has many very attractive properties. There’s loads of excellent jobs that could be created in this kind of transition.”
Everyone is focused on plastic recycling now. I saw a clear plastic bottle the other day that is 45% made from plant material. It looked like any other water bottle. A bit flexible.
The really interesting invention is that place in Arizona or some nearby SW state where they have built a set of buildings out in the desert made largely from old tires. They pile the tires up, put something in them (dirt or is it concrete?) and that is their wall. Terrific insulation. Very thick. I bet the acoustics are good too.
It must have some effect, Beverly, because carbon taxation works. I don’t hearing anyone discussing the price of gasoline, but nevertheless the evidence shows that they don’t drive as much when it is expensive.
Save the Permafrost from Fires
The permafrost is a huge carbon sink. These wildfires in the Arctic must be speeding up the melting. Does anyone know how much effect they are having?
Howard, we should ask a vegan. They are presumably setting the standards for the rest of us to follow. I think Bill Clinton is a vegan now, isn’t he? Do vegans eat eggs?
WhatsApp and Youtube elected Bonsonaro?
Seriously, something has to be done urgently about Bolsonaro’s horrible policies. Surely he must be open to a financial deal, isn’t he? Who is trying to organize a campaign to pay him to keep the rainforest intact?
I just read an article about how he was elected by a combination of YouTube and WhatApp — though they didn’t intend to do it. It seems that the poor of Brazil rely on WhatApp to get clips of videos that they cannot afford to watch with YouTube (I guess the connectivity price is too high or something). So there were right-wing disinformation campaigns on YouTube that got picked up and spread among working class Brazilians, who therefore voted for Bolsonaro on the basis of it.
How can Humanity Defend Ourselves from Demagogues?
See the New York Times on Amazon deforestation here.
Got milk? Not so much. Health Canada’s new food guide drops ‘milk and alternatives’ and favours plant-based protein
Sharon Kirkey
January 22, 2019
Canada’s new food guide, the first update in more than a decade, recommends fruits and vegetables make up half our plates at any meal. . . Drink water. Go light on the animal products. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Fruit juice is liquid sugar, not fruit. Avoid processed foods. Limit booze.. . .
The International Code Council is not universal. Many states have their own building codes, so presumably China has its own. Probably it is promoting its standards abroad too, as it gains influence around the world. That is fine, so long as the buildings are well-constructed. Remember how some schools collapsed in China a few years ago? That’s not the building code we’d favor!
Use price signals!
The demand system management idea depends on using prices signals to influence consumers, so we use electricity more during the hours when it is cheap. But not many people pay attention to the price of the electricity, do they? Is this an effective motivator?
Demand Management Can Help
The demand management angle is especially important, but not always recognized. Energy demand management systems aim to optimize the demand-supply and optimize energy generation and transmission systems. Energy demand systems are automated systems that send signals to the customers to shed load depending on systems conditions. It also informs the system supervisors about the coming changes in demand patterns.
I heard that the car manufacturers decided to go along with Trump instead of California, damn it! Let’s hope he’s out of office quickly and that (presumably) Biden reverses almost every environmental decision that Trump made.
China’s green architecture goes global
By Charlotte Middlehurst
The future of urban design in China is open source, international and sustainable, the Chinese winner of a 2016 Ashden Award tells Charlotte Middlehurst
Wei Zhang begins his presentation with a slide of striking images. On one half of the slide there’s a photo of a smoggy day in Beijing, where buildings are barely visible because of thick smog. On the other is the same skyline but with blue skies. They read: “damage” and “prosperity”, respectively.
Read more
For three decades industrialisation has been synonymous with economic progress in China, but the pollution produced by this model of growth has exacted a heavy toll on the environment and health, which is reversing peoples’ way of thinking.
Shanghai-based Landsea is a design and engineering consultancy with a simple mission; to show people that housing (still a big driver of economic growth, and carbon emissions, in China) can be energy efficient, comfortable and affordable. Its objective is underpinned by a fundamental belief in sharing knowledge across borders. ….
The California Effect
There is a term — the “California effect” — that describes the greater power of California than that of Trump. He is trying to relax the standards of efficiency for cars, but California is holding the line on their tough standards. And because they account for so many car owners, the car companies stick to the California standards instead of Trump’s preferred ones. But I read that Trump is trying to force them to go along with the federal law. Where does that fight stand at the moment? I haven’t seen any reference to it in the paper lately.
How Good are Hydrogen Trucks?
Article by Nicolas Pocard | May. 17, 2018
How many trucks do you see on the road on any given day? Likely, quite a few. Heavy duty transport is a crucial element in moving the products we all rely on.
And this transport volume is showing no signs of slowing down. As the global economies further entwine, we are increasingly dependent on the movement of goods via trucks. ….. .
‘This Is Not Normal’: Record-Smashing European Heat Wave Sparks Demands to Combat Climate Emergency
“The climate is changing. Use your voice, wallet, and votes to fight it.”
by Jessica Corbett, staff writer, Common Dreams
Are there still extensive wild fires throughout Europe? I heard they were particularly bad in Portugal among other regions.
N.Y. Commits $55 Million to Long Island Energy Storage
Program includes commercial and residential storage projects
This is a serious critique of the potential that forestry offers for reducing climate change. I cannot appraise it but I think it should be taken seriously I hope someone works through the logic.
For First Time Ever, Scientists Identify How Many Trees to Plant and Where to Plant Them to Stop Climate Crisis
Good News Network
Jul 7, 2019
Around 0.9 billion hectares (2.2 billion acres) of land worldwide would be suitable for reforestation, which could ultimately capture two thirds of human-made carbon emissions.
The Crowther Lab of ETH Zurich has published a study in the journal Science that shows this would be the most effective method to combat climate change.
The Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich investigates nature-based solutions to climate change. In their latest study, the researchers showed for the first time where in the world new trees could grow and how much carbon they would store.
Study lead author and postdoc at the Crowther Lab Jean-François Bastin explains: “One aspect was of particular importance to us as we did the calculations: we excluded cities or agricultural areas from the total restoration potential as these areas are needed for human life.”
LOOK: Rooftop Panels of Tiny Plants Can Cleanse Polluted Air at 100 Times the Rate of a Single Tree
The researchers calculated that under the current climate conditions, Earth’s land could support 4.4 billion hectares of continuous tree cover. That is 1.6 billion more than the currently existing 2.8 billion hectares. Of these 1.6 billion hectares, 0.9 billion hectares fulfill the criterion of not being used by humans. This means that there is currently an area of the size of the US available for tree restoration. Once mature, these new forests could store 205 billion tonnes of carbon: about two thirds of the 300 billion tonnes of carbon that has been released into the atmosphere as a result of human activity since the Industrial Revolution.
Photo by Crowther Lab / ETH Zurich
According to Prof. Thomas Crowther, co-author of the study and founder of the Crowther Lab at ETH Zurich: “We all knew that restoring forests could play a part in tackling climate change, but we didn’t really know how big the impact would be. Our study shows clearly that forest restoration is the best climate change solution available today. But we must act quickly, as new forests will take decades to mature and achieve their full potential as a source of natural carbon storage.”
WATCH: Tree-Planting Drones Have Successfully Planted Thousands of Saplings – and They’re About to Plant More
The study also shows which parts of the world are most suited to forest restoration. The greatest potential can be found in just six countries: Russia (151 million hectares); the US (103 million hectares); Canada (78.4 million hectares); Australia (58 million hectares); Brazil (49.7 million hectares); and China (40.2 million hectares).
Many current climate models are wrong in expecting climate change to increase global tree cover, the study warns. It finds that there is likely to be an increase in the area of northern boreal forests in regions such as Siberia, but tree cover there averages only 30 to 40%. These gains would be outweighed by the losses suffered in dense tropical forests, which typically have 90 to 100% percent tree cover.
CHECK OUT: NASA Happily Reports the Earth is Greener, With More Trees Than 20 Years Ago–and It’s Thanks to China, India
A tool on the Crowther Lab website enables users to look at any point on the globe, and find out how many trees could grow there and how much carbon they would store. It also offers lists of forest restoration organizations. The Crowther Lab will also be present at this year’s Scientifica (website available in German only) to show the new tool to visitors.
The Crowther Lab uses nature as a solution to: 1) better allocate resources – identifying those regions which, if restored appropriately, could have the biggest climate impact; 2) set realistic goals – with measurable targets to maximize the impact of restoration projects; and 3) monitor progress – to evaluate whether targets are being achieved over time, and take corrective action if necessary.
Reprinted from ETH Zürich
The federal government is putting up $15 million over four years to rescue the 50 Million Tree Program which was cut by the Ontario government of Premier Doug Ford in its last budget, CBC News has learned.
Environment Minister Catherine McKenna made the announcement today in Ottawa, saying the new cash will extend the program for at least another four years.
She said in a statement to CBC News on Tuesday evening that preserving the program will mean cleaner air, a healthier environment and good local jobs.
“While Mr. Ford cuts programs that support tree planting … and tackling climate change, we will continue to invest in a clean future for our environment, our economy and our kids,” she said.
The 50 Million Tree Program had an annual budget of $4.7 million and had planted more than 27 million trees across the province since 2008. Its goal was to have 50 million planted by 2025.
But a day after Ontario’s budget was delivered, Forests Ontario, the non-profit group that oversees the program, was told funding for it was being eliminated.
This new funding will essentially support the planting and growth of 10 million trees, bringing the program’s total to 37 million. Support for the program beyond that target is not part of this announcement.
Ontario cancels program that aimed to plant 50 million trees
Doug Ford government one of the most ‘anti-environmental’ in generations, says Green Party leader
Rob Keen, CEO of Forests Ontario, said it takes three to four years for a tree to go from seed to planting.
Every year, the four key nurseries in Ontario participating in the program cultivate 2.5 million seeds between them, which they nurse over three years until they are ready to be planted in their permanent settings.
The funding cut left 7.5 million saplings at various stages of growth in limbo, with nursery owners unsure how they were going to fund their crops until they were ready to plant.
Sustaining the program
Nurseries have been asking if they should be planting seeds to be ready for 2023, Keen said.
“If you don’t have the funding in place … nurseries are not going to plant.”
The new funding “is fantastic because it provides that assurance that there’s going to be funding in there to use up the stock that is currently in the ground and plant some more stock,” he said.
Ed Patchell, CEO of the Ferguson Tree Nursery in Kemptville, Ont., also welcomes the funding. He told CBC News he has three million trees at his nursery at various stages of growth. He said he was unsure what to do with them but is pleased they will now be guaranteed a permanent home when they are ready to plant.
Ontario cuts conservation authority funding for flood programs
Internal poll finds voters have negative opinion of PCs environmental policies
“I think it’s great that the feds have stepped up. I would like to see the province step up, to see a value in the program and contribute as well, but we’ll see what happens,” he said.
While nurseries now have the confidence to plant a crop now for delivery in 2023, Keen said it remains unclear if there will be funding next year to plant again.
About 40 per cent forest cover is needed to ensure forest sustainability, Keen said, and the average right now in southern Ontario is 26 per cent, with some areas as low as five per cent.
“The 50 Million Tree Program has been great, but we need to plant one billion trees to really get the forest canopy up in southern Ontario,” he said.
Balancing the budget
Ontario’s Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry John Yakabuski told CBC in a statement that his government is focused on balancing the budget to “protect critical public services like health care and education.”
“In order to do this we have to maximize value for the taxpayer dollar,” he said. “We remind other levels of government that there is only one taxpayer, and that we have committed to balancing Ontario’s budget in a responsible manner.”
“Previous governments who did not share this commitment to fiscal restraint are responsible for saddling Ontario with a $347,000,000,000 debt.”
Yakabuski said that the 50 Million Tree Program only plants 2.5 million trees per year, while the forestry industry plants about 68 million trees annually.
CBC’s Journalistic Standards and Practices|About CBC News
From Derek Markham @derekmarkham
Perhaps one day in the distant future we’ll be able to go 3D-print an apple tree, or build an internet-connected modular maple tree from a kit, or have access to hyper-trees that grow at 10X the normal rate, but until that day arrives (and probably for long after), we’ll need to keep buying young trees, planting seeds, and taking cuttings the old-fashioned way, which is actually much simpler and cheaper than any tech solution to anything.
They say that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but since we don’t have an app for time travel yet, we’ll have to focus on planting during the second best time, which is right now. And you don’t have to have a massive lot or backyard in order to plant trees for food, shade, or beauty, as there are many tree varieties that remain small enough to not crowd or shade out everything else, and which can function as either the canopy layer or the sub-canopy in permaculture-style plantings even in a smaller space.
Here are 10 great tree varieties for small yards and gardens:
1. Serviceberry:
A number of species of Amalanchier, or serviceberry, are available, with varying heights ranging from shrub-sized to small tree, and with some producing a delicious blueberry-like fruit after the fragrant white flowers are pollinated. Also called saskatoon, juneberry, shadbush, or sugar-plum, serviceberry trees also produce a flash of fall color when their leaves turn, and can thrive in a wide variety of climates.
2. Crape Myrtle:
Sometimes referred to as the “lilac of the South,” crape (or crepe) myrtle (Lagerstroemia) trees are well-suited to full sun locations, are heat tolerant, and produce showy flowers even in poor soil. A variety of sizes of crape myrtle are available, from a compact shrub to a 30-foot tree, with flowers ranging from white to fuchsia, and with an “exfoliating” bark that offers winter contrast.
3. Dogwood:
Although the flowering dogwood (Conus florida) is the most commonly seen kind of dogwood, there are a number of other varieties of dogwoods, ranging from shrub-sized to tree-sized, but most will thrive in moist, shadier locations. With showy flowers in white, pink, or red, dogwoods can add a burst of spring color to the yard, and certain species, such as the Korean dogwood (Cornus kousa) produce an edible fruit, while other species’ fruit is more suited to the wildlife.
4. Japanese Maple:
Acer palmatum is a fairly common landscape tree, and with good reason, as its small stature and bold colors can be a great accent in a little space. Japanese maple trees come in hundreds of varieties, with a wide range of leaf types, growth habits, and colors, but most of them are best suited for partially shaded locations, and although the flowers are rather modest, the fall leaf color of these trees can more than make up for that. Although the fruit (samara) isn’t edible, according to The Spruce, the Japanese sometimes fry the maple leaves to make candies.
5. Witchhazel:
The source of the common astringent named after it, witchhazel (or witch hazel) grows as a small tree or a large shrub bearing fragrant yellow or orange-red fall or winter flowers (which is why it’s also sometimes called winterbloom). With several species commonly available, and many cultivars, witchhazels come in a number of sizes and shapes, and as the Chicago Botanic Gardens says, “the only major drawback to witch hazels lies at their roots—a preference for well-drained, loamy, acidic soil means that they grow less than happily in clay soil.”
6: Elderberry:
Elderberries (Sambucus) are most often seen as shrubs, although varieties that grow more like a small tree are available, and their flowers and berries are good for pollinators and other wildlife, while the fruit is also prized for making jam, wine, pies, and other delicacies. According to, elderberries “grow best in a slightly acidic soil that is high in organic matter and stays consistently moist,” but that is well-drained, and are suited to full or part-sun locaions.
7: Apple:
Although a full-sized apple tree might overwhelm a small yard, dwarf apple trees can stay at or under 8 feet tall, while still producing a good-sized crop of full-sized fruit. There are literally thousands of varieties of apple trees, many of which are grafted onto dwarf rootstock, which keeps the trees smaller, while upper portion (the scion wood) determines the quality and type of fruit. From sweet early summer apples to late season keeper apples, there are apple varieties for just about any eating preference, and while some dwarf varieties can still grow larger than intended, judicious pruning can keep them in check. Many common fruit trees are available in dwarf sizes that would fit a small yard, such as peaches, apricots, pears, cherries, and more.
8: Fig:
There’s nothing quite like a ripe fig, right off the tree, and although figs seem like they’re only for Mediterranean zones, there are fig varieties that can be successfully grown in a number of different climates, and in small spaces. Fig trees can be cultivated in protected areas in some northern climates, and can even thrive in pots or containers, which can then be brought inside or sheltered during the winter, and in contrast with other fruit trees, can benefit from heavy pruning each year to keep them to size.
9. Vitex:
The chaste tree, or monk’s pepper (Vitex agnus-castus), is a multi-trunk small tree with clusters of fragrant purple flowers and lacy gray-green leaves. The fruit resembles a peppercorn and is used in alternative medicine, and the flowers are a favorite of butterflies, bees, and people alike. Vitex grows best in full or part-sun locations with well-drained soil, and can aggressively invade nearby soil in the right conditions. According to folklore, the tree was named so because it was believed that it was an anaphrodisiac, with medieval monks having chewed its leaves to help them maintain their vows of celibacy.
10: Redbud:
Redbud trees, which can actually have white, pink, red, or purple flowers, are a staple showy spring treat in the garden, and although some can grow 20 to 30 feet tall, can be a good addition to a smaller yard or garden, especially with some careful pruning. Redbud seeds are good forage for wildlife, and redbuds are said to be an important source of nectar and pollen for honeybees and other pollinators. This fast-growing tree prefers well-drained soil and full sun to part shade, and because it’s in the pea family, can get some of its nitrogen from the air so that only light fertilization is necessary.
The local climate needs to be taken into consideration, as well as any specific space and height constraints, before getting too far down the rabbit hole of looking at tree catalogs and nursery stock. With hundreds thousands of choices of species and varieties available, there’s a tree or shrub for just about any location, and the best guidance can come from local gardeners, orchardists, and arborists, who have hands-on experience, rather than just buying what looks good on an impulse.
There’s a new study proving that there’s enough room on the earth for another trillion trees at least, and if he hurry and plant the right kinds in the right places, we can slow global warming a lot. In fact, when the trees are mature about 40 to 70 years from now, they will be able to reverse most of the damage we’ve done, pulling back a lot of the carbon now in the atmosphere. But we have to hurry, and we have to do it right! It will take many billions of dollars, but it’s still the cheapest and best way.
What’s the future of meat? This vegetarian meal looks delicious but where’s the protein?
Decentralization makes us less vulnerable. And one great form of decentralization is to own the solar panels on your roof and don’t feed the electricity back into the grid but store it. Here’s a familiar sight — the alternative, older approach.
A triumphant recycler!
The next time you build an office building, make it sustainable! Here’s a nice example.

You can compost even in the desert!
Tom Catino shared a link.
“Compost Building in the Desert w/ Geoff Lawton,”
You need four ingredients, carbon, nitrogen, Water, and Oxygen. You layer them in a certain way and add water. The ratio should be 9 buckets of brown material (the carbon),, six buckets of green material (the nitrogen),, and (optional) 3 buckets of animal manure. Keep it at a temperature of between 55 and 65 degrees Celsius. Stick your hands in it and if it’s too hot for you to stay there more than a second, it’s too hot for any microbial life to survive.
Get real about fossil fuel subsidies!
Sandra Leigh Lester commented on this post from :
“Four countries have declared climate emergencies, yet give billions to fossil fuels.”
The UK, France, Canada and Ireland have all formally recognised a climate crisis. But analysis shows they give $27.5bn annually in support for coal, oil and gas. For Canada, that figure was $7.73 billion. The government of Justin Trudeau has been accused of sending out mixed signals after approving a pipeline expansion on the day after declaring a national climate emergency.
Hooray for good dirt!
Adam Simmonds shared a link.
“PHC Film: Soil is a living organism,”
This is a marvelous video about soil as a carbon sink. There’s a symbiotic relationship of plant roots, rhizobacteria, and mycorrhizae. The widespread use of synthetic fertilizer has a harmful effect on the soil quality. Fewer nutritional minerals remain in the soil. And using fertilizer means that farmers need to plow deeper. The better way: let the roots reach through to the passageways left by other decomposing roots. They can reach deeper year after year. Plants that are given fertilizer will become diseased and need pesticides.
Where to put new trees?
Here’s new research showing that there’s enough room to plant another trillion trees, and that it is the best and cheapest way to help solve the climate crisis. I say “HELP solve,” because it will take too long for the trees to grow to expect them to do the job alone. But we have to start now.
Ocean temperature and acidity
David Marinelli shared a link on the Facebook Group “Two Trillion Extra Trees to Save the World,”:
“Biodiversity; Size Matters.”
Marine life, and ocean coral reefs in particular, are threatened by acidification, illegal fishing, legal overfishing, agricultural runoff, the spread of algae, excessive silt flowing in the seas and oceans caused by deforestation and dynamite fishing. In fact most of marine life will be long gone before acidification would have wiped it out. Author Elizabeth Kolbert calls climate change the equally evil twin of acidification. Climate change is causing the oceans to warm up. Similarly to terrestrial environments, the seas and oceans do not have a uniform temperature.
Vitamin content of rice?
But here’s another Josh Gabbatiss article about rice in The Independent.
“Carbon dioxide pollution is making rice less nutritious and could stunt growth in millions of children, finds study”
B vitamin levels decrease under conditions of high CO2. The biggest decline – of more than 30 per cent – was seen in vitamin B9 or folate, which is often taken as a supplement by pregnant women to reduce the risk of birth defects. Scientists also recorded an average reduction of around 10 per cent in protein and iron, and 5 per cent in zinc.
Watch out for that damned rice!
Josh Gabbatiss article in The Independent.
“Rice farming up to twice as bad for climate change as previously thought, study reveals,”
Levels of overlooked greenhouse gas are up to 45 times higher in fields that are only flooded intermittently. The short-term warming impact of these additional gases in the atmosphere could be equivalent to 1,200 coal power plants. Past estimates have suggested that 2.5 per cent of human-induced climate warming can be attributed to rice farming.
Metta Spencer adds: “I like barley better than rice. (It’s chewy.) But I have no idea what kind of impact barley cultivation has on the atmosphere or other aspects of the environment. Is it better? Could it be used on a large scale as an alternative to rice?”
The Islanders have to eat too!
This video, narrated by Neil De Grass Tyson, is “Climate Change in the Pacific: Food.”
It is about one of the three focus areas of the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) programme. Fiji, Palau, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands have been working to improve the resilience of their food production systems.
Another win for solar power!
Electric Car Parts Company shared a post by EMMA FOEHRINGER MERCHANT
NV Energy one-upped its huge 2018 solar and storage procurement on Tuesday, announcing three new solar projects totaling 1,200 megawatts paired with 590 megawatts of battery storage.
Colin Smith, a senior solar analyst at Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables, called the procurement “hulkingly big.”
(The picture shows miles and miles of solar panels.)
Where does your recycled stuff go?
Jonathan Thrift shared this from The Guardian.
“Americans’ plastic recycling is dumped in landfills, investigation shows.”
Consumers’ efforts to be eco-friendly go to waste as many communities find themselves with nowhere to send their refuse
Where does your plastic go? Revealing America’s dirty secret
by Erin McCormick and Charlotte Simmondsin San Francisco, Jessica Glenza in New York, and Katharine Gammon in Los Angeles
Shared by Carine De Pauw:
SAB Mag.
“Emissions Omissions: Carbon accounting gaps in the built environment.”
By Philip Gass, Senior Policy Advisor, International Institute for Sustainable Development.”
To date, evidence for optimizing the choice of building materials has largely been drawn from life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies that consider the GHG (and other) impacts of building products at each phase of their “cradle-to-grave” lifespan (i.e., production, use and end of life).
While LCA is the best-available approach for evaluating GHG performance of alternative building products and designs, policy-makers and building designers should be aware there are also limitations, challenges and uncertainties that need to be considered when looking to decarbonize our buildings.
Sam Carana shared to the group Geoengineering.
“Q and A: Why cement emissions matter for climate change.: Carbon Brief.”
If the cement industry were a country, it would be the third largest emitter in the world. And only limited progress has been made so far.
From Paul MacDonald
“Tesla and other EVs’ potential to reduce emissions is widely underestimated: study.”
There is a widespread misconception that EVs pollute more than their internal combustion engine-powered counterparts.
Of course, there’s this alternative.
From the World Economic Forum:
Video: “Pakistan is Planting Ten Billion Trees”
Paul Stamets. Aug 7, 2013. (Video in Australia)
‘The Future is Fungi [how to save the planet]’
Probably one of the most interesting hour and a half science related lectures you will ever watch. Packed with all sorts of invaluable information. I have created a new youtube channel for all mushroom related things, please subscribe there:…
Science & Technology
From Ricky O’Reilly
This video shows a portable set of solar panels that you can bring with you in the car and set up within a few seconds.
From Olivia Rosane on EcoWatch:
“Climate Crisis Gets 15 Minutes Total in First Two Nights of Dem Debates.”
A special debate on the topic is going to be required. So far more than 200,000 people have signed a petition demanding such a debate, as HuffPost reported, but DNC Chair Tom Perez has refused.
Depends on one’s perspective. I look at it as 1 person and 4,700 trees.
All we need is 637 other like minded individuals, or 319 at 9,400 trees
You have probably seen this wonderful video:
One of the problems with tree-centric innovation, and with too much of agriculture and knowledge in general is the failures to (a) collaborate, (b) listen, and (c) learn and then (d) try.
In some areas an innovation goes viral almost the minute it proves itself (1970’s use of growth hormones to aid beer production). In other areas, e.g. vaccine, the knowledge is resisted for stupid (and sad) reasons.
In the agriculture section here is a new collaboration where I know some of the people on the Indian (ekutir) side. See:
Several years ago I aided a bit in C. K. Mishra’s World Bank trip around Latin America explaining his ekitursb program helping tens of thousands of small farmers in India.
There was polite interest but nobody said “Oh boy, let’s try something like that here”.