
Project Save the World

Project Save the World is an undertaking of Peace Magazine, a publication that since 1983 has been based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This website provides a “meeting place” for everyone in the world who is trying to prevent six global threats that form an inter-dependent system. Please share your ideas freely here. (The comments and event listings are curated with a light touch, but at present can be only in English.)

We produce a talk show almost every weekday on Youtube. These one-hour-long videos and podcasts include recordings of the monthly Global Town Hall. Our Youtube channel also displays videos made by others who are working on related global issues. Please visit it at https://Youtube.com/c/tosavetheworld . We also publish an occasional newsletter, The Trumpet.

Editor: Metta Spencer
Webmaster: Rahul Mehta
Outreach Director: Adam Wynne
Assistant: Diana Hdalevich
Steering Committee: Yusur Al Bahrani, Barbara Birkett, M.D., Adele Buckley, Ph.D., Richard Denton, M.D.,Paul Dowsett, OAA, MAOC, LEED AP, Ambassador Paul Meyer,  and Ronald St. John, M.D.
Postal address: Box 248, Toronto P, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2S7
Email: project@peacemagazine.org

Peace Magazine

The project is sponsored by Peace Magazine, edited by Metta Spencer, an emeritus professor of sociology, University of Toronto, with the assistance of Adam Wynne. The editorial board consists of
Yusur Al Bahrani, John Bacher, Kaushal Bhatt, Michaela Ehring, Subir Guin, Stephen Riggins, Ronald Shirtliff, Evnur Taran, and Adam Wynne.  Joanna Santa Barbara is a corresponding editor.

Peace Magazine (ISSN 0826-9521) is published four times a year by the Canadian Disarmament Information Service (CANDIS). The board of directors of CANDIS are: Chandler Davis, Rose Dyson, Lynn McDonald, Ronald Shirtliff, and Metta Spencer.

You can subscribe, renew, or donate on our website — peacemagazine.org — where there is also an archive of articles dating back to 1983.  You can subscribe to a digital version of the magazine, which is sent to subscribers by email, through PressReader,  https://www.pressreader.com

Here is how you can reach the magazine and/or the project:

Mail: Box 248, Station P
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2S7
Phone: 1-416-789-2294
Website: peacemagazine.org
Email: project@peacemagazine.org

Click here to visit our subscription page for the print version:

Subscription prices:

Canada | $20 for one year, $33 for two, plus GST/HST
United States | US$24 per year
Rest of world | C$35 per year

Most of our articles address peace issues. We also welcome submissions on all six global threats covered by Project Save the World, but no poetry or fiction.

Print media and online policies

The following information outlines the categories our publication is required to contain to be considered a news publication.

Website policies

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