Talk about Saving the World A C
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We are now showing videos on YouTube every weekday (including a shorter series called “World Repairshop.” Look out for it.)
Episode 664 Peace and Health in Congo
Episode 663 Mary Kaldor's New World Order
Episode 643 Georgian Resistance 1
Episode 641 Metta on Why Trump Won
Episode 640 Likhotal on the Future
Episode 638 Douglas Roche on Peace
Episode 637 After the Summit of the Future
Episode 636 Governing Geoengineering
Episode 635 Global Town Hall Sept 2024
Episode 634 Land and Climate
Episode 633 Let's Get them Talking
Episode 632 SAI or Why Not
To Post a Comment
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Thank you Metta for convening the Town Hall meetings. My email address is Alyn Ware
My first post on this topic was 1/27/21. No rebuttals.
The K-T atmospheric balance diagram and all of its clones require the surface of the earth to radiate upwelling LWIR as a S-B black body to supply the “extra” energy needed by the GHGs to trap/absorb/delay/intercept and “back” radiate/re-emit thereby warming the terrestrial system.
This not only violates the LoT but generally accepted accounting principles.
Anyone who can balance their checkbook and have used a fan and/or water mist to cool some object can grasp how/why separate BB upwelling LWIR is not possible and the radiative greenhouse effect cannot actually function as advertised.
I’ll post the annotated K-T diagram when I know what type and size will work.
We have now a completely new situation, a situation which never existed in the whole of our, of humans history!
It’s the threat of an imminent and planetary self-annihilation due to the climate catastrophe, just to mention that in the mean time an – so called – ‘Abrupt Climate Change’, can happen, which can be up to 18°C after a cascade..
Not to mention an ecological breakdown due to other factors of money-driven human behaviour.
So factually, we as humanity are now dealing with a very new enemy that is forcing us to unite as a whole world!
Which is just one factor why we can’t fight against the catastrophe of likely timely self-annihilation, within and in while maintaining the monetary world system that keeps the world divided. Against this enemy, we must take measures that humanity has never accomplished before, at a speed similar to that of the times of world wars but closely united globally, putting all major conflicts on the back burner..
And which can be carried out only if the world organization of the monetary world system, our present organizational auxiliary means, is transferred at short notice, within months, on global networking prepared for it, even if this is considered illusory, it is in fact the last option left to humanity to save our existence…
This is the factual situation for the oligarchies, the financially rich & super-rich, as well as for the financially poorer strata of the world population.
To cut to the chase, the rich and super-rich, the oligarchies, all the dictators in this world, as the factual reality, can only preserve their existence, as is the case for all companies and corporations in this world, if this great act of humanity, usually considered ‘impossible-to-achieve’, is carried out in a timely manner.
This is the historically new overall situation!
Here in a short summary ‘Why it is impossible to save our existence while maintaining the monetary world system !’
.. and in rough drafts, of what humanity would now have to tackle and accomplish:
‘Survival war measures of Humanity – Our last ditch hope !’
[] the end of the documents there are links to further elaborations on the core & driving engine into our all-encompassing self-annihilation.. for example, in rough drafts, of what humanity would now have to tackle and accomplish: ‘Survival war measures of Humanity – Our last ditch hope !’
! Please deal with it intensively !
My comment, by the way, dealt with tilling of the soil.My father,on his farm,used buckwheat to condition the soil,and manure to fertilize it. Metta has the actual comment.
If we live in a democracy, why should I have to be approved?
I have made my comment to Metta personally.bja
Re video number 246, Scrubbing Methane from the Air
Hi, Renaud and Oswald:
I have been thinking about your ISA plan, which will take several years and at least $25 million to test. I don’t think the world can wait so long, and I don’t think that much money is required in order to test your notion.
Wheat farmers are using drones for crop dusting nowadays. Drones vary in price enormously. You can buy a mini one for under $100, and the ones they use for crops for $5,000, though these only stay up for about 20 minutes at a time. But they are developing drones that can stay up 25 hours. I bet you could hire a housewife or unemployed narcotics trafficker in the Caribbean for $15 per hour who would spend every day keeping, say, four or five drones in the air at all times, spraying stuff in every direction. I don’t know how much of the ISA you were planning to spew out of your smokestack-tower per hour, but I bet you could emit that much for $200,000 per year, starting within six months, if the ISA itself isn’t too pricey. Is the machine expensive that you’d need to monitor your results? Some cities have laws now restricting the heights that drones are allowed to fly, to prevent collisions with planes, but I doubt that every Caribbean island has such laws.
Unfortunately, I can’t see how you would make that into a profitable business. You have stockholders in AMR. What do they think they will get for their investments? Is there some kind of cap-and-trade system that pays people to reduce methane? Well, even if it is not profitable you could ask citizens to donate money to cover the expense. I would do so.
I will sleep better at night if I know you are considering this. Good luck!
PS. I am going to post this in the comments column on our website, and if you reply, you could post there too, so other people could join in this discussion. That’s what the website it for. .
Dear Metta,
we think about a public trial which will cost 1.5 million USD only. It will feature a small tower of around 50 m height. Drones are not apt for ISA dispersal because they use lots of fuel and can carry only very small payloads.
With regards to profit please refer to our website where we explain how methane removal certificates would work to ensure that a methane removal plant can indeed be turned into a profitable business.
[spoiler title=” “]
The people who participate in Metta Spencer’s online gatherings and visit this website care about a great variety of different issues. I have been conducting a series of 6 FREE ONLINE informative, inspiring, practical workshops about how you can make more progress about issues you care about. I invite you to sign up for my next series, running from mid-May to mid-June. See information, including how to sign up at this link: Sign up NOW for FREE ONLINE WORKSHOPS so you can make more progress on issues YOU care about – Glen’s Parallax Perspectives
Thanks for inviting me to your show, Glen.
Nuclear weapons are an extremely serious existential danger, but for the past 30 years since the Cold War ended many people have stopped paying attention. Four well informed people developed a 4-session course “Nuclear Weapons Nowadays: What You Can Know and Do” and have conducted it FREE through Zoom video with participants from many places. We invite you to sign up to take it in May. You may choose Saturdays or Tuesdays. Here is information about the course and how to register: Sign up now for FREE informative, fascinating 4-session course on nuclear weapons – Glen’s Parallax Perspectives
I wonder whether this is American-oriented or suitable for people in Europe and South America.
To summarize, there are 3 methods, I worked out thanks to Adam’s guidance.
1) Comment in Youtube under the numbered video if you have immediate resources, recent news reports or personal observations. I did this for videos 174 and 200 because Metta had told me my emails to her would be more useful if added once the videos were uploaded. What seems to be impossible is to publish comments on the or pages contrary to what the the boxes say. I strongly suggest rewording the boxes: “Then you can discuss by posting your comments on Youtube at:
2) If you have longterm bibliography or other resources, comment under individual topics listed in the OVERVIEW PAGES. I will probably do this for one or two areas where I am knowledgeable, such as Famine — Metta already suggested I do some rewriting there.
3) If you have longterm analysis with bibliography that is not related to any of the OVERVIEW PAGES, it is possible to start a new topic with a Subject stated in boldface following the directions in “To Post a Comment” but this would not be easily read by users of the videos despite what that box says. It would land unread amid a general catch-all of Town Hall chat. At the moment I can’t think of any overwhelmingly important new topic, that is not covered in method 1 or 2. And if I ever use method 3 I will probably just make it a one-para abstract of a much more thorough Google doc (with tiny.url link), where I’m not restricted by WordPress coding. I’ll suggest one example of a new topic, although much of it overlaps with Save The World’s existing topic “global warming”:
Visions of resilience: is a compilation of several hundred NGO and ecologists’ proposals, mapped on the SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals). Not because the SDGs are the best answer or a final one, but to allow meaningful comparison. At the beginning, I have added a new goal 0: a culture of resilience: work by artists, psychologists, activists and NGO researchers, which SDG4 (education) does not adequately cover. Visions was drafted during the UN debates of 2010-2015, revised several times since. This is a collaborative document. Readers are invited to add to it; I have avoided duplicating entries of ideas that crosscut a number of SDGs, but you the reader are welcome to do add or duplicate any item you think important. You are also invited to compare it with‘s Platform for Survival. There may be items missing from one overview that complement the other, such as the Platform’s planks on war, radioactive, and cyber risks.
David, I was able to get to this and post it here. The problem is, it puts all of the comments about different videos into one column. I think we need to have a way to tell which video a comment is referring to.
Visions of resilience: is a compilation of several hundred NGO and ecologists’ proposals, mapped on the SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals). Not because the SDGs are the best answer or a final one, but to allow meaningful comparison. At the beginning, I have added a new goal 0: a culture of resilience: work by artists, psychologists, activists and NGO researchers, which SDG4 (education) does not adequately cover. Visions was drafted during the UN debates of 2010-2015, revised several times since. This is a collaborative document. Readers are invited to add to it; I have avoided duplicating entries of ideas that crosscut a number of SDGs, but you the reader are welcome to do add or duplicate any item you think important. You are also invited to compare it with‘s Platform for Survival. There may be items missing from one overview that complement the other, such as the Platform’s planks on war, radioactive, and cyber risks.
Hello. This is a test comment.
And this is my test answer.
two years in a row, i flew west to the far east and transferred planes in Hong Hong.. flights were hard to find and seats were very full. My seat mates told me that they were culturally oligate to come home for new years. most come home for the mothe. this is the end of jan to the end of feb basicaly. all forms of ground transport in China nearly grinds to a halt with th pressure of all this travel. Yet China was fully aware of an infection in Nov. prior, and did not stop travel, and all these north americans came back before travel was stopped… I am not blaming the individuals. we are encouraged to take a multitude of vaccines prior to travelling…but we pop here and there with no health concerns in a normal year,… im just saying travel is not a privilege to be taken lightly, and should be given quarantine etc time going forward.
I think everyone should be expected to carry evidence of being vaccinated now that vaccine is available. Nobody should get on a plane without proof that they are safe.
The US, Brazil, India, Mexico and Peru accounted for almost half of the global C-19 deaths.
The UK, Italy, Russia, France and Columbia rounded out the top ten leaders in C-19 deaths.
These TOP TEN accounted for almost TWO-THIRDS of the global C-19 deaths.
What is their special talent? Or is it just crappy healthcare?
Densely populated Japan has less than 14,000 C-19 deaths. What do they know and do the rest of the world does not?
How is that a widespread, contagious, lethal pandemic?
Is China is lying by undercounting its 4,600 deaths?
Or are the US and Fauci lying by overcounting and conflating comorbidities?
Government + MSM = lying.
Almost 30% of C-19 deaths occurred in residence, hospice or nursing/eldercare facilities.
86.4% of C-19 CASES were among those UNDER 65.
80% of C-19 DEATHS occurred among those OVER 65+.
30% of C-19 DEATHS were among those OVER 85 with only 2% of the population.
Over the past 18 months there were 4,670,000 DEATHS from ALL causes. At 583,000 C-19 deaths were only 12.5%.
Over 70% of ALL deaths involved those OVER 65 years of age. That demographic is only 16.5% of the population.
Mother Nature and her good buddy Grim Reaper were just doing their duty, culling the herd of the too many, too old, too sick, too crammed together in badly run (BLUE) elder care facilities.
Version 1.0 062021
Further evidence to back up Franklyn’s concerns about methane Bulletin of Atomic Scientists not just in the Arctic but off the West Coast and subject to release by earthquakes methane release already underway, not from clathrates but from tundra
Off the West Coat too? Really! I hear that the depth of the ocean is crucial.Where it is deep the methane cannot reach the surface. It is absorbed on the way up. But in Siberia off the coast, the water is very shallow, so it is coming up in plumes.
The Global Town Hall, Jan 31, 2021 Chat Box
“The World in January 2021”
14:11:28 From Adam Wynne :
14:12:50 From kathrin : I would like to share this website.
14:15:12 From Volker Beck : zoomfusion
14:15:14 From Marie-Laure Collet : There is an Arctic Council that has existed for quite a while, it might be a good contact.
14:17:35 From Past. Joseph : Joseph , I also have a really network problem I miss a lot words
14:17:42 From Glen Anderson : Glen Anderson invites all of you to sign up for my next series of workshops about Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing. They are FREE and ONLINE. I’ll offer them again during the spring. Contact me at (360) 491-9093
14:19:06 From kathrin : Please take a moment to sign this petition: It is open until Feb 6.
14:19:06 From Rose Dyson : On the issue of dealing with climate change in the Artic, any reactions to Biden’s recent initiatives on Climate Change?
14:24:32 From David Millar : Re Rose Dyson’s question about Canada’ climate action. See the info from and Climate Action Network at
14:24:43 From David Millar : on Bill C12
14:25:17 From Garth Bulmer : ROSE, do you have contact with lynn macdonald? I would like to reconnect
14:31:03 From David Millar : Betty Anne raises good questions. See a fairly good overview in
14:36:49 From Glen Anderson : We really can abolish nuclear weapons!
I posted to my blog my February 2021 TV program about the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It is a fascinating, informative, upbeat interview with an expert. Also I typed up and posted a thorough summary (with links to additional information).
14:38:17 From Rose Dyson : Just Earth and different climate activist groups we work will regularly protest against subsidies to oil companies.
14:38:52 From Rose Dyson : p.s. (Climate Action Network)
14:41:29 From David Millar : A Leap to an Ecological Economy
Third edition
By Dr. Derek Lever Paul – at
14:46:09 From David Millar : Not just monarchs are pollinators. See and
14:49:05 From Adam Wynne : Metta – you have some plant pots on your balcony – I can grab some seeds for the spring.
14:53:11 From Barbara Birkett : regarding fossil fuels , a positive sign is that one of the major oil companies is investing heavily in charging units for electric vehicles.
14:55:04 From Rose Dyson : I remember fondly my participation in an ecotourism trip to Mexico which included the Monarch butterfly reserve. I learned a fair bit about their journey from Canada, about the spiritual implications of their sense of direction etc. Evidently they reproduce along the way in their migration as their life span is short and doesn’t survive the entire time involved for the trip.
14:55:28 From Charles David Tauber :
14:55:51 From Adam Wynne : Do the algae blooms in Lake Erie have any impacts on Monarch Butterflies? I remember hearing that Pelee is a major stopover for the butterflies on their migration.
14:57:22 From Volker Beck :
14:57:43 From David Millar : Re claimed “greening” by oil’s, there is a lot of hype, but some critical pro-capitalist analysis in and the Economist – but you need to look up critiques by ecological sources, not believe everything.
15:01:31 From Adam Wynne : Natavan – are you in Azerbaijan?
15:01:33 From Rose Dyson : Any comments on the growing trends regarding divestments/investments within the financial community on ESG (Ethical, Social, Governance)?
15:03:14 From Marie-Laure Collet : Metta, you can put your videos in order of priority, I could help you with a couple of these. Contact
15:03:49 From Rose Dyson : Black Rock (The largest financial institution in the world I believe) initiatives etc. It was announced last week that the Ontario Securities Commission will be revised to require, among other things, indications of climate accountability
15:09:33 From Barbara Birkett : Don’t Bank on the Bomb was I believe begun by Pax Chrisiti and has been very active re the TPNW.
15:09:35 From David Millar : On how to structure ESG, my friend Robert Howell in NZ has just written (and is now rewriting) an excellent 6 page paper. His address is Robert Howell <>
15:09:45 From Volker Beck :
15:11:55 From David Millar : See the site
15:14:45 From David Millar :
15:15:00 From Adam Wynne : Reached Unreached Millions
Rev. Joseph Cimpaye
15:18:35 From Adam Wynne : Ellen Thomas – are you the Ellen Thomas associated with the White House Peace Vigil?
15:22:02 From Past. Joseph : Joseph, second one is.
15:24:09 From Rose Dyson : Ellen, Has John Kerry been approached on your initiative?
15:24:27 From Ellen Thomas : tells you about the “Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act” which will soon be reintroduced into the House. We need cosponsors. There’s a letter at
15:24:51 From Ellen Thomas : If you have questions, contact Ellen Thomas at and 202-210-3886 (cell)
15:26:00 From Ellen Thomas : You can see and share the 2019-2020 bill, HR-2419, at
15:27:54 From Charles David Tauber : Sorry, I will have to go now. A client has just told me that he wants to speak. Have a good meeting and see you all soon.
15:29:57 From Glen Anderson : Ellen mentioned the Armed Serviced Committee, which is often a dead end for peace-related legislation. Now the U.S. House Armed Services Committee is chaired by Rep. Adam Smith from Washington State, who has been very good on some peace issues. He is approachable. We have talked with him.
15:31:10 From Hannah Hadikin : From Hannah, Thank you for an inspiring and informative meeting. I have to ‘ jump ‘ on another zoom call. Will complete viewing the balance on the recorded session. All the best
15:34:21 From Past. Joseph : These are the most important projects .
15:34:30 From Rose Dyson : Not sure what is meant by “incrementalism”. Getting back to John Kerry, he was pretty firm about us only having 9 years left to act. Didn’t sound to me as if he was going to take his time in his new assignment
15:35:07 From Volker Beck : Dear all,
15:35:54 From Volker Beck : thanks for the very interesting Meeting: I have to leave for an urgent phone call: see you next time
take care
15:39:57 From Glen Anderson : In response to Rose’s chat about “incrementalism,” we need to see that politicians shy away from taking bold actions. They like to take incremental step-by-step actions that are actually timid — TOO TIMID to solve the problems. Greta Thunberg has spoken eloquently and repeatedly about world political and economic leaders who say nice things but refuse to take the necessary actions. Our “leaders” limit themselves to what they think is “politically feasible.” OUR JOB IS TO SHIFT PUBLIC OPINION to significantly change what is “politically feasible. Then public pressure will move politicians to do what we know is actually necessary.
15:44:32 From Ellen Thomas : You might be interested in following NucNews on facebook.
15:45:45 From Ellen Thomas : There is a fascinating article by the Rand Corp that I posted today from Bruce Gagnon: Rand Corporation study (remember them for The Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam War) outlining US-NATO plan for regime change in Russia. Includes heavy dose of internal destabilization.
Last week the US Embassy in Moscow published a list of protests inside the country on its web site. The CIA, USAID and other US agencies are known to be funding much of the protests inside Russia in recent years.
Washington complains about alleged Russian interference in US elections – but this study (and the actions now taking place) are clear evidence of US-NATO direct interference in Russian affairs.
Great way to start WW III.”
15:45:47 From Adam Wynne :
15:49:45 From Glen Anderson : Trump really was a fascist. He really did instigate a fascist coup to overturn the results of November’s election. Trump is gone, but about 1/3 of Americans are loyal “true believers” in the Trumpist cult of fascism, racism, and truly crazy conspiracy theories. We need to not only stop them but also promote real healing. We also need to practice therapy for those folks.
15:52:26 From Glen Anderson : Thanks for this conversation. I need to step away in order to finish preparing for the workshop I’ll be conducting now in just a few minutes. See you next month!
15:56:00 From Rose Dyson : In today’s NY TImes there is a feature article on “THe Knowledge Coup” written by Shoshana Zuboff. She writes about the way governments have sold out in recent decades to the digital giants who now run the world with surveillance capitalism and their algorithims that determine peoples’ likes and dislikes..
15:57:52 From Barbara Birkett : I must leave, I’m afraid. Thanks all,Barbara
16:04:39 From Ellen Thomas :
16:05:02 From Adam Wynne : Yes – that is correct.
16:05:22 From Marie-Laure Collet : Thanks Rose, the GAFA are indeed a major threat
16:05:37 From Adam Wynne :
Re Farming in India
So there’s a big parade of tractors owner by the protesting farmers in New Delhi. Obviously, these are not landless peasants who use water buffaloes to pull ploughs. They must have a pretty decent income if they can afford to drive a big tractor hundreds of kilometers. These guys are all wearing turbans. Must be Sikhs, right?
— Clayton Wells
these farmers are having the screws to them, because the laws coming forward will increase monoculture, not permaculture, and insist that fields be planted with stuff like monsanto grain, which cant be saved from crop and must be purchased… and on and on. why cant they wear turbans? why cant they be middle class and still be prosecuted like our farmers wereyears ago here in canad. now it is imposible to family farm in canada; only mega farms survive with these policies
Global Warming and Albedo (For Craig Smith’s video)
Nick Schroeder • 17 hours ago
1) By reflecting away 30% of ISR the albedo, which would not exist w/o the atmosphere, makes the earth cooler than it would be without the atmosphere like that reflective panel set on the dash. Remove the atmosphere/GHGs and the earth becomes much like the moon, a 0.1 albedo, 20% more kJ/h, hot^3 on the lit side, cold^3 on the dark. Nikolov, Kramm (U of AK) and UCLA Diviner mission all tacitly agree.
2) the GHG up/down welling, “trapping”/”back” radiating/delaying, 100 % efficient, perpetual warming loop requires “extra” energy which it gets from
3) the terrestrial surface radiating that “extra” energy as a near ideal .95 emissivity black body which
4) it cannot do because of the non-radiative heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules.
1+2+3+4 = 0 Greenhouse Effect + 0 Greenhouse gas warming + 0 man caused climate change.
All science backed up by experiment, the gold standard of classical science.
Useful Information from the Chat Box of “140 The World in November 2020”
• From Glen Anderson : I invite YOU to take my FREE ONLINE WORKSHOPS about “Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing.” I’ll offer the series again from mid-January to late February. If you’d like to find out more — and possibly sign up for the workshop series — contact me at (360) 491-9093
If you want to find out about our 4-session course about “Nuclear Weapons Nowadays: What You Can Know and Do,” contact me at (360) 491-9093 Since 1987 I have produced and hosted 400 TV programs about peace, nonviolence, social justice, etc. The most recent 30+ are posted to the “TV Programs” part of my blog, I invite people to copy the links and share them with your networks of friends.
• From abraham Weizfeld PhD :
The Federation of Palestinian and Hebrew Nations
• From alanhaber : On January 25th there is a call for NO to the War in Yemen from many Peace organizations
• From alanhaber : Alan haber. odile hugonot haber
• From Richard Denton : RDenton@NOSM.Ca
From Richard Denton : IPPNW-Canada, IPPNW, ICAN are all planning a celebration on the 22 January.
• From David Millar : Just read WSM post about Dennis Brutus (who would have been 96 today) by Prof Patrick Bond. Here’s an earlier bio
• From Hannah Hadikin, Canadian Voice of Women for Peace.
• From kristine karch : the Website for the World Social Forum is
The Network No to war – no to NATO is and it has a subpage for the Air Base Ramstein
• From Mange Ram Adhana : Good night for all from Mr. Mange Ram Adhana President Association for Promotion Sustainable Development from India
• From Adam Wynne : The name is Kai Brand Jacobsen and PATRIR is the organization. General E-mail:
Kai Brand Jacobsen E-mail:
• From David Millar : See Visions of resilience for a compilation of NGOs, faith and peace groups – mapped on the UN SDGs but in many ways going far beyond those limited goals. The peace goals in To Save the World overlap much of this.
• From Charles David Tauber :’
• From Andre Sheldon : A Global Movement of Nonviolence is tentatively planned to begin June 21, 2021 and the announcement to begin is hopefully planned for February or March. Please contact me for more information. 617-413-9064
• From abraham Weizfeld PhD :
• From David Stoney : Re social contacts, check out Humanity Rising. It meets weekdays 11:00-12:30 EST –
15:50:35 From David S :
• From Hannah Hadikin : Welcome any contacts from this group